• Published 28th Feb 2016
  • 22,346 Views, 146 Comments

Her Legacy Won't Endure - Leo Archon

Abacus Cinch gets her just desserts, from the highest authority in the school district.

  • ...

A Higher Power

It was a tense scene in the schoolyard of Canterlot High School. Local students and visitors from Crystal Prep had just witnessed the corruption, madness, and purification of one Twilight Sparkle, a student from Crystal Prep who was competing in the Friendship Games.

They hadn't even recovered from that shock when Crystal Prep's principal, Abacus Cinch, had demanded CHS's forfeiture from the Games, claiming the use of magic constituted an unfair advantage over her own school, and that CHS's students were using magic for their own benefit. Principal Celestia of CHS had replied that saving the world was for everyone's benefit, and the Crystal Prep students had rallied behind their former opponents, much to Principal Cinch's consternation.

"Obviously," she snarled at Celestia, "my students have been infected with your magic, but I plan on taking all of this up with the school board!"

Whatever reply Celestia might have made was pre-empted by another voice entirely. "That will not be necessary, Abacus." Everyone blinked, and turned towards the speaker.

Approaching the crowd of students and administrators was a woman in a crisp white business suit. It matched her pale skin rather well, and had a pin of an inkwell and quill above her left breast. A long flowing mane of brown hair came down to the middle of her back, framing her blue-green eyes. She stood as tall as Celestia, and her face was set in a neutral expression.

On seeing her, Principal Cinch's composure returned. "Ah, Superintendent Faust. Your timing is rather fortuitous."

This got a reaction from the students. "The district super?!" squeaked Fluttershy.

"Hoo, boy, this just got complicated," muttered Applejack.

Faust ignored them. "Less fortuitous than you might think, Abacus," she said. "I've actually been in attendance for the entirety of these Games, and I must say…" she trailed off, shaking her head before speaking again. "... I have been profoundly disappointed."

The CHS students cringed, certain that this VIP was disappointed in them. Celestia and Luna looked uncomfortable as well. Cinch, on the other hand, looked rather smug. "Indeed! I need hardly make my case if you've been here the whole time. The use of magic on CHS's part is clearly an unfair advantage, so it seems only right that they should - "

Faust coughed, interrupting. "Abacus, when I say I've been disappointed, I was not referring to the actions or conduct of Canterlot High School's students or faculty. I was referring to yours."

This caught everyone off-guard, Cinch most of all. "I-I beg your pardon?"

Faust took a breath. "I admit, I've had my doubts for some time, now, regarding your ability as an administrator of Crystal Prep," she began. "The idea of the Friendship Games was my brainchild, you know, back when I was principal of CHS. I proposed the idea to Principal Sombra of Crystal Prep as a means of getting our two schools to socialize, and make friends. That's what the Games were meant to be; a friendly competition with no ill feelings between the schools. I left Celestia and Luna in charge of CHS not only because they are good administrators, but because they understood the spirit and intent of the Games."

Here, she leveled a disappointed look at Cinch. "When Sombra was offered the job at Everfree University, he picked you as his replacement. When I questioned him as to your ability and intent, he promised me that you were a fantastic administrator, and that you would continue the traditions behind the Games. I regret to say, it seems his assurances were misplaced. You have taken the Friendship Games and turned them into a ruthless tournament that you are determined to win year after year, despite the lack of tangible reward."

Cinch had pulled herself out of her shock, and was now leveling a skeptical look at the super. "If you have been so disappointed in me, why have you not said a word to me regarding it?"

The look Faust gave Cinch in return could have served as a level. "Because despite my own feelings on the matter, you are mostly free to run Crystal Prep as you please. If I took you to task for simply ignoring traditions set by your predecessor, I'd be taken to task myself for abuse of power." Her gaze sharpened. "Unfortunately for you, prior to these Games, I received proof that you were doing more than simply being a ruthless taskmistress."

Cinch arched an eyebrow in response. "I'm not certain what you're referring to."

In response, Faust pulled out her cell phone. "Then let me give you a hint," she snapped, her calm demeanor starting to fray. Her hand moved quickly over the smartphone, and before long everyone in the courtyard could hear a conversation between Cinch and Twilight Sparkle… and the exact reason why Twilight had even participated in the Games to begin with.

When the recording ended, Twilight was downcast as she relived the scenario in her head. In contrast, Cinch was visibly sweating, as everyone present stared at her in shock, anger, or both. "You… you blackmailed her?" sputtered Lemon Zest, looking like she'd just swallowed her namesake.

“Oh my… that’s not very nice…” Fluttershy said softly in prize understatement, holding a now-growling Spike

"Seriously?"Sunny Flare all but hissed out the word.

“How could you?” Rarity stomped her foot.

“Wow. I can’t even say the word that best describes you now, Principal Cinch,” Sugarcoat said simply, crossing her arms.

“If you won’t, I will!” Applejack threatened before Rarity slapped a hand over her mouth.

"Dude… that is so not cool!" Indigo Zap blurted.

"I was just about to say the same thing…" Rainbow Dash mused off to the side.

“I thought it was strange that she'd even participate," Sour Sweet muttered, then crossed her arms in disgust. "I mean she's normally so antisocial."

"W-where did you get that?" Cinch asked, her voice shaky.

“From me,” a new voice spoke up, causing Cinch to cringe. It was then a new figure pulled off his disguise of shades and CHS letter jacket to reveal…

“Shiny!” Twilight called out to him, then ran up to him and leaped into his arms, to the surprise of most.

"I received an email from one of your own recent alumni--Twilight’s older brother and former Crystal Prep football team captain, Shining Armor," Faust introduced the newcomer; a fact confirmed by Twilight embracing him tightly, sniffling softly, seeking her big brother’s protection and comfort. "He left a Bluetooth microphone in your office when you asked him and Dean Cadence to leave. He agreed to talk to Twilight because he was worried about her keeping too much to herself; he thought it would be good for her to compete in the games to help break her out of her shell.”

Shining Armor himself took it from there. “But I also knew your competitive streak and persuasion methods, and wanted to make sure you didn’t try to unduly pressure her. I expected you’d appeal to school pride and how participating in the games might help her Everton application. But I did NOT think even YOU would stoop so low as to blackmailing my little sis by threatening to have her application denied!” His eyes flashed as he held Twilight close. “Dean Cadance and I thought of confronting you then--believe me, I really wanted to--but she thought it would be better to go to the superintendent instead.”

“He did indeed,” Faust nodded gravely. “He wanted me to step in right then and there, but I had to remind him that unapproved recordings in non-public places were not admissible in court. I needed evidence of my own, so we allowed the games to go forward while I watched undercover. And I’m sorry to say, Abacus… your behavior at these games gave me all the evidence I needed.”

"I should think so!" Rarity stated angrily. "For if the school principal is willing to blackmail one of her best academic students, what does that say for the rest of the student body?" she asked, causing the Shadowbolts to glance back and forth at each other, suddenly considering the same question and not liking the answers they came up with.

"Quite right, Miss Rarity," Faust agreed with a nod; Rarity blinked at being addressed by name. "And before you get any ideas about removing the evidence, Abacus, I have a copy on my computer at home, as well as having sent copies to both Sombra and every member of the school board." Her expression turned grim. "It might not be admissible in court, but the school board is another matter. You're fortunate that the board members were able to calm Sombra down; from what I hear, he wanted to deal with you personally after hearing that recording."

Cinch flinched at that; she remembered how scary her predecessor could be when angered. He’d moved on to President of Everfree University, a very prestigious college, but still kept tabs on his former school.

“You know, I’d pay to see that…” Lemon Zest whispered, and the other Shadowbolt girls nodded and grinned.

Seeing no rebuttal forthcoming, Faust continued. "After reviewing this recording and the email it was attached to, I knew I had to take action. I elected to wait until after the Friendship Games, however; I wanted to see with my own eyes how this year's competition would turn out." She shook her head in disgust. "When Miss Pinkie Pie set up a real party at the opening ceremony, I thought things this year would be different; that perhaps the two schools would have a friendly competition for the first time in a long time."

She leveled a glare at Cinch, even as Pinkie Pie blinked at the mention of her name. "You put a stop to that, though, didn't you Abacus? You not only interrupted the music and the festivities, you went on to insult CHS's students and faculty to their faces. That was very poor sportsmanship on your part; Sombra and I were never so vitriolic toward each other, even at our most competitive."

Cinch tried to rally. "B-but you can't claim that CHS is innocent of wrongdoing! During the tri-cross relay, one of their students sprouted wings! A clear sign of cheating if there ever was one!"

"I beg to differ," Faust replied, shaking her head. "While it is true that Miss Rainbow Dash sprouted wings, she did not use that advantage to win the motocross portion of the race. Instead, she fought off the carnivorous plants that were attempting to eat the other racers, your own students included, Abacus." She offered a small smile to Rainbow at this, who puffed her chest out in pride. "It seems that CHS, at least, understands that there are more important things than simply winning a competition."

"Okay, how does she know our names?" Rainbow whispered to the others despite the flattery. "It's starting to freak me out."

“Oh, I’m totally on to her!” Pinkie replied back in a whisper, the students of both schools leaning close to hear her answer. “She’s psychic!

Everyone fell speechless. “Wow! That’s brilliant!” Sour Sweet gushed. “Brilliantly dumb…” she finished under her breath.

"Finally, we have what happened just a few minutes ago," Faust went on, flicking Pinkie and Sour Sweet but a glance. "Fearful of losing the Games, you then proceeded to… what was it, Miss Sugarcoat? You summed things up rather nicely, as I recall," she said to the dark-skinned Shadowbolt.

Sugarcoat blinked at being addressed directly, but gathered herself. "She manipulated Twilight into releasing all the stolen magic and turning into a power-crazed magical creature that tried to rip the world apart just to win a game," she repeated at the same pace as before.

"Yes, that was it," Faust said with a nod. "Well put. Really, with what nearly happened, I'm amazed you had the audacity to claim this was CHS's fault."

"I fail to see how you believe it is mine," retorted Cinch. "If CHS hadn't been using magic, I wouldn't have attempted to have Miss Sparkle try using it herself."

"Don't try to play the 'they did it first so it's okay' card, Abacus," warned Faust, her voice lowering and eyes narrowing. "That is a dangerous conceit, one that has been the downfall of many a person. And besides, that doesn't excuse this." She proceeded to play another recording from her phone, this one of Cinch and the Shadowbolts egging Twilight on into unleashing the magic she'd stolen from the CHS students. By the time it was finished, the Shadowbolts were all looking uncomfortable, and Cinch was sweating again.

This time, it was Sunset Shimmer who spoke up, her temper suddenly as fiery as her hair. "Really? Really? It wasn't enough you'd already blackmailed her using her Everton application just to get her into the Games, you did it again to force her into releasing a power she had little understanding of, let alone knowledge of how to control it?" Twilight flinched a little at the slight echo of the fiery-maned girl's earlier chastisement.

"I couldn't have said it better myself, Miss Shimmer," Faust agreed. "Your foolish pride in your school's 'unbeatable' reputation endangered students from both schools, if not the entire the world, Abacus.”

“Endangered the world? Surely you exaggerate!” Cinch protested.

“Nope. That’s pretty much what happened,” Spike spoke up for the first time from Twilight’s arms, and after all the magic they’d seen, nobody gave him a second look.

“Quite,” Faust smiled, only momentarily startled to hear Twilight’s dog talking before scratching him behind the ears. “I can't exactly overlook that, especially in light of the fact that none of this would have happened had you not resorted to such despicably underhanded means during these Games."

Cinch was gaping like a fish, but Faust went on. "I'm going to give you a choice, Abacus. I don’t wish to tarnish either school’s reputation, or bring undue scrutiny down on Miss Sparkle here for what happened. So you can tender your resignation immediately, and I'll forget about pressing charges of blackmail and reckless endangerment against you… or you can try to fight those charges in court, in which case I will lay bare everything you have done. Even if your lawyer gets the charges thrown out, your reputation will be finished. Leave now, and you can leave with it and still a few shreds of dignity intact, although I will have to recommend to both the local and federal Board of Education that you never hold an administrative position at any school in the country.”

Cinch looked stunned, but made one final attempt to fight back, summoning up all her remaining spine and haughtiness. “This isn’t over yet, Superintendent. I still have friends in high places. I will take this fight over your head to the press and reveal all that happened here!” she proclaimed, causing Twilight to cringe at the thought of the attention that would bring her.

Far from being intimidated by the threat, the superintendent merely smiled sweetly and let her subordinates speak for her. “Feel free, Abacus. I’m sure the press would be very interested in hearing all about the magical students with wings,” Principal Celestia said mildly.

“Oh, and the portals to different dimensions,” Luna immediately added, taking on her sister’s cheshire-cat grin.

“And don’t forget to tell them about the talking dog!” Dean Cadance scratched Spike’s chin, who stretched it out and wagged his tail happily.

“Because that would never ruin your reputation!” Even Spike got in on the act, smiling sweetly and accepting some pets from the others.

Cinch looked like she would argue further for a moment, but then slumped. "Very well. You win. You'll have my resignation by tomorrow." She walked off slowly, looking as though her dreams had been crushed.

Faust watched her walk off, and shook her head. "I don't know what happened to make her such a tyrant. I remember a bright, vivacious young woman who was so eager to please others."

"I doubt any of us expected this, Lauren," Celestia said, walking up to put a hand on the superintendent's shoulder. "It's not like any of us can see what goes on in her head."

"I'm just glad she decided to take the high road," Luna mused. "A court battle would have been awkward for all involved in these Games."

"Too true," Faust sighed. "Crystal Prep would be under scrutiny for a long time, and it would make life uncomfortable for those who attend it, to say nothing of Miss Sparkle's own involvement in the case."

"I think Vice-Principal Luna meant that a court battle would've revealed the existence of magic to other people, which would have made things super awkward until we could have an expert on the subject drop by to explain things to everyone," Pinkie Pie cut in.

Faust looked at her, then at Celestia. "Which brings up one thing Abacus said that I have to admit is valid--just how did CHS acquire access to magic?"

Celestia looked at her predecessor uneasily. "You seem to be taking the existence of magic rather well," she noted.

She closed her eyes and gave a coy grin. "I believe what I can perceive with my senses, Celestia, and what I witnessed was magic, pure and simple," Faust explained, though all present got the distinct impression there was more she wasn’t saying. "So how did you get it into your school?"

Celestia glanced at Sunset for a moment, then back to Faust. "Let's explain that in my office over tea, shall we? It's a bit of a long story…"

“I look forward to hearing it,” she gave a coy grin again. “And Miss Pie…?” she turned to Pinkie.

“Oh! Uh, yes?” Pinkie Pie looked surprised to be addressed.

“How about you arrange another party for the two schools like the one earlier? Pizza is on me, and I promise this one won’t be interrupted.”

“Yay!” Pinkie Pie leapt for joy, and this time, she wasn’t the only one.

Author's Note:

A small one-shot I came up with during a bout of writer's block.

Big thanks to Firesight, who edited and expanded this sucker. We really do work well together.

Update 2/29/2016 @ 12:30 AM: HOLY BUCK! This may have just become my most popular story! Top of the Featured list, closing in on 300 likes, and a slew of comments and favorites! You guys are awesome!

Update 4/8/2016: Made some edits.

Comments ( 146 )

Good little story! :eeyup: Cinch's takedown in the movie did seem a bit abrupt, and it's a joy to see her get smacked down by someone more powerful than her. And how appropriate who that person is...

Of course, now I'm wondering what Sombra's story in this universe was, and the relationship he and Cinch apparently had...

This was fun to edit. Thanks for the shout-out!!!! :heart:

If I were Shining Armour, I would've cuffed Cinch the second the battle ended. She'd receive a maximum security cell in Tartarus Penitentiary, and Tirek, who is another inmate there, would be breathing down her neck every step of the way during her time there.

Nice enough little one-shot, although involving Lauren Faust in this was not kinda necessary, not to mention that legal-wise that might not be a good thing. There is a reason why Fanfiction.net forbids fan fiction involving real celebrities.

Otherwise, 8.0/10.

6982344 Changed the line to have Celestia call her 'Faust' instead of Lauren.

6982337 Shining isn't a police officer... yet. If anything, he might be at a university to become one. Faust said he's a recent alumnus of Crystal Prep, meaning it hasn't been that long since he graduated.

I really like that, I like this ending so much more than the real one from the movie :rainbowlaugh:

Huh, I liked this. It was sort of an allegory of how people, whether or not they have the greatest of initial intentions, can fall just as easily as it is to trip.

I would love to see your Sombra.

Excellent little one shot

Nice one-shot

I've always thought Shining Armor as a geek than a jock.

6982413 His EQG build is fairly broad-shouldered, which seems to suggest a vested interest in athletics. And even for base Equestria, you don't become a military officer by being bookish.

To be honest I was hoping for the epic court battle and revealing of magic to the world :twilightsheepish:

but either way epic story and I hope this earns a sequel!!

6982430 If you've read the Neigh Anything My Little Pony comic book arc, Shining Armor is a geek.

The moment Sombra was mentioned as being the previous principal of Crystal Prep, I imagined him getting fired after he lost it and went postal.

Drat it, must everyone read my mind? I had plans for something like this in a future story.

Doesn't make this any less pleasing to read, however, well done.

But what will happen to the Shadowbolts? They didn't meant to do that to Twilight, right?

6982542 Peer pressure, impressionable children, clearly following the lead of a master manipulator, and genuinely remorseful of their actions. Also, actually willing to try and help people when faced with a living apocalypse.

They off the hook, yo.

6982430 well, not if want grunts, but the CO spot? that takes more than just brute force, it takes intelligence and leadership ability. as well as the ability to manage others effectively. role play games and table top strategy games help with that kind of thinking immensely, and i know that a lot of great military leaders r avid chess players as well. geeks and nerds rule the roost as it were, and keep most military organizations running smoothly

6982358 Agreed. In fact, why couldn't this be the conversation that happened at the end of the movie? She gets what she deserves without being too harsh or over the top, and she doesn't get off scot-free. This is what the villain should have gotten, but instead she walks off without any repercussions whatsoever.

Figures I wouldn't be the only one to have an idea like this. Excellent story.

Quite cathartic.

"I received an email from one of your own recent alumni--Twilight’s older brother...

A small note on typing dashes. The double minus sign, a.k.a. "--" is a usable form for imitating a long dash when restricted by what you can put in such as in a chat or messaging system, but it still isn't quite as smooth as it could be for formally written stories. If you hold the Alt key and then type in the numbers 0,1,5 then 1 one more time before releasing Alt, you will get a proper long dash ( — ) that is not interrupted in the middle, regardless most any font it is read in. A short dash, between the length of the minus sign and long dash can be done with a similar alt code of 0,1,5,0. ( – ) As for what one is appropriate where, I'll have to leave that to you because I'm not perfectly versed in it myself. (side by side comparison: - – — )

Huh, this is new. Usually Sombra's the superintendent, and he's just as cold hearted as his pony self. Refreshing to see this version of him as apparently a reasonable and nice guy.

6982683 Yes, but does yours use Faust Ex Machina?

So that's where mother Faust went.....I'm going for a trip see y'all later!!!!!

Abacus Cinch smackdown for the win.:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

It relies a little too much on the actual canon dialogue, although what is there is used in good context. Otherwise, nice little piece to give catharsis to those of us that thought Cinch got off waaaaay too easy.

You're right. They were manipulated.

Awww I wanted to see the talk. If I ask really nicely? Maybe a small epilogue?

This made me think- if all of Equestria, possibly Equus is one school system... then what if that world is like the Wood of the Worlds in the Narnia books? A world where you can go to others?

Although the ending of this movie wasn't terrible, it would have been interesting to see Cinch being put in her place by someone more influential.

It would be even cooler if Lauren Faust herself were to voice a character like this on the show: someone who exudes authority with their sheer appearance.

Wow. I like this.:twilightsmile:

Hmmm, I don't really see what this adds. Nothing really changes, it just stretches out the scene from the film into mostly a monologue by Faust.

Eh, it's a nice "fix-fic" for Friendship Games (which was a little lackluster), but it kinda drags for the last 40%. The first part brings in some awesome headcanon about Sombra being the prior principal of Crystal Prep and it makes Shining Armor a little more useful to the plot, but it's pretty obvious that Cinch is beaten by about halfway in. The rest is mostly a summary of what was already discussed in the movie, so there wasn't much need to drag it out.

Not bad, but the pacing could have been better.

Now that is a proper, thought out, and well executed idea for an ending. Not at all like the rushed crap we got from the movie. *sighs* They really need to cut out that 74 minute formula for these movies, it's really killing the overall potential they have.


It adds a sorely needed comeuppance and smackdown for Cinch, one that would have made the movie far more emotionally satisfying at the end. As it stood, she didn't get punished for blackmailing Twilight or manipulating her into releasing magic, even though she certainly deserved to be. This extended ending sought to fix that, and I think did so quite handily.

Someone show this to Lauren Faust she might like it

awww, I was looking forward to Sunset explaining things or Princess Twilight showing up. Still a damn good one shot

Man, I would kill to see the fandom Faust in either the main series or Equestria Girls. I have some ideas of my own for the latter, but your's was awesome!

So Sombra is a good guy in your Equestria Girls headcannon. Alright, I can get down with that, provided that Radiant Hope is his wife or something, because that would be cool.

“Feel free, Abacus. I’m sure the press would be very interested in hearing all about the magical students with wings,” Princess Celestia said mildly.

When did Princess Celestia get there :rainbowwild:

Hoping for princess Twilight to arrive as Faust explains things

6982344 On further reflection, I've changed the line back to its original form. I'm far from the first person to have used Faust's likeness or OC in a fic, and some fics have Lauren herself appear in them in some fashion or another. The Faust in this story is a character who happens to bear Lauren's name and resembles her OC.

Lol that cinch was a b@$&h and got what she deverised:rainbowlaugh:

Sombra good yes:scootangel::twilightsmile::pinkiehappy::moustache::ajsmug:

6984599 well done

6983295 good idea i would love to see that in a episode of the show

OK i think no one has caught this little error yet so i'll say it here. Not to nit pick or anything its just cause it cause me to double take.

I’m sure the press would be very interested in hearing all about the magical students with wings,” Princess Celestia said mildly.

Shouldn't it Principle rather than Princess. Unless Princess Celestia and Luna suck their heads in the middle of the conversation.

I suddenly want to see Sombra going of on Cinch...........I wonder why:rainbowhuh:.............

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