• Member Since 16th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Fullmetal Pony

Why the name? FMA is awesome. Why the avatar? I like One Piece even more. Welcome to my page and enjoy the stories!


So Equestria is now eating up our world. Humanity has only got a couple of years until Earth is gone. You either get busy trotting or you get busy dying. People have got a lot of changes to make in those short years.

The creator having a metaphysical nightmare, the race to save technology, the last TV specials anyone will see. These are just a few of the tales that will lead humanity on the path to a strange new world.

Spin-off of Reality Break

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 76 )

Also first to coment, :D
Looks interesting! Definately going to read later! :pinkiehappy:

Never knew Creator and Created was going to be the first chapter.. Already read that a week ago.

579646 lolnope. 57 seconds off. Tough luck bro.

Very interesting story! Cant wait to see where this goes! :moustache:

nek minnet
God dammit.

I could have been first, but i thought it would be better to read first and make a constructive comment:twilightsheepish:

I like it so far. I was skeptical at first, but I like it.

This was darling. I greatly enjoyed it!


Nopony's perfect, not even Celestia. Glad to see that, yes, there are some definite rough edges in this version of conversion.

Still, I can't help but suspect that Mr. Tacky here might be integral to preserving/converting computer technology in the face of magic. I don't know, it just seems narratively right.

A conversion bureau fic?

by the same guy who wrote Reality Break?

and I ALMOST missed it?

better look if its interesting enough...

This was marvelous. Riveting, fascinating, with the feel of Silver Age science fiction in its prime, wonderful work.

I approve so much. I think the whole losing hands would still tick me off. :fluttershbad: Plus Humans are going to go extinct. Just replace everybody wants to be a cat with pony.

How can 6 people dislike this? This is amazing! Great job! :pinkiehappy:

“What do you...” Lauren turned around and saw a glass of purple glowing liquid on the counter. “Clever girl.”


Say hello to the moment that line reminded me of.

591320 ...

:rainbowderp:That looks a lot scarrier when it's still...

Wait, no guns left in the world? That's a pretty big deal. When did it happen? Was that mentioned in Reality Break somewhere? I'd like to go back and re-read that section, because I obviously missed it.

Second. Also, great chapter!

But who won Iron Chef? I have to knooooowwww!!!!

I love a good jab at pop-culture, and what better way to jab than with a razor sharp wit? :pinkiecrazy:

This would be an okay way for the world to end. I would protect Earth to the best of my abilities (Not much, sadly) but would be awesome to be a unicorn! :pinkiecrazy:

Not the first but I have already preordered Mass Effect 4 so I can get Iron Will as the multilayer character... anyhow I am off to do crazy over in Australia for a bit. Fake & Gay as always.
-Bunnana King

I liked it!

Seriously, this was a great way to show how life has returned to something resembling normalcy despite an invading alien cosmos and the narrowly averted collapse of spacetime. Though I am wondering how the ponies are reacting. How are they reacting to incoming newfoals? To the new space easing population pressure? Are any going out to explore Earth while they can?

Well, we're only three chapters in. I'm sure you can cover all of that if and when you want to.

WHY can't this be real ; ;


The key I think to preserving technology is understanding the universe you are entering works with different rules.

Modern microprocessor-based computers, as we understand them, are simply the best implementations we have for a concept.

Once you divorce yourself from the idea that "Computers are made with really fidgety and sensitive circuit boards and so on" then you are open to a lot of things.

(I have no idea what'd happen to the data stored on hard disk platters, I'd assume it's right screwed unless some clever Unicorns/Luna get on the job)


Oh good, I wasn't the only one to wonder that!

Wow. That was an awesome chapter, filled with emotion and much jimmie rustling. You did a good job, I felt, of getting inside Thomas's head. I've always reasoned that the most narrow people are driven by fear, and Thomas is a walking mass of terror and cowardice, but he is not played as a parody. I like that. His terror and cowardice and weakness is believable, human, and has the ring of truth to it. I have met people like Thomas, I have heard them justify their flaws to themselves and others. I have met Thomas before, under several names.

And that is what makes a story good, I think - what matters is the people and whether they are believable, real. In that, you did a fantastic job, I think.

This is turning out to be more and more evocative.

If I dont get more I am going to eat your face off.

For some reason, I enjoy extremely religious people haveing their life and faith torn down around them, though it may have something to do with me being an atheist.

Chatoyance said everything I wanted to.

... Damn.

Wow... Um, I'm just going to digest the emotional impact I'm feeling right now while pointing out your homophone errors. No offense, just sorting out my feels...

Bare it!
That's... actually kind of hilarious. I know you didn't mean it, (bear, not bare,) but it sounds like there's some bit of our protagonist that wants to flash the congregation.

"he winded through the allies."
Wound through the alleys. Unless he was exhausted amongst friends.

Okay, I'm cool now. So, yeah, that was exquisite. There are few things more tragic than the righteous man faced with a contrary reality. You conveyed Thomas's struggle incredibly well. My only complaint is that the flashbacks were almost too seamlessly integrated. It took me a moment to realize when a section was happening during the riots.

Also, something tells me that Sarah's going to need some therapy after all's said and done.

Wow, that was disturbing and emotional; and yes, that is a compliment. My only critique is that you really need to get a beta because the spelling errors are really jarring. They're jarring because you're a good writer with a good grasp of language and emotion and the errors stand out all the more clearly because of that. Thank you for all of your obvious hard work!

do one about a veteran who thinks he will not be accepted

I like this, I've wondered what the religious fanatics would do in a time like this and the way you wrote it portrayed this very well. Keep up the great work! :eeyup:

Hoo boy, this family's falling apart like a Jenga tower.

This is why I've stopped reading books that people throw ay me saying it will save my soul.

nice story bro but you may want to remove the italics

you might want to check your formatting, there is a missing italics end tag right before Sarah starts reading.

The scene where Sarah offers up her drawing to her dad is powerful and heartbreaking. Very well done.

I hate wacko Christians. They give us normal Christians a bad name.

I hate wacko Christians. They give us normal Christians a bad name.

840438 See? My point in action.

Just a little minor thing, but why can't Sarah eat pop tarts? If Pinkie and the rest of Ponyville and beyond can wolf down cakes, cookies, and other confections I doubt pop tarts would give them any trouble.

Feel bad for Sarah, as this is gonna probably end in her either rejecting/being taken from her parents, or her growing up literally hating herself...

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