• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 16: Gauntlet of Fire(Ad)

[Ponyville - Goku's Ship - Twilight's POV]

"It's impossible!" I said.

"I beg your pardon, Ms. Sparkle." Dr. Briefs said, sounding slightly offended.

"I'm sorry if I caused you any offense. But I can't fathom what you're trying to tell me with these- capsule was it?" I asked as I analyze the two items in question.

Dr. Briefs started chuckling. "You can't fathom the purpose of my capsule, you say? Why ever not, my dear. So here you are, standing in the most technologically advanced machinery on your planet, having a conversation with an alien no less, and having made an acquaintance with another; who is currently speaking with one of your friends. After everything you witnessed up to this point, this is what finally stumps you. I must say I expected more from my esteemed extraterrestrial colleague." Dr. Briefs scolded me playfully, and I let out a huff of indifference. While it might just be prudent to doubt Dr. Briefs' word at this junction of our meetings, I was having difficulty grasping just what it was he was trying to explain.

"Perhaps you can go over their functionality again?" I asked.

"Very well. What you are holding at the moment is two of my prized achievements here on Earth. These capsules act as storage containers for various items. It is the ultimate tool of convenience to gaining quick and reliable access to virtually anything. Not to mention that it's completely travel-sized so that you could have them right on your person. Even this ship can transform into a capsule," Dr. Briefs said, and I stared at him skeptically.

"See, that's why it's impossible. This ship stands at roughly the same height as any of the cottages in Ponyville. How can something this large possibly be reconfigured into a two-inch long capsule WITHOUT any magic any involved?" I asked him.

"Hmmm, I believe a demonstration is in order. Just press down on the top of the capsule and then throw it to the ground. But be quick about it. I would not recommend holding for longer than 30 seconds." Dr. Briefs informs me. I did as instructed and toss the capsule to the ground. The moment it impacted against the surface, it exploded into smoke, and two strange items appeared. "There, you see, completely possible."

My eyes went wide-eyed as I tried to stutter out a response. "B-but how?" I asked, completely bewildered.

"The smoke you saw moments isn't truly smoke at all. But, in fact, nanomachines. Their purpose is to break an object at the molecular level and reshape them into a capsule form and vice-versa. It took me a few years to manufacture them. It was rather ambitious, but I would say the results were quite revolutionary and lucrative." So Dr. Briefs said with no small shortage of pride in his words.

"I will admit that what you created here is truly mindblowing, and I can't fully comprehend it either. But there have been far more difficult fields in magic that even I still have trouble grasping. So I suppose there's still much to learn from both magic and technology." So I said, and Dr. Briefs chuckles.

"Right you are Ms. Sparkle, and should you ever find yourself visiting Earth. I would love to help you in this endeavor." DR Briefs said.

"I would like nothing less," I said while smiling warmly. I then turned my attention back to the two items that came out of the capsule. One was a bright red pole in a cylinder sheath, and the other was a green and red fan. "By the way, Dr. Briefs, what are these two items? I'm picking trances of magic emanating from them."

"Oh, those items belong to Goku. Bulma was keeping them at our home for study. I believe the names are "Power Pole" and the "Banshou Fan." According to my daughter, They are tools of some sort that Goku wielded during their travels. However, their purposes still elude me, so you will have to speak to Goku about it. I packed them up so that Goku may be better used on Namek rather than gathering dust on Earth. Would you mind delivering them to him for me?" Dr. Briefs asks.

"Not a problem, Dr. Briefs; Goku's currently with Rarity and Spike at the Boutique. She also wanted to outfit Goku in some clothing for the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala. I was going to head to Castle Friendship to have tea with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I'll send a letter to Spike inviting them over." I said, and Dr. Briefs broke out in laughter.

"Really? Our dear boy Goku in a tux as well as attending a highly sophisticated social gathering. Now that is a truly mind-blowing prospect." Dr. Briefs said as he continues laughing. I couldn't help but giggle myself. Goku is not the type to dress formally.

"It will certainly be an interesting sight to see Goku out of his training Gi," I said.

"Just assure that the dear boy doesn't embarrass himself or others." Dr. Briefs said.

"You have my honor as the Princess of Friendship," I said as I performed a slight courtesy. I was about to head out when I notice the second capsule in the case. "One last thing, Dr. Briefs. What's in the second capsule here?" I asked as I proceeded to activate the second capsule, and a chest appears.

"That chest contains a few of my daughters' side projects. I'd imagined Planet Namek to be completely devoid of anything remotely technology. So I pack this so she would have something to tinker with." Dr. Briefs said. I saw many appliances that were far beyond my limited understanding. But one thing that caught my eye was this strange headwear that resembles one of Vinyl's headphones. Only this one seems to have an odd visor attached to it. I picked it up and showed it to Dr. Briefs.

"Excuse me, Dr. Briefs, but what is this?" I asked.

"Aw, that would be the scouter Bulma acquired from one of the sayings that visited Earth. Supposedly it can measure and scan Ki energy." Dr. Briefs explained. At that moment, my jaw hit the floor.


"My word!" Dr. Briefs exclaimed.

[Rarity's Boutique, Third-person POV]

"Rarity, how much longer am I supposed to stand here? Scootaloo will be heading to my shop soon," Goku said as he stood on the stage in the Boutique. Rarity currently measured him for his suit in preparation for the Gala.

"Not to worry, darling. We'll finish before you know it. But, first, I need to get an accurate read on your measurements." Rarity said as she continues caressing Goku's muscular frame.

"But you already took my measurements five times already." Goku pointed out.

"Yes, I have, darling. And in those five times, I've had a completely flawless suit torn apart by your bulging muscles at the slightest movement. Quite frankly, it was careless of me not to get the measurements correct the first time. Aw well, 6th times the charm." Rarity said.

"Rarity, wouldn't the measurements go faster if you used your magic instead of your hands," Spike said as he eyed the unicorn mare suspiciously.

"Ordinarily, I would Spiky-Wiky. But, unfortunately, I cannot rely on my usual methods due to Goku's alien biology, and I must take a more "hands-on" approach." So rarity said, but the look on Spike's face told Rarity that he wasn't buying it. Thinking quickly, Rarity made her over to Spike and scratches under his chin while batting her eyelashes. This move had the desired effect Rarity was looking for as Spike soon had hearts in his eyes and floated a few inches from the ground.

"Goodness me! I completely forgot to thank you two for helping procure those lovely gems in that dreadful, bat-filled cave for my next line. I do so appreciate it."

"Awww, it was no problem at all, my sweet," Spike said in a smitten tone. Rarity pulled her hand away from Spike and went back to measuring Goku. However, Spike suddenly felt an itching fit come on as he started scratching all over himself.

Goku noticed this and grew concerned. "Hey Spike, are you ok? You're scratching yourself a lot, and what's with that glow?"

"Urgh! I don't know. I feel itchy all of a sudden." Spike said as he began to scratch against his hide vigorously. He started to move all around the Boutique to slate his itching but to no avail. Finally, Spike collapsed on the floor and started tossing and turning to relieve himself of the sensation. "Argh! It won't go away. I need help!" he pleaded.

"Oh, dear! Perhaps Twilight has an answer for this." Rarity said as she carries Spike in her aura. "Hurry, Goku. We must help Spike at once," she said as she bolted out the Boutique and headed toward Castle Friendship.

"Wait for me!!" Goku said as he fumbles to get out his dress pants and into his training Gi.

[Castle Friendship]

"Thank you both for coming over for tea, Princesses. I got a tremendous breakthrough in my Ki research." Twilight said excitedly to her fellow senior Princesses.

"It was our pleasure Twilight. It's good to relax now and then." Celestia said as she sips her tea.

"Yeah, verily, sister. Our work is plaguing us. Tis good to unwind with thee and young Twilight. But what of this discovery in Sir Goku's powers?" Luna asked.

Twilight held out the scouter in her hands and showed it to the Princesses who studied it curiously. "This device is known as a scouter. I received it from Dr. Briefs in our latest meeting. It's able to measure and scan for Ki energy signatures. I was just about to send for Goku so we can run some tests." Twilight said with a gleam in her eyes.

"This certainly is a breakthrough. So how does it work?" Celestia asks.

"It's quite simple, really. You- Um?" a sudden realization hits Twilight as in her excitement on scouter. She neglected to ask Dr. Briefs on how to operate the Scouter. Upon closer inspection, she also notices that the design of the Scouter was for a creature like Goku, not for ponies. Twilight smiled sheepishly as the two Princesses patiently waited for her to continue. An idea popped into Twilight's head at the peak of her rising panic. "You have to wait for Goku to demonstrate the device use for us. I was going to send for him anyway to return his possession that Dr. Briefs requested of me,"

Celestia had to suppress the urge the grin at her former student's carelessness. However, it was clear to her that she had no idea how to work the device, and she left her meeting early in her haste. So Celestia decided to play along so that Twilight may save face. "Interesting. And what is this possession you were tasked to return?" she asked. Although Twilight was about to reveal Goku's items, the doors to the room flung open, and Goku, Rarity and Spike came rushing in.

"Twilight! Twilight darling, Spike desperately needs your help!!" Rarity urgently said as she floated Spike onto the table in her aura while he continues to scratch himself.

"What's wrong with him? Why does he appear so itchy?" Twilight asks.

"We don't know. Spike just started scratching himself nonstop the entire way here. Plus, he's got this weird glow going on. Is this some weird dragon puberty thing?" Goku asks.

"I don't know, Goku. Unfortunately, we do not have much information on dragons, in general, to draw references from." Twilight said as she looks on with worry for her scribe.

"Thy assessment is not far off, sir Goku. We have seen this sort of reaction in dragons before. So young Spike is being summoned to the dragon lands by the Dragon Lord." Luna explains.

"Argh! Can't I just - Ah! - ignore it. Maybe - Nh! - the itching and glowing will stop eventually." Spike said through his excessive scratching.

Luna shook her head in disagreement. "Nay, young Spike. if you do not heed the summons, thou will continue to suffer these afflictions until thee answers it."

"Alright then. All we have to do is see what this Dragon Lord guy wants with Spike. Sounds like fun," Goku chirped.

"Are you sure you wish to go along with Spike on this quest Goku? Not all dragons are as kind as Spike and nopony have set hoof in the dragon lands for a thousand years," Celestia said.

"We have dragons back on my world too. So I can handle any trouble that we might run into." Goku said confidently.

Celestia and Luna smile at this. "Then I shall appoint you to guard over Spike while in the dragon lands. However, I will advise you to tread carefully. Avoid any conflict if at all possible." she said as Goku nodded.

"You can count on me," Goku said.

"Do not forget about us, darlings. There's no way I can stand idle while my little Spikey-Wikey and valiant knight Goku venture in the realm of those brutish dragons all alone," Rarity said.

"Plus, this is a chance to establish a diplomatic relationship with the dragons while learning about their culture. It's too good of an opportunity to pass up." Twilight said with great enthusiasm.

"We admire thy optimism, young Sparkle. But, pray thee, didn't thou have something to return to sir Goku?" Luna pointed out.

"Oh, that's right," Twilight said as she took out the capsule holding Goku's items. She presses the button and throws the tablet to the ground. The sudden burst of smoke startles everyone saves for Twilight and Goku. The smoke clears to reveal two items that Goku had not used in a while.

"What manner of trickery is this?" Luna asked.

"Goku, just what are these?" Celestia inquires.

"Hey, this is my Power Pole and Banshou Fan," Goku exclaims as he places the items on his back. "Man, it feels like forever since I wore these. But how did they get here?"

"Dr. Briefs believe that you may need them on your trip to Planet Namek, and he asked me to give them to you. Although I am curious about how a stick and a fan are supposed to help, would you mind telling us what they do?" Twilight asks as she summons her quill and pad.

Goku unsheathes his Power Pole and skillfully twirls it in his hands. The memories of his past adventures start flowing back to him. Goku notices everyone staring intently at him. He smirks and points the Power-Pole straight up toward the castle ceiling. "Power Pole extend!!" Goku called out, and instantaneously the Power-Pole stretch to the top of the room.

"Whoa, cool," Spike said as he and the ponies stared at the staff with wonder.

Goku chuckles at the reactions. "Power Pole retract!" he said as the Pole returns to its original length. "Well, what do you think?"

"Amazing! So the staff is a weapon that can extend its range." Celestia summarize.

"That's right. The Power-Pole was given to me by my grandpa back when I was a kid. It can extend to great lengths, and it's completely unbreakable. Haha, or I haven't broken yet at least," Goku confirms.

"And how long can it stretch?" Twilight asks.

"To the moon," Goku said nonchalantly while everyone's mouths fell agape.

"Tis a lie!!" Luna proclaimed. "Even if thy staff can extend that far, how did they survive in space?" she asks.

"Easy, I held my breath," Goku said while everyone stared at him blankly.

"And what about the Banshou fan? What does it do?" Twilight asked, choosing to ignore Goku's last statement.

"The Banshou fan has three abilities to it. The first is that if you fan it once, it greatly helps a mighty force of the wind blow away any fire. If you fan it a second time, you'll make rain for three full days. And if you fan it a third time, you'll create a devastating hurricane that will last for a week." So Goku explains as Twilight wrote in her pad.

"Hmm, I can see how the weather ponies could make use of that fan, but how does it help you in battle?" Twilight pondered before Spike started scratching anew. "This will be another inquiry that we'll have to study later. Right now, we need to help Spike. Let's head out to the dragon lands." she said as she, Rarity, Spike, and Goku made their way out of the castle.

"Good luck to everypony. May you have safe travels in this endeavor." Celestia bid farewell.

[The Dragon Lands.]

Goku and the others stood inside a massive open quarry filled to the brim with many dragons. To avoid detection, Rarity crafted together a rock disguise for herself and Twilight. Goku fits inside the dragon disguise that the girls used previously to follow Spike during the Dragon migration. Spike stood next to his friends as the glow his body was emanating shinned brightly.

"It looks like all the dragons around Equestria are here. I wonder when this meeting with the Dragon Lord will start?" Twilight asks.

"I do wish they would hurry. Don't these dragons know it's rude to keep a lady waiting?" Rarity complains.

"Rarity, none of the dragons knows we are here right now." Twilight reminded.

"Thanks to my brilliantly crafted disguises. Aren't they simply divine? Although, I wish it weren't so dreadfully hot in here." Rarity whines as Twilight roll her eyes.

"Girls listen, a rock is not supposed to talk, and how are you holding up, "Snarl?" Notice any trouble makers?" Spike asks as he gestures to the crowd of dragons.

"Everything seems fine right now. But, I gotta say that there are some strong power levels around us," Goku said.

"That's good. Maybe we can get out of this without- Oh, Drake!" Spike exclaimed as he spots a familiar teenage dragon make his way over to him. His outer scales were maroon colored, and his underbelly cream coated. The dorsal fins on his back were bright orange, and he wore a pair of black armor chain mail on his legs. The dragon stood a head taller than Spike as he bears down on him with a wicked grin.

"Well, Well Well, if it isn't the pony-loving baby dragon who lives with the ponies. So what was your name again? Runt? Shrimp?" the drake rudely said.

"It's Spike, and what are you doing here, Garble?" Spike asks through clenched teeth.

"Same reason as you 'Shrimp'. I'm to answer the summons and take part in the Gauntlet of Fire. But, of course, you would know that if you weren't so busy playing sleepover with your pony friends, haha." Garble insults as he sat down on the rock costume, concealing Rarity and Twilight. The suit seems to give under the maroon drake's weight for a moment, causing the girls to groan. However, the costume held out but not before Garble looked around for the source of the noise. Spike and Goku tensed up when Garble looked at the outfit. But their fears were quelled when he turned his attention back to Spike.

"So, where are your two flunkies?" Spike asks.

"I don't need those two ankle bitters slowing me down. In this test, it's every drake for themselves," Garble said proudly before his eyes fell on Goku. "Snarl? What are you doing here? Don't tell me you're going to compete?"

Goku pauses as he tried to think of a response. Spike and the girls looked on nervously. They had not expected anyone to recognize the costume Goku was wearing. "Uh, um, err - you see--"

Garble cut Goku off with his laughing. "Oh Drake, same old dopey Snarl. You know, I change my mind. Go ahead and compete real close to the other dragons. Your clumsiness will make my job easier," A massive roar caught everyone's attention as an equally enormous dragon perches himself on a small rock formation in front of the crowd of dragons.

"Whoa, that dragon is almost as big as Vegeta's great ape form," Goku said.

"I-I think it's safe to assume that he's the Dragon Lord," Twilight said nervously.

"H-he certainly is rather i-imposing," Rarity said as her teeth chatterers.

The massive dragon held what appeared to be a specter with a crimson ruby embedded at the center. Thus, he taps the staff on the ground, ending the other dragons' glow. "Hear me, my dragons from across Equestria. I am the Dragon Lord Torch." Torch bellows as he puffs out his chest. The other dragons look at him incredulously. Finally, the torch notices their inaction and becomes irritated. "Applaud when I'm speaking!!" he orders, and all the dragons break out with a loud cheer.

"Now, as you know, I have ruled as Dragon Lord for many, many years," Torch proudly said. "However, according to our customs, I must now retire." He said with a frown; Torch noticed another wave of idle reactions from his subjects and became irritated again. "Be sad when I'm speaking!" He orders, and the dragons proceed to display various forms of sadness. "The time has come for a new Dragon Lord to be selected. And as it is our customs, we shall commence with the Gauntlet of Fire," He said as all the dragons cheer anew.

Spike let out a breath of fresh air now that the glowing and itching sensation stopped. Then, he went over to the others to begin their departure. "Okay, glowings are gone, itching stop, now let's get out of here," Spike said as he started to push the rock costume.

"But what about the Gauntlet of Fire? Aren't you going to compete? It might be interesting." Goku said. But Spike wasn't as enthusiastic.

"Nope. We had to task to complete, and now it's complete, so let's get--"

"Hold, little dragon. I have not released you." Torch bellow as all the other dragons gave Spike and the others a wide berth, making the group stand out more before the Dragon Lord.

Spike glances up nervously at the massive dragon. "O-oh, hello there, your lordship. My friends - oh, uh - FRIEND and I was leaving," Spike said as he gestures to Goku. Dragonlord Torch was about to retort until another dragon flew down next to him. This dragon was far more slender than the rest, which meant she was female. She wore bright gold armor on her body while her head was exposed. Her scales were a light cerulean, and her dorsal fins were a dark blue. She was just slightly taller than Spike, and she seems to have an indifferent attitude toward him.

"Come on, father. I mean, look at him. He's a shrimp. If he doesn't want to compete, then just let him go." the gold-clad dragoness said.

Torch mauled over his daughter's words for a moment. "Hmm, you are right. He is rather small. I could crush him with just my pinkie claw," Torch stated as he chuckles.

"Oh, Good one, your lordship," Spike said as he gave sheepish laughter alongside Torch.

Torch's expression went back to stoic. "That wasn't a joke. That was a fact. If I wanted you to be amused, I would've said BE AMUSED!!!" Torch bellows.

"T-thank you, your lordship, and thank you," Spike said with a smooth tone to the dragoness as he winks at her. The dragoness said nothing but merely rolled her eyes at him. As Spike and the others made their way home, they overheard some of the other goals for winning the gauntlet.

"When I become Dragon Lord, I'm going to make burping an official greeting," A dragoness said.

"When I'm Dragon Lord, I'll start a pilgrimage against the ponies for all their pillows. Why should they hog all the soft, comfy bed while we sleep on rocks." another dragon said, but then Garble pushed his way past them and voiced his goals.

"That's nothing. Once I'm Dragon Lord, the first thing I'm going to do is get revenge on those stupid little ponies. They will regret the day that they ever crossed me. We'll take whatever we want from the ponies and burn the rest," Garble said as he walked away while the other two dragons followed closely behind him. However, he turned his head around one last time to gave Spike a very malicious chuckle. Rarity and Twilight glance at each other with worry. Meanwhile, Goku stared at Garble with fierce intensity.

"Oooh, I never thought I'd say this, but I hope that belching dragon wins," Rarity said.

"I kinda agree with the pillow dragon. Sleeping on a rock is no fun," Goku said as the girls gave him a deadpan stare.

"I think we will be fine as long as Garble doesn't win," Twilight said.

"No, we won't! We can't leave things to chance. It looks I will have to compete in the Gauntlet," Spike said with determination.

"But Spike, if you compete and win, then you'll have to stay here," Twilight says with concern.

Spike's features went forlorn at the implications. "I know, but you all heard those dragons. None of them have any good intentions for Equestria. I have to win to protect my friends!" He says as Goku, Twilight, and Rarity share glances before smiling at Spike.

"Then we will have to stay here and cheer you on," Twilight said while Rarity nods in agreement.

"I'll compete too," Goku said as the others looked at him with confusion.

"I'm sorry, darling, but your not a dragon. Won't that be unfair to the others, not to mention cheating if you win?" Rarity said.

Goku merely shook his head. "I won't compete to win. I'll back up Spike if he needs it. I don't think there are rules against dragons helping one another," Goku said as he gestures to his disguise.

"It might be risky, and we may face server consequences if caught. But I like Spike's odds at winning with you there. So let's do it," Twilight said.

All the dragons stood gathered at a cliffside with the Dragon Lord towering over them. They all looked upon a small island in the distance as the Gauntlet of Fire was poised to begin. Goku(still in his disguise) and Spike rushed up to the group and took their position. Torch noticed Spike's return and decided to address him. "Little dragons, I thought I released you," he said.

"We have decided to compete; we are dragons after all," Spike said as he lightly elbows Goku.

"That's right," Goku chirped through his mask.

"Ha, a small and droopy dragon maybe," Garble mock as the other dragons began laughing at them.

Torch let out a curt snort, and the other dragons immediately went silent. "The little drake may compete as is his right as a dragon. However, any dragon that does participate in the Gauntlet of Fire will do so at their peril. For now, you must face the horrors of Firecano Island to locate the bloodstone scepter," the Dragon Lord said. He spewed out a roar of fire to signal the start of the Gauntlet. All the dragons leaped into the air and made their way to the island save Spike and Goku. Goku noticed Spike look over the edge with trepidation. He went over and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I can fly you over if you want," Goku suggests.

"I think that might-- OAF!!" Spike grunted in shock from the push as he fell off the cliff and into the water. Goku looked back at the assailant to discover it was none other than Garble. The dragon flew down, brushing past Goku, and hovered right above Spike as he resurfaced.

"May the best drake win runt," He said as he flew off.

"Thanks, Garble. I wanted to swim anyway," Spike said to himself. Goku, along with Twilight and Rarity, both of which had come up behind Spike.

"Spike, are you ok?" Twilight asked.

"We're right here with you, Spike," Rarity supported.

"I'm alright," Spike replied.

"You need a hand?" Goku offers, but Spike shook his head.

"It's ok. I can make it from here, but you have to keep going," Spike said, and Goku gives him a salute. Then, he flew back up with the dragons and saw that most of them got aggressive with each other as they got closer to the island.

"Man, these guys don't play fair," Goku said. He glances over to his side just in time to find a burly dragon attempt to ram him. Goku quickly shifted upwards to avoid the assault, which caused the dragon to lose balance and spin out. Three more dragons came up and tried to hit Goku with a pincer move. But Goku used rapid movement at the second, thus avoiding the maneuver. As a result, the dragons all collided and fell into the water. Suddenly, giant sea serpents burst from the water below and shot powerful geysers from their mouths. While Goku was able to dodge the water pillars nimbly, many of the other competitors weren't as graceful or lucky suffered setbacks.

Goku pressed on while keeping an eye on Spike and the others. He notices one of the dragons that fell in the water was with Spike's group at the base of Firecano Island. The helmet the drake was wearing was missing, revealing to be the Dragon Lords' daughter. They appeared to be having a conversation. Goku debated going down until a shadow grew around him. Goku narrowly avoided a huge boulder that was launched at him and impacted into another dragon. Next, Goku spotted two mounted dragons on the island, using their tails as catapults, as they sent more boulders at the oncoming dragons. Whereas most dragons chose to avoid the onslaught of anti-boulders, Goku was undeterred and shattered each rock that came his way.

Finally, Goku reached the island only to find multiple entrances. Goke was about to enter one when two other dragons went ahead. Moments later, a torrent of fire shot out of the opening, and the two dragons came back covered in soot. Goku felt Spike and the other energy signatures and opted to rejoin them. He found them just as a boulder was heading straight toward Spike and the other drake. Moving on instinct, Goku vanished and reappeared in the boulders pathway. He reared his fist back and thrust it forward, destroying the boulder effortlessly. Goku turned back to see Spike and the girls unharmed while the dragoness stares at Goku with wide eyes.

"Hey, guys," Goku said.

"Hello, Goku darling. I'm glad this horrid place hasn't caused you any harm," Rarity said, sounding relieved. Both Twilight and herself were now wearing two separate rock disguises.

"It was no trouble, really, but who's your new friend?" Goku asks as he pointed to the dumbfounded dragoness.

"Goku, this is Ember. She's the Dragon Lords' daughter, and she has been helping us make our way into the island." Spike says as Goku offers his hand to Ember.

"Nice to meet you. My name Goku--I mean Snarl," Goku said, trying to cover his slip.

"It's fine Goku, Ember knows about us already," Twilight said.

Ember finally snaps out of her stupor and speaks up. "Wait a minute. Are you all saying that you're not a dragon? And how did you appear out of nowhere like that and wrecked that boulder?" Ember questions. Goku subtlety lifts his mask head just enough for Ember to catch a glimpse at his features. Taken aback by this new creature, Ember's eyes bulge out of her skull. "What exactly are you? Some hairless monkey?"

"Haha, actually, you're not too far off. I'm known as a Sayian. But we need to move if we wanna get that ." Goku informs as the group enters the cave.

"But why are you taking part in the Gauntlet? This trial is for dragons only. If any of the other dragons were to discover you, you all could be in danger," Ember said.

"And if I don't help out, my friends could be in danger if the wrong dragon gets that scepter. So the answer's pretty clear to me." Goku responded as Ember went silent. She glanced back at Spike and the ponies and remembered how much Spike went out of his way to help her. Even at the risk of losing.

"Friends, huh?" Ember said quietly as a small smile formed on her face. The group made their way through the cave complex until they discovered a hallway outlined with crystals.

"Sweet Celestia, what fine gemstones." Rarity said as she inspects the gems more closely. Then, suddenly, said gemstones jettisons from the wall. She let out an eep and duck down as the gemstones-turned-crusher slammed against the cave wall. Soon enough, the entire cave had crystal crushers banging at the walls.

"MOVE!!!" Goku yelled out. The group hopped, skipped, and dodged their way through the crystalline death trap. All was going well until Ember stumbled over a loose rock on the floor. She was able to steady herself just in time to see a crystal crusher about to perform its namesake. Goku quickly pushes Ember aside, only to have the crusher slam him into the wall instead. Thankfully, Goku was able to get his up in time to prevent getting killed.

"Oh, drake!! Goku, are you alright?" Spike asked with panic in his voice.

Goku grunted against the crystal crushers currently pinning him down. "Yeah, I'm fine. Listen, you all go ahead. I'll catch up when I can," he said as the others reluctantly pressed on.

"Look, there's the bloodstone scepter," Ember exclaimed, the wand embedded in a crimson crystal perch with a stone bridge connecting to it. Spike and Ember shared a glance for a moment. "So what now? There can only be one Dragon Lord," she said ruefully.

"I think you take it," Spike said, much to Ember's surprise.

"Why me? Don't you want to be Dragon Lord?" Ember inquired.

"I only competed for the sake of my friends," Spike said as he looked up with Ember with a smile. "And I would be honored to have the new Dragon Lord as my friend," He said happily. Ember nodded briefly and made her way to the staff. Just as she was halfway across the bridge, a torrent of flame blocked her path. The fire died down, and suddenly Garble flew down in front of her.

"Back off, the Scepters mine," Garble growled. He turned around swiftly and made a break for the staff. Ember propelled herself forward with her wings, and air tackled Garble off the bridge.

Spike watched on as the two dragons locked arms and struggled to overpower one another. "I gotta do something," he said as he looked around the room. He ran towards the wall and used his sharp claws as a hook to scale the surface. Garble and Ember grappling the air until Garble manages to pin her against the wall. Ember grunted and strained against his grip.

"Hey, you're pretty cute. You'll be the first of many as part of my hoard of wives," Garble said. Ember snorted in disgust and was about to knock the pigheaded drake for a loop when she spotted Spike scaling the wall on the opposite end. A smirk spread across her face while Garble grew confused.

"Dream on lizard breath!" Ember exclaims before she kicks Garble away from her. Garble flew back far enough to where he was in striking distance to Spike. He leaps off the wall and traps Garble in his grasp.

"H-hey! What the? Get off of me!!" Garble yelled as he thrashed about in the air, with Spike holding on for dear life. Finally, Garble was able to move Spike off his midsection and down to his legs. He raised his claw in an attempt to swipe at Spike, but Ember chose that moment to remind Garble he was dealing with two dragons, not one. She flew in sock Garble across the face with a left hook, causing him to lose what little balance he had to stay airborne. Spike releases Garble's legs and jumps to the ground with Ember landing beside him. They watched as Garble tumble against the field and let out a series of groans. He shakily got back to his feet and shook the cobwebs from his skull. He glared down the two dragons with anger and frustration.

"What are you two doing? Dragons don't help each other!" He empathizes.

"That might be how you see things, but I will always be there for my friends," Spike said with conviction.

"It's time dragon kind to learn the value of friendship, and as Dragon Lord, I intend to make that happen," Ember said with equal conviction. Garble's entire body trembles with unbridled fury. His eyes slits shrunk down to pinpricks, and he bared his sharpen teeth.

"Dragons-don't-do-FRIENDS!!!" Garble roars out. He threw his head back, breathing in a large intake of air, and then thrusts his head forward. A steady stream of fire shots from his mouth aimed directly at Spike and Ember. The two jump away in opposite directions. Spike sidesteps the flames and runs to the right. While Ember takes to the skies and moves to the left, Garble knew he would never be able to hit Ember while she was airborne, so he turned his attention to the flightless dragon formally known as Spike.

Spike ran as hard as his legs could carry as the stream of fire was practically nibbling at his tail. Spike dove to the ground as the flames passed by above him. Unfortunately, the fire caused Rarity to stagger out of her hiding place and force her to the platform's edge. She tried to balance herself, but her disguise was throwing off. Finally, rarity started to dangle over the edge and was forced to call out for aid. "Somepony, HELP!!!" She said.

"Don't worry, I got you," Ember said as she swoops down and catches Rarity just as she fell. But, unfortunately, her disguise falls into the lava. Ember places Rarity down, and she lets out a relieved sigh.

"Thank you ever so much, darling," Rarity said as Ember nodded.

Twilight and Spike joined their friends' side to see if she was ok. "Rarity, are you alright?" Twilight asks.

"Yes, I am Twilight. Although, I can't say the same for my lovely disguise." Rarity started to sniffle at the loss of her hard work.

"Are you kidding me? So now, you're helping the ponies!?" Garble said, exhausted before he turns to Spike. "I should've known you would bring your namby-pamby friends."

"Do yourself a favor, Garble, and leave. There's no way we're gonna let you become Dragon Lord." Spike said as Garble gritted his teeth.

As much as he loathes to admit, two dragons and two ponies were too much for him. He considered his options and known of they turn out to be appealing to him. However, at that moment, Garble heard the voices of the other dragons closing in. A devious smirk appeared on his face as an idea pops into his head. Garble brought his hands to his mouth and yelled as loudly as possible.

"HEY ALL YOU DRAKES, LOOK, I FOUND THE BLOODSTONE OVER HERE!!" the group looks on in bewilderment until they heard the rumbling sound foots fast on the approach. Spike and the other's heart sunk when four more dragons came flooding into the room. Two of which were the same dragons that Garble spoke to earlier. While the other two were his old flunkies.

"Look, there's the scepter."

"Gangway, it's mine!"

"No mine!"

"I saw it first!"

Sure enough, the newcomers were at each other's throats and were about to come to blows until Garble slammed his tail against the ground to gain their attention. "Will you scale heads knock it off!? We have some ponies to deal with," he said as the dragons looked at him with confusion and suspicion.

"Ponies? Here? Please, like any of them would be dumb enough to set hoof here." a chubby dark brown dragon said.

"Yeah, what's your game, Garble?" a skinny purple dragon with orange dorsal fins said. He got Garble's face and pointed a claw at his chest. "I bet you're trying to distract so you can become Dragon Lord."

Garble said nothing and gave the dragon a deadpan stare. Garble proceeds to grab his head and turns it around toward Spike and the others. All the dragons' mouths made an 'O' as realization struck them. "As you can see here, ponies have entered our land. Worse, they have the gall to spit on our traditions and interfere with the Gauntlet of Fire. Worse still, they received help from these two traitors here." he said as he gestures to Spike and Ember. "I say we teach these traitors a lesson and make an example of the ponies."

"Why should we listen to you?" the purple dragon challenged, but Garble wasn't having any of it. Instead, he stared at the other dragon as his shadow cast over him, making Garble seem all the more imposing.

Garble leaned in close enough so that he was nearly touching against his mouth. "Because your new Dragon Lord said so. And as your new Dragon Lord, I don't think they can get one over on me. But I'll fair grant your dumb request. You can have that burp as a greeting and have all the pillows you want, but first, we have four problems to handle." Garble said maliciously. The dragons were now on board with Garble and slowly started to advance toward Spike and the others.

Spike, Rarity, and Twilight all nervously shifted while Ember remained defiant. "Now, what are we going to do?" Spike asks.

"We fight! You said yourself that we wouldn't let that jerk of a dragon become Dragon Lord. Now we have to back it up. They only have one more on their side, so the odds are manageable." Ember said.

"That may be true, but I don't know how effective my magic will be against those thick scales and armor. We should try to stall for time until Goku shows up." Twilight suggests.

"Then he better make it fast!!" Ember said as she lunges at the orange dragon to the left and tackles him to the ground. The pink dragon jumps on Ember's back, and all three of them begin to roll around on the floor. Twilight confronts the purple dragon, which in turn tries to swipe at her. But Twilight proceeds to teleport around him, leaving the dragon dazed and confused. Rarity uses a different approach while facing the chubby dragon.

"Tell me, darling, do you fancy gemstones?" Rarity asks

"Um yeah, I guess." the chubby dragon answers.

"Then perhaps you will like these!" Rarity said as she levitated several gemstones and used her magic to illuminate them, thus, blinding the chubby dragon. Meanwhile, Spike faced off against Garble as they circled each other. Spike decided to strike first and charge Garbe, but Garble used his wings to evade the attempt. Spike tried again, only for Garble to slap him to the ground with his tail. Before Spike could stand up, Garble delivered a kick to Spike's belly and sent him to tumble off the edge of the platform. He manages to latch onto the surface to prevent himself from falling in the lava. With Spike indisposed, Garble turned to his minions to see them performing poorly against their foes. His eyes landed on Rarity, and a wicked grin appears on his face. Garble inhales some air and exhales his fire breath right in her direction.

Spike manages to get off the edge just in time to witness the flames approaching Rarity. "Rarity looks out!!" he warns. Rarity pauses at first but then turns around and sees the oncoming flashes. She lets eep sound ducks to her left. Unfortunately, Rarity happens to crash right into Twilight right as she reappeared from her teleport. Twilight and Rarity collided with Ember to add further insult to injury as she manages to gain the upper hand on her two opponents. The dragons quickly took advantage and subdued the girls. Ember found herself pinned underneath the chubby dragon. Whereas, Twilight and Rarity found themselves held to the ground with their arms behind their backs. Now Spike found himself in the absolute worst-case scenario, and Goku still hadn't shown up yet.

"What's wrong Spikey? Feeling a bit scared without your widdle friends to help you." Garble taunted as he slowly approaches Spike. "You know, I seem to remember something you said before the start of the Gauntlet. Something about how you know next to nothing about dragon culture."

Spike took a tentative step back as Garble got closer. "What's that got to do with anything?" he said, trying his best not to be afraid.

Garble merely grins in response. "Well-- How about I give you a crash course on dragon culture like the time at the dragon migration...." Faster than Spike could react, Garble propels himself to him and give his fist into Spike's gut. Spike's eyes went wide, and he coughed up some spit. Spike violently shook while he clutches his stomach. "See, when two dragons want the same something, they fight over it like we are now. But..." Garble grabs Spike by the shoulder and throws him to the wall. He then knees Spike in the gut, forcing him to hunch over, and follows up with a right hook to his face. Spike fell to his hands and knees as he panted heavily.

"There are several factors involved for dragons to fight other dragons. One factor is our scales, and as you know, a dragon's scales are harder than steel and are impervious to extreme heat. So how can dragons fight one another? It goes pretty much like this...." Garble trailed off as he raises his claws in the air while Spike was using the wall as support. He brought his claw down diagonally against Spike's back.

"Aaaaargh!!!" Spike hollers in pain at the sharp stinging sensation on his back. Four grizzly lacerations were visible for all the world to see.

"If a dragon's claw is sharp enough, then that dragon can easily cut through scales. But I haven't done all that much with my claws as of late. So the only other way I could've hurt you is because your scales are fragile. No doubt due to having sleepovers with your girly pony friends. A real drake sleeps on bedrock to toughen their hinds." Garble informs as Spike slumped to the floor and start to crawl away. Garble stops him from going any further by stomping on his tail. Garble started to scratch his chin as he inspects Spike's wound. "Ouch, that looks bad. We better patch you up before you get an infection," Garble evilly said as he inhaled some air and breathed fire directly into Spike's wound.

"AAAAAARGH UUUrgh AAAAARGH!!!" Spike thrashes and trembles under Garble's vicious assault. The onlookers gasp in horror once the flames cease and his wound laid bare. The lacerations were now badly seared, and the flesh appears to be blistering, all the while making a sicking sizzling sound. Spike was doing all he could to stay conscious.

Garble lifts his foot from Spike's tail and slams it down hard on the still tender wound. Spike opened his mouth to yell but the sound git caught in his throat. Garble was taking great delight in watching Spike squirm. "There we go, haha, not a bad patch job if I do say so myself. Are you still with us, buddy? Good cause we have to finish up the lesson here. With the scales gone, the dragons' soft inner flesh becomes vulnerable to opposing dragons' flames. But I get the feeling you already figured that out. There is a weakness that all dragons share, and that's the underbelly." Garble then uses his tail to hoist Spike off the ground and bring it to his face. Spike's weakly struggled against the tightening grip of the tail around his neck.

"I-I w-won't *grunt* let--" whatever Spike was going to say was cut by a swift punch to his stomach by Garble.

"The scale on the underbelly is a lot softer than any other part on a dragon's body. Which is great for me because I need to practice my boxing, and I just found the perfect heavy bag." Garble maliciously grins as he started heavy blows to Spike's stomach in rapid succession. This torture went on for 5 minutes until Garble launched a tough strike to Spike's gut at the end. This action causes Spike to spit out any blood stained the floor and part of Garble's tail. Spike dangles in Garble's grip, completely motionless. The only sounds he made were the constant wheezing from each breath he took.

The girls felt helpless as they watch Spike endure such torture. Rarity had tears streaming down her face that ruined her eyeliner. Twilight was frantically looking around for Goku to show up and intervene. While Ember watched on with a fit of furious anger at Garble's actions, she knew dragons had a mean streak. But this was needlessly cruel. Even Garble's minions started to become apprehensive.

"You filthy coward. Let him go. He's had enough!!" Ember demanded.

"That's right, you uncultured, vile, detestable, horrid brute. Don't lay another hand on Spike," Rarity yelled out.

"I SEAR BY THE SUN AND THE MOON THAT I WILL USE EVERY OUNCE OF MY POWER TO MAKE YOU PAY!!!!" Twilight threatened, driving home the threat by amplifying it with the Royal Canterlot Voice. Twilight's voice causes the dragons to flinch and stare at her blankly. That is until Garble started laughing; he slams Spike to the ground before making his way to Twilight.

"Wow. I didn't think you ponies could bark so loud. That's so cute." Garble mocks as Twilight stared at him with murder in her eyes. "This is a dragon land pony, and the final, most important part of dragon culture is that it takes a big strong dragon to rule. Speaking of which, I still owe you two for embarrassing me back at the migration." Garble said as he stood up to his full height. He then raises his foot and hovers over Twilight's horn. All of Twilight's righteous fury fizzled away as she became acutely aware of the evil dragon's intentions.

"Please, no!" Twilight whimpers.

"You-- you fiend!! You can't do that! You'll cripple for life. Stop this at once!!" Rarity demanded only for her words to fall on death's ears.

"Shut up and wait your turn. Pretty soon, all of the ponies of Equestria will get this treatment!" Garble chuckled as Rarity cowers in fear.

Ember turned away from the act that's about to transpire and mutters something loud enough for everyone to hear. "If this is the ruler you intend to be, then you bring shame to dragons everywhere!" Her words cut deep to the surrounding dragons, but one look from Garble killed whatever reservations they may have.

Spike was barely conscious at this point. His entire body screams in agony for his brutal beating. His vision was blurry and out of sync, but he was able to outline Garble's and Twilight's form. Spike instantly knew what Garble was planning, but he didn't have the strength to do anything to stop it. How many times has Twilight been there for him during their childhood? How many times did she save him from persecution when they lived in Canterlot? Now when the one who had always been there for and supported through the hard times needed his aid, he was once again powerless to help. "Why...? Why am I so useless? Talking big with my friends backing me up was easy. Why can't I be strong like them? Why can't I be strong like-- like..." Spike choke back a sob as tears fell from his eyes.

Garble took one last glance at Spike to make sure he was watching. He saw his pitiful teary-eyed expression and smiled gleefully. "Ha, I told ya, Spikey. Dragons don't make friends. Maybe if you knew about that before, then this wouldn't hurt so much now." With that said, Garble brought his foot down. However, just as it was about to connect with Twilight's horn, a massive explosion sounded off. Everyone braced themselves as sharps of crystal flew into the room. Then, they all turned to the blast source and found the familiar form of the dragon known as Snarl.

"What the drake? Snarl? You did that?" Garble said as he stares at the dopey dragon with shock. He moved his foot away from Twilight's horn.

"Whew, finally made it. Sorry I'm so late, but this place was like a maze. Once I got free, more crystals popped up and blocked the tunnel you all went through, and I had to find another way. But I couldn't find one, so I just had to make one myself," Goku said as he surveyed the area and instantly did not like what he saw.

"GOKU!!!" Twilight and Rarity exclaimed with relief.

"G-Goku...!" Spike said weakly and managed to smile.

"Hey, Snarl!! Your Dragon Lord asked you a question!" Garble stated as Goku turned his attention to him. Although no one could see it, Goku had a fierce glare set on the maroon drake.

"What were you doing to Spike and the others?" Goku asked, but it sounded more like a demand. All the dragons knew something was off. None of them could place how Snarl suddenly got such a commanding presence. Garble seemed oblivious to this and got irritated at being ignored.

"What's it to you anyway? I was teaching these traitors and ponies not to cross the new Dragon Lord. And--"

"So you're the one who hurt Spike?" Goku inquiries as he cut Garble off. His tone became colder. He stared intently at Spike's broken form.

"Not only that, but he threatened to break off Twilight's horn!" Rarity informs Goku as he clenched his fist. While he may not be a unicorn, Goku knew how great horns are to them. So Goku started to approach Garble slowly.

Embers dorsal fins started to twitch, and she knew something serious was about to happen. A smirk worked its way on her lips. "I think it may be in your best interest to let us go now. "Snarl" there doesn't look too happy," the other dragons picked up on the change in atmosphere as well. They had a deep foreboding feeling that they couldn't seem to shake.

"Pfft. Please, are you hatchlings scared? It's Snarl! And since your too dumb to get the memo. I'm the Dragon Lord here, and if you're gonna side with the ponies then--" Garble didn't get to finish his sentence as Goku slams his fist in his face. The force behind the punch causes Garble to fly across the room and hit the wall. The other dragons saw Garble become embedded in the wall and currently unconscious. Goku then turned his gaze on the dragons that were holding down Rarity, Ember, and Twilight. Without uttering a word, the dragons immediately back away and freed their captives.

Rarity and Twilight quickly spring to their hoofs and rush over to Spike's said. Ember and Goku follow closely behind them. "Spikey! Oh, my poor Spikey-Wikey, please be alright." Rarity said with concern.

Ember places a hand on Rarity's shoulder and gives her a somber look. "I'm sorry! I should've done more. Those wounds will take some time to heal. However, the scars on his back will no doubt be permanent. Some friend I turned out to be." she said with a tinge of guilt."

Rarity shook her head and gave her a sad smile. "Do not worry yourself, darling. You did all that you could and fought hard for us; you even saved my life. If that's not a friend, then I don't know what is." Rarity's words touched Ember as she turned away with a smile on her face. Meanwhile, Twilight had a sudden realization from Ember's words.

"Time to heal? That's it!!" Twilight said as she ran to Goku. "Goku, you wouldn't happen to have a Senzu, would you?"

"Of course! Great thinking, Twilight. Good thing I stopped by Zecora's before I got dragged to Rarity's place." Goku said, earning a scoff from Rarity.

"Well, I never...!" Rarity huffs, causing Goku to chuckle. He fished around in his costume to find his pouch. The other dragons looked on as they saw Snarl shift around strangely.

"I just don't get that dragon sometimes."

"Me either."

Goku found the Senzu bean and kneels to Spike's mouth. He placed the Senzu bean in there and rubbed his throat so that he can sallow it. Moments later, Spike sprang up to his feet. Ember and the dragons looked on with astonishment at this miraculous recovery.

"B-but how? Those wounds would have taken months to heal." Ember said as she closely inspected Spike's form while he blushed. "There isn't even a scar or burn marks! So what was that you gave him?" Ember asks.

Goku merely shrugs as if it wasn't a big deal. "Eh, it was just a Senzu bean. Nothing special!"

Ember was about to argue more, but a sudden pulse erupts next to them. It was revealed to be Spike, who was now in possession of the bloodstone scepter. All the dragons stared in awe as Spike came down and stood in front of Ember. He then presented her with the Scepter. "I believe this belongs to you," he said with a smile.

"Are you sure about this? You do realize what you're giving upright?" Ember asks as she took hold of the Scepter.

"Of course, I'm sure. You will do a far better job than I would as ruler. Besides, I could never leave Equestria. It's my home." Spike said, earning a 'daw' from Rarity and Twilight and a chuckle from Goku. Spike took a knee and bowed his head to Ember. The other dragons proceed to do the same.

"ALL HAIL DRAGON LORD EMBER!" the dragons said in unison as they accepted their new ruler. Although, one dragon did not share these sentiments.

"NO!!!" a voice called, and everyone turned to see Garble awake again. "That's not fair. It should be me; that's Dragon Lord!!!!!" he yelled.

Goku steps forward, but Dragon Lord Ember beats him to the punch. "Now, what was that about adding me to your hoard of wives?" She said, reminding Garble of his earlier words which causes him to gulp. "Leave my sight now! I will find a suitable punishment later." she threatened.

Garble look around for support, but all of his minions now stood behind Ember. His eyes fall on Goku and Spike. The latter of whom held a smug grin while the former glare at Garble down. It was then that Garble notices something off about Snarl. "Hold on. Snarls eyes are never that focused. And he doesn't have holes in his neck," he said quietly to himself. Finally, Garble was able to put two and two together, and his confident grin returns. "As you wish-- Dragon Lord." He said as he flew from the island. He may not have become Dragon Lord, but he still had one more card to play.

[Later that day.]

Ember flew back to the gathering spot to find all the dragons waiting patiently for the new Dragon Lord to return. Goku was flying Spike back to the mainland firmly behind Ember. They land in front of the crowd of dragons while Ember speaks with her father. Twilight and Rarity were at a safe distance to watch the events unfold.

"What? Ember! Where have you been?" Torch demanded.

"I was competing in the Gauntlet of Fire," Ember answers as she held up the Scepter. "As you can see, I weld the Blood Stone Scepter. Thus making me the new Dragon Lord." So she said a matter of factly.

"Did I not forbade you from entering the Gauntlet?" Torch chastised, but Ember held her ground.

"Yes, you did. You also said that only a big strong dragon could ever hope to retrieve the Scepter. So, here I am, your small daughter, standing before you like the new Dragon Lord." Ember proudly said as she crossed her arms.

Torch let out a small chuckle. "Headstrong, just like your mother. I suppose being the bigger dragon doesn't equal being a better dragon." he compliments and turns to the crowd of dragons. "BEHOLD, YOUR NEW DRAGON LORD!!!" the dragons all looked to Ember, perplexed for a moment.

"CHEER WHEN HE IS SPEAKING!!" Ember yelled out, which only caused the dragons to become more confused. "Just kidding. That won't be me," she said as the cheers finally broke out. However, before the celebration could go full swing, Garble flew up to Torch. The cheering stops as everyone focus on him.

"I got a bad feeling about this," Goku said.

"Now, what is he up to?" Spike questions.

Garble clears his throat and takes a big breath. "Shenanigans, Shenanigans, SHENANIGANS!!!" he yells as loud as he could. All the surrounding dragons, even Torch and Ember, gasp out at this declaration.


Garble bows in respect before continuing to speak. "Forgive me, your lordship, but..." Gargle trailed off as he turns around and gazes upon Goku and Spike with a sadistic grin. "There has been some foul play within the Gauntlet of Fire." Spike's facial expression turns to shock as his tears fall. Whereas Goku cautiously looks on.

Author's Note:

Enjoy the long chapter here guys. There's a couple of things I want to say here about this chapter.

1. Does anyone knows how the capsule in DBZ actually work?

2. Sorry for the brutal Spike beating. But it was essential for what I have planned.

3. I brought the power pole and banshou back because I thought it was BS that they never gave a soild reason in the show as to why their never used again. It's stupid.

4. What is the name of dragon that was the same as the costume they used in the dragon migration episode?

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