• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 2,052 Views, 47 Comments

Blazing Passion - CosmicAlchemist24

Following there failure against the Rainbooms, Aria Blaze goes off on her own to blow of steam, while doing so she meets someone who in her opinion might not be The Worst.

  • ...

Welcome to CHS


Artemis slowly opened his eyes to the sound of his alarm clock and let out a yawn.

“Good morning world and all who inhabit it!” He said in a cheerful tone. He then got out of bed and headed for the bathroom only to find that it occupied.

“You almost done in there Shortstack?” Artemis asked knocking on the door.

“Almost give me a few more minutes. Artemis knew that when his sister said a few minutes she meant a few hours, so he decided to use the bathroom downstairs. When he made it downstairs, he saw his mom sitting in the living room reading book.

“Morning mom.” He said. Selene looked up and smiled at her son.

“Morning sweetie, your sister hogging the bathroom upstairs?” She asked.

“Are you shocked?” Artemis asked.

“Nope, she took more after me than her father.” Selene said with a proud smile. Artemis just rolled his eyes.

“You two are impossible.” He said.

“Deal with it.” His mother said before going back to her book. Artemis shook his head and proceeded to the bathroom. After about 20 minutes, the young came out of the bathroom and headed for his room to get dressed.

“I better make a good first impression.” Artemis said taking out some clothes from his closet. The boy quickly got dressed and looked in the mirror. He was wearing a black hoodie with blue flames on the arms with a crescent moon on the back, a pair of gray pants and a pair of black boots.

“Looking good buddy.” He said before heading back downstairs for breakfast. He then saw his mom grabbing her purse and her jacket. “Not cooking this morning mom?” Artemis asked.

“Sorry sweetie, have to head to the Concert Hall with my manager. The owner wants me to play a piece for an upcoming event and he’d like to discuss the arrangements.” Selene said.

“That’s great, What kind of event is it?” Artemis asked.

“I’m not sure, but I’m going to find out. Can you feed your sister?” Selene asked. Artemis thought for a moment and smiled at his mom.

“Oh I can handle that.” He said.Selene smiled back and walked towards the door.

“Don’t kill your sister, See you later.” She said before walking out the front door.

“See ya.” Artemis said waving. He then called out to his sister.

“Come on Shortstack, it breakfast time!” He said.

“Coming!” She said before running down the stairs.

“What's for breakfast?” She asked. She then saw her brother walking into the kitchen and grabbing a few eggs from the fridge.

“Where’s mom?” She asked.

“Mom had to leave early and asked me to handle breakfast.” Artemis said. Diana nodded and walked over to the dining room table.

“Sweet, can I get two pop-tarts?” She asked.

“Diana, those things are 90% sugar.” Artemis said.

“Oooooh, do we have anything 100%?” She asked excitingly.

“We’re having pancakes Shortstack, you want blueberry, strawberry or banana?” The boy asked.

“Why not all three?” Diana asked.

“Just pick one.” Artemis said shaking his head.

“Fine, Banana.” Diana said with a pout.

“Oh don't be like that, you’re getting most of them anyway.” Artemis said cracking an egg. Diana raised an eyebrow at this.

“Why?” She asked. “I’m making room for lunch, I hear the food at Canterlot High is incredible.” Artemis said. Diana gave her brother a deadpanned look.

“Is food all you think about?” She asked.

“Coming from the girl who ate most of the cheeseburgers last night.” Artemis said with a smirk. Diana crossed her arms and pouted.

“No comment.”

After Artemis and Diana ate their breakfast, they both grabbed their bookbags and headed out for school.

“You think this place will be anything like our school back in Manehattan and did you have to bring you Violin with you?” Diana asked.

“Nah, I think it will be better. I don’t know why, but I feel this place will be good for us and my sweetheart goes wherever I go.” Artemis said with a hugging his violin case.

“Yeah, you maybe right and you’re a weirdo.” Diana said smiling back. Artemis just rolled his eyes.

“You don’t have to worry little lady, Canterlot High is the bestest school ever.”

“See Shortstack, even this girl agrees with me.” Artemis said. The siblings walked in silence for a bit before noticing something. They both turned to see a girl with pink poofy hair walking next to them. The girl noticed that they were staring at her and she began smiling and waving.

“Hello.” She said. Artemis and Diana looked at one another and then back to the girl.

“Umm….hi, can we help you miss?” Artemis said.

“Yes you can!” The girl then pulled out a small notepad and a pen.

“What are both of your favorite desserts?” She asked. Artemis and Diana were confused by the question, but answered anyway.

“Red velvet cake.” Artemis said.

“Snickerdoodles.” Diana said. The girls wrote down what they said and put the pen and notepad in her...hair.

“Awesome, I’ll see you two later.” She said before skipping away. The siblings watched her leave and they were very confused.

“That was-” “Yeah it was.” Artemis said cutting his sister off. The two just shrugged their shoulders and continued on to school. After about 10 minutes they reached Canterlot High and they stared at the huge building.

“Well, here we are.” Diana said with a smile.

“Alright this is going to be great.” Artemis said.

“Ok, we’re supposed to go and meet my guide at the lobby, Shall we?” He asked.

“Allons-y!” Diana said as she began walking.

“Hey, that’s my line.” Artemis said following his sister. Once they got in side they saw a group of students (5 boys and one girl about Diana’s age) were waiting on a bench or on a wall for something.

“Excuse us, are you all waiting for the tour guide as well?” Artemis asked. A boy in a red biker jacket walked up to Artemis and smiled.

“Yup, I’m guessing you’re new here too?” The boy asked. Before Artemis could answer, a boy with slicked back, black hair and bandages around his arms spoke up first.

“He wouldn’t be asking he wasn’t.” The boy said. The boy in the biker jacket rolled his eyes and turned back to Artemis.

“Ignore him, Daemon’s the name.” He said extending his left arm. Artemis smiled back at Daemon and grabbed shook his hand.

“Artemis, to meet-” Before Artemis could finish Daemon’'s hand suddenly fell off with Artemi still gripping it. There was a few seconds of silence before Diana spoke up.

“Oh no Artemis, his and came off. What should we do?” She said in a bored tone. Artemis just kept staring at the severed with a neutral expression on his face.

“Nice hand, well made too.” He said handing the severed limb back to Daemon who was both shocked and disappointed.

“Oh come on, that’s not what I wanted.” Daemon said in disappointment. The other students began to snicker at the boys failed prank.

“Nice one kid, he got all of us with that trick earlier.” The boy with sunglasses said.

“I have a cousin with a prosthetic arm, she pulled the same prank on me when we were kids.” Artemis explained.

“Well at least someone here has a brain around here.” A boy with green skin said with his arms crossed. The boy with the slicked back, black hair then walked up to Artemis.

“Name’s Straight Edge, nice to meet you and ignore the grump.” He said.

“HEY!” The green skinned boy yelled.

“Treble Mix is my name, good to see you again Arrow.” The boy in the sunglasses said. Artemis raised an eyebrow at this.

“Um, do I know you?” He asked.

“Well, yes and no. You’ve met me before, but that was before you were rebooted.” Treble said. Everyone looked at Treble as if he’d lost his mind.

“What are you-” “Just don’t man, he’s been spouting that nonsense ever since we showed up. It’s better not to question it, I’m Zero Gravity by the way.” The boy with gray skin and black hair said. “And this little bundle of joy next to me is my sister, Solar Wind.” Zero said ruffling his little sister’s hair.

“Unless you want a prosthetic arm too bro, you’ll leave my hair alone.” Solar said in a calm tone. Zero quickly removed his hand from his sister’s hand and put it in his pocket. Diana smiled at the girl.

“I like her.” She said. Solar smiled back at Diana and Artemis smiled too.

“And what about you?” Artemis said looking at the boy with green skin.

“Jon Warhawk, but just Warhawk is fine.” The boy said. Artemis could tell the boy wasn’t very social, but he could tell he was a good person.

“Guess it’s time for a proper introduction, I’m Artemis Arrow and this is my sister.” Artemis said gesturing to his sister.

“Diana Arrow, pleasure to meet you all.” Diana said with a slight bow. Solar giggled a bit.

“Aww, such manners.” She said. Diana giggled as well.

“Believe me she’d not as sweet as she lets on.” Artemis said but getting smacked in the head by his sister.

“I deserved that.” Artemis said rubbing the back of his head.

“You bet you did.” Diana said with a victorious smile. Everyone began laughing after that, even Warhawk chuckled a bit at the siblings antics.

“Excuse me.’ Everyone turned to see a girl with light amber skin, hair that looked like fire and cyan eyes.

“Are you the students that I’m supposed to to be showing around?” She asked. Artemis smiled and stepped forward.

“We are!” He said.

“Great, Welcome to Canterlot High. I’m Sunset Shimmer and I’ll be your Guide today.” The girl said with a smile.

Sunset had shown the group most of the school in about 10 minutes and both Artemis and Diana were liking it.

“This school is awesome.” Diana whispered to her brother.

“I know, I can’t wait to see the music room.” Artemis said in an excited tone.

“Alright, that's the end of out tour. Anyone have any questions before we finish up?” Sunset asked. Artemis quickly raised his hand.

“Yes Artemis.”

“Just one: do you have anyone named Alonzo in this school?” He asked. Everyone but Diana looked at Artemis in confusion.

“I don't think so, is that important?” Sunset asked.

“Eh, not really.” Artemis said shrugging his shoulders.

“Alright then, you all have your schedules and your locker numbers. Again welcome to CHS, I hope you all have a great year.” Sunset said with a smile.


“Class time, You all have a good day.” Sunset said before running off to her class.

“WE'RE FREE!” Treble Cheered.

“Did you have to yell in my ear dumbass?’ Warhawk said covering his ears and walking off.

“I’m with Warhawk man, you need to chill.” Straight said.

“I have no chill, ask the authors.” Treble said. Everyone just shook their heads.

“Well it was nice meeting all of you, hope to see you all later.” Straight said walking away.

“Same here, later people.” Zero said as he and his sister walked away as well. Soon everyone was walking off in different directions and Artemis and Diana were the only ones left.

“Did you have to ask if there was an Alonzo here?” Diana said.

“I had too, you know great it would be if we met someone called Alonzo then I could said Allons-y Alonzo every time.” Artemis said. Diana just gave her brother a deadpan stare.

“You are a weird person.” She said.

“Coming from the girl who dreams of being the captain of a pirate ship.” Artemis said with a smirk.

“I haven’t had that dream since I was five….but it will happen someday.” Diana said looking away. Artemis rolled his eyes and chuckled.

“Whatever you say sis. We better get to class, you behave yourself ok Shortstack.” Artemis said ruffling his sisters hair.

“Oh come on Arty, you should know me by now.” Diana said in an innocent tone. Artemis then flicked his sister in the forehead.

“Behave.” He said.

“Ok killjoy, I’ll behave.” She said rubbing her forehead.

“Good, i’ll see you later.” Artemis said.

“Later.” Diana said going off in another direction. Once his sister was out of sight, Artemis continued on to his class.

“Ok time to start my day.” He said in a cheerful tone. Just as he was about to turn the corner, a girl with arctic blue white skin and cerulean colored hair with persian blue highlights tied in a ponytail ran past him with tears in her eyes.

“Hey, are you alright?” Artemis’s question wasn’t answered as the girl kept running down the hallway. Artemis was tempted to follow the girl, but he needed to get to class.

“If I see her later, I’ll ask her why she was crying.” He said continuing on to his class. After a few minutes, Artemis found his homeroom class and walked in. Upon entering, he saw a lady with pale yellow skin, raspberry hair and chartreuse colored eyes smiling at him.

“Hello, Artemis Arrow I presume?” She asked.

“Yup that’s me.” Artemis said smiling back at the lady.

“Pleasure to meet you dear, I’m Ms.Roseluck.” She said holding out her hand.

“The pleasure is mine Ma’am.” Artemis said grabbing her hand and shaking it.

“Please no Ma’am, makes me feel old. You can have a seat wherever you’d like and I’ll give you a list of what you need after class.” She said.

“Thank you.” With that Artemis looked around for a seat and saw a boy with light blue skin and dark blue hair sitting alone reading a comic book.

“Hey you mind?” He asked. The boy looked up at Artemis and smiled.

“No not at all, you new?” He asked.

“Am I that obvious?” Artemis asked sitting down.

“Little bit, you got that whole ‘I hope I don’t make a complete fool of myself’ face.” The boy said with a chuckle.

“That bad huh?” Artemis asked.

“Yea, Swift Justice.” The boy said.

“Artemis Arrow.” Artemis replied.

“Sweet name, not as cool as mine, but still cool.” Swift said. Artemis chuckled at the boy’s statement.

I was right, this place is going to be great.”

“I’m going to kill whoever wrote this.” Aria said crumpling up a piece of paper and throwing it on the ground. Adagio picked it game up and put in her pocket.

“I know your mad Aria, but-” “MAD! Try border lined pissed! I may treat Sonata all that well, but this, THIS is taking things too far!” Aria said before punching a locker. Adagio flinched a bit and put a hand on her sisters shoulder.

“Calm down, I’m not happy about this either but going on a rampage isn’t going to do anything.” She said. Aria was bit shocked at how Adagio was acting, but she was still to angry o care all that much.

“Whatever, I’ll see you later.” She said walking off. Adagio watched her sister leave and she sighed.

“This is all my fault.” She said. Aria continued walking through the hallway in a fit of rage.

I can’t believe some insensitive, heartless, bastard would write something like that. I swear when I get my hands on them I’ll-” “So you’re saying that your this school has been attacked twice, once by a girl who turned into a demon and just recently by three sirens.” Aria looked ahead and saw the boy she punched yesterday and another boy walking towards her.

“It’s true man, the demon girl is actually a really nice girl now and the three sirens….Uh well they-oh” Swift said as in a worried tone. Artemis raised an eyebrow.

“Hey Swift, you ok?” He asked. Swift didn’t answer, he just began to sweat. Artemis then looked to where Swift was looking and he saw the girl that punched him yesterday. “Oh hi.” Artemis said waving at the girl. Swift then looked at Artemis.

“You know her!?” He asked in a frantic tone.

“Yea, I knocked her down by accident yesterday and she punched me in the gut.” Artemis explained. Aria glared at Artemis.

“Piss off, you deserved it.” Aria said angrily.

“I see you’re still angry, mind telling me why?” Artemis asking taking a step forward.

“What did I just say?” Aria asked with a growl. Swift quickly grabbed Artemis’s arm.

“Dude, just leave her alone. She’s the most violent of the three sirens.” He said. Artemis looked to Swift and then back to Aria.

“She’s one of the sirens you told me about.” He said pointing at Aria.

“You got a problem with that?” Aria asked crossing her arms.

“No, no I don’t.” Artemis said with a smile. Swift was very confused now, he was expecting Artemis to say something mean to Aria, but instead Artemis acted as if he was completely alright with this.

“I’ve never met a siren before it’s actually pretty awesome.” Artemis said. Swift and Aria both looked at Artemis as if he’d lost his mind.

“Awesome...AWESOME! Dude this girl and her sisters-” “I know you told me, they tried to take over the world, and?” Artemis asked shrugging his shoulders.

“What do you mean ‘And’, she-” “From what you told me, they were beaten by a group of girls called the Rainbooms, correct?” Artemis asked cutting Swift off.

“Yeah.” Swift answered.

“So, they aren't a threat to you anymore.” Artemis said with a smile. Aria didn’t know if Artemis with mocking her or genuinely trying to reassure the other boy.

“Artemis trust me, that girl and her sisters and nothing but trouble.” Swift said trying to get Artemis away from The twin-tailed girl.

“Yea, well I like trouble.” Artemis said walking up to Aria. Swift facepalmed at the boys action while Aria just stared at the boy walking up to here.

“Look sorry for knocking you over yesterday, I was pretty distracted and I’m sorry for what happened to you and your sisters.” Artemis said with a slight bow. Aria just stared at the boy for a few seconds before she started glaring at him.

“Look, I’m in a really bad mood right now and the last thing I need is some little boys pity.” She said coldly.

“Ouch, talk about cold. Keep up that tough girl act and you’ll never get the students to like you.” Artemis said with a chuckle. Aria gritted her teeth.

“I don’t need any of these asswipes to like me, i know how they feel about me and my sisters and they can all rot in hell for all I care!” She said angrily. Artemis could feel the anger coming off on her and it worried him a bit.

“Calm down Twin-Tail.” He said trying to calm Aria down. Aria then grabbed Artemis by his shirt and pulled him close.

“I will say this only once, it’s ARIA not Twin-Tail.” She growled. Swift was tempted to push the siren away from Artemis, but he was a bit scared the former siren would hurt him too. Artemis looked at the angry girl in front of him and looked into her mulberry eyes.

“Nice to meet you Aria, I’m Artemis and you have very pretty eyes.” He said with a smile. Swift and Aria froze at what he said and just stared at him.

“Artemis, I don’t think flattery is going to help you right now.” Swift said.

“I’m just telling the-OW!” Artemis was cut off by a slap to the face and he fell to the ground. He looked up to see Aria giving him a very harsh glare.

“Drop dead!” She said stomping past Artemis and Swift. Once she was out of sight, Swift went over to Artemis.

“You ok?” He asked.

“Yea I’m fine, but man that girls got one heck of an arm on her.” Artemis said rubbing his cheek.

“I told you not to mess with her man, she’s dangerous.” Swift said helping his friend up. Artemis dusted himself off and looked in the direction Aria walked off in.

Angry yes, dangerous not so much.

With that, Swift and Artemis continued on to their next class unaware that a certain raven was looking at them in a nearby window.

Qlow. Qlow.

The raven turned to see the dove watching it from a nearby tree. The raven glared at the dove and took off once again with out saying a word causing the dove the shake it's head and take off after the raven.

Author's Note:

Chapter 2 of the reboot, tell me what you all think. See you all in the New year!

Next Time: Defending the 'Bad Girls'.