• Member Since 17th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


I'm 40% jokes, 30% serious, and 20% romance. The Last 10%? You tell me. Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/overlord_flinx



Spoilers for the ending of "Friendship Games".

Facing down a girl twisted by magic and her own ambition sparked Sunset Shimmer to summon the Elements of Harmony. The very same Elements of Harmony that stopped a girl twisted by magic and her own ambition not long ago.

It was harmony that beat her once, and harmony that filled her mind yet again.

Featured 9/29/2015

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 67 )

....I'm not sure what exactly happened, but it felt nice. I hope this story continues!

Hrm. Decent little expansion.

From the sound of it, that was the power of Harmony helping Sunset be at peace with herself so she could wield its power properly.

If that's the case...I want to meet the Avatar of Harmony. They'd be fun to hang out with if they act like that.

6472912 More on that another time. Hah-hah.

Ooh, interesting piece.

This was certainly an interesting story

Listening to Charming Magician while reading this.

A nice scene, and a lovely expansion to the fulfillment of Sunset's character arc. I like the magic's teasing tone as it nudges Sunset towards enlightenment.

Interesting but... I don't get it.

6472912 They sound suspiciously like Celestia getting her troll on. :trollestia:

She was there the last time somepony went into an Aethereal plane and came out with a brand new pair of wings anyway.

6473821 I heard Tara Strong's voice that was in between Bubbles and normal Twilight Sparkle. Something similar to Pink Raven on Teen Titans,

Also, Overlord? You misspelled Dictionary as dictinary when Harmony was jokingly chastising Sunset for using "need" so often.

Nice story. Though I wonder who the voice was... :trixieshiftright:

It's a little short, don't you think? But then again, this does occur within the timeframe of a second. This was a nice story, but I don't know of I like Harmony that much here.


I found this story pretty okay, but I didn't find myself blown away by it. But I suppose that's very difficult to do with a premise like this.

Nonetheless, have a thumbs up~

Harmony has a sense of humor. That Pinkie's shining through pretty well.

6474719 Yay! I caught on to something!

much as I tend to loathe all things Equestria girls as it effectively turns adult pony Twilight into a cross species pedophile, I have to say I like this story

though I can't say as I hear a voice in the background of the time stop singing "it's time for you to fulfill your destiny."

Spoilers for the ending of "Friendship Games".

That is not how spoiler tags work. :ajbemused:

Word of advice: If you're going to warn us beforehand about spoilers for the ending of Friendship Games, don't have a thumbnail that contains spoilers for the ending of Friendship Games

6475678 Accept the tag or not. Most people didn't warn anyone.

But still, wonderful advice.

Congrats on the feature

6475702 so does this mean sunset's element is friendship?? I had a fellimg while watching the movie but this kinda proves it:pinkiehappy:

6476660 Uh how? There are only, 6 elements of harmony and one could argue that the element of magic, is the element of friendship.

6476707 who said there can't be more than six like for example go back to season 4 remember the tree it had sunset's yin and yang symbol along with the other elements. Also season five Twilight castle has seven chairs meaning there are or will be seven elements in the future . I have a feeling Sunset is the element of friendship . :pinkiehappy:

6476719 first thing with there only being six elements we saw only six in the times when Celestia and Luna used them if there was seven elements of harmony it would have been with the other elements of harmony in the tree of harmony. And the seventh throne is for Spike as it is stated by I believe Rarity at the end of season 4. Another fact being that Twilight is the princess of friendship stated by the show once again.

6476719 oh and Sunsets cutie mark doesn't appear on the tree of harmony Celestia and Luna's does and maybe Twilights but not Sunset's

6476744 Huh ? I guess my facts were wrong then so what is Sunset's role any way if she isn't a element of harmony??

6476781 She's basically the Twilight of the human world she might make a cameo in the book or in a season finale but besides just helping out in the human world and leading the Maine six there and not being an alicorn nothing really

6476781 She's a plot device for whatever the story wants her to be.

6476739 The seventh element is Love, which is wielded by Cadance. Did you not know or did you forget her?

6474987 You're a spoiler tag

6473774 I read your comment as though Sunset Shimmer was Buddha or something, with the whole 'enlightenment' thing.

6472912 I'm pretty sure the Avatar of Harmony would come bearing the powers of Air, Water, Earth and Fire, and have two kids from the Water Tribe accompanying him everywhere he went, and later on have a shitty live-action movie made of him.

6472835 I don't know what happened, but then again I've yet to read the story so...

A lot of comments I'm making here, aren't I? But I like to talk.

6477769 Yeah, I know you do.

6477762 Oh, hey there, UniqueSKD, you handsome devil you!

6477762 how does Cadance weild an element of harmony? And where is your proof of this?

6477686 oh really? Then Would you mind telling me what I'm wrong about?

6477796 uh you do know that the card games description is not canon right? And once the Elements of harmony can not work unless they are all there and since Cadance wasn't sround during the time of discord and NMM the elements of harmony wouldn't have worked and we didn't see its gem place on its tree since the elements of harmony came from the tree of harmony we'd have to see its place on the tree of harmony

6477686 i just want her in the main series if they did put her in there then the writters will actually have more to write if they added Sunset Shimmer to the main cast. That way we will see more of her character development and probably more about herself to at least thats what I want to happen in season six with a mew alicorn Primcess and all hint hint:twilightsheepish:

6477816 Stop! I don't care about your ridiculousness! Take it somewhere else, you are just poisoning the comment section here. No one cares what silly nonsense you want to say here. Put it in a story for all I care; just stop.

6477816 Uh you do know I don't give a damn, right? Anyways, does it matter if Luna likes salad sandwiches or not? What did you even start this debate for anyway, it's not even related to the story, you ninny!

6478174 Who are you?

Oh, you're the author...


6478299 I said stop. Please, no more comments.

6478298 I started it because there is no seventh element of harmony there never has Been and you were the one who started it with me unless you are referring to the one I had with daybreak and that's because I was curious ith how he/she thought that there was seven elements of harmony

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