• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 1,715 Views, 933 Comments

Ponyfinder: Roots of Stone - David Silver

Tree Hugger comes to help the Pies with a tree that sprouted on their rock farm. It's in the way! Her attempt to move it peacefully propels herself and Maud Pie into the Ponyfinder world of Everglow, where they will have to learn to fight together.

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74 - Underscoring the Severity of the Situation

They waited at the station with various levels of patience. Sky Strike was glued to Maud's side, eagerly attempting to strike up a conversation. "So, how about one more match? You know, when I was a little thing, my dad'd let me scrap with 'em whenever I didn't want to do a chore."

Maud raised a brow at him, a gesture she had worn often while they waited. "Did you win?"

He laughed and rolled his shoulders. "I inherited these guns from him, hell no I didn't, not usually. He'd throw me across the room and tell me to get to work, so I did, but I kept practicin' too. The time I could whoop his rump instead of getting it beat was the day I left." He slapped Maud on her withers. "Don't think I'm angry at him or nothin'. He's a great guy! I try to visit for the holidays. Winter's Festival just ain't the same without family."

Fast smiled from where she sat. "No earth-bound can be truly lost if they remember the value of their family."

"Damn straight!" Sky clopped the ground and smiled. "Speaking of which, tell me about yours." He nudged Maud. "I'd love to get an earful of any family interesting enough to make a mare like you."

Maud went quiet a moment before she was prodded from the other end. Tree stood there. "Go on. Talking about them might help you."

She nodded and sat up straight. "I was raised on a rock farm. I have three sisters. Two of them are as grey as I am, the other is pink." She quirked a little smile. "She wasn't meant for the rock farm life, but she's a good pony."

"Are they all built like you are?"

Maud shook her head. "They're all strong. Marble's the youngest and smallest. She's shy. Limestone's the oldest and very protective of the family and the farm." She went quiet a moment before continuing without prompt, "I'm younger than Limestone, and older than Pinkie. She's the pink one."

"Oh, I figured that out." Sky smiled. "What about your parents? Sound healthy, having four mares to their name."

Paul pointed up along the rails. "I see somethin'!"

Fast leaned a little. "That's the train. Everyone up, let's get ready to board and get to Viljatown."

"Oh, Viljatown? Never been before. Still big and fancy?" Sky skewed an ear at them curiously. "I hear they have fighting rings worth visiting for."

Fast gave a little smirk. "Sky Strike, do you need a ride?"

Sky perked his ears. "If you don't mind?" He leaned in close to Fast. "I'd like the chance to talk to Miss Pie a bit more along the way if that isn't too much t'ask."

The train did not seem to be slowing for the station. On the contrary, it sped up as it approached, roaring along on its bed of lightning. It soared past, leaving them all standing there. Fast blinked softly. "What in the hells..."

With a crack of lightning, all eyes were drawn upwards. Hovering over them was an elderly pony in bright purple robes. "Bandits, you've harassed good ponies for... Fast Shadow?" The crackles of elemental fury faded almost instantly as the pony lowered. "Is that really you?"

Fast blinked before it hit her. "Under Score!" She hurried for him and they met in a firm embrace. "Oh you old..." She paused, frowning. "Old..."

Under Score raised a brow as he stepped back. "I'm no foal, to be certain, but it's hardly polite to greet a pony that way. Fast, are you going to introduce me to this... curious lot you've fallen in with?"

"Sorry! Sorry, please." She threw a leg over Under Score and guided him towards the others. "This is Maud Pie and Tree Hugger, visitors from another world. These are Paul and Tabitha, visitors from the human lands. And this is Sky Strike, former bandit, I hope?"

Sky shrugged softly. "I just want some nice clean fights."

Under Score looked from one to each, but came back to the Equestrian ponies, particularly on Maud, who still appeared as an Equestrian pony. "Fascinating. One of them has acclimated to the local environment. Luminace be praised! This is certainly worth study."

Tree Hugger advanced with a little smile. "Blessings, Under Score was it? It's groovy to meet you."

Paul hiked a thumb at the train receding into the distance. "So, what was all that about?"

Under nodded to Tree and looked to Paul. "They thought you were the bandits that have been plaguing the area. They asked me to take care of you in a decidedly permanent fashion."

Fast snorted with annoyance. "We just need to get to Viljatown. Under Score, friend, perhaps you know a way?"

"Perhaps." He removed a cane from his side, stuck to his hoof as surely as any Equestrian pony and using it to direct at the strange crew. "I want to know more of your friends, first. What have you gotten yourself into? Seeking new treasures?"

Tabitha shook her head. "She already found that. We're trying to get it to the right place."

Under looked between Tabitha and Paul, then back to Tabitha. "You're a curious example of pony-human hybrid. Apologies if that sounds out of place, but I meant it with good intention."

She blinked softly. "I can't argue it. It's been hiding in my family for a few generations and decided to come out through me after I started using its magic."

With upturned ears he took a step towards her. "Using its magic? Are you a sorcerer then?"

"Is that a fancy word for magic user? If so, yes."

Paul nodded in agreement. "We've all seen her slingin' magic around."

Under rolled a hoof. "More specific, but very well. I will assume a yes. Interesting." He turned to the would-be bandit. "If I take you to Viljatown, you will have to answer for the crimes you have committed. I will speak on your willingness."

Sky snorted loudly. "To hell with that. I'll stay here if going means jail-time. There's no such thing as a clean fight in a jail." He turned away from the group and began to trot away. "I hope we meet again, Maud. Yer the finest mare I ever had the pleasure to share words with."

Under looked ready to prevent him from leaving, but Fast put a hoof before him. She spoke gently, "Let him go. He's not a bad soul. Under, it's so good to see you."

He nodded to her. "As are you. You took the dissolution so hard... For a moment, I thought you might have joined them."

She took a half step back. "What?"

He gave a thoughtful noise. "The dissolution? When most of the Seekers broke apart. You were there for it, in part. You wandered off and I didn't hear about you again."

Fast sputtered a little, struggling for the words. "Under, you are a religious wizard, are you not?"

Under nodded easily. "Princess Luminance guides these old bones, why?"

Fast put a hoof to her chest. "I died, Under Score. I died alone and miserable, but The Author wasn't done with me. She called me back, gave me a fresh life, and set me on the path to be a hero instead of a rejected failure."

Under turned his head to the others. "And along the way you ended up with this crowd? That does have the marks of Her work. I'll accept your words at face value." A little smile played over his wrinkled snout. "As if I was ever any good at arguing with you, Fast Shadow, and far better this than the wreck you were before. Praise be to Luminace I'm old enough to see it." He turned back to Fast. "So, what treasure is this that you're so eager to get to Viljatown?"

Fast hesitated a moment, which was enough time for Tree to speak up. "Were you two an item way back before?"

Under was caught thoroughly off-guard by her question. "I'm afraid my true love is knowledge, and her true love is adventure. When our passions met, it was always a delight, but..."

Fast threw a hoof over Under's snout, silencing him. "Tree, that is hardly a question to be asking."

Tabitha burst into giggles at the exchange. "It's alright, Fast. Older gentleponies are so distinguished." She made a little kissy face that brought a fierce red hue to Fast's cheeks.

Maud glanced at the others and back to Under. "My parents always said to respect elders, even if they aren't like you."

Under laughed softly. "That's a good philosophy, but must we focus on my age of all things? I've spent my life well, I think, but that doesn't mean I prefer that be the matter of discussion."

Fast drew back, licking over her lips. "Right, back to more serious topics... Maybe you can help us." She produced the crown from her saddlebag, holding it in her teeth towards Under. "Behold."

Under looked at it skeptically before he spoke loud words of discernment. His eyes snapped shut, blinded by the fierce magic of the crown. "By Luminace's Library! Where did you find such a powerful artifact?" He reached out for it with his free hoof, sticking to the crown easily as he sat down. His eyes fluttered open, though still squinting, more prepared to deal with the harsh glow of that magic. "No simple detection spell will reveal its secrets."

Fast nodded quickly. "I'm certain it will lead to the new Empress, or Emperor." She gestured at Under's head, where a circlet sat. "Maybe it's meant to sit on your wise brow."

"Me? Emperor?" He snorted softly. "I'd sooner die. An emperor has no time for study. What manner of scholar would I be on the throne? Besides, as your friends were so quick to point out, I'm not young. The empire needs someone young and healthy, to lead it well and long. No matter how well or poorly I led, my time is limited." He let the spell go, and his vision ceased being clouded by the bright glow. "What have you learned of it so far?"

Paul rolled a hand. "Well, it only does things on ponies, which happens to include half pony princesses."

Tabitha wheeled on him. "I dropped it already, sheesh!"

"Interesting... What does it do?"

Fast pointed into the darkness of the abandoned station. "It allows sight as if darkness were not a thing. On a clear night, I could see to the horizon as if the sun were bright in the sky. It enhances pony blood magic, I think."

Tabitha nodded at that. "My magic felt almost scaldingly hot in my veins when I wore it in the sun."

Without prompting, Under Score offered the crown back to Fast. "You've captured my attention. We need to away to Viljatown and discover the truth of things, and I know where to go first."

Fast tucked the crown away. "Where would that be?"

"Where else?" Under smiled a little. "The home of knowledge, and where ponies continue to seek it despite the times. Luminace's temple is where we need to go."

Author's Note:

Why does this place come up in just about every fic I write about Everglow?

Say hello to Under Score! He hates Typos almost as much as some of my readers.

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