• Published 29th May 2015
  • 39,503 Views, 2,499 Comments

Undead Robot Bug Crusaders - Banjo64

Scootaloo has a secret. So do Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. What happens when the truth comes out?

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Chapter 17.5: The Part Where Babs is Now Officially Weird

Babs Seed sighed as she reached her apartment in Manehattan. She was happy to be home, but she knew exactly what was waiting for her on the other side of her door.

“Nothin’ to do but get it over with,” she mumbled as she opened the door and walked in.

Babs Seed was not surprised to see her mother and older sister waiting for her. She was also not surprised by the smug expressions on their faces.

“Welcome home, Babs! So… should Ah head out and buy some doggie treats? Or throw away all our garlic? Ah might have bought it the first time, maybe, but a second extended trip to Ponyville? There’s no way ya haven’t been caught up in somethin’ freaky. What are ya hidin’, little missy?” asked Babs’ mom.

“Ah have no idea,” replied Babs with a smirk of her own.

It brought her no small amount of delight to see their confused expressions.

“Yeah, Ah admit somethin’ weird did happen to me this time. Ah got sent to the future, and bit by some kind of time spider. Apparently mah entire history has been rewritten so that what Ah used to be, ah no longer am. And nopony, not even you two, can tell anythin’s changed,” answered Babs.

Bab’s family just stared at her, but then their smug expressions returned.

“That’s it! The reason nothing weird happened on your first visit was because you were always a vampire, and this time the rewrite thing turned you into a normal filly! It all makes sense now!” declared Babs’ sister.

“Drat. Now there’s no way for us to tell for certain who won the bet. But she must have been a timber-pony. Ah just can’t imagine her ever bein’ sparkly enough to be a vampire,” countered her mother.

Babs bit back the moan that ached to rise out of her throat, and headed towards her room as her family giggled at her. She did not need to put up with this right now.

She closed the door behind her, tossed her saddlebag aside, and flopped down onto her bed.

“Maybe Ah should just turn right around and move to Ponyville. I’d probably fit in now, and Ah’d never have to deal with that buckin’ wolf/vampire debate again,” she mumbled.

“Language!” called Babs’ mom.

Once again, Babs wondered how in Equestria her mother always knew when she swore under her breath.


Babs got up and turned towards her mirror. Once again, she couldn't see anything wrong. But something was wrong. Or rather, something was right that shouldn’t have been right.

“OK, Ah’m clearly overthinkin’ this if Ah’m gettin’ poetic about it,” mumbled Babs.

Yet, she couldn’t help but wonder. Was her mane always that color? Was her coat always brown? Perhaps she was supposed to be the older sister of the family, or possibly the brother? Or maybe her sister was right: she was something unusual before, but now she was just a normal everyday earth pony.

Babs just sighed. That didn't seem likely. Why would she have refused to join the crusaders back then if she was just as weird as her cousin and friends? Or was that just part of the rewrite too?

“Well, no point in dwellin’ on it, Ah guess. Ah’m just goin’ to drive mahself crazy tryin’ to find something Ah know Ah can’t see,” she mumbled with yet another sigh.

The bright yellow eyed pony in the mirror sighed with her.

T.I.M.E. Incident Report #31415926535*

A visiting mare from a thousand years ago, Miss Babs Seed, was bit by a retroactive spider. The spider was successfully contained and the Time Busters managed to treat the bite without any complications. The mare was then sent back to her own time, and the employee who let the spider out was fired. Again.

Blah, blah blah, required triplicate attached, Yada yada yada. You know the drill by now. Also attached: important memo. Read it. Yes, right now.

-Agent Hindsight

*Also, it’s high time we came up with a new numbering system. We’re already at far too many digits for these incident reports.

Office Memo:

While this might seem like an open shut retro spider case, my investigations have revealed a disturbing development. Code yellow in fact. Yes, a spider bite caused a code yellow. No, really. I want this report and the attached documents forwarded to the head of security immediately. I don’t care if someone has to interrupt his WOW session, he needs to see this ASAP.

I won’t bother with the summary, we all know what retro spider bites do. As you also know, ponies like me are expected to look into what exactly was changed by the temporal rewrite, as difficult as it is. As usual, I can only give my suspicions, but by all forty members of the royal family, my suspicions are terrifying.

My investigation has led me to suspect that the bite resulted in her genetic makeup being drastically altered. Most of the resulting changes were fortunately limited to recessive genes, so Miss Babs Seed herself has not undergone a species change, or anything so drastic.

However, even alterations to recessive genes can have profound consequences. A quick glance at her future family tree would reveal why: Miss Babs Seeds’ genes were now in such a statistically improbable state that it caused her future daughter to be the first naturally born thestral in almost three thousand years.

I believe a humble retro spider bite resulted the miraculous recovery of a long extinct species. A species of which I happen to be a member of, and that I have reason to suspect I was not before the rewrite. While I can’t really complain about the results, nor do anything about them, this has displayed a very disturbing security risk.

What if the spider bite had done the opposite, and caused such a miraculous event to never happen? Or if the treatment had come later, and even more drastic changes had occured? And the worst part, because of the temporal rewrite, T.I.M.E. would likely remain completely unaware of such a tragedy, and be unable to fix it.

And all it would take is one of those stupid spiders biting the wrong pony visiting from the past.

This should be a wake up call to how dangerous the retroactive spiders really are. And why only having some minimum wage shmuck off the street monitoring the spider habitat is not enough. We’re playing with the space-time continuum here with the Princesses’ approval. I think we can afford to hire a single qualified security guard.

Or better yet, why not make the spiders unnecessary, at least in such great quantities? Why not put some of that oh-so-precious budget toward developing a better time machine that doesn’t leak as much raw temporal energy?

I get it: time travel isn’t a profitable industry. The only reason we exist is because of the Princess’s financial support, and we only get so much of it. But I believe informing her of the danger would convince her to increase our funding, not shut us down. Have you guys even meet the mare? She’s as fascinated by time travel as the lab coats. She won’t give up on it just because we discovered some easily avoidable risks.

I expect this matter to be addressed quickly. And to make sure this isn’t blown off until we have a major history changing accident, I’ve taken the liberty of forwarding my research to the Princess. I’m certain you’ll want to make sure that when she likely comes to see the problem for herself, you’ll have actually done something about it. We all remember what she did during the kitten orphanage incident. Best not give her a reason to do something that drastic again.

Thank you for your cooperation. And I’d like to see you fools try and fire me for this.

-Agent Hindsight

Author's Note:

Tah dah! Babs is now the mother of all bat ponies! Can't get much weirder than that while still remaining a perfectly normal pony.

By the way, for those of you who were worried about this being the end of the fic, I assure you that we have not just concluded the climax.

Because next chapter is the start of the climax.

This fic is over two years old, and over 100k words long. This particular story was about the CMC coming to terms with their secrets. There will be about three more chapters after this, then it'll be finished.

That said, I'm not done with this universe yet. Not by a long shot. It's just that most of the ideas I've been having don't really fit into this story, so I'll be writing a spin-off once this one's done.