• Published 16th Aug 2015
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Harry Houdini: The Great and Powerful - CrackedInkWell

After another successful show, Trixie makes her way to her apartment during an unscheduled storm in Manehattan. It was during this freak storm that a lighted theater appears with the name of "Houdini" on the sides of the theater.

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Chapter 16: The Milk Can Escape.

The Gryphodrome was said to be the largest theater in Equestria, housing about a thousand seats and covered with a strong, cast iron dome. It was the kind of place where circuses, stunt devils, actors, and magicians performed once their names were noticed by the city. As Trixie entered the enormous stadium-like theater, memories came back to her about her own triumph, gaining her fame and performing in this very place.

She sat on the second of three balconies that overlooked the titanic stage, large enough to house several apartments. Above her were six banners attached to the interior of the domed ceiling. Three of them held the Equestrian National Seal, while the others bared the initials “H. H.”

Looking around, the mare saw that the seats were almost packed as ponies tried to find a place to take their seats. She also took notice of the box seats closest to the stage, draped in blue fabric and bearing the Royal Family Seal. They were surrounded by Solar Guards all standing at attention. They had been standing there ever since the Princess had come early.

Then, at exactly seven, a voice was heard over the loudspeakers. “All rise for Her Majesty, the Diarch of the Sun, the Solar Mother of Equestria, Princess Celestia!”

Everypony in the theater rose as one as a spotlight shined upon the Royal Box, revealing the white alicorn herself. There were applause and wishes of welcome that greeted her as she smiled and waved to her subjects.

“And now, the Gryphodrome theater is proud to present, the Master of Mystery, the Emperor of Escape, the King of Hoocuffs himself! Mares and gentlecolts, please welcome the one and only, the Great Harry Houdini!”

The audience applauded when the lanky human walked out from behind the huge red curtain, wearing the same silk scarlet robe that Trixie saw him perform in several nights ago. Not only that, but the same timepiece was brought on stage as well.

But unlike that night where she first saw him perform, Trixie saw that he was holding a small blue object. She immediately recognized it, knowing that the theater handed the small pins out to performers to help project their voices over the loudspeakers. Such a thing was necessary for a theater as massive as the Gryphodrome.

“Good evening, mares and gentlecolts!” Harry turned to Princess Celestia and took a small bow. “And good evening to you, Your Majesty. I must say, you have no idea how refreshing it is to see someone of a similar size!” The audience and Princess laughed.

“Now then, before we begin…” Houdini slowly walked over to the oversized stopwatch. “Let’s take a moment to talk about the mind. I believe we can all agree that it is such a marvelous thing. With it, we can read, write, create masterpieces, and even dream up impossible ideas that no one else could even think of. It also because of the mind that one can do wondrous and amazing things.

“Everything you are about to see, mares and gentlecolts, commoner and royalty alike, is the extent and potential of the mind’s true capabilities, whether with a horn or lack thereof. For although I may be fifty years of age, do not be fooled by my appearance. I have exercised my own mentality to pull off the impossible, so be prepared to be exhilarated, mystified, and captivated as I push myself beyond the limits of the mind.

“Case in point.” He put his hand on the clock. “I have with me the largest stopwatch in the world. For my first trick, let me pose a question: How long can one hold their breath?” The curtain partly opened, revealing two men carrying a milk can, being careful not to spill the liquid inside. Meanwhile, a woman in a circus costume entered from stage right, taking her place right beside the watch.

Harry walked back to the center of the stage. “This milk can is filled to the brim with water. And if the gentlemen would please turn around, you will see that there are no hidden panels nor a trap door on its bottom.” As he spoke, the men carrying the can did as they were told, turning the milk jug in place before bringing it to Houdini.

“Since we’ve established that it is genuine,” Harry said, disrobing until he was down to a blue swimsuit before stepping into the can, “let’s do a little experiment. On the count of three, I’d like the audience to take a deep breath, and then try to hold it as long as you can. Is everyone ready? One, two, three!” With that, Houdini submerged himself into the tight space of the watery can, while the female assistant pushed a button on the stopwatch to start it.

Like the last time, Trixie saw and heard nearly everypony take a deep breath, trying to hold it while the timepiece echoed through the theater. They all tried to wait for Harry to reappear, but once they noticed that he still wasn’t surfacing, many of them let their breath go.

By a minute and twenty seconds, Harry’s head popped back up. “Pretty difficult isn’t it?” he asked, his hair dripping wet. “And now, before I dive back in, I shall be placed in handcuffs.” His assistants come out with a pair of handcuffs and a large, padlocked lid. “I will also be locked inside with this lid. While I’m inside, I will be concealed by a large circular curtain, and my lovely assistant shall time me.” His assistants started to cuff him. “Now, I should inform the audience that I have an assistant backstage with an ax in the event that something goes wrong. Because let’s face it, there’s always that chance.”

Once he was ready, Harry looked over to the ticking clock. When its arm reached the sixty-second mark, Houdini took a deep breath and dove back in. His assistants quickly placed the lid on top of the can and began locking the padlocks. A large curtain descended from above, and the assistant flipped the card, marking the time.

“One minute,” she declared.

Although Trixie had seen this before, she still had to admit that the trick was a little exciting, as well as dangerous considering the size of the milk can. She noted that it seemed just barely big enough for the human to squeeze into.

“Two minutes,” Trixie noted that similarly to what happened last time, the audience started to get worried. As the seconds ticked on, the sense of dread grew stronger.

“Three minutes.” Even Celestia herself had a look of worry peeking through her normally calm face.

“What’s going on?”

“Is he okay?”

“Four minutes.” The assistant sounded a bit worried herself.

Soon, history repeated itself as a thousand voices rang throughout the theater out of concern for the magician. Even the assistants shared their concern, seemingly looking worried that something had gone wrong.

Suddenly, an assistant came rushing from backstage with a bright red ax. As he raised it above his head, the yellow curtain drew back. There, on top of the can, triumphantly stood none other than Harry Houdini, still dripping wet with his arms crossed and a pair of unlocked cuffs in his hand.

The audience applauded loudly, amazed to see that the locks on the lid were still secured.