• Published 9th Feb 2015
  • 1,133 Views, 50 Comments

Batmare Triumphant - SuperPinkBrony12

A sequel to Batmare: Birth Of The Dark Knight. Batmare and Robin come face to face with Miss. Freeze, and a new villan emerges from an old ally. Can the dynamic duo defend Equestria against these new threats?

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Of Clowns and Chaos

The news spread like wildfire. When word leaked out to the press, the headlines screamed with outrageous titles. "Savage Attack Leaves Equestria's Greatest Defense Attorney Out of Luck" The Ponyville Express proclaimed. "District Attorney Pants Fights for Life After Assault" Canterlot Times screamed. "'I Found Him Battered and Bleeding!' Says D.A. Pants' Bewildered Wife" Baltimare Gazzet shouted. Newspaper after newspaper was quick to jump onto this breaking news bandwagon, and each paper sent a reporting crew to the hospital in Canterlot, where the wounded district attorney remained in critical condition.

Fleur De Lis was beside herself with grief, and barely able to hold herself together long enough to shoe away the press. She could not even bring herself to be by her husband's side, as doctors and nurses tried everything they could think of to save Fancy Pants' life.

But there was one pony who wasn't upset, or furious about this turn of events. From inside his padded cell in Canterlot Aslyum, The Joker smiled. "At last, revenge is mine." he thought to himself. The guards were completely puzzled as to why the stallion they were guarding had so much of an interest in the horrific news. No matter what they tried, however, they were unable to pry an answer out of him.

It didn't take long for Batmare to find out just who was responsible for the attack. The Shadow Triad had originally just been a small gang that would commit some petty crime, and then run away at the first sign of trouble. But that had all changed the instant a certain stallion had come along, and allied himself with them.

"Where are we going Batmare?" Robin asked, as the dynamic duo left The Batcave the morning after the attacks. It was very rarely that either of them would come out during the day, seeing as most criminal activity was absent during day light hours.

"To Canterlot Asylum, so we can get some answers." Batmare replied, her voice sounding like a mix of grief, frustration, and most of all anger. Robin had rarely seen Batmare so worked up, and he didn't like it.

"Are you really sure we should be doing this?" Robin asked Batmare, as they left the outskirts of Ponyville. He couldn't see the expression on Batmare's face, due to the cockpit of The Batmobile concealing it. But he was certain that if he could see, he wouldn't like what he saw.

"If you don't want to accompany me then you don't have to." Batmare said sternly "This isn't going to be a social visit, or anything remotely similar. You may not like what I'm going to do."

Robin decided it was best to say nothing at all, and remained silent for the rest of the journey. Soon enough, it all came to an end. They stopped in Canterlot, but just by looking at the surrounding area you would have a hard time believing such a thing. The ground seemed surprisingly void of life, as if something had drained away all of the joy and innocence. The only building in this far from pleasant corridor of Equestria's capital city, was a brick building that had clearly seen better days. It looked garish and unattractive, the rusty red coloring of the bricks betrayed its age, making it seem as if it had been abandoned for decades. When in fact, it had first opened its doors just a year ago.

Looking up at the sign, one would inexplicably feel shivers run down their spines as they read the name of the building. Canterlot Asylum: A Home for The Mentally Challenged of Equestria.

Very few criminals called this place home, and for good reason. The few that ended up here never left, they spent the rest of their days locked away in the padded cells and rooms that were heavily guarded. On the rare occassions when they weren't in their rooms, they were always watched over by some of the most unforgiving members of Equestria's royal guard. Both Princess Celestia and Captain Shining Armor were in the dark about how the guards treated the "patients" that inhabitated the asylum, and for good reason. If they knew of the horrid conditions and unspeakable creulities that exisited in the facility, they would be apalled and disgusted. The formation of an asylum had been heavily opposed by the both of them, but even District Attorney Fancy Pants had trumpted the idea of a place to keep the most dangerous and unstabble criminals, where they could do no harm to anyone.

Alas, the idea had not turned out as planned. And when Fancy Pants had withdrawn all finacial support for the facility (much to Batmare's disapproval) it fell into a state of ruin and was quickly forgotten about. Anytime someone tried to introduce a bill to fix up the place it was quickly shot down, and thus the viscious cycle repeated itself on an infinite loop of destruction and decay.

As Batmare stormed into the building with a not so subtle anger, Robin began to grow very worried. "There's only one reason why we'd come to this place." he thought to himself, as he followed his mentor inside "It's to see him!" To be fair, the clues that tied the stallion Robin was thinking of to the crime had been anything but subtle. In fact, it was as if said stallion had wanted Batmare to know he was responsible. But for what reason?

"Is he in there?" Batmare asked one of the seucrity guards protecting a cell at the end of a long hallway.

"Yes. He hasn't moved an inch since the news reached his ears." the security guard replied "He's just sat there, with a fiendish smile. He hasn't said a word, but it's obvious he's enjoying every last detail."

"Good. Open the door and let me inside!" Batmare demanded.

"Batmare, as much as I would love to just let you inside and chat with that scum bag I can't." the security guard said with a sigh "There are certain regulations and guidelines that have to be followed."

Batmare clenched her front gloved hooves up in anger. "I think you'll find that this is all the 'regulation' you'll need." she said angrily, glaring at the security guard.

The security guard, for his part, said nothing. He just swiped his card, and the door to the cell was opened. Robin arrived, just in time to see Batmare head into the padded room. Without hestiation, Robin chased after her.

Now the dynamic duo was finally face to face with the super villan who had brought them together, while also proving to be a menace they had hoped would remain locked away forever.

"Oh, how delightful. I have visitors." The Joker said, the fiendish smile plastered firmly on his face "And if my eyes don't decieve me, it is none other than Gunaomare and her ever faithful sidekick Boy Blunder. It's so nice of you to stop by. Fancy a spot of tea?" The Joker held out a small tea set with his magic.

Batmare growled, her hooves still clenched tightly in anger. She promptly slammed them down on the table. "Can the act, you know why I'm here!" she yelled, unable to contain her anger anymore "You're responsible for the act on District Attorney Fancy Pants, aren't you?!"

"Oh Batsy, must we resort to this tired old game of cat and mouse? And in front of the boy no less?" The Joker asked in the most codescending tone possible.

"I'm no boy!" Robin hissed. He wanted to say more, but he knew Batmare wouldn't let him.

"I said can the damn act!" Batmare shouted, her patience already having completed faded "You're behind the act, I know it! You left those clues behind on purpose, knowing that I'd find out it was you!"

"Are you really that dense? Who's to say I can't slip up every now and then?" The Joker asked, fegining stupidity "Being insane can make it hard for you to have a normal thought process. What may seem like a good idea in your mind, might actually be the worst possible idea that's ever exisited."

"Why?!" Batmare asked furiously.

"Why did I do such a thing you ask?" The Joker replied "Simple really. I felt like you'd forgotten about me ever since you had thrown into this hell hole they call an asylum. I know you've been busy dealing with other super villans, but surely you didn't think you could so easily shut me up? All I had to do was call in a few favors from a friend you never bothered to chase down."

"So instead of going after me, you went after the stallion who got you kicked out of Canterlot instead. Just so you could make me angry?!" Batmare asked furiously.

"Now you're actually starting to get it my dear delusional dark knight." The Joker said, his face returning to its usual sadistic smile "But I didn't just do it to make you mad, although I admit it is rather nice to see you all riled up. I also did it to prove a point."

"What?!" Batmare growled.

"You believe that District Attorney Fancy Pants is your ally, and maybe he was. But did you ever stop to think that maybe he might have a target on his back as well? Did it never occur to you that someone might be a sore loser, and seek to take it out on him?" The Joker asked "For all your stern and drama, you never seemed to put forth much of an effort to ensure your so called 'friend' was safe. And look what happened. You let your guard down, and while you were busy with a wild goose chase your 'friend' nearly lost his life. If he ever recovers, he's going to hate you for the rest of his life!"

"All because of your sick and twisted schemes!" Batmare said furiously, grabbing The Joker's coat with one gloved hoof.

"That's enough Batmare!" Robin interrupted, frantically placing one of his claws onto Batmare's shoulder "You can't let him rattle you, that's exactly what he wants. If you lose your temper and do anything to him, you'll be in big trouble."

"Stay out of this Robin, it doesn't concern you!" Batmare replied furiously, tightening her grip on The Joker.

The Joker, for his part, showed no signs of concern or worry. Even as Batmare pressed him up against a wall, and began to strangle him. "So, you actually gonna finish the job this time?" he taunted, even as he struggled to breath "Or are you just gonna leave me in a body cast for a few months and hope I learn my lesson?"

Batmare said nothing for a moment, as she contemplated what she wanted to do. "I oughta...." she said sternly, her grip tightening up even more. There was a pregnant pause that seemed to hang over the room for a long period of time. But a second later, Batmare loosened her grip and let The Joker fall to the ground ".....but I won't. You're not worth it." she finished.

For a moment, The Joker merely caught his breath. But then, as if to throw salt onto an open wound he said "What a disappointment, I really thought you were going to end it all. Oh well, guess you can't win em all. But at least now you know that you can't keep a mad clown down for long. Sooner or later, he'll find a way to come back and deliver a punchline you'll never see coming. Just call me, an agent of chaos."

"We're done here Robin, let's go home." Batmare said, sighing deeply as she left the cell and headed out to The Batmobile. Was it Robin's imagination, or did she suddenly sound depressed?

As the dynamic duo headed back to The Batcave to plan their next move, an important event was taking place at the hospital where District Attorney Fancy Pants was recovering.

"Now, I want you to understand there's going to be some scaring as a result of your attack." a doctor said to Fancy Pants, as he set to work on removing the bandages that covered the young District Attorney's face. In a matter of seconds, the bandages were removed. And upon looking in the mirror, Fancy Pants got a chance to see just how badly his face had been scared as a result of his attack.

The sight that awaited him in the mirror when he took a look, was anything but pleasant. The side of his face that had been splashed with acid, now looked like some sort of alien blob. It constrasted quite horribly with the side of his face that had remained acid free. To make matters worse, this mutation apparently extended all the way down the left side of his body.

Witnessing such a horrific sight, Fancy Pants did the first thing that came to his mind. He screamed, and made a frantic run from the hospital. The doctors and nurses tried to stop him, to no avail.

No one knew it at the time, but this would be the last time Fancy Pants would be seen as Equestria's up and coming district attorney. When he next appeared in the eyes of the public, he would have not only a new identity, but also a new name. Two Face.

Author's Note:

And thus, the transformation of Fancy Pants from Harvey Dent to Two Face is complete. Don't worry, Miss. Freeze won't be forgotten.

But Fancy Pants' inclusion on the character tags will have to wait a few chapters. Because he's going to play a very big role later on.