• Member Since 15th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Twilight floated a second fritter up to her mouth when she realized the first was gone. “What is in these things?” “Mostly love. Love ‘n about three sticks of butter.”


Rainbow Dash taught Scootaloo everything she needed to live her dreams. Scoot is a Wonderbolt now, while Rainbow Dash never even tried out. But when Dash passes away suddenly, Scoot is left with one lesson Rainbow Dash refused to teach her, the lesson that tore apart their friendship.

But maybe there's still time to learn something from her idol, and the way she lived her life.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 69 )

Hmmm. . . yeah, you're right. The idea that Dash's loyalty to her friends might keep her from becoming a Wonderbolt is such a subtle part of her character that it took them a whole episode and a half to explore it. :rainbowhuh:

Love this story. Though, the whole rainbow thing doesn't seem to fit Scoot, but whatevs. Your story. :scootangel:

Well, if you really want to go into this. . .
I don't think that at any point in her youth Dash would say "Forget trying out for The Wonderbolts, I'm gonna hang around Ponyville." But I think that if year after year she had to skip try outs to help her friends, she'd do so. Yes, she has her own life, but if it was important to her friends she would put them before herself. Probably with a grumble at the time, depending on the severity of the situation, but in her middle age I think she would come to accept that being loyal to her friends means more to her than The Wonderbolts ever could.

Agree to disagree?


Thank you! In my mind the rainbow trail went with the rainboom, but I can see your point too!

Well, there could be a number of reasons why RD didn't go for the tryouts -- and touching upon only a couple of them in the story makes me try to come up with other reasons why she didn't, so I think omitting that info is fine. It makes teh story that much better.

No one claimed THAT yet.
This story was the heartbreaking tale of Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. You have told it well. :moustache:

Thanks! Obviously Scoot was pointing out the flimsier ones, but Dash's reference to 'seeing if anything is planning on destroying Equestria that week' is kind of meant to imply that she had some very good reasons, some years. You can insert your favorite adventure plot there. :twilightsmile:

Granted! The 9th comment on this fic is yours for all eternity!

And thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

wait rainbow dash died???only one thing to say to that...ffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...you no the rest :ajbemused:

This was such a delight to read. :) I really enjoyed it, and somewhat, I can imagine Rainbow Dash not trying out. I think you managed to capture their characters quite well - great job! :pinkiehappy:

:fluttercry: Didn't need this sad in the morning but it was good.

Yeah, sad fic is sad. :fluttershysad: I just hope it's good sad.

Thanks! After I left my computer yesterday, I realized that the whole "person (pony) with big dreams who has to give them up for their friends and family" thing is the whole plot of It's a Wonderful Life, and it's making me want to do a full scale fic of that now.

Ugh, I'm sorry! Sad in the morning is always hard. Glad you liked it, though.

Never heard of that I'm afraid - but I wouldn't mind if you continued this! I think it got bunches of potential! :ajsmug:
Gah, I tried to do this fancy link-thing, not really working! D:

This idea of Dash never going out for the WB for those reasons, needs to seriously be considered by everyone.
Awesome story.

Thank you so much. And I agree with you. I think that, with Dash, it's always important to keep in mind where her real loyalties lie.

Oh wow, thank you so much. I have to admit that I got a little sniffy writing it, and I'm glad I got some of that through. (Okay, I cried like a baby. But I'm a softy.)

And yeah, while I don't think it's impossible that Dash goes on to be a Wonderbolt, I think that the possibility I wrote about is something worth addressing. . . man, now I really want to write that It's a Wonderful Life fic.

Okay! Honest review time! I loved the story and ultimately only had one problem with it. When Scootaloo did the rainboom, she didn't say a word and just did it. If I were RD watching my own funeral, I would feel like that was a huge slap in the face. If you had Scootaloo say, "This is for you," or something where she says she dedicates it to her, it would show that she understands the meaning of loyalty and dedication. That's just my view on it.

Overall great story and I hope you write more like this!:pinkiehappy:


First off, thanks for the honest review! I can always use them.

Now, did you mean publicly, before she does it? Because she does whisper a dedication Dash just before the cone breaks, then she says the bit at the end about only doing it for the other Element bearers. Probably the dialogue line of the dedication should stand on it's own, now that I think about it.

Anyway, thanks! I never know when I'll think up something like this, but when I do, you'll know it. :twilightsmile:

595701 Kinda. Yeah. I would have liked Scoots to have an outburst of sorts where everyone turns to see tears in her eyes. For example.

"I'm sorry!" everypony there turned around to see Scootaloo smiling weakly with a tear in her eye.
"I know I disappointed you, but this one is for you and only you." With that, the orange mare sped off into the sky, passing clouds and almost getting lost amongst the blue sky. At her height, she took one last look at the ground. She could remember being a spectator, watching Dash perform her signature, not knowing that even after her death, it's legacy would live on through her.
With that, she dove towards the small crowd, determination in her eyes. Soon, the mach cone formed around her and began to get slimmer by the second. At that last moment, where she thought it wouldn't be possible, she broke the barrier and released a shockwave of different wavelengths, emblazoning the sky with her color.

Then it would have ended how you ended it. This is my enterpretation and I hope this gives you a different writing style to work with. Though this is only how I would have wrote it, you still did a great job so congrats!

Gotcha. Seriously considering this. Thanks!

596850 I somehow don't see Scootaloo having an outburst like that. I feel like she, and Rainbow Dash, don't really talk about their feelings. Even in a situation like this. Personally I loved the ending just as it was, although it was kinda weird thinking of anyone but RD doing the sonic rainboom.

604132 IDK I feel like this situation would call for a mental break where scootaloo would not act herself. Her old personality was due to her not knowing the power of loyalty. Once she discovers herself and learns the trick, her personality shifts and makes her break. That is my opinion so this is just how I feel. I in no way, shape , or form want this person to change the ending. Just making suggestions.

604299 Hey, no hate :heart: we're all entitled to our opinions. Mine is no better than anyone else's, I know that. I like hearing different ones, whether I agree with them or not. :scootangel:

how come I only just now discovered this gem of a story:derpyderp2:


I had it cleverly hidden on my userpage. :twilightsmile:

I understand the feeling. I think more people should have rec lists, so that people can find good stuff they might have missed.

:fluttercry: I cried. Well done! Sweet story.

I didn't cry during My Little Dashie. But in just over two thousand words, you have made my break down into tears.

Ah death, my old nemesis. Now there is a topic I'm all too familiar with, and can never seem to get away from. Such a grim grim thing. I've never liked reading about death in Equestria, the kind of sorrow it brings feels so out of place, and yet, as all things must begin, it is true they also must end. I consider this a decent read, debatable in what route Dash would take, but there is freedom in what is not written. For where there is no stone to bound and bind, there are wings to set you free. This was a nice read if not a little sad. Thank you for your time and efforts, I'll give a real review as I read some of your longer fics. I'm not in the habit of reviewing short shorts. Thanks again!

Signing off,
Shining Glory

This story was amazing, even though i flt as if rd was a litle bit ooc it was so beatifully done that i would have it no other way.
And the ending had me shedding a few tears while still smiling like an idiot. (when it comes to the whole "this is my own special way of honoring you and showing that you were the best pony ever" thingy i am just too much of a softie)

Since bookplayer was kind enough to mention this over at one of my own tales, I figured the least I could do is give it a look, and it was definitely worth the trip. (I covered some of the same territory, though our approaches were distinctly different.)

Just to clarify, it was Bad Horse who mentioned it. (I personally don't like to mention my own fics on someone else's story.) But he also pointed me to it, which meant that I got to read your great story, so I couldn't complain too much. :ajsmug:

I'm glad you liked this one, though.

I suppose it would help if I actually looked at the comments once in a while. :facehoof:

Anyway, thanks to you both.


Yeah, it doesn't make sense that the Rainboom would be 'personalized' or something equally ridiculous. It's a Sonic Rainboom for Dash and it should be a Sonic Rainboom for anyone else who manages to break the sound barrier.

My first fic with true tears. Not sure if they're with sadness for Rainbow Dash's last meeting with Scootaloo or for the pride of Scottaloo learning so much about Rainbow Dash from a single word on a tombstone.
Thank you

Really touching.

Great story -- sad but also touching. I'm probably slow on the uptake, but thanks to this fic I just realized that everypony's cutie mark story directly relates to her Element of Harmony:

Dash: Performed her first sonic rainboom and learned that she loved speed and competition by racing to defend Fluttershy's honor (an act of loyalty).

Rarity: Discovered her magical knack for finding gems while working on a fashion-related school project. Used the gems in the costumes for a school play, which she was almost certainly not compensated for unless Equestrian schools are way better funded than the ones in the U.S. (generosity).

Fluttershy: Learned about her special connection to animals and fell in love with life on the ground by reassuring and comforting animals frightened by Dash's first rainboom (kindness).

Applejack: Learned that her real path to happiness was to be true to herself, stop pretending to be somepony she wasn't, and return to her farm and family. Sometimes being honest with yourself is the hardest kind of honesty there is.

Twilight: Seems obvious at first (magicsplosion is magical), but Twilight's magical mishap also started her down the path to her first strong friendship -- with her mentor, Celestia. According to the pilot the Element of Magic isn't about just any magic, but specifically the magic of friendship. In fact, when Twi tried to activate the Elements using a generic magical spark she failed.

Pinkie: This one is obvious. (fun parties = laughter)

For each pony, her Element isn't just a magical widget she uses it's something that she is and does. They covered similar ground in the pilot, but tying it to how they got their cutie marks really drives it home. I just can't believe I didn't see it sooner. :facehoof:

come hail or high winds

Great pegasus figure of speech. :twilightsmile:

A few grammar and spelling nitpicks:

Rainbow Dash was the only pegasus in recorded history to know it's secret.

Should be "to know its secret." You only need the apostrophe if it's a contraction for "it is."

She was better then Rainbow Dash.

Should be "than" not "then." "Than" is for comparison, "then" for time. Same correction in the following spots:

never got used to being taller then Dash

she looked more serious then Scoot had ever seen her

I'm better then you are! I'm better then you ever were!

P.S. I was pointed here by Bad Horse's link in the first chapter of his Mary Sue parody fic.

You raise an excellent point, and somehow I never realized that every one of Dash's rainbooms were tied to loyalty. I knew the first one was, but that all of them are makes a lot of sense.

This actually broke my heart a little, and I am not one of scootaloo's fans.

Beautiful story. The tombstone part got my eyes all watery.


Congratulations. It's a boy.

On behalf of The Dreamers, which is a group you've founded and I have no right to post this, I do say that your story is magic.

So there.

You are an amazing person, Church. Thanks so much. :ajsmug:

A really good story, sadly it is all rendered moot by this weeks episode. :raritydespair:

What episode was that? Sorry, I'm coming to this two weeks later. I've no clue.

This brought some well earned tears to my eyes. I must say that your stories are consistently some of the best that I have read. You always manage to evoke some sort of response out of me after I read one of your stories. Whether or not it is me just applauding your amazing gift for writing or for the heartfelt story that I have read of yours. Please, keep up the amazing work. I cannot wait to read another of your stories.

A very beautiful concept and beautifully executed.

So much feels:fluttercry::raritycry:

How amazingly beautiful. I won't say that I didn't cry.

Whoa. Dude. I mean, I'd had the notion that they were the Elements floating around in my head for a while, but this is like "no, really". Whoof.

I'm'a lovin' it.

This was wonderfully done. Excellent work. Greenthumbed!

Beautiful, and beautifully-sad. And I could see Rainbow Dash being the first of them to die -- she's the one who's the most willing to take insane risks. :fluttercry:

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