• Member Since 16th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 51 minutes ago


Geek boy, aspiring writer, and proud Brony with a story to tell.


As the ponies of Equestria sleep, Princess Luna looks after their dreams and keeps the nightmares at bay. But as Luna herself sleeps, she is plagued with her own nightmares, brought on by the guilt of her actions as Nightmare Moon. Recent events have prompted her to face these nightmares, however, because nothing can last forever.

Adapted from the events of "Castle Mane-ia", written by Josh Haber, and "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?", story by Jayson Thiesson and Jim Miller and written by Scott Sonneborn, with a nod to issues 5-8 of the ongoing, story by Heather Nuhfer and drawn by Amy Mebberson, and FIENDShip is Magic #4, story also by Heather Nuhfer and drawn by Tony Fleecs. Silver Bullet is the creation of OldTimer, while Spell Nexus is the creation of Pen Stroke; both are used with permission.

Cover art by Alyssa Hartwick.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

I liked this. There were a couple of places where the dialogue felt forced, but that was only for very short periods, and other than that I don't have any complaints. More than good enough for a thumbs up, at any rate.

Hey there. Thanks greatly for getting this one-shot up. I really appreciate you going to the effort. The exchanges, emotional content and wrap-up are all well done in all the right places. And it was a good touch having the Princesses accompany Twilight and her friends to the castle and explain things to them. I will definitely be looking forward to more of your work as soon as time and inspiration will allow.

7039832 Thanks very much. I'm pleased to say that I've already started work upon the next installment in the Quiververse. Time, however, will be the greater problem than inspiration, but I'm cautiously optimistic.

7039846 Yeah. I can understand that. And you're quite welcome. :-D

One minor nitpick: at one point Angel is referred to as a "lupine" passenger - that should be "lapine". "Lupine" would be a wolf.

Thing I think is a mistake:

“But what about broke off from Luna when we restored her to normal?”

Seems like there should be something in between the "about" and "broke".

And then the nitpicks:

Celestia met her sibling’s eye and smiled.

Shouldn't it be eyes?

Twin points of yellow light shined from its head, and the shadow swiftly surged forwards, squirming itself into Twilight’s saddlebags and causing the alicorn to pause and shiver before continuing on its way.

her sounds better.

And none of that matters much because the story, while having one or two scenes that felt a little off, was excellent. Also, curse you, you made me misty eyed with that ending!:fluttershysad:

And finally, that nightmare fragment, can't wait to see were that goes.:twilightsmile:

7040301 Drat. Thanks for catching that. I'll correct it shortly.

7040347 Thanks for pointing those out too. They're being corrected. And glad that you enjoyed the story. As for the nightmare fragment, well, you'll find out soon.

7912949 It is. I've no intention of having anything like the Cult of the Nightmare show up in my 'verse. Aside from it being a horrible bit of theft, I have plenty of my own plans.

Spell Nexus being named was just a small salute to one of the more famous stories on this site, maybe even something more with time, but definitely no plans for him to be up to anything nefarious.

7913079 Don't worry. I figure he suffered enough there. Should I ever use him more, the worst he'll have to occasionally deal with is getting startled from time to time.

Meh, maybe. I'm not big into Kingdom Hearts, though. Nothing against it, I've just never played any of the games.

Besides, the last time she left her sister alone for too long, she went gallivanting off to a parallel world like a lovesick filly. She didn’t want to repeat that mistake.

I get that reference!

Also, D'AWWWW!

I do love me some callbacks. And moments of adorable. Glad that you approve.

“Princess Luna, please!” Rarity called out to her with terror in her eyes. “You and I both know of the terror you’re putting yourself through! Do you truly wish to endure this once more?!”

How would she know?

The ponies whinnied and spread their wings as they took to the air, first Celestia’s carriage and then Luna’s, with the empty one following last. They quickly directed themselves southwest of Canterlot, towards an all-too-familiar hamlet. It was a course that both Celestia and Luna had taken before, though Ponyville was this time merely a stop before their true destination a small ways away.

So they’re traveling in different carriages?

As they continued, Luna kept her gaze upon the horizon. This trip left her with mixed feelings, for a number of reasons, and she wasn’t certain if she could face it. That said, she’d decided to accompany Celestia on this outing, and she was not about to change her mind now. Her sister would have understood, but this was a matter of pride.

Pride will get you.

Luna caught herself. “Yes, dear Rarity, I am simply out of sorts.” She took a second to clear her throat, then asked, “By the way, I have been meaning to ask you for some time about how you’ve been adjusting since, well, since the encounter with the Nyx some months ago.”


“Ah, that.” Rarity turned downcast as she noted, “I won’t deny, I’m still somewhat ashamed of what happened during that incident. But knowing that I was not the only victim in all of that has helped.” She looked to the princess with a reassuring smile and noted, “You and they were also scarred, were you not?”

“Indeed, and I’m relieved that your scars were so light.” Luna allowed herself a small smile as the carriages closed in upon their final destination. “Alas, some scars go much deeper than others.”

What are they talking about?

“For quite some time after she and I were asked to rule over Equestria.” She opened the book and explained, “I looked over its pages from time to time after Luna’s possession and banishment, and in its own way, it helped to shed light upon what led to her fall. It might help you with your quest as well.”

How will it help?

A sad nod. “Indeed, I do. Star Swirl had arranged a meeting between us and King Bullion.”


Luna turned indignant and protested, “You remember as well as I that Princess Platinum started it. Her actions were most unbecoming for somepony of her station, and a lesson was required.”


“And even worse, that adage keeps on leading to us making the same mistakes.” Luna briefly took on an expression of surprise before Celestia continued, “I’d all but forgotten about the changelings before we caught wind of them again. And then to see Chrysalis again, having posed as Cadance…” The elder alicorn sighed. “She pulled that same trick upon Incitatus, and I fell for it. Not a day goes by where I don’t wonder if I should have simply turned that cockroach and her minions into dust at Trot and put an end to it. She deserved it after Timbucktu.”


“You wouldn’t have been able to live with yourself afterwards, Celie.” Luna nuzzled her and continued, “You and I both know that her like are capable of good as well as evil. Besides, you value life too much, whatever form it takes. The one comfort the Ultimate Sanction gives you is that it is used so sparingly. You could hardly kill Chrysalis any more than…”

Ultimate Sanction?

“And the dreams only get worse from there.” Luna found herself silently thanking the hoofmaiden who’d awakened her earlier and interrupted the dream before it could go too far. “The Nightmare did not merely seek to bring about eternal night, but usher in a new age of darkness and evil. Anypony who survived would have been warped and twisted into something terrible, a malformed shadow of their former selves that would have been comfortable alongside the Umbrum. Discord would no doubt have sat back and laughed at such a spectacle. Compared to that, the tales of Nightmare Night are light entertainment.” Tears finally found their way out, and Luna sobbed, “I never wanted that, Celie! All I wanted was to be loved, as you were! Not to be remembered as a monster!”

I’m getting hit with feels.

She was gently stroked with one wing, and her sister’s voice reassured her, “I know, Luna. And I’m not the only one who realized that, remember?”

Luna raised her head and wiped away her tears. “True. And that was a small comfort, given what happened to the one who had that realization.” She sat up and noted, “Many times I have tried to reach into his dreams, and give him comfort and thanks. But it has been a fruitless gesture. Like you, he has a strong will to him. Stronger than even he believes.” She smiled sadly. “You probably did more to help him than I did.”

“Though I fear I’ve hurt him as well.” Celestia shook her head. “Every action has consequences, alas.” She then gently smiled and noted, “But I’m finding myself thinking of the final line from the colt’s story. It was true then, and it is no less true now.”

Who are they talking about?

“Not sure about that first sound, but the second one was a heck of a lot like Rarity screaming.” At Spike’s alarmed expression, Pixie Dust noted, “Hey, I’ve got good ears, but they aren’t perfect.”

What ears?

“And castles are not merely homes, but shelter and protection. And a damaged castle is no good as either.” The two sisters smirked, and Luna looked to Rarity and offered, “The tapestries shall not be the only thing restored, dear Rarity. Assuming you, Princess Twilight and your friends are willing to help, we shall see this entire castle restored.”

That is awesome.

Nightmare Rarity arc from the comics.

Yes, different carriages. Luna wants to present herself as being with her sister, but still independent.

Nightmare Rarity arc again, plus the Nightmare Moon issue of the FIENDship is Magic miniseries.

Nightmare Rarity arc again.

Twilight might get some ideas about where to look for information regarding the Tree of Harmony in it. The Tree itself is mentioned in the real-world version of it, at least.

The ancient ruler of the unicorns from before the founding of Equestria, as established in The Journal of the Two Sisters.

King Bullion's daughter, and a character introduced among Equestria's founders in an episode of the series, "Hearth's Warming Eve".

Another character from the comics, this time from Chrysalis's issue of FIENDship is Magic.

Headcanon from me this time - it's a method of execution in Equestria that Sunset Shimmer mentioned in "Six Days (and Nights) with Sunset" that involves the condemned being burned alive from the inside out.

Celestia and Luna, surprisingly enough, were talking about Quiver Quill.

Pixie Dust's ears.

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