• Member Since 28th May, 2012
  • offline last seen May 14th, 2014



Twilight finds her mind drifting off more and more into thoughts regarding the newly-met amateur astronomer, Comet Tail. She realizes these are thoughts of not only infatuation, but thoughts that tell her she saw him before. But where?
Eventually, she finds out...and she's not happy with who she remembers him as. Can he prove his sincerity? Maybe Twilight's B.B.B.F.F. can clear things up? Or will Twilight let this comet pass without so much as a glance on her part?
Written in response to (what I felt was) a severe lack of TwilightxCometTail works, as well as one comic that posits a theory on how Shining Armor got his cutie mark: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/128/b/3/summer_skies_by_fongsaunder-d4yy4mt.jpg
Please enjoy and critique!
EDIT: Featured as of June 23rd, if only for a few hours! Whoever made that possible, thank you SO much!

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 159 )

It a huge wall of text, but I'm liking the story! Thumbs up!

I approve of this ship!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: Seriously this is the only TwilightxComet Tail fic I have seen on this site.

Really well done, however it's somewhat hurting to read it.
Try to space it a bit, just for the sake of everyone's eyes

How would you want me to space it? Break it into smaller paragraphs, or maybe add spaces in between the existing ones?
Thanks for your input, by the way.

Space it a bit in my opinion and occasionaly break it in smaller paragraphs. Do it in accordance to the text;

For instance

Evening had begun to fall. Twilight couldn't think of a time she was out of the library as long as she was today. Over the course of her reading with Comet, several other of her friends passed them by. She could tell by their faces that she had a bit of explaining to do with them.
Regardless, the two unicorns made their way to the large tree of a building, Twilight's bag filled with notes. They made it to the front door before turning to each other.
"Hey, Twilight," Comet Tail started. "I, uh...really appreciated you spending time with me. I know I get annoying, but it's a passion for me. Stars and such, I mean."

Kinda like this:

Evening had begun to fall. Twilight couldn't think of a time she was out of the library as long as she was today.

Over the course of her reading with Comet, several other of her friends passed them by. She could tell by their faces that she had a bit of explaining to do with them. Regardless, the two unicorns made their way to the large tree of a building, Twilight's bag filled with notes.

They made it to the front door before turning to each other.

"Hey, Twilight," Comet Tail started. "I, uh...really appreciated you spending time with me. I know I get annoying, but it's a passion for me. Stars and such, I mean."

Note, all this is my own opinion

Ah, I see what you mean. Thank you so much!

Great read cant wait till the next chapter. You just got a like and a follow.:pinkiehappy:

I'll follow this.
Good Job. :pinkiehappy:


Um, should we know who Comet Tail is?
I don't... :twilightoops:

Don't listen to him, he's been spoiled by internet forums. I had no problems reading it, mainly because unlike the new kids nowadays I actually read things called books that exist as paper and ink and has this kind of formatting to save space.

why do I have the feeling that comet tail was a bully when they went to school together


Agreeing with this, it's spaced out just fine the way it is on top of being a great story.

:heart::heart::heart:I really like this! I can't wait to learn more. :pinkiehappy:

:heart:FINALLY! A TWILIGHT X COMET TAIL SHIPPING STORY! I have been waiting for this for so long. I totally ship them. They look so great together. If they ever make an actual episode where they have Twilight go on a date or get a boyfriend or something, I hope he is the stallion they use.:heart:

Good story so far.

Twilight finds coltfriend, then she finds out where she remembers him from dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/sillyfilly_Twilight_Sparkle.png

I got a feeling that something bad is going to happen :twilightoops:

It's okay for you to have your own opinion, but I also have mine, so do respect it.
And it's kinda harsh to say every kid nowdays doesn't read books. When I was 13, I had read 'Sinuhe The Egyptian'. :twilightblush:

And the argument with the ink and paper form is baseless; it is mainly due to economical and lenght issues that cause them to have tiny amount of spacing, not that it is better or worse compared to other methods.

I would respect it if I saw a reason to. As far as I've seen, your only preference for that kind of spacing is the fact that your eyes aren't used to actual text, but rather seem to read more from electronic sources. This isn't respectable, anymore than I should respect a perfectly fit teenager for riding around on one of those electric carts at Wal-Mart. Sure, he's entitled to his opinion and no one's going to stop him, but in the end, he's still an idiot. I don't think you're an idiot, mind, but I do think you're lazy, and you shouldn't pester people to cater to that inability to differentiate between paragraphs without the crutch of additional spacing.
Indentation works perfectly well. And the old saw of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" applies.

:pinkiegasp: TWILIGHT! Did you bully him?!

Some how I think its the other way round, I think He bullied her when they were younger

this is good i like it a lot i just noticed the "loko at the book"
have some moustaches :moustache::moustache::moustache:

Thanks for the moustaches and the spelling correction.:coolphoto:

:pinkiegasp: ah! I'm dying to know what happens. :3

Shining will kick Comet's flank, what else could possibly happen?

hopefully comet will have the chance to straighten things

Not bad.

Aw, you gotta feel for Comet; He was trying to make up for being a jerk. :fluttershysad:
Also, about the bit where Cadence levitated herself to get Dash's note, I just found it a bit strange, seeing as how she could've flown up to reach it. Aprt from that, this story is awesome. I could easily see this as an episode. :twilightsmile:

My bad. I just figured saying 'levitate' was more poetic to say than just 'she flew up to the window'. :unsuresweetie:

746412 I can understand that. :twilightsmile:

I think Shining is going to punch Comet, just to get some anger out, then talk like a civilized adult.

I know that Comet was mean to Twilight in the past, but that all happened when they were just kids. Kids do immature stuff that they regret when they're older. They're adults now. I think Twilight should consider this and accept Comets apology, but I also think that Comet should do a little bit more to show that he is truly sorry and to try and make up for it.

746971 Thing is that ponies are more innocent than human adults. Look at the show, even the adults are basically big children.

"That was Rainbow Dash," Spike told them once Cadance returned to them. "And that's her handwriting." Ponies don't have hands. Consequently, they can't have handwriting.

Drat.:facehoof: I'll get that fixed. Thank you!


Update! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra.png

I thought Shining Armor was going to kick some flank. Good chapter

First of all: Western accent? What?

Second: "She mentioned a 'Pinkie Pie Promise'. It sounded serious."
Oh, Cadence, you have no idea how serious that shit is.

For Comet's voice, I'm using the one he had in 'Super Speedy Cider Squeezy' (The pony who shouted, "I wouldn't pay one cent for this dreck!") It sounded Western to me, but still, that's just me. I hope that clears it up a bit.

I'm pretty sure if Pinkie Pie broke a Pinkie Promise then the universe might collapse in on itself.

754499 After watching that scene again, it makes sense.

Another loop hole.:pinkiegasp: But still good.

Thank goodness he didn't kick Comet's flank, though I wanna see what happened when he did back when they were little.
Pinkie Pinkie Promised? :twilightoops: Geez, her breaking that would be like dividing by zero. :pinkiegasp:

747717 So if all ponies are like children, even ponies who are parents, then we've got a whole country full of children raising children.:pinkiecrazy: It’s a wonder Equestria isn’t in total chaos.

Oh shit.

But I have to ask, does Pinkie have a liscence for that party canon?

This story would be 20% cooler if it had my oc in it

Ah, Pinkie and her Party canon. :rainbowlaugh:

Gentlemen i believe th sh*t has hit the fan

I require more. Seriously. This is tasty reading, right here.

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