• Member Since 20th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


"I am the Aloof Hermit, the Lord of the Empty Seat. I am the Alpha and the Omega"


Ever since Celestia woke up, prank after prank has occurred in the castle with her as the target! Needless to say she's had enough and intends to have some choice words with her husband about it. But is he really to blame?

All OC's in this story belong to Kilala97.

Co-written with The Avenger.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

So much funny, I just wish it were longer (or there was an extended version).

Aw, man! I was gonna do this one!

BWAHAHA!! I bucking loved this. :D

:rainbowlaugh: Okay this was hilarious!!! XD Great job!

Best punishment ever:trollestia:
Boeing traped whith your girlfriend

Hello! Sunlight Blaze here with my second review of the day! Another one-shot story by Alphamon_Ouryuken. This one looks to be more comedy-focused. Let's see how this goes down.
(Don't forget me!)
Nope. Not happening, Hades! Not this time! Go on! Shoo!
(Well, aren't you a party pooper...)

There we go....Now, let's get into "Out-Pranking the Prankster King!"

WARNING: The following may contain sarcastic, serious, joking, thoughtful, or downright unnecessary commentary and/or flutter-censored swearing. Viewer discretion is advised.

So we open this up with Princess Luna in Canterlot Castle after a long day of meetings. She's on her way to the bathroom when suddenly...


Luna bolts to the bathroom to find...Celestia apparently taking a Jello bath? Okay, that's just random enough to be hilarious! (Humor: +1)

“I was just having a bubble bath, enjoying some cake, with the water suddenly turned into jello.” Celestia explained, emphasizing the last part. “This is the last straw! First I wake up this morning to find out that my bed had become a trampoline, then my breakfast turns into a mini volcano that blasted me in the face, and now this!" Celestia snapped as she stormed out of the room with her sister. "And I know exactly who's to blame!”

Darnit, Discord! ("Darnit Discord" counter: 1)

So we change scenes to Discord in his little pocket dimension.

He was having such a lovely day! He had no meetings to go to, no stuffy uptight Royals demanding that he uses powers for this and that…

…and yet for some reason he felt like he had forgotten something… something very, VERY important...

"Hmmm… probably nothing big!" The spirit of chaos chortled as he whipped out a book of Daring Do and began reading it… upside down.

....Well, that was pointless.....

So Celestia is walking through the castle looking for Discord, when suddenly--


Celestia's attention was drawn to the screaming of her sister's lover; Supernova. In a flash she immediately teleported to his location, finding him staring at the wall in disbelief and for some reason was trying to keep his wings tucked in.

:rainbowhuh:...........Can we get an appearance description for this guy? If he's Luna's lover, I imagine he'd be a pretty important character. And he's trying to contain a wingboner (I cannot believe I just said that).

On the wall was a portrait of her with a seductive grin and half-lidded eyes, pressing her flank flat against the screen, which took up almost the entire picture. And if that wasn't enough, the words "SUN BUTT" where written in bright red across each cheek.

Darnit, Discord! (Count: 2)

Celestia dismisses Supernova before getting rid of the picture in her own way.

Looking around, making sure no other guards were near, Celestia let loose a torrent of fire that burned the portrait until not even ashes remained, and the only evidence that it was ever there was the scorch mark on the wall.

After making sure the insult to her royal hindquarters was gone, she briefly looked in the mirror behind her and scoffed. "My behind is not that big!" She groaned and she began to continue her search for Discord… only to stop dead in her tracks. "Wait, since when do we have a mirror in the-?"


"GYAAAAA!!!" Celestia screamed in shock as she felt something smack her flank. Enraged, she turned around to see Discord’s smiling mug within the mirror. The spirit of chaos blew a raspberry at her before vanishing along with the mirror.


Darnit, Discord! (count: 3)
We flash back to Discord in his pocket dimension laughing at a Power Ponies comic and....wait, what? Wasn't he just.....Wow, nothing makes sense with this guy.

Suddenly, he remembers he had a picnic with Fluttershy and snaps away. Well, at least he'll be away from the castle and unable to cause trouble there..... :rainbowhuh: the f:yay:k am I saying? He can still do it from the other side of the world!

Back to Celestia, she's taking care of those chocolate rain clouds in the throne and Luna is chasing her daughter, who is bouncing on a flying jelly bean. WHAT!?!?
1. Who is Supernova!?
2. When did he and Luna get together!?
3. When did Celestia and Discord get married!?
My goodness, the only thing that makes sense about his story right now is the fact that it doesn't make sense! And that's only a valid defense because Discord's in it! I'm not sure whether to call it a positive or a negative, but DANG!!!

Okay, I can answer the fourth question with some degree of accuracy: in some strange alternate universe or in the relatively distant future past what may eventually become season 7 of the show. Okay, moving on!

After the jelly bean explodes into apple juice, Celestia gets an idea: Fluttershy should know where Discord is.

Without missing a beat she quickly teleported out of the throne room.

"Sister wait!" The Moon Princess called out. "Who's going to clean all this up?!" Her voice echoed throughout the chocolate milk and apple juice-covered throne room...

Apparently, you, Princess Luna.

So we get to Ponyville Park. Discord pops in and Fluttershy isn't at all angry at his apparent tardiness.

“Where’s your daughter? Oh, wait, let me guess. She’s with Turquoise, isn’t she?”

The mare giggled, remembering how the young dragon-pony hybrid's face lit up with glee the moment he saw her. "Yeah, they look so cute together!" She said as she handed him a cucumber sandwich.


WHO!!! IS!!!! THE!!!!! FATHER!!!!!!!

The Draconeques simply chuckled before taking a bite out his sandwich…


…only to spit it out in surprise when he heard his wife's angry tone. Fluttershy let out a small "Meeep!" before grabbing Angel and ducking into a nearby bush. Discord’s eyes widened as he saw his less-than-happy wife approaching him with a look that promised lots of pain and suffering.

Would THIS be an accurate representation?

"I swear, when I'm done with you, being sealed in stone will seem merciful by comparison!" The Sun Princess proclaimed as she aimed her horn… only to stop and turn her attention to the bush behind him. "Fluttershy,"

The shy mare slowly peaked out of the bush. "Y-y-yes, y-your m-m-majesty?"

"Could you be a dear and move about… five feet away?" Celestia asked with a kind smile, acting as if she wasn't about to incinerate her husband on the spot. "I'd hate to scorch you by accident."

:twilightoops: I know Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but THIS is ridiculous!

So Celestia lays down the accusations, and Discord...calmly denies he had any part in it, even going so far as to steal Rarity's fainting couch (Humor: +5).

"Now Celly, while these are all very entertaining and creative ways to mess with you that I'd love to try… I didn't do it." He bluntly stated.

Celestia was seriously considering calling him a liar to his face before incinerating him, but calmed herself. "And why, pray tell, should I automatically believe you?"

"Well, for one; I was in my pocket dimension most of the day, two; I just got here, and three…" He immediately grabbed one of his horns and pulled the top of his head off. "…if you truly don't believe me, take a look into my memories!"

So Celestia sifts through Discord's memories and finds....absolutely none of the pranks.
Well, I guess my "Darnit Discord" counter goes out the window. *Tosses it out the window*

So we flash back to the castle to find a mysterious figure getting ready to plant ANOTHER prank on Celestia in her own bedroom.

As he silently snuck into the bedroom he immediately pulled out a giant vat of banana pudding and snickered sinisterly as he began to pour it into the bed…

"So it was you this whole time!"

…only to turn and meet his mother's piercing gaze.

"Busted." His father said from behind her as she stomped into the room.

Well, that is one dead kid---Wait....WHAT!?!?!?

So, this is Prince Illusion. I'd assume, since Discord is the father, he'd be a draconequus/pony hybrid or something...but no description is given..... What, are these famous fanmade characters that apparently everypony should know about?
Okay, let me do a quick google search.......
(Some "music" for the wait....don't worry, it didn't take me literally half an hour to find what I was looking for.)
Okay, so all of these characters who made me go

In order of appearance:
-Supernova, a batpony OC married to Princess Luna
-Nidra, a batpony alicorn who is the daughter of Supernova and Luna
-Turquoise Blitz, a dragon/pony hybrid born from Rarity and Spike
-and here we have Prince Illusion, the child of Discord and Princess Celestia.
And apparently there's a few other "next generation" characters, all of which (including these) were created by deviantart user kilala97....and I failed to check the description of the story for the disclaimer....
WOW, I suck at my job.....

“Oh, would ya look at the time, I need to go buy a watch! Gotta go!”

Okay, how the heck can you get more random than that!? (Humor: +5)

So Illusion FAILS to teleport away and is left by Discord to face the full fury of his mother.
Turns out Illusion has been practicing his reality-warping powers and was essentially using his mother as a test subject. And by successfully making it look like they were bonafide Discord tricks, he's improved quite a bit!

But all children need discipline when they misbehave.

"What exactly are you going to do to punish him?" Discord asked, wondering exactly how she planned on punishing one who could potentially warp reality itself. Granted, his son still couldn't do it to the same extent that he could, but still… what he accomplished today was quite a feat, he would've been proud had his son not decided to frame him for it.

The Sun Princess tapped her chin as if deep in thought. "Well, I was considering stripping him of his powers and leaving him in the garden maze for an hour…” She stated nonchalantly, but then she gave her husband the most devious smile he'd ever seen before turning her attention back to her son, who started to shiver under her gaze. "But I have a far more… karmic punishment in mind…”

Oh dear, what could she possibly have in store for him!?

The young Prince found himself trapped in a dark room… and seriously missing the garden maze right now.

"So…” An elegant, female voice echoed from the opposite side of the room. “…no powers…” She giggled, sending shivers down his spine. “…no tricks…” She cooed as she approached the helpless Prince like a lion approaching its prey.

This is Crystal Clarity, another SpikeXRarity child. And BOY, she is peeved at Illusion!

“…no way to run…” The dragon pony hybrid smirked as she backed her coltfriend into a wall, but she didn't stop until her face was inches away from his, and their noses were practically touching. “…and nowhere to hide. I think it's about time I got a little… revenge for all those pranks you pulled on me." She growled while extending her claws. "After all, Prism Bolt never got away with his pranks, so why should you?"

:pinkiecrazy:AAAAND apparently she's a little on the sadistic side!






(Oh dear.......that is my kind of child!)
:flutterrage:GO HOME, HADES!!!!!

So....what happened the last Hearts and Hooves day?
(one viewing later)
(Sunlight....what are you doing in the Underworld?)
too........ *gasp*....... funny..... *gasp*........ comic....... *gasp*....... story.......*gasp*........ combined........*gasp*......... fuuuuuuuu *faints*
(Oh, poo......Well, I guess I'll need to replicate his body again and transfer his soul into it.....Seriously, Sunlight; you owe me for this one.)

And that's Out-Pranking the Prankster King. And......WOW, that was a ride!

This felt almost like "Return of Harmony" all over again! Trust me, that's hard to emulate, and somehow it worked out really well here!

There's really not much to the story; kid pranks mom and blames dad, dad sets things straight, mom punishes kid. And the fact that the kid is a chaotic demigod really makes it even more fun to read through, and I imagine it was a blast to write!

As I know next to nothing about ANY of kilala97's OCs, I can just say I enjoyed those who appeared on screen. A lot of understandable explosions from Celestia; we all know everyone has their limits. There were a few grammatical errors, but they didn't detract from the comedy, which was the sol purpose of the story.

Speaking of which, this story is f:yay:king hilarious!!! Right from the word go, there's something going on that made me laugh! The jello-bath, the flank picture, the chaos-ridden throne room, Discord's innocence, and Illusion's punishment, all drove me up the wall laughing! And it all ties together, now that I know - generally - who each of these characters are, though the fact that I had to google the characters to do this is a bit of a letdown.

Moral of the story, kids: Don't mess with Mother!

Karma is one thing that I always enjoy in comedy stories, and I'd say the young prince got his and got it good!

Looking for laughs? Here's your stop! I know I liked it!

Sunlight Blaze's ratings:
Story: C (7.6)
Writing: B (8.5)
Humor: A+ (perfect 10)
Moral: N/A
Ending: A (9.4)
Personal Enjoyment: A (9.7):twilightsmile:

Overall: A- (9.05) :raritywink:

I'm Sunlight Blaze---
:ajbemused:....and I owe the God of the Dead a huge favor..... Okay, what'll it be?
(*whispers something in ear*)
:rainbowderp: No......
:twilightoops: No!
(Oh yes!)

Awesome job love Killala97's oc think you more then did them justice I'll be sure to re read this whenever I need a good laugh

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