• Published 30th Dec 2015
  • 1,608 Views, 16 Comments

Magical - bigbear

Rumors race through Ponyville when the townsfolk are afraid Twilight’s new spell threatens to uncover their secrets. With her friends away, can Twilight face the the music for what she’s done?

  • ...

The Secret

Celestia's sun had set an hour ago and Luna's moon and stars filled the sky. Twilight opened the door and stepped out of her castle onto the streets of Ponyville.

The streets were strangely empty and quiet. But when Twilight turned the corner onto the street leading to Town Hall, she saw what looked like every pony in town. She could tell they were talking, but couldn't make out what they were saying. Once again, she wished her friends were here. The citizens of Ponyville had never seemed so scary.

Someone in the gathering spotted Twilight. One by one the ponies turned to watch as she came down the street. They all fell silent and parted before Twilight as she walked toward the Town Hall.

“Welcome, Princess Twilight.” Mayor Mare stood tall atop the Town Hall stairs. “Thank you for coming to speak to us tonight. As you can see, there’s a great deal of interest in what you have to say. I hope we can clean up any misunderstandings.”

Twilight climbed the stairs and stood next to the mayor. “Good evening, everypony.” She raised her head and smiled weakly. “And please, just call me Twilight.”

The crowd stayed silent and shifted uncertainly.

“First, I want to apologize for any concern I caused today. I know staring at ponies is impolite. And when I talked about secrets and spells without a good explanation, I made a lot of people very nervous. I think of everypony in town as my friend, and I never want to make my friends feel bad. But I have, and for that I'm very sorry.

“Second I want to thank Mayor Mare for giving me this opportunity to explain what I was doing.

“I was born a unicorn, and my life was filled with the study of magic. After years of study, I thought I was an expert.

“Tirek’s attack made me realize my understanding of magic was too narrow. He stole magic and cutie marks from all kinds of ponies. This made me think all ponies had their own kind magic and cutie marks were part of it.

“When I became an alicorn, I gained aspects of all three kinds of ponies: pegasi and earth ponies, as well as unicorns. However, I didn't understand what it meant to be a pegasi or an earth pony, and I wanted to know what all this meant.” She raised a hoof to her chest and fluffed her wings.

“What about the secrets?” somepony in the crowd called out.

“I’ll get to that,” Twilight said. “Existing detection spells for only show unicorn magic. I understand why, as all the detection spells were created by unicorns. But I wanted a spell which could detect magic regardless of the source.

Twilight addressed a mint green unicorn in the front of the crowd. “Lyra, could I show everypony what happens when I detect your unicorn magic?” A fellow alumnus from the School For Gifted Unicorns, Lyra had known Twilight for years. She nodded assent. “Could you levitate something small, like the little bag Bon Bon is holding?”

Lyra looked for agreement from her earth pony friend, then ignited her horn and wrapped her magic around the small bag. The bag levitated into the air surrounded by the golden glow of Lyra’s magic.

Twilight lit her own horn and cast her detection spell. The glow around Lyra's horn and the small bag bloomed into a riot of pulsing colors. “As you can see, my detection spell highlights unicorn magic. Thank you Lyra, you can return the bag.”

Lyra’s horn stopped glowing and the bag dripped back into Bon Bon’s hooves. The colors from Twilight’s spell faded away.

“My spell detects the impact of magic, rather than the magic spell itself. No matter who changes the world with magic, the spell shows it. When I came out of my castle this afternoon, I ran the spell so only I could see the results. What I saw was overwhelming and it led me to staring at everypony and acting strange. I apologize again if I scared anybody.

Twilight walked down the stairs and approached Carrot Top. “Would it be alright if I showed everypony what I saw when I was looking at you?”

“But I’m an earth pony, and don’t really have any magic.” Carrot Top shook her head. “But so long as your spell’s safe, I don't mind you casting it.”

Twilight's horn glowed for a moment. A rainbow shimmer ran over Carrot Top, then faded away. Carrot Top watched as the shimmer ran over her her body, but didn’t make any unusual moves.

“Carrot Top, did you know the school kids have been growing a vegetable garden?” Twilight asked.

“I’ve heard about it, but I haven’t seen the garden.” Carrot Top was thrown by the seeming non-sequitur.

“How do you think the garden is doing?”

“How am I supposed to know?” Carrot Top looked at Twilight expectantly.

“You’re an experienced farmer, what’s your best guess?”

Carrot Top didn’t like playing guessing games. She made an annoyed little huff and lightly stamped her hoof. A small rainbow glow appeared at the back of her head. It moved like lightning down her neck, through her barrel, down her legs, out her hooves into the ground, and sped off into the distance in the direction of the school. It shimmered and shifted colors as it moved. The crowd watched in silent awe.

A beat later, the glow sped back from the direction it had left and traveled back up Carrot Top’s legs, barrel, and neck until it came to the back of her head and disappeared in a rainbow flash. The whole process took less than a second.

Carrot Top was so focused on what Twilight was saying, she didn’t seem to notice the rainbows. “Cheerilee’s a good teacher, so I suspect the garden is doing okay. Knowing what kids are like, I’ll bet they’ve overwatered it. Given the season, they should be able to have their first harvest in 3 days or so.”

“Cheerilee,” Twilight asked the earth pony school teacher, “how did Carrot Top do?”

“She’s spot on. 100% correct.” Cheerilee stepped forward so the crowd could see her. “The children are always over watering the garden. And we plan to do our first harvest in 3 days.”

“Carrot Top, you got the answer right because you’re an experienced farmer.” Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder. “But you also used earth pony magic to sense how the garden was doing.”

“I didn’t feel anything unusual.” Carrot Top looked around at the crowd. “Did I miss something?”

Cheerilee had a huge grin on her face. “I think you did.”

The crowd was abuzz. They all wanted to know more, but nopony stepped forward.

Twilight looked up and picked out one of the pegasi, slowly flapping their wings to hover over the crowd. “Derpy, would you mind if I cast the detection spell on you so we can see some pegasi magic?”

The wall-eyed pegasus smiled down at Twilight. “I’m not cloudwalking or anything right now, but sure, let’s see what happens.”

Twilight's horn glowed again. Derpy’s gray form glowed all over for a moment. The glow contracted to the points where Derpy’s wing roots met her barrel. Then Derpy flapped her wings. A rainbow glow flashed out across her wings from root to tip and back again. Derpy gazed down at her wing, and flapped them experimentally. With each flap, her wings erupted in rainbows. “This is so cool! Wait until Dinky sees this!”

“Flying isn’t just wing-power, it’s magic as well!” Twilight was on a roll. “Cutie marks can make magic too! Bon Bon, could I cast the detection spell on you to demonstrate?”

Bon Bon looked at the ponies around her. “Me? My cutie mark is about making sweets. How is that magical?” She looked uncertainly at her unicorn friend Lyra. Lyra smiled and nodded. Bon Bon gathered strength from her friend. “OK, Twilight, cast away.”

Twilight’s horn glowed for a third time. Bon Bon shimmered with a rainbow glow for a moment, then went back to normal.

“Are those some of your sweets?” Twilight asked, pointing to her little bag.

“Yes, salted caramels, fresh from the shop.”

“Would it be okay if you gave two of them to Cheerilee and two to Lyra? I’m happy to pay for them.”

“You don’t have to do that, I was going to share them with the crowd anyway.” Bon Bon reached into the bag to hoof out the caramels. A rainbow glow erupted around her cutie mark. It raced up her barrel, down her fore leg, encompassed the bag, then was sucked into the bag and disappeared. Everypony in the crowd gasped.

“Don’t worry, nothing happened here that hasn’t happened every time Bon Bon gives her customers their sweets.” Twilight smiled. “You can just see it happening this time. Go ahead.”

Bon Bon reluctantly dropped two paper wrapped salted caramels each into Cheerilee’s and Lyra’s hooves.

“Now, Cheerilee and Lyra, swap one of your sweets with the other, then taste the ones you swapped.” Twilight smiled conspiratorially. “What do you think?”

Cheerilee unwrapped her caramel, popped it into her mouth, and chewed quickly. “It’s... good.”

Lyra did the same. “It tastes... fine.”

“Now try to sweets Bon Bon gave you directly.”

Cheerilee looked at the confectioner, then shrugged. She unwrapped the caramel Bon Bon gave her and popped it into her mouth. She bit down once, then smiled. She closed her eyes and chewed slowly, savoring the experience. “Hmmm,” she purred, “that’s perfect.”

Lyra watched, her eyes wide. She quickly unwrapped the caramel Bon Bon had given her and took a bite. She quickly grinned widely as well. “That’s the kind of candy I expect from my Bon Bon.”

Twilight smiled too. “Bon Bon, you told me your cutie mark helps you make the best sweets anyone has ever tasted, right?”


“Everypony has different tastes. Some like their caramel chewy, others crunchy. Some more sweet, others more salty. No one caramel could be the best for everypony. So your cutie mark helps you match your sweets to your customers.” Twilight addressed the crowd. “Once she knew who they were for, Bon Bon unconsciously picked the caramels Cheerilee and Lyra would love the most.”

“I do magic with my sweets?” Bon Bon looked at her hoof, then back at her cutie mark.

“Every time you hand them over. That’s why we all love them so.” Twilight reached out and touched Bon Bon on the shoulder. “You make them perfect for all of us.”

The crowd surged forward. “Cast it on me now.” “No me.” “I want to see.”

“Does everypony want to see?” Twilight called.

“YES!” they all roared.

Twilight beat her wings once and reared up on her hind legs. Ponies stepped back to give her room to cast her detection spell. Twilight raised her forelegs to the sky. Her horn erupted in rainbow colors. The bodies in the crowd bathed in matching rainbows.

Everypony glowed and shimmered. Each beat of every pegasi’s wings evoked a riot of colors. Every step by an earth pony evoked the strength in their bodies and corresponding rainbow highlights of their muscles. The very thought of special talents, made cutie marks across the crowd glow in rainbow hues.

The crowd was enraptured. They experimented with their abilities, and marveled at their own magical radiance. They looked in awe at the magic of their friends and fellow townsfolk. They mummered, called out, and even rejoiced at the mystic spectacle they all shared.

Earth ponies took turns stomping, and watching rainbows race through the ground and connect them to the plant life all around. They hoof wrestled, and marveled at the lights manifest from their magically enhanced strength.

Pegasi played with rainbows and clouds, shaping them, bouncing on them, and causing drizzle and flashes of lightning. And with every wingbeat, and every cloud manipulation, the pegasi and their clouds glittered and flashed with color.

Music rose from across the crowd. Ponies hummed, sung, strummed, and played. The music merged into a joyous harmony. Musical cutie marks pulsed to the beat of the song. Rainbows radiated from every instrument and washed over the crowd.

Mayor Mare’s voice cut through and got everypony’s attention. “Look at Twilight!”

Twilight stood on her hind legs, with her forehooves to the sky. Every few moments she beat her wings slowly, to keep herself balanced. Her horn was ablaze. Tears leaked out of Twilight’s closed eyes and ran down her cheeks. “This is what I saw when I walked the streets this morning. This is the secret. You are all so magical. So beautiful. I am blessed to know you all, and to call you all my friends.”

The detection spell highlighted Twilight’s magic as well. Like an earth pony, her hind quarters shimmered, from the effort of standing upright. And her hind hooves pulsed rainbows into the ground and absorbed the return, as she searched the area for life. Like a pegasi, every beat of her great wings were reinforced by rippling rainbows from root to tip. Like a unicorn, the spell she cast made her horn blaze with rainbow light, illuminating all the ponies around her. And her cutie mark, representing all magic, blazed like a star on her hip. The most magical pony of them all, was Princess Twilight Sparkle; for she glowed with all types of pony magic at the same time.

Cheerilee stepped up, and nuzzled the Princess lightly. “Thank you for being our friend, Twilight.”

Carrot Top stepped up from the other side and nuzzled her lightly as well. “I’m sorry for mis-understanding what you were doing this morning.”

Bon Bon, Lyra, Derpy, and the Mayor stepped up together, and made the gathering into a group hug. “Thank you for showing us how magical we all are, Twilight.”

The crowd closed. Everypony wanted to reach out and touch their friend, to apologize for doubting her, and to thank her for her gift.

No one in Ponyville would ever look at each other quite the same way, ever again.

Comments ( 13 )

It actually went better than the expected! :twilightsmile:

This was really nice! A great little slice of life and concept exploration at the same time. I love seeing earth pony magic. ^^ Good job!


Very well done, this is one of the best depictions of Equestrian magic I've seen on this site.

And when I talked about secrets and spells without a good explanation, I made a lot of people very nervous.


Thanks for the feedback. I struggled with 'people' vs. 'pony' in that line. There is a 'pony' in the line before and 'everypony' in the line after. Three lines in a row with pony references felt cliched when I reviewed it. I will work harder to keep humanized references to a minimum in the future.

Magical is my first story that to get to the Popular Stories list on the front page, if only for a little while. Thanks to everyone for the views, likes, favs, and comments!

They need a episode like this.

7312526 Thank you, that is high praise indeed!

You've already seen my review of this; I'm just popping in to finally give you the upvote this story deserves! :twilightsmile:

7908913 Thank you for the review, the upvote, and the feedback!

Aww that was heartwarming!

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