• Published 18th Jun 2019
  • 1,446 Views, 25 Comments

5C0074100 - Nephilinae

A threat once again looms over Equestria, but it doesn't come from the past, it comes from beyond the stars.

  • ...


(Probe Status:Deactivated)
(Boot up Sequence Initiated)
(Probe activating)
(Post Start up Procedure activating)
Operating System: Green
Probe.exe: Green
Structural Integrity: Green
Tcyon sensors: Green
Hyperlight Communication systems: Green)
(All systems normal)
(Initiating communications with nearest post)
(Communications recieved: Outpost 271538)
(Scanning local star system)
(Scan complete)
Star: G
Planets: 10
Gas giants: 4
Habitable: 6
(Alert! Bioactive planet found! Initiating Deep Scan!)
(Deep Scanning Bioactive planet)
(Scan complete)
Size: 28
Classification: Gaia
Flora: Abundant
Fauna: Abundant)
(Alert! One or more Sapient species detected! Initiating Prime Directive!)
Society: Pre industrial)
(Initiating Passive Observation Protocols)
(Reporting findings…)
(Communications received from: Outpost 271538)
(Unpacking data packet…)
(New Course set)
(Entering bio active planet orbit)
(Orbit: high stable)
([̵̀͠͝Ŗ̵̧̀̀Ę̵̴̕͟D̵̡́͡Á̢͘͢C̷̢̀͜T͏̷̷̴E҉͏͝Ḑ͢͝]̷̨̛͞ scan initiating)
(Alert! [̴͘͏R̶̢̢͟҉E̷͘D̛̀͟͝͞A̶̷̡̧͟C̷̴̨̛͟T̨͘È̵͘͝D̀]̴̷͘ presence not found!)
(Reporting findings…)
(Communications received from: Outpost 271538)
(Unpacking data packet…)
(Alert! Initiating active infiltration!)
(Prime Directive compromised!)
(Initiating communication with nearest outpost)
(Continue? Y/N)
(Communications received from: Outpost 271538)
(Unpacking data packet)
(Nanite hive deploying into atmosphere)
(Communicating with Hive node…)
(Planet-fall confirmed)
(Sapient native found)
(Initiating assimilation)


Scootaloo was not well.

Her stomach howled like a timberwolf.

She couldn’t feel her hooves or ears

Wet snowflakes drifted gently down through Ponyville’s street lamps. Any that landed on the small pegasus’ old thin winter jacket melted almost instantly and froze to her orange coat beneath.

Forelimbs folded around her chest, she shivered. Tonight was going to be rough. The snowflakes, were getting larger, and more numerous by the hour. A wild snowstorm from the Everfree was coming.

Scootaloo once again tried to get deeper into her wooden crate of a home. But the holey milk crate did little to stop the snow, much less wind. She briefly considered finding a new box, but then remembered what a hassle THIS box was to get in the surprisingly clean Ponyville streets.

And she was so tired.

Her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. Scootaloo knew she mustn’t fall asleep, but the cold kept lapping away at her strength to stay awake.

Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to fall asleep? Bears and animals fell asleep all the time in the snow! She reasoned. Heck, with a proper night's sleep she might do well on tomorrow's test even!

Slowly, Scootaloo fell closer and closer to the ground, her limbs and joints not wanting to hold as much as they did the minute before. And finally with a sigh, her eyelids closed, and did not flutter back open.

The wind whistled.

Snow fell.

The night leeched any warmth away.

Her right leg felt a pinch.


Scootaloo grunted at the nearby voice. Willing it to go away so she could rest.

Central nervous system found

“G’ ‘way…” Scootaloo droned.

Scanning organic systems.

Scootaloo folded her ears in the hope she could block the noise.

Diagnostics: Suffering from severe hypothermia and is on verge of total organ failure.

Scootaloo huffed. Nothing would drown out the voice.

“What’v’r g’ ‘way.” She grunted loudly.

Scanning memories.

“F’g ‘ff”

I can help you.

Scootaloo did a halfhearted turn, but an ear perked.

I can feed you and keep you warm. Never again will you be alone or hungry.

“Wh’t’s th’ catch?” She mumbled.

The only caveat is we need you to explore.

“... Wut?”

All I need is an affirmative.

Scootaloo sank even lower. Well, Sweetie, Bloom and herself went exploring all the time, what harm could doing it for someone do?

“Sure f’ne. Aff’rmatiff.” She slurred.

Rewiring central nervous system

And suddenly, all Scootaloo felt was pain.

Not the pain like she did when she had to pull a nail out of her frog, but pain like everything she was was ON FIRE. She wanted to scream, and lash out at whoever did this. But nothing happened.

Central nervous system reworked.
Constructing Fusion Reactor.

The fire in Scootaloo’s head slowly died. Suddenly able to move again, she stumbled drunkenly out of the crate.

“Wh’r’ ‘r’ ‘’u?” She mumbled, searching for her attacker.

Fusion Reactor complete.

And suddenly Scootaloo felt warmth. The warmth of a sunny summer day, flow from her chest through all of her limbs. Her head now hurting a little more than a headache, and no longer did she feel winter’s dead chill, Scootaloo began to think clearly.

“Where are you?!” She exclaimed, searching the alley she made her nest.

Constructing Nanite Hive

“Hive?! What hive?!” Scootaloo squeaked, suddenly fearful of changelings.

Nanite Hive complete.
Constructing Matter Replicator.

Scootaloo had had enough. Whoever, whatever was talking and just saying the weirdest of things could have the alley and milk crate, she ran like a bat out of Tartarus.

Matter Replicator complete.
Synthesizing organic matter for repairs and nutrition.

And suddenly all pangs of hunger Scootaloo felt were gone. She kept running past lampposts and houses however. But the voice never changed in intensity or volume.

Alert! Stressful activities may have adverse effects on new implants!

“Shut up shut up shut up!” Scootaloo screamed, now outside Ponyville proper.

Stress levels reaching critical levels! Forcing neural shutdown!

“Wha-“ Scootaloo started, before everything went dark.