• Published 16th Aug 2015
  • 34,802 Views, 1,466 Comments

Twilight's Twinlight - Autum Breeze

After his sudden death on his way to school due to an idiot driver, Ken Williams wakes up to find himself as a strange quadruped with wings and a horn.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Chapter 12


Twilight, Spike, Sunset and I leave the apartment the next morning. Spike slept at the foot of Twilight’s bed last night. It was too adorable and, thanks to this world having phone cameras, I was able to sneak into Sunset’s room and use her phone to take a pic of him.

Come morning, I warned her she’d left her phone unlocked, but make a deal with her that, next time I come to this world, she give me a physical copy of the photo of Spike.

We leave the building, heading for the mall. Pinkie texted Sunset as we were having breakfast to say we’d be meeting up with the others at the mall, namely because we now need to figure out what to do about Sonata.

Upon reaching the mall, it’s to find all the others save our pink friend and her tag along.

“Guess we beat them here,” Spike says, walking by Twilight’s feet as we reach the group.

His words are not missed by the others, Applejack giving us an odd look. “Them? Only one we’re missin’ is Pinkie. What do ya mean them?”

Oh, boy. This ain’t gonna be easy.

“Well, after the four of us left you guys last night,” Sunset starts as we all sit down on two benches that are likely for shoppers that just wanna sit down for a bit, “we found someone outside the apartment building.”

Rarity gives a curious raise of an eyebrow. “Really? Who was it, darling?”

“HI GUYS!” a very cheery voice yells.

We all turn to see Pinkie bouncing through the mall towards us. Following behind her (more like being dragged, really, with how she stumbles with Pinkie pulling her by the hand), is Sonata, who’s dressed in a pallet swap of Pinkie’s normal clothes.

Instead of a bright blue short-sleeve vest over a white shirt, a pink skirt and blue boots that reach up to the knee like Pinkie’s, Sonata is wearing a pink short-sleeve vest over a white shirt, a bright blue skirt and boots the same as Pinkie’s.

I have to say, the look kinda suits her.

The others are all open-jawed as Pinkie reaches us, Sonata, understandably due to her history with these girls, keeping a bit behind the bubbly girl, not meeting any of their eyes.

After several moments, it’s Applejack who breaks the relative silence. “Um, Pinkie Pie? Why exactly did you bring one of the sirens with you today?”

“Yeah!” Dash glares at the blue girl, snorting, causing Sonata to whimper. “She and her pals tried to brainwash the whole school! Why’s she here?”

“Because her fellow sirens kicked her out,” I say defensively.

That gives the other four pause as they look to each other, then back to either Sonata and Pinkie or myself.

“Sonata didn’t give us all the details,” Sunset says, glancing to her before looking back at the girls as I move a little to give Sonata room to sit down next to me, “but she was in tears when we found her and said Adagio had kicked her out.”

“Oh, the poor dear,” Fluttershy says, looking to the siren with a sympathetic expression.

“Seriously?” Applejack asks, an odd mixture of skepticism and anger that doesn’t seem directed at Sonata playing across her features. “Ah thought they were sisters! They just tossed their own kin out int’ the streets t’ fend fer herself?”

“Seems that way,” Twilight nods solemnly as I put an arm around Sonata, who had started to sob quietly, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Man, I knew the sirens were jerks, but that’s a new low,” Rainbow says, punching a fist into her other hand.


The addition of a ninth voice (Twilight and I have an identical voices, so I don’t know whether to count our voices as two different ones in this case), causes us all to turn and see another of the sirens, Aria, standing several feet away, her eyes wide.

Though, it’s not the fact that she’s there that shocks us, but her appearance. She looks a wreck. Her clothes, which are the same ones she was wearing yesterday, look ragged and have tares in several places. Her hair, though still in pigtails like yesterday, looks scruffy, with twigs and leafs here and there inside it. She has dirt patches on her jeans and, from the bags under her eyes, it looks like she didn’t get much sleep last night.

Before any of us can really respond, she rushes forward and pulls Sonata into a tight hugged, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Are you out of your mind, you stupid idiot? What were you thinking, running off like that? You had me so worried when you didn’t come back!”

I look around at the others, all of whom are sharing the same confused expression I know I’m wearing. This just got a bit confusing.

“What do you mean running off?” Dash is the first to speak, her arms folded as she gives Aria a stern look. “Sonata told Twilight, Sunset and Ken that your boss kicked her out.”

Aria pulls back a bit from Sonata to give Dash a mixed look of annoyance and confusion, before blinking and looking down, sighing. “I guess it might’ve seemed like that to you, huh?” she finished, clearly directly it at Sonata herself.

“Okay, Ah think we all need to know just what exactly happened,” Applejack says, folding her arms and looking firmly at Sonata. “Care t’ tell yer side o’ the story?”

Aria doesn’t respond for a moment, before she glances at me, nodding her head a little to the side, indicating for me to move so she can sit with her fellow siren.

I oblige, getting up and moving to lean against a wall facing the side of the bench.

Aria takes the now empty spot, before taking a deep breath. “Well, first off, what exactly did Sonata tell you happened?”

“You all got home, you and Adagio got into a fight, Sonata tried to mention what Sunset had told her before we left and Adagio snapped at her, kicking her out,” I state flatly. Yeah. Still pissed at her for doing that. Next time I see that yellow skinned siren in human form, I’ll be giving her a piece of my mind.

Aria sighs. “Yeah, sounds about right. Aside from the actually kicking Sonata out part, anyway.” She takes a deep breath, before looking around at us. “Okay, so, yeah, she was right about the two of us fighting. I was just so angry that Adagio wouldn’t accept our hunger for energy being gone wasn't bad thing and we got really heated. Adagio tried to argue about how we’re meant to deal with this world now that we’re completely without magic and Sonata interjected, saying how we could ask you,” she looks to Sunset, “about how you managed it, since you didn’t have any magic until after your purple princess came and Adagio screamed at her, saying if she wanted to have help from the enemy, then she could just leave and never come back.”

Man, is Adagio really that hung up on having magic that, despite Sunset only protecting the school, she considers her an enemy? Talk about petty.

“After that, Sonata burst into tears and ran out the door,” Aria continues, a frown forming on her face. “It isn’t the first time Adagio made Sonata cry, but this was the first time I’d ever seen that kind of hurt in her expression.” A sad look come over Aria’s face. “I wondered if we should go get her back, but Adagio said Sonata would be back in a while, “Tail between her legs”, she’d said, so I decided to wait.”

Her expression becomes haunted. “But, when it was past ten and she still wasn’t back, I got worried and, when Adagio didn’t seem to care either way, I headed out myself. I mean, this isn’t Equestria. The three of us have lived in this world for a long time and we know what this world is like and, a sweet, naive girl like Sonata, out on her own in the streets at night?”

She shudders, wrapping her arms around herself.

“I was up searching all night, thoughts of the horrible things that could’ve happened to her running through my mind all the time. I even beat up some jerks who mentioned something that sounded like they’d gotten to her, but they’d just been assholes who were looking for that kind of fun.”

Well, I have to give her props for that. Beating up assholes like that gets her an okay in my book, especially since it was because she was scared for Sonata.

“But, we saw how the two of you treated Sonata back at school,” Dash says, her voice full of skepticism. “You treated her horribly and acted like she was just stupid.”

“We’re sisters, what do you expect?” Aria asks a bit defensively. “Siblings always pick on each other. We...” she looks down, shame entering her eyes, “we were just jerks because we were always hungry for more energy and it meant Sonata got on our nerves more easily, so we took it out on her because she was so naive, half the time she never even noticed.”

There’s silence for several moments, before she looks around at us with determination.

“Sure, she grinds my gears a lot, but she’s still my little sister! I wasn’t just going to abandon her like that!”

The others all look around at each other, before everyone yelps as I slam a fist into the wall I’m leaning against, my lips pulled back into a snarl. “So, if I have it right, you were worried about your sister because you know what this world is like, but your other sister didn’t give a shit about it?!”

“Um... yeah?” Aria answers nervously, Sonata holding onto her.

I growl, before pushing off the wall and turning to face the direction of the mall’s exit. “Show me where you live.”

“Huh?” they all ask, sounding both very confused and a little worried.

“I wanna have a few words with your older sister,” I say, looking at Sonata and Aria over my shoulder.


Adagio walked over to the table in the dining room/kitchen and sat down, placing a bowl of cereal down along with a glass of orange juice. She was still wearing the white shirt and boxers she’d gone to sleep in the night before.

She hadn’t seen any sign of Aria or Sonata this morning. Likely they’d both gotten up before her and left to do whatever. Aria was probably sulking around the mall somewhere and, knowing the ditz Sonata was, she was probably hanging around a pet store or something because of the stupid baby animals.

She had no doubts that the dumbest of the three of them had come back after running off crying. She always came back. It wasn’t like any of them had anywhere else to go anyway.

Those stupid girls from Canterlot High wouldn’t likely help them. They were the enemy, after all and the enemy never help out their opposition and it wasn’t like they’d have much to do wherever they went.

True, centuries of having power over the weak minds of the humans had allowed them to gather a considerable reserve of wealth, which she had managed the use of, so they’d need her to give them something if they’d wanted to do anything in particular that required money, though for the most part they’d just used their voices to get what they want.

It had been her who’d had the forethought to gain so much and hide it away for safe keeping, living simply to as not arouse suspicion from the natives of this world that would need more power than their voices had had to sway them from noticing.

Their home hadn’t been much anyway. A small unit. Three bedrooms, a bathroom, the combined kitchen/dining room/living room. It barely cost anything and didn’t look anything special, but that was the idea. No one questioned three teenage sisters living on their own in a small house like this.

Now, without any magic at all, the money was all they’d have to maintain their lives and she’d be the one managing it. It was both a blessing and a curse no longer having magic to sway the minds of their landlords like they had over the years.

The new landlord had only recently started her job and hadn’t met them yet, but, since there was never an official record of the three living in this unit despite paying the rent, something they’d used their magic to ensure every time it came up, she wouldn’t question how the girls had been living there for so many years yet were still teenagers.

With the accursed fact that they were indeed aging, it wouldn’t ever need to worried about being brought into question again. Not that it was much of a comfort to begin with.

And Aria and Sonata’s attitude towards their immanent deaths was shocking. Were they not afraid of being mortal now?

Why must they be so frustrating? she thought to herself, picking at her cereal. If not for me, they’d have been goners long ago without my planning. And now they’re just fine with everything coming to an end like this?

Her musings were suddenly interrupted by a loud banging on the front door.

She groaned. Only Aria banged on the door like that. She must have forgotten her keys and locked herself out.

She decided to wait several minutes, listening to the pounding on the door growing louder and more insistent.

Serves her right, she thought with a small smirk.

After several minutes, she decided she’d waited long enough.

“Alright, alright, I hear you,” she called out lazily, getting up and slowly making her way to the door and unlocking it. “Forget your keys again, Ar—?”

She cut herself off upon seeing who was standing on the other side of the door.

It was not Aria nor Sonata. Instead, it was the girl who looked like that pony princess save the odd hairstyle, yet claimed she wasn’t her.

And now, she could confirm that, for, standing a bit away from said girl, she could see another girl who matched the one from back at Canterlot High perfectly, along with the rest of The Rainbooms and Sonata and Aria.

However, her brain didn’t bother to take much time to register that as she was more occupied by the death glare being given by the purple girl standing in her door way.

Before Adagio knew what was happening, the girl pulled her arm back, before slamming a fist into the siren’s jaw.

She stumbled backward, before the girl came back at her, this time lunging, pushing Adagio to the ground, the look of rage never faltering.

Adagio tried to fight back, but it was like this girl had inhuman strength as they rolled across the floor, Adagio taking punch after punch to either the face, chest or stomach.

Righting themselves, the girl grabbed her by the neck of her shirt, before slamming Adagio against the wall.

They then stood for several long moments, the girl still glaring a look of death to her, while Adagio glared back, but wincing in pain from all the hits she’d taken.

“You left your youngest sister out in the world on her own?” the girl asked suddenly, her voice dripping with rage. “You’ve lived in this world for centuries, thus knowing full well what could happen to a defenceless girl like Sonata, yet you just left her out there? You didn’t even think of going to look for her?!”

Adagio blinked, confused. Why did she care what happened to Sonata, she wasn’t a siren. What was she anyway? Was she this world’s version of that pony princess?

“She could’ve died, you heartless hag!” the girl screamed, spit flying from her mouth and hitting Adagio in the face. “She could’ve been robbed, or kidnapped or raped or even murdered! Don’t you even care about your own sister’s well being?!”

Adagio growled, lifting her hands up, trying to pry her attacker’s grip. “She’d be fine. She’d just have to use her voice and—”

Adagio cut herself off, her eyes widening.

Wait. Sonata couldn’t have used her voice to escape anything. They didn’t have them anymore.

She’d not been worrying about it, thinking Sonata would be alright if anything had happened and would come right back, but... she’d forgotten that the naive girl wouldn’t be able to use their magic to escape anything because none of them had any magic.

She slumped against the wall, not seeming to notice her captor had let go.

She... she’d been so angry about everything, about losing her own magic that... she’d never once considered what could really happen to her youngest sister, out on her own, who also had no magic.

She’d watched Sonata run off last night, certain she’d come back, but... what if she had run into something? If she had, despite herself not worrying about it at the time, Sonata wouldn’t have been able to protect herself.

Without their magic, they were just regular teenage human girls and she’d let Sonata go off all on her own at night and just gone to bed without a care what happened, because she’d assumed Sonata would be alright.

“I... I didn’t...”

Feelings she’d ignored for years, aside by her hunger always taking precedence, suddenly returned to the surface. She’d let her sister, her baby sister run off own her own in this world where, unlike in Equestria, crime was a very real thing and, had Sonata run into anything...

Her skin palled, suddenly envisioning her turning on the news and hearing about a murder and seeing Sonata’s face appear on the screen.

She felt like she was going to be sick.


I watch the yellow skinned human as she slumps to the floor, wrapping her arms around herself, her eyes wide with horror.

Walking back out, I nod to the others.

Sonata and Aria thank us for everything and say they’ll be in touch, before heading inside, closing the door behind them to ensure their family meeting was private.

“Family means a lot to ya, don’ it, Ken?” Applejack asks after several moments of us jsut standing around.

I clench and unclench my fists, still trying to get rid of the excess anger still flowing through me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, before looking to the farm girl. “More than you know.”

“So... what do we do now?” Dash asks, looking around at our group, that the sirens’ unit. “Should we wait out here t’ find out what happens or...?”

Sunset shakes her head. “Let’s just go hang out at Sugar Cube Corner for now. Sonata’s still got my number. If she wants to contact us, she will.”

We all agree and head of to the human world version of Pinkie Pie’s home back in Equestria.

We hang out at the place for a while, the others attempting to get our minds off of the sirens. Twilight and Sunset talk about magic, while Rainbow and the others discuss a few more things about those Friendship Games and Crystal Prep.

Seems Cadance isn’t the head honcho there like I’d originally thought yesterday when Dash mentioned the school. It’s run by a woman called Abacus Cinch and, from the way they each talk about her, it’s clear they don’t have positive opinions of her. Sure hope her pony counterpart is more enjoyable to be around.

At around 3pm we decide to call it a day, returning to Canterlot High so Twilight, Spike and I can use the portal to go back to Equestria.

We promise to come back soon, myself particularly looking forward to my next visit and pass on through the portal.

Time to return to my pony life.

“So, any idea for what we can do next?” I ask, stretching as I get used to being on all fours again. Strangely, it feels the tiniest bit easier to me than being in a human body again was.

“Well,” Twilight says, smiling at me. “I was thinking maybe you could try getting a little more involved in the official things around Ponyville.”

I cock an eyebrow. “Like what? In case you’ve forgotten, Twilight, that isn’t exactly my forte.”

She just keeps smiling. “Well, it’s not much, but I thought, maybe, you could help a little with the school. Just a few things here and there, ya know?”

I sigh. Knowing Twilihgt, she’ll bug me about at least giving it a try until I cave. So, may as well cut out the middle mare and get it over with.

We spend a few minutes going over some things and I decide to sit in on a meeting the Ponyville School Board will be having in a few days, once the students have elected their Student Pony President.

Yes, they call them Student Pony President. I can’t help feeling that seems a teeny bit racist. What if a griffon or donkey were attending school in Ponyville? Would they not be allowed to run just because they’re not a pony?

Guess that gives me something to bring up at the meeting, at least. Plus, I’ll get a chance to meet pony Spoiled Rich and pony Cinch, since apparently they’re both on the school board here in Equestria. Just hope Cinch is better company than her human counterpart apparently is.

I can’t wait to speak with Mrs Rich though. With her human self being so kind a mother and her father in this world being so kind, I’m guessing our Diamond has a better family life than her human self did. Guess having too kind parents left her feeling entitled though, from what I remember of my last encounter with the filly.

Author's Note:

And here's the final installment in Ken's first visit to the EQG world. Hope it isn't too underwhelming. Wanted to do more with the fist fight between Ken and Adagio, but i kinda didn't really feel much else, sadly.

as for what will happen with the sirens, Ken will learn later on. Spoiler: Like we don't see them in the other movies, they won't actually be appearing again in this fic.

Next chapter i finally get to write in something i've been wanting to for ages. Remember that spell Twilight uses to expose Svengallop? Let's just say Spoiled should've thought better than to verbally abuse three minors so openly.

Hope you enjoyed this and, no, this won't be the end of Ken's visits to the EQG world.

anyway, that's all for now. til next time, later everypony