• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,339 Views, 2,283 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 46

“Well, that was embarrassing.” I chuckled as I entered Luna's quarters with a grin.

“I'm just glad it was Celestia and that it was only kissing.” Luna giggled as she closed the door behind us with her magic, her wing still resting across my back. “Imagine if it had been a maid or... Blueblood?”

I looked at her for a moment before we laughed. “Well, I suppose he would stop being a problem after that because there is no way I see him surviving the shock.”

She stuck her tongue out at me. “Indeed. And it's not like it was even the worst thing my sister walked in on me doing.”

I nodded and looked out through the windows of the balcony doors, the Sun rising quickly. At least things didn't go further than kisses and cuddles.

That had been bad enough when Celestia interrupted us to remind Luna that it was time to lower the moon.

Yeah, that was embarrassing.

Giving Luna a curious look, I stopped. “...Not the worst thing she caught you doing? Now I'm curious.”

Luna grinned playfully. “Wouldn't you like to know~” she teased and poked me with a wing before she shrugged her wings and folded them against her sides. “Well... trying to take over the world for one thing.”

“...Yeah, that would do it I suppose.”

She giggled and then kissed my cheek. “What were you thinking?” she teased playfully.

I gave her a flat look, drawing another giggle before she grinned.

“I should go to bed soon.” Luna sighed. “It's getting a bit late, but we should discuss the wedding first.”


“Wedding...?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

She rolled her eyes and jumped up to lay down on the couch. “Not ours, you silly pony. Cadance and Shining Armor!”



“You don't need to look 'that' relieved,” she teased with a sly grin, patting the couch in front of her.

“Sorry, but you startled me there for a moment,” I admitted as I joined her on the couch, laying down to face her. “So when is this wedding?”

She frowned and tilted her head. “I would have thought you had heard by now.”

“I don't exactly hang around the castle overly much when I'm not with you, you know.”

“...I guess. Anyway, it's planned to take place in about a month and preparations are going to start next week. I was wondering... want to go to it as my date?” She asked quietly. “I know Cadance and Shining Armor plan to invite you anyway.”

“I would love to go as your date,” I answered with a smile. “I don't really care if people talk... and I suspect they will no matter what we do.”

Luna nodded. “'Tia and I have always been at least somewhat discreet about this kind of thing, my sister more than myself. Nopony likes having their private matters discussed by everypony else,” she explained before she smiled and nuzzled me softly.

I nuzzled her cheek in return. “I would hardly mind sneaking around. Could even be fun.”

She grinned at that, “Oh, it can be. But I doubt it's needed. Everypony already 'knows' you and I are together thanks to my sister's little scheme so it'll hardly be a surprise if we show up together. We should just keep anything but soft nuzzles out of the public eye. It's easier for everypony.”

“You are the expert, Luna. I'll follow your lead on this one." I chuckled. "The stars know I dislike attention as it is, I don't want any more of it!”

“Page, I think you might get it no matter what you want,” Luna said softly. “Even with keeping things discreet... well, the 'rumor' will be confirmed. Ponies will talk. There will be journalists.”

I considered that for a moment before I shrugged. “Like I said on Hearth's Warming Eve, Let them talk. You are worth it. But I don't really want to add to it unless I need to.”

That got me another brilliant smile and a small nuzzle. “I should head to bed and get some sleep... and you better get going or we might end up moving a bit faster than you are comfortable with. I know this entire 'not human' thing is difficult for you.”

I nodded and nuzzled back. “I don't care what you are. You are my Luna. That's what matters to me.”

She actually blushed slightly at that and then pulled back. “Even so.”

“Even so,” I agreed and jumped off the couch before winking and giving her a playful bow. “Your Highness, I wish you a pleasant slumber and very nice dreams indeed.”

Luna smiled softly. “I'm sure they will be quite enjoyable,” she promised before she jumped down and hugged me tight.

I hugged back as she whispered into my ear. “Now go, before I ask you to stay.”

Grinning, I dropped back on all fours, giving her a wink before I walked out and the door closed behind me.

Sighing softly, I looked back at the door for a moment. This had been the best night ever.

“Sir!” The right batpony guarding the door exclaimed and saluted me.

I gave him a nod, “Carry on,” and started down the stairs. I knew better than try to salute back, I didn't have a rank and I could just fuck it up anyway.

...Maybe I should ask Swift to teach me so I could at least return salutes properly, especially if they are going to keep doing that.

Hell, I didn't even know what the protocol was here. They guarded my Luna, they deserved my respect, I wanted to do the right thing.

Huh, when did that happen. When did she go from 'Luna' to 'My Luna'?

...Probably around the time I decided to make her dinner for Hearts and Hooves day.

I couldn't quite keep a happy smile off my lips as I exited the castle and trotted towards home.

Best. Night. Ever.

Now I would just have a nap for a couple of hours and then get started with Jedi. It had been sitting in my head long enough, waiting to get out. It was time to start putting it down on the page.

“Sir?” A voice asked and I stopped, seeing a mare in her late teens approaching. Emerald fur with a white mane. “Are you really Blank Page? Could you sign my book?” She asked, looking quite nervous about it.

Eh, fuck it. I'm in the best mood ever.

I nodded and gave her a smile. “Sure thing. Do you have a quill?”

“Sure!" She answered happily and quickly reached to pull one from her bag.