• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 10,024 Views, 1,637 Comments

The Dazzlings Are Insane - Justice3442

A collection of short stories about the Dazzlings going through their daily lives of annoying each other and pretty much everyone around them.

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The Dazzlings Do Thanksgiving Part 5: And Several Slices of Pie

Sonata sat at a large wooden table with her eyes closed and her hands pressed flat together with her index fingers touching her lips. She wore nothing but a smile, unless of course one counted the near-unidentifiable food smears of various colors that splattered and striped her body.

“Oh, tiny baby Christ who travels the cosmos in his rocket manger who, since a long, long time ago, has been spreading salvation and the joy of Santa Claus through this galaxy and even ones far away, please cast your holy spells of purification, protection, and deliciousness on this meal.”

In front of her was an inordinate amount of pies set amongst a massive feast of Thanksgiving favorites that covered the table around a huge silver platter piled high with steaming, layered meats separated by stuffing sitting in the table center. Heat still radiated from the dishes on the table as scents of freshly cooked, expertly spiced, food and filled the room even more so than the spread filled the table’s surface, barely leaving room for everyone’s plates, silverware, and glasses as the group sat at the table in respectful silence.

“Thank you for continuing to watch over all the children on the nice list.” Sonata’s eyes opened slightly as she put on a concerned expression. “And thanks for taking pity on those of us still trying to get off the naughty list and not sending the Krampus after us,” Sonata punctuated her sentence by swallowing and took a quick glance at Adagio, who sat across from the table and also Aria, who was setting to Sonata’s right.

“And please defend us from demogorgons, terminators, and Grindelwald.”

Next to Sonata was Pinkie, her smile back and her hair returned to its normal, happily curled mass, but her clothing as absent as Sonata’s and her pink skin likewise covered with food splatters. She held her eyes tightly closed as she also had her hands pressed together in a sign of supplication.

“Also please make sure we live, long, happy lives full of candy, presents, and ‘Teen Titan Go!’ marathons.”

Aria chimed in, “And make sure the next season of ‘Dark Matter’ comes out soon.”

Adagio was quick to tack on her own addendum, “And in the next season of The Bachelor, have two or more of the bachelorettes go at it… like really go out at it. We’re talking a total catfight that ends in at least one ambulance showing up.”

Looking far more lucid than she did before leaving the breakfast nook, but with hair a bit more tousled and clothing slightly more wrinkled, Sunset Shimmer muttered an audible, “And that’s why you’re on the naughty list,” from Adagio’s right.

From across the table, Pinkie swung her bare foot into Sunset’s shin.

“Ow!” Sunset exclaimed. “Hey! I’m saving the school and maybe the planet on a regular basis!”

Pinkie opened her eyes into a small glare directed at Sunset. “Shhhhhhhh!”

Sunset shot Pinkie a short dirty look before closing her eyes. A look that paled in filthiness to the look Trixie was giving to Sunset, Flash Sentry, who was sitting between Sunset and Adagio in a similar state of dishevelment but with an expression of deep contentment on his face, and also Twilight Sparkle, who sat to Sunset’s left with a slightly preoccupied countenance that seemed to say, ‘Well, that happened.’

With the rest of the table occupants doing their best to maintain solemn expressions in the face of Sonata’s odd prayer, Sonata continued, “Finally, when we inevitably die, be it from meat dragon, blood vortex, or a thing made out of nerves that shocks people and eats their skin, please allow us to ride eternal shiny and chrome into your everlasting kingdom.”

Everyone let out a soft, “Amen.” This was immediately followed by Aria and Sunset taking fork and knife in hand and diving towards the center of the table to ravenously slice off massive hunks of meat and take them back to their plates. This act elected a pair of giggles from Pinkie and Sonata.

“Now everyone make sure to save room for pie,” Pinkie said, looking about the table. She narrowed her eyes slightly as her tone turned vaguely threatening. You all make sure to save room for pie!”

Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity all gave Pinkie Pie a weary glance as the other members of the table began to help themselves to the massive feast in front of them, Aria and Sunset already letting out ecstatic, giddy moans as they enjoyed slices of their massive piles of meat.

Applejack cast a wary eye over Adagio, Sunset, Flash, and Twilight. “So, erm… are we going to talk about the elephant in the room or—”

“There wasn’t an elephant!” Pinkie shot back.

“This year,” Sonata said with a small, dark grin.

Fluttershy let out a distressed whimper as she buttered a steaming hot roll.

“Seriously! So adorable!” Adagio exclaimed.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,” Flash replied. “We’re the elephant and not...?” He let a nod towards the quite nude Sonata and Pinkie finish his sentence.

Applejack frowned heavily. “Ah don’t think anyone wants to know what happened there…”

Trixie took a bite of green bean casserole, then let out a satisfied hum before speaking, “No, you really don’t.”

“Yeah,” Aria agreed, “no good is gonna come from getting details there.”

Sunset took another bite of her meat and put on a satisfied smile. “But whatever the reason for doing all the unspeakable things you two did, totally worth it.”

“Oh, certainly,” Trixie agreed.

“Totes,” Aria added.

“Applejack, dear?” Rarity said. “You should leave it alone. Poor Twilight is clearly still processing everything that happened.”

“I am,” Twilight said, nodding in agreement before looking down at her plate, “but whatever happened, these mashed potatoes and gravy are making everything seem a lot better.”

Applejack sighed heavily. “Are we really not going to talk about what happened?”

Rarity took a small piece of meat from her plate and dabbed it against a modest pile of cranberry sauce. “Not exactly polite table conversation, darling.”

Pffft, who cares?!” Rainbow Dash said. “So they had some pre-meal fourway! So what? Not like they’re the only ones getting laid!”

Applejack turned to her left and narrowed her eyes at Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, Ah didn’t really ask for yer—”

“That Lyra girl?” Rainbow Dash continued, pointing at Applejack worth a fork. “Totally into me, and I mean into me, since I started to pony-up when I play the guitar and stuff.”

“Ah,” Rarity said as tapped at her chin thoughtfully. “That explains why Bon-Bon has shown an interest in my Canterlot High pony ears…”

Applejack groaned. “Forget Ah said anything.”

With a clatter of silverware and a dab of a napkin on either side of her lips, Adagio stood up. “Well, that was a good first plate.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “First plate?”

Adagio nodded. “I find it’s good to pace oneself with one of Sonata’s feasts so the pleasure can be drawn out for as long as possible,” she purred.

Applejack let out a heavy sigh. “Is everything—”

“Yes. Yes it is,” Adagio interrupted. “Trixie, grab the shy one and meet me upstairs in 10 seconds.” With that, Adagio exited the dining room.

There was a slight pause at the table followed by Trixie quickly taking a few more bites of her food, taking a napkin to her mouth, and standing up. She quickly grabbed Fluttershy who responded with an “Oh my,” as she allowed Trixie to escort her out.

Everyone at the table looked up and watched as Trixie and Fluttershy departed, then soon went back to the food on their plates. The only exception being Rainbow Dash and Applejack whose gaze remained on the dining room entryway.

Applejack scratched the back of her head. “… Uh… Is it a good idea to just let Trixie abscond with Fluttershy like that?”

“You’re right, A.J.!” Rainbow Dash explained as she stood up. “Someone should totally check up on them and make sure Fluttershy is okay and totally not being forced to do anything totally sexy...uh weird...I mean totally weird up there.”

“It’s usually both with Adagio,” quipped Sonata.

“Rainbow Dash,” Sunset said, “if you want to join in the crazy Thanksgiving orgy, just go.”

Her poker face beginning to crack, Rainbow Dash drummed her fingers against the table once “… Yeah, see ya!” she said happily as she dashed out of the room.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Really?”

“Applejack, dearie?” Rarity said. “You really do need to get laid.”

Pinkie Pie let out a naughty giggle as Applejack began to cough and sputter. “Ex… excuse me?!” Applejack cried.

“Dibs!” Aria called out.

“… What?” Applejack said.

Aria stood up. “I just called 'dibs’ on your vagina.” She looked over at Flash. “Yo, Flash dude, you in or what?”

Flash’s eyes went wide as he glanced upwards and mouthed a quick ‘Thank you’ before he looked back down at Aria. “I think I soon will be,” he said with a wry grin.

“That’s the spirit,” Aria said with a nod. “Hey, Rarity. My bed isn’t as big as Dagi’s, but—”

“Say no more,” Rarity said as she gently dabbed her lips with a napkin and set it down next to her plate.

Aria and Flash made a quick exit as Rarity stood up.

“What?!” Applejack cried. “You all can’t be seri—”

Rarity reached down, grabbed Applejack’s hand, and gently raised her up. “Applejack, dear? Don’t be such a prude.”

“I… uh… okay…”

Hand and hand, Rarity and Applejack walked out of the room.

Twilight watched as they left. “Did… did that all really just happen? I mean, most of us have been together in multiple sleep overs, and none of them resulted in—” Twilight motioned towards where everyone had departed the room “—that.

Without taking her eyes off her plate, Sunset replied, “I call it the Adagio Dazzle effect.”

Twilight looked up into empty air for a second. “You know… that's probably worth studying…”

Sunset’s lips pulled up slightly into a sardonic smile. “I’m sure Adagio will be more than willing to participate in an experiment or two.”

Chiming in out of nowhere, Sonata stood up and announced, “And God bless us, everyone!”

Sunset furrowed her brow slightly at Sonata. “You know it’s Thanksgiving and not Christmas, right?”

Pinkie chuckled knowingly. “Is it though?” She looked out directly in front of her and winked.

Sunset paused, pursing her lips slightly. “Are you coming onto me?”

“... I am now!” Pinkie announced with a grin.

An expectant smile marched across Sonata’s face as she leaned over and wrapped her arm’s around one of Pinkie’s.

Sunset gave both girls a critical stare as she seemingly carefully considered her situation. “Alright, but wash all that stuff off of you.”

“No, leave it.”

All eyes turned towards Twilight.

Twilight met the inquisitive sets of eyes with a blush. “You know… for science.”

Still looking at Twilight, Sunset stood up and shrugged. “For science.”

With a pair of giggles, an unsure, but curious smile, and finally an eyeroll set above a happy grin, the last four occupants of the dining room filed out.

The End

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