• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 2,234 Views, 65 Comments

The Foundation - Solar Caesar

Celestia has realized that the time has come. The time has come to share to Twilight and her friends one of the biggest and most classified secrets in equestrian history.

  • ...

The Worst of the Worst.

Twilight wanted everyone to see in the HCZ. Since most of them had been introduced to very few highly dangerous SCP's. With the accompany of Cadance, they would navigate the worst SCP's that have been housed at Site 19.

"So, Rarity," Twilight asked, "what did you do during your stay here?"

"Many things." she replied. "I assisted with an experiment with something called...999?"

"SCP-999...I haven't heard of that one yet." Twilight said.

"Well, it is truly strange. It's an orange...blob of some sort. It's actually kind of cute."


"Cute. It actually hugs people. Hugs."

"An SCP that hugs people."

"That is correct. I can show you the file on it later if you want."

"That would be nice, thank you."

When they reached a new chamber, there was a sign, like always:


Object Class: Euclid

Sentient and Violent

Beside this information was a picture of what looked to be a pony colt, but tall and very skinny. It's back was to the picture.

"SCP-096. If anypony looks at his face, directly, through a video feed, or even by photograph, it will start to scream, and cover its eyes. After two minutes, it will chase down whoever looked at it's face, and devour them."

Everyone was wide-eyed.

"Is it possible to get away?" Rainbow asked.

"Um...no..." Cadance replied. "It runs extremely fast. To date, no one has ever gotten away."

"O...okay...can we move on?"

The next chamber revealed another sign:


Object Class: Keter

Existential Threat

Beside this information was a picture of a reptile like creature. It seemed in pain, since most of it's skeleton was showing. But it seemed almost oblivious.

"This is by far the worst one." Cadance said.

"Why?" asked Pinkie.

"Well, since it's so dangerous, we're trying to...get rid of it."

"Get rid of it?" Twilight asked.



"So...um, are you trying to kill it?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah...moving on."

Next chamber:


Object Class: Euclid

Memetic Hazard

Beside this info was a picture of an old, rusty cowbell. It had no marks or engravings.

"Whoever hears this bell ring will start to see an entity, which we have labeled as 513-1."

"What does the entity look like?" Twilight asked.

"Well...from other people's descriptions, apparently it's a tall, skinny pony with abnormally large hooves."

"Is it dangerous?" Rarity asked.

"No." Cadance said. "It can't harm anything or anypony."



Object Class: Keter

Self-Replicating Object

Beside this information was a picture of what looked nto be a crystal. It was apparently dangerous, as it was one of the few Keter-class object they have seen.

"Now this one creeps me out. And yes, I know that is unprofessional." Cadance said.

"Why is it dangerous?" Twilight asked.

"Anyone who comes into contact with this crystal will...begin to crystallize."

"...Crystalli-what does that mean?" Rainbow asked.

"Crystal's will begin to form all over their body. It will continue until they..."


"Die. Don't get me wrong, I've always stayed away from it."

"How did you contain it in the first place?" Twilight asked.

"Three things: Hard work, determination, and a forklift."


"This is serious. I've heard rumors. Just be glad you haven't touched it. It's painful."

"We are."

"Well, I think that's enough for today. You girls need a break from all of this. I know I do."

Author's Note:

Sorry for my lack of writing. I've been playing ROBLOX a lot.