• Member Since 10th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago

The Engineer Pony

Comments ( 4 )

Nice interaction between Twilight and Cheerilee.

Loved it! (My "Thumbs Up" buddon is not working...)

This is a good story. I don't actually like slice of life stories that much, so I wanted to let you know that this one was very enjoyable.

Some of the critisim from the other ponies early on sounded more like critisim from the fandom, but that was about the only bit of the story that broke immersion.

The interaction between Cheerilee and Twilight could have been rather boring, but since you chose to give us Twilight's thought process while keeping Cheerilee's own thoughts hidden, it helped to keep some uncertainty as to how exactly things were going to turn out.

All told this was a nice, self contained, short story.

“What does she do all day in that palace of hers, anyway? Probably just read books and laugh about how she doesn’t need to work like the rest of us.”


“Well if it isn’t the Princess of Superfluousness: the one alicorn who contributes exactly nothing to the wellbeing of Equestria. But I suppose if you’re Celestia’s favorite, it’s fine to be completely useless.”

DAMN, that's cold... it's not even true she had protected Equestria so many times but... damn savage non the less

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