• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 9,513 Views, 156 Comments

The Fox and the Filly - FrostTheWolf

[Displaced][Digimon Crossover] Sweetie Belle one day comes across a strange looking watch and decides to keep it on her, only for her to form a bond with a strange fox creature that knew her mother. Now the fox has become her partner and protector.

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18- Outbreak

The Fox and the Filly- Outbreak

If there was anything that Phantomon hated the most out of everything he had been forced to experience in his lifetime, it was interruptions. You put in hours of research and hard work in order to make new discoveries or overcome an obstacle in front of you, only for your thought process to be derailed by an unanticipated interruption. Not only that, but it would take a long while to pick up where you left off and if you did not properly make records of the research being conducted, then everything that you would’ve been working for would just go down the drain.

The reaper digimon hated having to start over on any of his projects, for it just meant that more time would end up being wasted to redo everything that you had already completed rather than proceed to the next step or phase of a plan. It was the equivalent of stagnating in place and not accomplishing anything… and that was the bane of his existence. The only way to get anything done not just personally, but as a species, was through change. It was the fundamentals that he was taught while under Barbamon’s tutelage… and even though the demon lord stole his research and stabbed him in the back, he still followed his fundamentals. It was ironic really, but he didn’t care too much for it.

Though, it was as he was going over some notes that he heard a knock on the door to his chambers, “Excuse me, Mr. Phantomon sir? May I come in?”

The voice was one that the reaper digimon recognized, and with a begrudging sigh, he set down his work and turned to the door. “You may.”

As the door opened, what could only be described as a walking body made up of cardboard boxes entered the room. Unlike other digimon in the digital world, who had various different forms of digivolution, there are some rare cases where a particular digimon doesn’t have any forms at all. This one in particular, known as Bakomon, was one such case. Their DNA was classified as ‘Mutant’ and digimon like them usually had a particular series of tasks or jobs that they followed to the letter. In the case of Bakomon, he worked as a courier.

“Hello there,” the cardboard box digimon spoke, before gently taking a couple of cardboard packages out of the box that served as its head and setting it down gently, “Just passing through and making deliveries. Some of the packages for you had finally come in from other sectors of the digital world.”

“Oh?” Phantomon asked, “Which sector?”

“Vermillion,” came the reply as Bakomon placed the last of the packages, “From what my boss tells me, it’s been difficult for anything or anyone to go in and out of there as of late. Word is that the sovereign in charge placed a blockade on their borders for security concerns and that the Deva’s under him are working in full force to follow through on his decree.”

To Phantomon, that was a problem. Unlike the world of the living, where it’s kingdoms were split up by different rulers all across the world, how the digital world was structured changed significantly after the events of the Equinox War thirty years ago when the Demon Lords fell. The digital world was split into four sectors; Ebony, Vermillion, Azure and Ashen. Each one was watched and ruled over by one the four Sovereigns that called it home, yet they only stepped in if they saw that something was an immediate threat or a matter of great importance. Otherwise, the sector would be governed by the Sovereigns' subordinates, otherwise known as the Deva’s.

The problem that Phantomon faced in particular though was that his old research facility was in the Vermillion Sector. While most of its secrets have been relocated and the building itself was abandoned, it would be foolish to think that you could hide from a Sovereign. Especially if it was the burning wrath of Zhuqiaomon. He would need to contact the right digimon to make sure to double check the place later, just to be safe. It would not bode well to have his plans uprooted by carelessness.

“I see,” he replied back, before setting his scythe aside as he moved the packages closer to him, “Thank you for informing me on these developments. I will have to adjust accordingly.”

“No worries,” Bakomon replied, before blinking for a moment as he looked at his arm. Much to Phantomon’s surprise, it was at that moment where an envelope slipped through and onto the floor, “Oh sorry. Last minute delivery it seems. Looks like someone was wanting to talk to you and sent this through express mail. Well, have a good day now!”

With that, the cardboard box digimon took its leave, leaving Phantomon with the envelope as he looked at who it was from. Though, when he learned of the sender, he wasn’t entirely thrilled.


“Oh brilliant,” the reaper digimon groaned as he picked up his scythe and used the edge of it like a letter opener to tear open the envelope so he could look at what was inside. Tsukaimon had a bad track record of trying to contact him if he was in trouble or wasn't able to defend himself. There were even days where Phantomon honestly thought that he digivolved from his in-training form without a spine. His species was supposed to like fighting, yet Tsukaimon would flee like a coward at the first sign of trouble, “Let’s see if he actually has something good to tell me for once.”

As the envelope was torn open though, Phantomon found what looked to be a small circular device along with the message that Tsukaimon had inside. While it wouldn’t exactly look like much to any other digimon that saw it, Phantomon recognized it right away. It was a dead-eye chip, a miniature storage device that the reaper digimon gave to his followers to use for reconnaissance purposes. It would be used to take brief pictures over a period of time, before storing them onto this. Not only that, but the message that came with it was… rather promising.

Sorry for the sudden interruption, but I found something that I think you want to see. Couldn’t risk open communication, so I had to use my dead-eye. I’ll be waiting for further instructions soon.

Really now? Something that I would want to see?” Phantomon thought to himself as he raised an eyebrow. His annoyance from a few moments ago was now replaced with curiosity, even if he still had his fair share of doubts. Yet, after what he had told him in the wake of Witchmon’s defeat, he hoped that Tsukaimon took his words to heart and actually did something useful for a change instead of just fearfully quivering in a bush somewhere.

Though, once he was able to access the contents on the chip, Phantomon’s earlier impressions on Tsukaimon began to dissipate. For what it contained was something he thought would’ve been near impossible to find. Pictures of the hybrids that were half FanBeemon and half changeling as well as the hive that they called their home. Tsukaimon’s letter even contained coordinates to the hive’s location, something in which was well hidden considering he had sent scouts to search for the same hive and not find anything.

It was as he was looking over these new details and re-evaluating everything that an idea formed in his mind. Previous tests with the Barba Virus have always been with a single individual that had served the reaper digimon. Though, what Tsukaimon provided for him presented a new opportunity. A control test to see how the virus reacts in populated areas and to see how quickly it can spread.

With that in mind, Phantomon looked at the first package that had arrived and proceeded to open it. A grin formed under his hood as he looked through its contents. “Yes, this will do rather nicely. Now, it’s time to prepare for a field test.”

The Following Morning

By the time that the sun began to peak over the digital horizon, Lyall was the only one that was awake this early in the morning. Many of the other digimon that he came to the Daybreak lodge with, along with their tamers, were still fast asleep at this time. This included his sister Rena, who was usually an early riser like he was. Though, he had the feeling that she was enjoying some much needed rest after how things had been over the last few days. So, it wouldn’t be a good idea to disturb her right now.

As Lyall watched the sunrise from the balcony that was nearby the lobby, the Strabimon heard the doors open behind him and turned around. Much to his surprise, he found Elecmon standing by the doors as the rookie walked over. “Well, hello there. Didn’t expect to see anybody up this early in the morning.”

“Well, I woke up early and didn’t want to disturb my friends,” he replied back, “So, I decided to come here and watch the morning sky. Sorry if I-”

“No no, it’s fine,” Elecmon waved it off with a smile as he hopped up onto the wooden railing of the balcony, “It’s just surprising, that’s all. Never really had anyone walking around before the crack of dawn. Then again, Madame Lea did mention to us beforehand that all of you were quite unique and not like our usual clientele.”

“Really now?” Lyall said, “If I may be so bold to ask, what is your ‘usual clientele’?”

“During a usual week? We normally get groups that are here for things like family vacations, couples retreats, weddings and even honeymoons on occasion,” the rookie told him, “Just digimon who want to take a break from day to day life in the sectors, even if it is for a short while.”

At that part, the Strabimon was puzzled, “Sectors? Forgive me, but we aren't exactly locals, so some things aren’t really familiar to us.”

At that, the Elecmon just tilted his head in confusion for a moment, before he went to answer his question, “Well after the Equinox War, the last major crisis around the digital world, the digital world was split into four sectors with each one ruled by one of the Sovereigns. Even so, the different sectors have different rules and customs that the digimon living there need to follow. Our lodge is seen more or less as ‘off the grid’, so we don’t have our guests force any rules or restrictions on anyone. If anything, it allows our guests to be themselves.”

“I see, that must be a relief for those who come here. Especially considering the diverse clientele you were talking about a few moments ago,” Lyall responded, before a different thought crossed her mind, “Out of curiosity, how did you end up meeting Lea?”

“How did I meet Madame Lea?” Elecmon asked, “By chance, really. She had heard about some of the services that we offered outside of lodging and after some time, the Madame asked if Palmon and I wanted to take part in a partnership. We were skeptical at first, though after learning more about her and the kind of resources that she was able to provide for us, both of us were quick to accept. Since then, she’s not only helped us with finding clients, but some of the digimon that are a part of her hive also work here and help us whenever we have an influx of guests.”

That was something that the Strabimon honestly didn’t expect. When he first came to this place, he honestly thought that Lea had either won him over or just straight up owned the lodge. Then again, despite all the times that he had heard his sister and companions about Leona’s daughter, Lyall could not recall ever meeting her in person.

Of course, that was soon going to change. For shortly after they first started their discussion, the two of them heard a sound around the lobby floor as they turned to see Palmon holding a letter of sorts. “M-message for Rena, Leona and Company… and if t-the courier has anything to say about it, it seems to be urgent.”

“A message?” Lyall said, “From who?”

“Why M-madame Lea, of course. Though, I can’t seem to know why-”

At that, the Strabimon grimaced. “Yeah, that’s going to be a problem. Aside from me, mostly everyone is asleep. I could try to wake up Sweetie Belle, but I’m not sure if she’ll like it,” Shortly after he said that, a new question dawned in Lyall’s mind, “Why exactly is she needing us this early again?”

“I-it’s seems to be some kind of emergency, but t-there really isn’t much to go by,” Palmon admitted as they handed the letter for Lyall to read. Though, it only took him a few short moments to realize the severity of the message as the strabimon let out a sigh and looked back at the rookie digimon.

“Well, this looks really bad,” he cursed to himself, “Excuse me for a moment. I got a tamer to wake up. The sooner we address this, the better. I would rather not have this interrupt my sister's much needed rest.”

By the time that she arrived at their destination, Sweetie Belle was still trying to get her senses in order. Normally at this time, she would sleep for like another hour before waking up. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, she had to wake up much earlier than normal. All that she was told by Button’s partner, Lyall, was that they needed to head to Lea’s hive as soon as possible. However, they weren’t exactly informed as to why.

Yet, as they entered the hive, Sweetie was in shock at what she was seeing. Structures that stood tall during her original visit with Leona had fallen over, some of the changeling hybrids were trying to heal those that were gravely injured and a group of guards were trying to assess the entire situation. She also noticed a group of four other digimon along a honeycomb-like wall that contained what looked to be a digimon that was acting rather erratically. It tried to bash itself at the walls of the cell they were in and brute force the door that held their cell together, but to no avail.

“W-what… the hay happened here?”

“That’s a question that I think both of us want to have answered,” Lyall replied, before the two of them were led to a doorway that was guarded by two JewelBeemon that had spears crossed in front of the door.

“Halt!” the first one spoke, “Only authorized individuals beyond this point. State your name and purpose at once.”

Both the digimon and unicorn looked at one another in confusion, before looking back at the guards that stood at the door. “Uh… I’m sorry? We were asked to come to the hive as soon as possible to speak with-”

“Name and Purpose, or else entry will be denied,” the second JewelBeemon on the opposite side of the door stated. Yet, before Lyall or Sweetie Belle had the chance to defuse the situation, a third voice interjected.

“At ease, you two. The lady did send a messenger to that of her mother and her compatriots. It would seem though that these two are the only ones that could answer her summons right now.”

As the doors opened behind the two guards, Lyall and Sweetie found themselves looking at what could best be described as a bipedal butterfly digimon with yellow colored armor and arms that were striped like a tiger. However, its outstretched opal wings with cerulean markings were the most noticeable feature as both of the guards turned towards him and gave them a salute.

“M-major Butterflymon, sir!”

Major… Butterflymon? That’s a first,” the strabimon thought to himself, “What’s next, a soldier in Equestria called Captain Flowers?

“Stand down, you two,” the armor digimon told the two guards, before looking towards Sweetie Belle as a small smile could be seen underneath the mask that they were wearing on their face, “I remember seeing this filly just a couple days prior with her mother while you two were still going through training subroutines. However, I’m not so familiar with the other one.”

That was when Sweetie decided to speak up and say something, “He’s the brother of my partner, Rena. Though, she and Leona are… well still asleep right now. We didn’t want to keep Ms. Lea waiting for too long and if we woke up Leona, it would just make her cranky.”

“So, the two of you came in their place then?” Butterflymon asked, before folding his arms and nodding to the guards as they held their spears upright and allowed for them to pass. Once both of them were inside, the armor digimon let out a sigh of relief. “Pray, forgive the behavior of everyone in the hive. Every-mon’s been tense here over the course of the last few hours. The queen is in her chambers right now.”

“Her chambers?” Lyall asked nervously, “Apologies if I sound rude, but wouldn’t she have like a throne room to be in?”

“She does. However, we relocated her to a safer place for the moment while we are assessing the severity of the situation.”

At that, Sweetie Belle had to ask the first thing that came to her mind, “Just… What exactly happened here?”

“I… believe that would best be answered within the presence of the queen,” the armor digimon informed her, before approaching the door at the end of the hall and giving the door a gentle knock, “My queen, the ones who answered your summons are here. Shall I send them in?”

“Yes, please…” Came the reply from within, before the doors were opened to reveal a large and regal bed chamber with a bed large enough to fit six ponies the size of Celestia. And sitting there, taking up almost half the bed, was a large yellow being that resembled a mixture between a humanoid in yellow bee armor and a changeling with a long segmented tail ending in a wasp stinger. “I must apologize for the sudden summons, and my appearance. The situation is not the best right now.” The being said in Lea’s voice. Though, Lea’s usual peppy tone was instead replaced with the harsh buzz of an agitated bee.

“Are you alright, miss Lea?” Sweetie Belle asked, sounding concerned.

“I’ll be fine, but I am not so sure about my hive,” Lea buzzed, before standing up. She was now much taller in this form, Lyall only coming up to her knee as she approached the two. “Are you two the only ones who came, Sweetie… and you’re Lyall, right? Not how I planned to introduce myself to my future uncle, but what can a queen do.” she then shrugged while trying to sound alright, though it was obvious she wasn't.

Lyall blinked for a moment, looking towards Sweetie Belle to see if she made sense of anything that Lea just said. Though, after seeing a confused shrug from the filly, the Strabimon replied back, “Yeah, we were the only ones who could make it. My sister and the rest of our friends are asleep right now, so we came in their place.”

“What exactly happened though?” the unicorn filly asked, “The hive wasn’t like this the last time I was here.”

“Butterflymon, do you think you could… explain for me? My current state is a bit dangerous to keep under control.” Lea said to the digimon standing next to Lyall and Sweetie Belle, while indicating to them her vibrating wings and twitching tail with one of her hands. “It's been a long time since I have been in my fighter mode after all.” A drop of sweat seemed to roll down her currently humanoid face before evaporating.

“Certainly, my queen,” the armor digimon spoke up, before looking back to both the tamer and the Strabimon, “A couple of hours ago, one of the guards that we had out on patrol, FanBeemon, came back from patrol and claimed that they weren’t feeling well. At the time, we weren’t sure if they were just exhausted or something else. However, it was a short time afterwards that we started noticing some changes in their behavior. They were growing increasingly agitated and hostile, even though we were trying to help them.”

“Okay, I’m… with you so far,” Lyall said, “But how did we get from that to-?”

“Then, something within him ‘snapped’ per se. They started attacking their fellow guards and worse, when they were stung by his stinger, their victims started acting this way. With the sudden changes happening all too fast, they almost broke into our queen’s chambers and tried to attack her. We were lucky to subdue them and put them in isolation, however… the ones that FanBeemon stung weren’t so lucky. They either dissipated right then and there or the rest of us had to delete them ourselves. They were comrades, friends even… and yet, we couldn’t save them.”

At that, Lyall’s eyes widened. Personally, he wasn’t expecting a story like this to be told when inquiring about what happened. Yet, the whole thing seemed sickening enough. Even Sweetie Belle seemed uncomfortable with the whole thing, even though she tried her best to keep her composure.

“Do you… have any idea w-what happened to F-FanBeemon? H-he wasn’t always like that, was he?”

“Absolutely not,” Butterflymon confirmed, “The FanBeemon we know would not turn on any digimon that he would call his friend and was very loyal to Queen Lea. He wouldn’t even think about trying to attack her, let alone infect his allies.”

At that point when Butterflymon finished speaking, something clicked in Lyall’s head. Memories from just a few days ago when his sister told all of them about what happened when Rena first came to Equestria, but also the conflict that she and the tamers had taken part in. Yet, there was one point in particular that was coming back to him… and the more he thought about it, the more that he realized that what he was thinking about wasn’t good. “Oh no.”

“What is it Lyall?” Lea asked, concern etching itself into her face. “Do you perhaps know what is happening with my hive?”

“Not the hive, but… what might’ve happened to FanBeemon,” the rookie replied back before looking to the tamer that came with him, “Sweetie Belle, do you remember when Monodramon had to fight that one Digimon that attacked him and then the conversation that followed afterwards.”

“Kind of. B-but why are you-” At that point, Sweetie’s eyes widened as she realized what exactly Lyall was talking about, “W-wait, you don’t mean…”

The strabimon nodded his head, before looking back towards Lea as he began to explain to the queen, “Not long ago, Rena told all of us about a conflict where she and her previous partner were fighting alongside their friends against the Demon Lords a long time ago. One such demon lord had a virus as a weapon to where when it infects a digimon, it would increase their strength in battle tremendously. Yet, the virus would pretty much take over them.”

“A weapon during the Equinox War?” Butterflymon asked, “But the Demon Lords are no more though.”

“That may be true, but recently, that same weapon has seen a resurgence as of late. A couple of digimon that attacked us in the real world used the ‘Barba Virus’ to try and gain an edge in battle. Not only that, but the symptoms you told us that FanBeemon was having are the same ones that we were told that a digimon experienced when they were infected by said virus,” Lyall replied, even though he wasn’t really happy with what he had to tell them. Especially since so much damage had been caused already.

“I-Is there a cure?” Lea suddenly stuttered out, her wings now vibrating enough to create a loud buzzing sound, indicating how agitated the situation was making her.

“I’m… sorry, but I’m not sure,” Lyall admitted, “I think there might be one because one of our friends, Guilmon, had been infected by it before. Yet, I don’t really know. The only people who would possibly know would be either my sister, Guilmon or Mondramon maybe. Yet, Rena is beyond worried about the possibility of it infecting people she cares for now that the virus is making a comeback and Guilmon would have nightmares of what he did when infected.”

Lea quickly grabbed her tail as it suddenly jerked in an oddly dangerous direction before she pulled it against her chest. “I-I see, I’m sorry but… do you think you can come back later? I-I must… handle some things.” she then said, her voice cracking as she then turned around. “Butterflymon, escort them… please.”

“Certainly, my lady,” he replied, before looking at Lyall and Sweetie Belle as he motioned for them to follow him outside. As the door closed, the two of them couldn’t help but hear the armor digimon let out a deep sigh as he looked back at both of them. “I’m sorry if that was short. Our queen has been having to handle a lot of… emotions over the last few hours. The fact that not only her hive was attacked, but also the attacker was one of her own subjects has left… a bit of an impact on her.”

“I’m s-sorry to hear that,” Sweetie Belle replied, “I-I just w-wish that there was something we could do to… well, help-”

“Actually, you’ve helped out a lot more than you might think,” Butterflymon replied, “Because of both of you, we now know the cause of what happened and even though the chances are slim, it’s possible that FanBeemon can be saved. If your friend is still alive despite being infected by this virus, then it means that someone must have found a way to expunge the virus from his body. Not only that, but one of your friends can help us find out who.”

“Uh, I told you that Rena and Guilmon wouldn’t-”

“No no, not them. The third friend you mentioned. Maybe they happen to know about how you saved your friend,” the armor digimon replied, “While it might sound a bit far off, it’s better to have some hope rather than none-”

Just as he said that, a sword came flying through the door to Lea’s chambers as it landed deep into a nearby wall that was next to the three of them. Lyall was barely able to react in time as he moved Sweetie Belle out of the way. All the while, Butterflymon just stepped off to the side. “Oh dear. That’s… unexpected.”

As this happened, Sweetie Belle looked back through the hole into the broken door. It was clear that Lea wasn’t happy. Yet, it was only as she looked in that the filly could hear the full extent of the queen’s anger and frustrations.

“WhY DoEs ThIs KeEp HaPpEnInG In EvErY WoRlD!?” Lea’s distorted shout, sounding more insect like than something actually legible to pony ears, rang through the hive as something crashed within her chambers. Then, in a much weaker tone just barely audible to Sweetie Belle, she muttered in a distraught tone “I just wanted a place where me and mother could finally rest…” as the crashing sounds seemed to subside.

While Lyall and Butterflymon were talking among themselves though, the unicorn felt that she couldn’t just stand here while Lea was in distress. So, carefully, she stepped through the opening in the door and trotted over to where the queen was. Even though it seemed risky, she wanted to help Lea. Show to her that she and the other tamers that were her friends are there for her. Because coping after something so horrible like this is not something that should’ve been done alone.

Before the queen even realized that she was in the room, Sweetie Belle had gotten up onto her bed, trotted over to where Lea was and wrapped her forelegs around her for a hug.

“W-wha…” Lea stuttered as her body went rigid, the unexpected hug making her pause from eviscerating a section of her bed’s headboard to look down to the pony attached to her leg. “I-I thought… ThAt I had sent you…” She then muttered in confusion, seemingly unsure of what to do with her limbs as she looked at the small and very squishy being holding onto her.

“You did, but… it wouldn’t be right to leave you alone,” Sweetie told her, the queen feeling a source of positivity and comfort from her as she looked up, “When I had to face hardship before, I always had friends that could help me through it. Now, I want to do the same for you. I want to help you and the hive any way I can, and make sure something like this doesn’t happen again.”

Lea twitched for a moment before slowly crouching down as she tried to crack a thankful smile at Sweetie Bell, patting the foal on the head with one hand. “You are kind, young one… you truly are worthy of being Rena’s tamer.” She then said as a tear leaked from one of her eyes, having managed to gain some form of calm from the action. “Heh, you know, this brings me back. You remind me of myself in my younger years… doing my best to help my mother as she had to deal with the world around her being unwelcoming to us.” Her wings and tail were still twitching, and her face still was strained as if she wanted to scream and trash her room some more, but she visibly held it in as best she could as she took in the comforting act of kindness that unexpectedly came from this much more fragile being before her.

“Thank you. I’m glad I can help,” Sweetie replied back with a smile, before using her magic to take off the bandana of the Cutie Mark Crusaders she had around her neck and wipe away the tears from Lea’s eyes. For a couple more moments, she stood there to try and comfort Lea. Though, after a bit, a small ring from her Digivice went off and as she went to look at who was wanting to speak with her.

Much to her surprise, it was the one digimon that Butterflymon was referring to before. “Uh, Sweetie? Am I… interrupting something? I just found a letter from Lyall about where you and him are and-

“No, you’re fine,” Sweetie told Monodramon as she lifted her digivice using a levitation spell, “In fact, there was something I wanted to ask you.”

Briefly, Sweetie Belle filled the other rookie digimon in on what was going on, from the attack to what played out afterwards. Though, she also told him that Rena and Leona should not be informed about what happened. The trip that they were on was supposed to help ease their worries, not give them more. So keeping everything a secret was essential.

I see,” Monodramon replied, “This is… quite a lot to take in. Though, given what you said, there is someone that can help.

“W-who!? Who is it that can help me prevent losing any more children!?” Lea suddenly burst, shoving her face next to Sweetie Belle as she gripped her bed hard enough to tear holes in it.

E-easy there, calm down please,” Monodramon asked politely. “We all know someone… Yet, they are not a digimon. Though, given the circumstances, he’s the best one for this kind of situation.

At that, Sweetie looked back at Lea, before looking back at Monodramon, “Who?”

An old friend of ours. I believe Rena mentioned them when she told you all about when we fought the demon lords,” Monodramon replied, “They call themselves… NEO.

End Chapter 18

Author's Note:

With this chapter, we get some worldbuilding to go along with it. I wanted to make this version of the digital world somewhat interesting, so here's my best attempt at it. That and for this chapter, I wanted to write it from a different perspective.

Also, when it comes to Lea, Sol told me that since she has the dna of both a digimon and changeling, she has two different forms. So far, her previous appearances have only showed her changeling side. However, when she's forced to fight, her form changes to where it takes on more of an appearance to TigerVespamon. Yet, her emotions get the better of her.

Until next time

Comments ( 11 )

I was worried when this story haven't been getting updates, glad it's still going.

NEO? As in Prince NEO Drasil? The program who decides how the Digital World is meant to be by order of the Digimons Will?

If this is who you mean then... I have something planned for that, but it won't be until some time in the new year

Awesome, it's about time someone uses him in a Story. He has so much potential since his Manga ended a decade ago.

My take's a bit different, but you'll see when I get around to it

Sounds like it'll be fun either way.

Is the story going to continue?

I plan to at some point. However, I have a big project I'm working on now, so it may take a while

Wish you luck

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