• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


just another brony with random story ideas.


This story is a retelling of the SAO story in the MLP universe

NervGear, a relatively new technology that allowed ponies to enter the virtual world. A man by the name of Dr Dickson Accord had come up with the invention and put into works a new genre of gaming. Virtual Reality MMO. Along with his invention he released a game. Blazing Blades Online. It was said to be unlike any other game out there, but just how different could it be?

-SAO crossover fic. All of the younger ponies and dragons are of the age range of 15-17.
-Dr Dickson Accord belongs to smilingdogz and is a variation of Discord. I needed someone to fill the shoes of Kayaba/heathcliff but make sense.
-The image used here belongs to admintakagi on deviantart.
-This site needs a Button Mash Tag

Sword Art Online Manga
Originally written by Reki Kawahara
Illustrated by abec
Published by ASCII Media Works.
English Publisher Yen Press

Sword Art Online TV Series
Directed by Tomohiko Ito
Licensed by
Madman Entertainment
Aniplex of America
Manga Entertainment

I do not own nor claim to own the original storyline or any characters, locations, creatures, or titles. I do not own NervGear or any related ideas.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 55 )

5601272 I'm not a fan of that ship. Its kinda cute and I've seen it done well, but its not what I plan to do.

5601379 No promises. Keep in mind that Scoots has a crush on Sweetie Belle.

5601507 well seeing as the story was just removed from the site by the admins, I can't tease you.

I'd laugh if some how scootaloo ended up with button. It would bring up some comedic irony, but I'm no author. I really like what you have here and I hope for more in the future. I'm probably going to rewatch sword art online again because of this.

5605281 how were you able to comment or even see this? The story was taken down by the admins.

5605332 If you really must know I just found it in my feed and read it.

5627018 No, not yet. I haven't resubmitted yet

5627245 oh well if its any consolidation you have better pacing then the writers of sword art online

I laughed at the last bit. Death is nothing compared to having an angry mom grounding you for dying in a game. :rainbowlaugh: Oh how I love dark humor sometimes......this is dark humor right?......I'm not weird.

I love this story a bit more now

okay just one question how can you ground someone who is dead?

The same way I will find a way to release an army of LIGHTSABER WEILDING clowns to destroy you if you don't update within the next month. :flutterrage::pinkiecrazy:
It's not weird:twilightsheepish:

5744511 Welp, one of two things is gonna happen. Somehow in between my five days of work a week at 4 in the morning each day doing literal back breaking labor for FedEx Ground I find the time to finish the next chapter - or next month I battle an army of clowns with my wooden practice sword.

Eeup :eeyup:
Here are some options
1 deliver an EMP of about 12000 current thus removing the lightsaber wielding parts of it:scootangel:
2 use a pistol to attack one and steal his lightsaber . Don't have too much fun. :pinkiehappy:

The downside to #1 is that it may or may not create a series of relatively small hydrogen bomb detonations

And the most important rule is to have fun

I will also increase the deadline to May 1st
You're welcome

Great story. I realy like it!

But as an SAO fan and as a boy, I need to ask:
Do you planing to write a .5 chapter or not?
Because you already have some good pairing.

5767519 I'm not sure if I understand the question. But I do plan to continue this.

I refering to SAO chapter 16.5 the matur version. :coolphoto:
It isn't important I'm just asking.

If it wasn't 2 in the morning, I'd totally be reading the next chapter right now, but as it stands, I'll have to just comment here.

"Well...one good thing came outta this." Scootaloo grinned as she leaned back.

"I don't have to study for that stupid test!"

YEAH! Tests are for losers not stuck in a video-game-turned-deathtrap! Suckers! Although, I guess for Scoots this is a pretty sucky deal in general. No wings is the pits, and not even a title to soften the blow. If this digital incarceration lasts as long as it did in the show (which I assume it will at least be comparable) they're gonna forget how to use their wings and magic.

At least Spike and the guys got promotions to Royal Freaking Knights and (even better) under Princess Luna! :rainbowdetermined2: HELL YEAH!

First thing tomorrow: next chapter.

"CATCH!" Spike yelled, throwing his greatsword to her. She gasped, catching the blade, using the momentum from Spikes throw to lift it above her. She grit her teeth, the blade glowing as she stabbed it into the changeling, panting heavily as her descent rapidly slowed.


But really, Spike threw... what, 4 people? As you go up in level, do you get more stat points for Strength and Agility and stuff? So at level 30 will Spike be able to chuck the whole party 10 ft in the air?

"Queens Thorn?" she murmured, accepting the prize, blinking as a black sword appeared before her.

All I could think of was the Thorn from Destiny. That and a shotgun are all I use. (Also, you are missing some apostrophes in there, the "Queens ankles" and the "Queens armor".)

Also, I hope somebody gets a badass jacket real soon.

"Princess Celestia had a spare. She thinks you can figure out what makes it tick. I was gonna wait until you got some rest but...this is who you are Twi'. When a friend is in trouble you stop at nothing to help them." Rainbow smiled. Twilight grabbed the helmet, looking it over slowly.

I want to see where you go with Twi, here. What is she gonna be able to do. What effect can she have in-game.

Fun so far! :rainbowdetermined2: Can't wait to see more of all of your stories!

OK, I won't lie. This story is freaking AWESOME!!!!!!! :pinkiecrazy:
I so love you SAO crossover! :rainbowkiss:

6186290 thanks! that means a lot to me :pinkiehappy:

I feel like I should preface every comment I make on stories with "spoilers" so...


Daaaaw, Spike.

Rumble and Spike using marginally useful game exploits to extreme effect to intimidate people. I like it.

Diamond needs to cool off. Sadly kicking her ass is probably only going to make her more difficult to deal with, and killing her is not a thing that good guys do. If they are going to keep Diamond from seizing power (even tho she seemed pretty young to try to rule everyone) Luna is going to have to stand up and take charge. Or the story can continue as is and the Lunar Knights can just be a badass renegade group that doesn't take shit from nopony. Which is totally cool with me. :rainbowdetermined2:

And we sorta see what Twilight was able to do with the VR helmet. Not completely sure what the results were. I mean, she said someone needed to go in the game to "communicate" and that necessitates contact with the outside world either from in the game or by the ability to go in and out, but she also said that she would be "trapped" in the game once she went in, so I'm not sure what you meant.

Reading that part again, is it going to be like the wearer is stuck in the game, just like everyone else, except that she can hear what is going on irl from her real body and speak irl? Or just hear from irl and Twilight gets a feed of what she is seeing/hearing in game?

Btw, what is the age spread of the people trapped in the game?

The hype continues to mount...

6187262 Teen to young adult is the age range for obvious shipping reasons
As her changes are untested, Twilight is unsure if she would be trapped or able to use her several backup plans to leave and come back. As far as everything is concerned, its all up in the air, but a two way communication system would be established using the helmet as a speaker and microphone along with several machines Twilight plans to hook up to it.

I can't say anything about Diamond or the Lunar Knights without causing spoilers. And it was Button slicing off his hand for the exploit, but Rumble was in on it. In the Beta they would remove a few limbs and run around acting like zombies for laughs.

I'm glad you are enjoying the story thus far and I hope to update more frequently

I am appeased
Me no declare war


All I could think of was the Thorn from Destiny.

is destiny any good?

5601517 why was it removed?

6254308 they allowed it back obviously, but they claimed the story was just a copy paste of SAO. Even though literal copy pastes of things like fallout and bioshock, etc have been allowed on the site. Its all been resolved though.

This actually makes more sense than SAO. Also, I am going to go ahead and call it now, the Lunar Knights will be a frontline guild that achieves renown by beating floors, and the guys will wound up called Beaters and will get gear with certain color schemes based on rare gear that they will wind up with, while Luna becomes known as either the queen of the battlefield or the commander.

6394654 Good call, but no. The Beater thing isn't gonna be a thing here. Color schemes, meh. Gear -SPOILER REDACTED-
Luna's renown? Well, that is something we have to wait and see about.
I'm glad you are enjoying the story, the next update is almost ready and SPOILER ALERT - they finally get to the next floor.

This is soo awesome!!!!!!! :pinkiecrazy:
A nice Silver Spoon!
The six knight of Harmony!!
The first boss is Nightmare Moon!!!
Milano, the paladine or the valkiry!!!!
I can't wait for the next chapter. Need more NOW!!!!!!!:flutterrage:

6477203 Glad you liked it. Hopefully the next chapter doesn't take me a month, but I am juggling trying to make Youtube my job and real life stuff. So we shall see!

Next boss is Discord, isn't it? Or is it Chrysalis... It's been a while. Sombra is fourth or fifth, I do remember that. Then Tirek, and so on. Cerberus is probably in their somewhere. Who did you choose to replace Gleam Eyes though?

6477295 HEY No Spoilers for you! :rainbowlaugh:
But stuff and things are going to happen...soon.

6477295 Most likely Tirek! Im calling Tirek!


Fight the power Silver!!:flutterrage:

wait, Spike had Lunar Guard training. was that mentioned before, because I can't remember.

6494085 It was hinted at with the way Luna and Spike interacted and revealed as fact by the group to explain Luna and Spikes relationship a bit.

Awesome chapter. :ajsmug:
And Trolestia strike again. :trollestia:

Dragons OP :pinkiehappy:

Also, from DT's perspective, the 'Big Bad' is Luna and Spike is her 'Dragon'. I love when 'The Dragon' is an actual dragon. :rainbowlaugh:

I feel kinda bad for Button. Thinking his mom can't, or worse, won't, talk to him has got to be horrible. Kinda cool that she gets to play an awesome (if dangerous) game with him without him knowing who she is, tho. I'm conflicted.

You know now that they have someone that can monitor the world and report it, how long before they can issue warrants for pkers and attempted pkers, and deal with them the only way they can given theirs no other means of enforcement.

It raies a whole ton of legal questions when you can clearly see someone committing murder in that fashion and they can't technically stand trial... do you just deal with them or are you forced to let them continue their crimes until they return to the real world and can try and mount a legal defense.

Of course Equestria doesn't necessarily have a Bill of Rights so there may be even fewer limitations on what law enforcement can do.

6645863 Virtual Reality is a very new thing. Its something that is still being experimented with and studied and thus, there are no laws for what occurs in the virtual realm. Yet.

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