• Member Since 28th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen May 19th


An old writer polishing his ways, giving feedback, and helping fellow authors. Nothing more.


“Father…” Adagio whispered. “Please spare them?”

The mountainous digits closed down around her. But she did not swim away. She stared back up into those ageless yellow eyes with nothing but fear and respect. Before his fist closed around her, he whispered back.


Now being proofread by the wise and ever-present Idsertian, who's patients for my idiocy transcends history and the world.

Rating changed to "Teen" because reasons.

Inspired by multiple failed ideas in the past.


Chapters (9)
Comments ( 160 )

I'm sorry but... that description? I can only picture that giant lizard's face contorting into something that looks like.... this: i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/007/423/untitle.JPG

please continue...

Oh, yikes. Here's hoping the Humane Six can pull their Rainbow Power out in time to stop Dadzilla. I mean, it's the Rainbow Power. You don't win against that stuff. Probably. I hope.

So... is their father Dagon?

Holy shit! that dad is fucked up. But to his he's helping his kids. If look at at it from his pov he thinks what he is doing is right, and I like that. Keep going!

Hmm, I'm pretty sure humans would win. I think Dadzilla would just end up getting killed after about a day from a single nuke, and even if he tried treating humans like worthwhile opponents, they could just track his enormous heat signature, carbon dioxide output, gravitational distortions, etc. and nuke him as much as they wanted.

Ah, military technology is so much fun...

Excelent! Nice work, i've gust gotten another story for my favorite box! keep it up!

Their father sounds soo scary

One word to there friends, run.

Comment posted by Raistlin deleted Jun 27th, 2015


I think he is Leviathan, the Great Serpent.

6134615 ... do you even unknown level of magic?


Heh, looks like I said something controversial. :trollestia:

Seriously though, human military technology is a work of art. Watching that monster destroy humans with its cartoonish powers and a complete lack of tactics would be like watching someone paint a crappy advertisement over the original Mona Lisa.

Besides, I'm more curious about how the characters would act if that monster lost. It's more fun to watch someone fall because they underestimated their opponents than to watch someone always win even when they don't put in any effort.


Watching that monster destroy humans with its cartoonish powers and a complete lack of tactics

Well uh... we know what humans are capable of. We have no idea what this thing is capable of, and it's from a fictional land where hatred can power living ice ages, and chaos spirits can warp reality with a thought. So just saying

I'm pretty sure humans would win.

is kinda silly. Especially since he knows what he's capable of and, since he clearly knows about humans I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say he also knows what they're capable of.


Knowing what humans are does not equal knowing what we're capable of. For all we know, he could know of humans only through the Sirens. Besides, humans don't even know what humans are capable of: the origin of the Turing machine and its use in war was kept as a national secret for decades.

And that doesn't change the fact that watching magic that works by someone's whim destroy technology with centuries of research behind it feels like watching something sacred get destroyed.


by someone's whim destroy technology with centuries of research behind it

Isn't magic sorta synonymous with science in MLP? So you're saying that someone who'd developed their own -science- on their own, possibly with their own centuries of research behind it, destroying someone else's -science- with centuries of research behind it... is like watching something sacred -sacred! I can't wrap my head around that - being destroyed.

I'm having a really, REALLY hard time wrapping my head around even a single part of that.


Isn't magic sorta synonymous with science in MLP?

Ah, that's the core of our disagreement.

Magic is not synonymous with science. Twilight Sparkle, a mare who's cutie mark is of magic and who represents the element of magic, is terrible at science, as shown in her failure to perform a double blind test and refuting consistent results in Feeling Pinkie Keen. She also assumes things about the elements that aren't true, as shown in Rainbow Rocks, and her friendship reports are unscientific, even though they're reports on her latest assignment on magic. Further, species without sapience, like the wendigos, are able to use magic, which implies that magic is not necessarily something that is taught over generations.

There is work by old magicians like Star Swirl, but it's locked up in a guarded wing of Canterlot's library, even though the research is possibly thousands of years old, and the citizens of Ponyville didn't know about him even though he was supposed to be famous until Twilight came to Ponyville. If anything, there's a lack of communication that would slow science and technology. Still, all unicorns, regardless of education, seem to be able to perform basic spells.

Since everything in Equestria can use magic, I think it would be closer to a fundamental force or something derived from one, like the strong and weak nuclear forces, or electromagnetism.

Plus, MLP really isn't defined well, which is the opposite of science: Rainbow Dash flies far below mach one when looking at the frames, though the writers say she went mach one; shining's shield would only take a small explosion or two before breaking, gravity is inconsistent, spells and talents seem to show up at the exact right moment without any prior explanation, etc.


Magic is not synonymous with science.

It has rules, it follows rules, and those rules can be researched and taught.

Twilight Sparkle, a mare who's cutie mark is of magic and who represents the element of magic, is terrible at science, as shown in her failure to perform a double blind test and refuting consistent results in Feeling Pinkie Keen.

I chalk that up to first-season-itis.

She also assumes things about the elements that aren't true, as shown in Rainbow Rocks

Well pretty much everything about the elements is assumption simply because they're so rarely in action, let's be honest.

and the citizens of Ponyville didn't know about him even though he was supposed to be famous until Twilight came to Ponyville.

A small town doesn't know much about history, especially since much of that history had to survive Discord. Color me unsurprised.

Since everything in Equestria can use magic, I think it would be closer to a fundamental force or something derived from one, like the strong and weak nuclear forces, or electromagnetism.

Then it is scie - you know what, let's just leave the nitpicking semantics where they belong. My headcanon actually is that it's a fundamental interaction.

Plus, MLP really isn't defined well, which is the opposite of science

Back up. 'MLP isn't well defined, therefor magic isn't science'. You see the problem there, right?

Rainbow Dash flies far below mach one when looking at the frames, though the writers say she went mach one

That's an animation error. Like this.

shining's shield would only take a small explosion or two before breaking

And you know that because of how easily the changelings broke it... after he'd been mind-controlled by Chrysalis. You see the problem here too, right?

gravity is inconsistent, spells and talents seem to show up at the exact right moment without any prior explanation, etc.

Hmm if only there were some plausible explana -

, I think it would be closer to a fundamental force or something derived from one, like the strong and weak nuclear forces, or electromagnetism.


It has rules, it follows rules, and those rules can be researched and taught.

Simply stating something does not make it true.

I chalk that up to first-season-itis.

You're still conveniently ignoring facts to support your opinion. In this case, you're ignoring the a fifth of the show, and the part that many people will be introduced to and watch first if they want to catch up.

Well pretty much everything about the elements is assumption simply because they're so rarely in action, let's be honest.

If Twilight was truly studying them scientifically and not using them as weapons, they would be in action a lot more.

The mysterious box in season four was treated much better, with diagrams in Twilight's house showing it wasn't forgotten, but Discord was able to figure out what to do before Twilight did.

A small town doesn't know much about history, especially since much of that history had to survive Discord

Where in the show did it state that Discord came after Star Swirl? I didn't think the timeline was defined that well.

Besides, Twilight knew that history. And No one else knew about a famous historical figure in the entire town? I doubt you'll find many towns on earth where nobody knows the more influential historical figures of their nation.

Then it is scie - you know what, let's just leave the nitpicking semantics where they belong.

This is actually a pretty important distinction. Science is not lightning. Saying that science is equal to lighting would show that you have a very flawed understanding of science.

Back up. 'MLP isn't well defined, therefor magic isn't science'. You see the problem there, right?

That is not what I'm saying or implying at all. I said, "MLP really isn't defined well, which is the opposite of science". That means MLP itself is unscientific, not that magic isn't science. However, you shouldn't expect something unscientific to hold a proper representation of science.

That's an animation error. Like this.

Rainbow Dash flying below mach one is not an animation error. Mach one would be nearly impossible to animate correctly as it would require a lot of careful calculations to keep her at the right speed relative to everything else, which takes more effort than it's worth. And that's just one of the inconsistencies that makes over analyzing the show a wasteful endeavor.

And you know that because of how easily the changelings broke it... after he'd been mind-controlled by Chrysalis. You see the problem here too, right?

I did an analysis of this a while ago. Bombs would be able to destroy his shields even after I accounted for his shield being about a hundred times stronger than it was against the changelings.

Hmm if only there were some plausible explana -

Magic being a fundamental force does not explain away the inconsistencies and lack of buildup to a spell. That'd be like saying the fact that electromagnetism exists explains lightning; using electromagnetism, you'd have to be able to explain what electromagnetism is and derive lightning from it.

What do you know about science and technology?

6137754 6137612
Kay, see, I'm gonna have to stop you riiiiight there. Now, I'm flattered that this concept sparked such a well of differing opinions, but I'd very much appreciate if you two took this in a private chat. When this continues, all will be revealed, and you can go for mythroat at whatever you don't like, savvy?



Okie dokie. :pinkiesmile:

and you can go for mythroat at whatever you don't like, savvy?

Heh heh heh...


Simply stating something does not make it true.

She studied magic for a good portion of her life.

You're still conveniently ignoring facts to support your opinion.

The writers are only human. But okay, conveniently ignoring facts, then I guess Mr. Cyclops is canon.

If Twilight was truly studying them scientifically and not using them as weapons, they would be in action a lot more.

Yes, but she is using them as weapons. Let me try to make an analogy... Okay, let's say you invent the nuke. It's a weapon, but you want to test it out, so you do it on a safe place repeatedly until you firmly and scientifically understand it.

Then the world ends, and ten thousand years later the rebuilding human race stumbles across nukes. They have no idea how they work. All they know is that when they do some things with the control pad, a lot of stuff blows up. They could try to test it out repeatedly in a controlled environment... but they also have no fucking idea how it works, so they decide it's better to use them as a last resort than tinker with them and possibly kill themselves.

Where in the show did it state that Discord came after Star Swirl? I didn't think the timeline was defined that well.

Starswirl predates Clover. Clover predates Equestria. Equestria predates sisters' reign. Discord predates sisters' reign but follows Equestria. Granted you also have Starswirl with Tirek, who comes during the sisters' reign, which really muddles everything. In which case it's safe to say I erred and confused my headcanon with canon. Even so, Equestria completely forgot that one of their rulers at one point tried to end all life on the planet, so there's apparently some... history retention issues there.

And No one else knew about a famous historical figure in the entire town? I doubt you'll find many towns on earth where nobody knows the more influential historical figures of their nation.

So I'm guessing that Twilight educated each and every pony who helped set up the Starswirl fair in S4?

That means MLP itself is unscientific,

Well... duh. It's literature, an art form. That's about as unscientific as you can get.

I did an analysis of this a while ago. Bombs would be able to destroy his shields even after I accounted for his shield being about a hundred times stronger than it was against the changelings.

Where'd you get those numbers?

you'd have to be able to explain what electromagnetism is and derive lightning from it.

Well there's the thing, we don't know enough about magic. We'd have to break the fourth wall and climb into MLP to be able to derive dream-premonitions and cutie marks and whatnot from magic. Either that or have someone on Hasbro release a very, VERY thorough MLP book...

What do you know about science and technology?

Not as much as I'd like, but enough to be going for an Astrophysics degree.

Also we're cluttering this story, so please PM any response.

6137780 D'oh! Posted comment before I saw this.


Dude, Craine doesn't want us arguing in his comment anymore. If you want to continue this, PM me or something.

Edit: ah, nevermind, you got it.

Wow, that's a terrifying concept. Very atmospheric, bro.

Neat fuckin' O.
Continue on, my Author friend.

“Look at me, welp.”

Just gonna point out that the correct term is 'whelp'.

“Father’s coming to visit.”

Lighting and thunder were all too happy to clap.


Oh boy. Their father has something of a storm god in him, doesn't he?

Time to escape to Equestria

6133938 You know... I'm actually tempted to do that now.

6134018 I shall.

6134230 Ohhhohohoho, Wood, Wood, Wood. That would be way too easy. *grins sadistically*

6134318 No.

6134440 Ah-HA! Someone who understands the basics!

6134615 Just read your little comment here, and as much I agree with the military's destructive prowess, I'm also very aware of its drawbacks. And I will enjoy exploiting those drawbacks with everything in me.

6134665 Oh, I will!

6135290 Ah, come on. He ain't so bad! He's just an overprotective, genocidal gargantuan that condemns entire races for the mistakes of a few--my... God that a little over-the-top, huh?

6135696 Hehe... Run... Riiiight.

6135944 Someone get this guy a f**kin medal.

6138248 Hehe, thanks you, my friend.

6139658 *breaths deeply* Yep...

6141363 Oh, you are just delightful. XD

6141598 Believe me when I say I will enjoy the f**k out of the revelations. Probably more than I should,

6141941 Ahaaa! haha. Yeah, about that...

Oh, come on! It's just a giant storm that will kill everyone.

Not like its a big deal or anything.


Oh shit, they need to call Kratos or something

Never mess with dad when he wants to find his kids. Haven't you ever seen Taken?

Holy shit. Sky Eater is terrifying.


Problem is, He is too OP considering his opponents... unless the conflict turns out more "convincing Daddy not to end the World as We Know It..." rather than "Fighting Cthulhu".

Welp, either Sky Eater is only going to kill the human mane six and possibly the whole school, or he's dead. If someone like him is a match for the entirety of humanity, a species that's much better at war than Equestrians or whatever dying worlds he's destroyed, then I won't be able to take this seriously.

Whelp.............they're fucked. Seems like this guy may be on par with Galactus.


If someone like him is a match for the entirety of humanity, a species that's much better at war than Equestrians or whatever dying worlds he's destroyed, then I won't be able to take this seriously.

So... if something is stronger than humans then you can't take them seriously? That sounds just patently ridiculous.


If you think this guy is stronger than humanity, then you don't know much about humanity, or tactics.


Heh. Whoops.

To be fair though, it is a pretty important part of your story.

6170359 I'm well aware of that. I'm also aware of your concerns and why this may seem a tad ridiculous. But aren't you forgetting something, Lust? He traveled to the human world. Through the portal. What do you suppose will happen next?

I'm grinning so hard right now, you've no idea.


Oh yeah...


Might want to spoiler that, by the way.

Oh crap, oh my freaking God they're fighting Galactus(pretty much)


“What are you talking about?” Aria asked.

After a final, unsure look to her friends, each of them with varying degrees of compliance, Sunset faced the former singers and took a breath.

“The statue in front of the scho―”


Looks at feed, "alright a new chapter of this awesome story, I wonder what's going to go down"
.... Reads cliffhanger:ajbemused:

He's double their height?! Well shit... the taller they are the stronger they are. According to DnD that is.

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