• Published 4th Mar 2016
  • 6,334 Views, 145 Comments

An Earthly Portal - Nightmare Darkness

A boy who is abused runs away only to find his destination although not unframiliar to him is the last place he thought he would be.

  • ...

A walk around town.

I looked left then right as her blue eyes bared down on me along with a smile that spoke that she had plans for me.

"Hello," I said cautiously.

"Welcome to Ponyville I'm Pinkie Pie!" she announced, as I simply remembered her being if anything an annoying pony. I didn't have anything against her personally but myself being an introvert, someone like Pinky who forced their cheer on you just rubbed me wrong.

"Thank you. I guess." I said weakly.

"You guess?" she said followed by a snicker.

"You can guess that there are 478 ponies in Ponyville. But I don't know how you can guess how you're feeling. It's like you don't really know who you are? Who are you?" she said bouncing up and down rhythmically.

"I-I'm Feather Beak," I said, trying to sound like I wasn't just saying a name I just came up with hours ago. Pinkie simply hopped for a moment more before she stopped suddenly and leaned forward looking at me with one wide blue eye.

"Reaaaaaaallly, Feather Beak? Sounds like you saw your own reflection and came up with your own name after falling out of a portal from another world." She said quickly. I could only lean back and gulp hard. Just as fast as she was scrutinizing me she had pulled back and turned around bounding up and down.

"Well Feather Beak come on and I'll give you The Grand Tour!" She said with a lighthearted giggle. I simply stared after her just trying to piece together how she could know the full truth of who I was and how my lame name was chosen.

"Well come on slow poke." She said looking at me and I grudgingly followed as she began to give me as she put it 'The Grand Tour.'
The first stop was her place of work Sugar cube corner. It's aesthetics being that of a gingerbread house as well as the smell of baked goods wafted from open windows, vents, and doors. The front door was pushed open and we entered the lobby that had several places for ponies to sit down and enjoy baked goods. Pinkie hopped up to the register and stopped as a light blue mare with two toned icing pink mane and tail walked in backward through swinging doors that reminded me of old western saloons.

"Ah Pinkie! Can you help me bring up trays of two cupcakes?" she asked as she balanced several trays of her own to the counters that had tubes of icing ready made.

"Sure thing Mrs. Cupcake!" She said and was gone in a flash of pink and the saloon doors were swinging wildly as she entered the back room and came back with two trays full of steaming hot cupcakes. I simply stood there in awe of her speed, it was well, unnatural. Pinkie after that stood by the register again and held up a hoof to me.

"This here is Feather Beak." she introduced and Mrs. Cake smiled at me as her husband walked in who he remembered was Carrot Cake.

"Welcome to our little bakery." Carrot Cake said as he found a spot beside his wife.

"Yes, It smells great just walking by here," I said while gesturing my claw.

"Well Since it's your first time in Ponyville," she said as she reached into her colorful glass case full of treats and placed a seemingly ordinary cupcake topped with blue icing and sprinkles. I was never really one for sweets, or well I never really got to have them. My dad was very strict when it came to the use of money and well sweets were deemed non-essential. I reached out with my claw and picked it up, as I was about to eat it I realized Pinkie was close to me staring with a wide grin as I was about to take a bite. Looking at her she nodded.

"Come on...eeeeeeeat iiiiiittt..." She egged me on. I gave her a raised eyebrow and I took a bit and I forgot about Pinkie in that moment and looked down at the treat. It was soft, sweet, and the icing wasn't messy the perfect cupcake. It didn't last long till I was licking my claws of any remaining crumbs and icing.

"Good huh?" Pinkie said with a smile that seemed like she knew how much I enjoyed that little piece of heaven.

"Yes, best I've ever had to be honest," I said to Mr. and Mrs. Cake who both smiled.

"Okie Dokie Loki, onward to the next stop!" she said bounding for the door and I looked at the Cakes who smiled and waved at me and I simply gave a parting wave and followed my pink guide. As we walked we passed several characters I recognized, Lyra, Berry Punch, Bon Bon, and many others that in truth didn't have names in the original show.

"Soooo what do you think?" she asked simply for Pinkie anyway.

"It's like I imagined, colorful, welcoming, just an overall nice place really," I said honestly as I followed her over a bridge and we rounded a corner and a place I recognized from some of the episodes I did see.
The Carousel Boutique owned or...was it rented by Rarity. I didn't know really but my thought was interrupted when Pinkie opened the door causing the bell to chime.

"Be right with you in a minute." I heard a posh voice say in an ever so slightly musical voice. Soon after that hooves on stairs could be heard and the white unicorn appeared with several rolls of fabric clutched in her magic over her head.

"Oh Pinkie Pie darling to what do I owe this visit?" She asked as she looked at me and I could tell there was only slight judgement about my race which I thought odd.

"I was giving Feather Beak here a tour of Ponyville and I just had to include one of my best friends!" she said enthusiastically. Rarity smiled at that and approached me and lifted a hoof to which I lifted my claw and gripped her hoof. I felt a sensation like pressure on my claw like I was shaking a hand of another. As quickly as it happened she released my claw. I was only slightly confused wondering if she just used unicorn magic to squeeze my claw.

"So are you from Griffinstone?" She asked me to which I simply gave a smile.

"I am from..." before I could say anything Pinkie cut in.

"He's from another world, Isn't that crazy!" she said with a smile looking between both of us and Rarity was quiet a moment and then simply smiled.

"Oh Pinkie, you are a riot; But I have just received an order and I'm busy making a few dresses. Maybe you can take our guest to the market, Applejack should be set up selling her Apple wears," she said with a smile that seemed forced. Pinkie seemed oblivious but I picked up on it.

"Okie Dokie." She did walking towards the door and it opened up by itself and Pinkie was leaving. When Rarity made a motion for me to lean towards her quickly.

"Pinkie can be a bit of a...eccentric I hope she's not being hard to handle." She said with a look of concern which I didn't expect.

"No, not at all. If anything she's been fairly great as a guide." I said leaning back with a smile.

"Oh that's good to hear." she said returning a genuine smile.

"Come on Feather! I can smell caramel apples!" she exclaimed. I trotted through the door with a wave goodbye to Rarity and caught up with Pinkie. It wasn't long till we arrived at the town square that had several stalls set up. More than you would see in the show. Several stalls had trinkets, honey, candles and modest clothing hoof stitched. I couldn't keep track of Pinkie as she zipped between stalls saying her greetings and shaking hooves. Most were welcome to her Hello's and Howya doin's. I walked looking at the stalls and saw a section of stalls reserved for food. Applejack was standing there selling apples and other apple like goods. Pinkie arrived at Applejack's stall and was bouncing up and down rapidly.

"Heya Applejack this is my new friend Feather Beak." She introduced. Applejack looked at me after she gave a bag of apples to a pony and gave me a long big smile while tipping her cowboy hat back slightly.

"Well welcome to Ponyville Feather Beak." She said holding out a hoof which I gripped and felt that same pressure that I felt from Rarity, must be the way ponies are able to grip and hold thing regardless of not having thumbs of fingers for that matter.

"Nice to meet you," I said as I let go of her hoof and picking up two caramel apples with one hoof Pinkie put some coins on the counter.

"Here Feather Beak." Pinkie said giving me one. I took it and looked at it. I had never had a caramel apple before now and seeing Pinkie take a bite into the candied apple she gave a simple but genuine smile with a hum of pleasure causing me to smile and she gasped causing me to look at her perplexed.

"That's the first time I've seen you smile!" She said with a grin. I guessed she was right, I had been fairly preoccupied with everything was happening around me I hadn't stopped to just relax a minute.

"I guess you're right," I said as I was about to take a bite of the apple.

"Who are you?" a younger voice asked causing me to look around then down and see Applebloom.

"Feather Beak, and you?" I asked.

"Applebloom, Applejack is my sister." She replied.

"Oh is that so, that must mean you know a lot about apples," I said and she gave me a cocked eyebrow.

"I know a thing or two." she said before two more fillies ran up to her.

"Applebloom lets go I have like a few ideas on getting our cutiemarks." The orange pegasus filly said before looking up at me and her eyes widened.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders this is Feather Beak." Pinkie said now chewing on the empty stick where a caramel apple used to be.

"Whoa, a real griffin. I'm Scootaloo, this is Sweetiebelle." Scootaloo said gesturing her hoof too they white unicorn filly.

"Nice to meet you," I said looking between all the fillies.

"We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, or CMC for short as Pinkie said. Where are you from?" Applebloom asked before Pinkie could blurt out again.

"I'm from Griffinstone," I said and Pinkie looked at me with a curious look but didn't refute me.

"Where is that?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"Not in Equestria," I said with a smile. Scootaloo and the others looked at me with half-lidded eyes.

"Really? I couldn't have guessed." Applebloom said and then looked at Applejack.

"Can I go?" she requested and Applejack nodded and the three smiled simultaneously.

"Ok, we will see you later. Bye Feather Beak." The three said leaving.

"Bye," I said back waving the caramel apple slightly. I then took a moment to bite into the apple and the sweet of the caramel along with the sweetness of the apple felt like an explosion of flavor. Juice dripped down my beak as I then licked my beak to try and not seem like a slob. Applejack smiled at my expression and gave a small tip with her hat.

"First time eh?" she said.

"Yes, how did?" I began.

"Ah know? Trust me I've been sellin apples for a long time and your face was like that of a fillies first bite into a caramel apple," she said with a smile. I began to quickly devour the apple and I happened to see a stall that was selling clocks and it dawned on me I have been out for a long time.

"Pinkie. Do you mind if we can do this another time I need to get back to Zecora." I said now also chewing on the stick that had the hint of apple on it.

"Sure thing! Bye Applejack." Pinkie said giving Applejack a hug. I gave her a wave and she returned it and Pinkie leads me down a dirt path towards the tree growing over the roofs of the houses. Couldn't really get lost with the large tree as a marker. Not before too long we walked into the open area where the Golden Oak's Library was and she turned towards me and gave me a hug which I didn't expect. I lifted my claw and returned the hug.

"This was fun! We should do it again," she said with a smile.

"Of course," I said with a smile.

"Ah, the second smile!" She said pointing her hoof at me with a huge grin. I laughed at this and I waved her goodbye.
Approaching the library I knocked and began to open the door but it seemed oddly dark. I took three more steps and the room exploded with light exposing several ponies all smiling.

"WELCOME TO PONYVILLE!" they all clamored at once and a sign opened up saying 'Welcome Feather Beak.' I stood there in awe and shock.

"J-just how..." I said quietly.

"I have my ways." Pinkie said and I jumped as she was now beside me and smiling.

"Now let's PARTY!" she exclaimed garnering another cheer from the room of ponies.