• Member Since 6th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago




Everypony knows of Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship and previous star student of Princess Celestia. But do many know that Celestia has taken many students in her years of being a ruler? Before Twilight Sparkle, before Sunset Shimmer, there was a stallion called Moonstone. A devoted student with a drive to learn his magical studies and his studies of the cosmos, he could never be without a good book or be far from his telescope and charts. Though when the time came for the final phase of his studies, the final test, he felt unprepared and departed to study in solitude.

For years he never wrote or spoke a word to Celestia, but finally he has returned, feeling ready for his test. However, he soon discovers that not only has his final test opportunity passed him by, but that somepony else has completed it. The newest princess and his third replacement. Twilight Sparkle. Having nothing else, he concedes to studying the stars in the Canterlot Castle Observatory, his once loved home in the castle. But when Twilight discovers she has a senior in magical studies who might even know more than her, she jumps at the opportunity to potentially be his friend. Moonstone, will hear nothing of it.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 26 )

well.. I like it. I'll be looking forward to the next chapter

I would have to say that you might want to figure out a way to reword the description. It's really long and feels like a wall of text. maybe at least space it out a little more.

Thank you, I fixed it, not sure if it's better or not

Would expect more emotion out of him after finding out about that...
I wanna see him blow up at Twilight, don't know why.

I think it would be nice to have him blow his lid at being bested and just told

"sorry but you can't do that thing you spent years of your life trying to accomplish because a mare much much younger and better then you got to it first"
Because yea. Life sucks sometimes...

Oh come now, you're saying it like a blow up WONT happen. We gotta build up to it irst gentlecolts >:)


Indeed I feel as if he is in extreme shock right now and will take ANYTHING in stride until the full gravity hits him like a sperm whale to the face.

U are quite perceptive dear sir

There are a couple errors, but one sticks out enough to bother me:

As time went on, the Three both agreed that others like Starswirl though rare in number they might be.

A small thing is that "the three both" is incorrect as both refers to two. It seems like there is no need for it, but if there was, it would be "the three all agreed." However, the big thing, what bothers me about it, is it does not actually say what they agree on.

My OC's name is moonstone and he is an earthpony! :rainbowlaugh:
Good story though!
Hope to see more soon.

Apologies I did not know

That was quick chapter upload. I was just looking around on the same page as this story when the page updated to show a new chapter.

really fast paced and that is saying a lot coming from me some one who is renown for being faced paced but still good can't wait for the rest

Yeaaaaah, sorry about that

You, know this fic really brings up a flaw in Celestia's teachings. Celestia teaches her student all about magic, but she constantly leaves out the rather important other half of the equation: namely, magic=friendship and friendship=magic. While it's debatable if Sunset Shimmer would have gone down the path she did if Celestia had dropped the vague BS and told her she might become an alicorn if she made a few bloody friends (her megalomania might have thrown this off even under ideal conditions), Moonstone is an example of being completely screwed over by the lack of knowledge He got the exact same test as Twilight completely failed because he didn't have an impending disaster in the form of Nightmare Moon force him to rely on others and realize "hey friends aren't so bad" and "holy shit having friends powers Rainbow Lasers of Doom!". While I can't say how effective it would be to be told directly to make friends rather than it happen naturally, it sure as hell probably would have helped Moonstone avoid wasting what I'm guessing has been over twenty years of his life if Celestia has gone through both Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle.

Oh, and she still hasn't fucking told him the key to finishing that spell was friendship and having fucking friends, so there's that.

True, but I a;ways think she guides them so they can discover the answers on their own

7072747 That's a perfectly valid point, and normally I'd say this is the better method of teaching. However, keep in mind her other student she didn't tell this-Sunset Shimmer-ran through a portal to another world, enrolled in High School, tormented teenagers, and ultimately stole the Element of Magic to become a power mad demon that probably would have killed thousands if given the opportunity. Moonstone, because he didn't know this vital aspect, wasted as I mentioned a good twenty years of his life at a minimum (or at least a damn big chunk of it) all the while making absolutely no progress on discovering the magic of friendship that Celestia wants him to learn.

There's letting students learn on their own, then there's completely fucking them over with a lack of information. This is a bit like teaching an entire branch of mathematics without any context or teaching the prequisites, or maybe a better example would be teaching English to non-English speakers by showing them Shakespeare or five hundred page doctoral thesis on deep Sea ecology.

Honestly, Twilight was one step away from going insane for one reason or another under Celestia's tutalage and became a princess more due to luck than any involvement on Celestia's part, in my opinion.

Well i guess we're gonna have to wait and see now won't we?

Somepony’s learn

Some ponies learn

Sorry for bugging you but do you know when the next chapter will be out

It'll be a bit
Have things that must be done first

7219545 okay that is fine I get that life comes first. Thanks for letting me know:twilightsmile:

7219545 when is the next chapter?

Not sure yet, I'm working on other things outside of this as well as having to deal with job and life stuff.

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