• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
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Editor of several Trixie writers while doing his own stories when possible. Fun Times. Tips are appreciated, but no pressure.



This story is a sequel to Stonewalled at the Spring Fling

After the disastrous events at the Spring Fling, Trixie has fallen into a depression. She's eating less, her grades are dropping, and her social life is now non-existent. Adding to this is Sunset, who continues to target her each week.

Can a girl with zero social skills break Trixie out of her depression? Or will Maud's flailing attempts at helping wind up creeping Trixie out?

No one said it couldn't be both.

Editing, tweaking, and plot hole removal thanks to crowscrowcrow Industries.

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartette Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 28 )

Oh, Pinkie, going all Cranky Doodle Welcoming Committee on somebody who needs constant attention like she needs an aperture in the cranium...

Rubs face. Oh Sunset just how cruel were you?
Yeah i can see Trixie never forgiving Sunset, even if she did friends.....It be maybe years before she can forgive Sunset let alone want to be friends with her.

Can see how Adagio convince Trixie to spring the trap door, forget mind control just give her a chance for some form of pay back!


Finally! And it was such a delicate built to whatever future these two might have. Loving it

I want back to the story before this to find out what Sunset meant by her arm was feeling better. Damn. Maud still has a ways to go to get Trixie out of her depression.

7186444 Somebody ought to do a one-shot based on that. Someone Sunset hurt that still won't forgive her for what she has done in the past. Especially if it's someone who had to transfer schools.


Also, a bit of a side note, is it just me or the cover art choice seemed.. Empty? It barely shown anything at all that might give you a lead into the story

that being said, can I draw something for it? I really like this series and want to help, if that part really is something that could use helping. No offense or anything man

Hmm....the art side is kind of confusing. My last story I had the art commissioned, and figured I wouldn't this time. Probably see about that for the next story again.

Marmosite sized spoiler: I didn't really think on the issue of art because when me and Crow went through art ideas for it, we chose one for a scene that later got cut into the second chapter when I divided this into two chapters. I am all for awesome art being done, and would be fine if one was made to replace this cover art, but it might be best to wait to read the second chapter when it comes out on Sunday first. :pinkiehappy: Your call though.

Though after this I will keep in mind to get cover art that works with the first chapter of a short story. That makes sense and I didn't really think on it. :twilightsheepish:

"I mean, I heard a little bit about what happened. Really lousy luck that half the school got told the wrong location for the party. I guess that solves the mystery of why I was asked to decorate at two different places though. I did think it was a little strange to hold a second party on the same night as the Spring Fling, but you can never have enough parties, right?"

Oh... That might make events of the last update make a little more sense. I still don't think the plan's workable though.

Leave it to Maud to break through Trixie's tough shell after all this time. I can't help but notice the time and place th efic took place, I am assuming its before Equestria Girls?

7195858 Yep, it would be a tad strange for Sunset to be acting this way after she is supposed to be reformed. Though would be kind of funny for her to be tormenting Trixie and then have Rarity come up and drag Sunset away by the ear while apologizing to Trixie. :pinkiehappy:

The only thing worse than having a stalker in Trixie's opinion, was having one that didn't know how to stalk.

Now is a good time to count your blessings, Trixie. An obvious stalker might be annoying, but it's far less terrifying. Granted, Patience-Of-A-Stone Maud might indeed be a bit unsettling for someone not used to people who can wait for a long time.


Now I understand what those lockers in the cover are for! hehe. Especially since now I am looking at it through my laptop and not phone so I can see clearly the hole.. which I initially mistook as a handle
Also, thanks for the fun read. Didnt go as sad as I thought it would be, since Maud really got Trixie's back on this one

So that's what the cover art was about...

Sunset took a few steps back before hitting the wall and silently cursed the fact that this hallway was a dead end.

Fun fact; by the time of Rainbow Rocks, that dead end has either become a double-door leading somewhere else, or another hallway light gets broken!

Trixie and Maud playing together was adorable. :pinkiehappy:

She had heard rumors of what Rarity went through at the last Spring Fling.

Karma achieved!

And now we know why Lime calls Trixie an exhibitionist freak in another story. I can most certainly attest to the fun one can have if one member of a couple is a shameless tease. :moustache:

Oh, man that was good. Can't wait for Trixie and her friends to get into trouble because of the sirens next.

Hey hay hey! Glad to see Trixie picking herself up again. Maud was very sweet (if overbearing). In fact, I think it's really interesting how much Maud resembles Pinkie in this situation. Kinda like an introverted PP, I guess. All of the potentially overbearing and overwhelming affection, less the noise and spectacle! ... A lot less.

I'm glad to see Lime again, as small a role as she had. I dunno, she interests me. It's also nice that she is portrayed with the same Pie overbearing affection. All of the Pie's just seem to be really sweet. (I didn't forget Marble, I just haven't figured out how she fits in yet).

I'm glad to see Sunset really twist the knife here. It really drives home how much trouble Trixie or Maud would have getting along with her later. That's some good conflict! That said, I didn't understand how scared Trixie was of Sunset. I can see crippling depression and even hurt at continued bullying, but Trixie didn't have much left to protect at this point. Her friends, her image and her pride were stripped away. Sunset didn't seem to be threatening her with anything more than the reminding people of Trixie's embarrassment. That might hurt and make Trixie desperate, but not exactly terrified. Besides, if she was afraid of Sunset reminding people of her embarrassment, she would be as afraid and paranoid of simple gossip.

Fear would come from Sunset reminding Trixie that that Sunset knows and can destroy something Trixie still has and cares about to keep her in line. I'm not sure what that would be, but as a plot device, I think it makes more sense for Sunset to have something else on Trixie that would grind her to dust if revealed. That gives her something to really hold over Trixie and something more targeted for Maud to either physically take or extrat some promise about from Sunset to make Trixie feel better. But I dunno! I might have misunderstood something!

Looking forward to seeing more overtures from Maud, but it looks like the narrative is pointing more towards it being Trixie's turn to support her friend. Best of luck, big human form of a little blue horse! Don't screw this up!

(also, since I almost forgot Fushia and Lavender! They had a good dynamic. Kind like RD and FS. Lavender was adorable and Fushia was a refreshing straight and honest person!)

Thank you for this story. :twilightsmile:

7197770 Glad you enjoyed it. I actually used your profile to track down some stuff on Fuschia and Lavender since you mentioned doing art. While I am not sticking fully to the personality ideas of "A World of Illusions" it was helpful in drawing inspiration for them.


Fun fact; by the time of Rainbow Rocks, that dead end has either become a double-door leading somewhere else, or another hallway light gets broken!

Heh, maybe they had Sunset fix that too while she was doing the entrance? I never noticed that. :twilightsheepish:

I can most certainly attest to the fun one can have if one member of a couple is a shameless tease.

Oh, your Adagio is quite amazing, as I have said a dozen times by now. I would definitely say though the big difference here is Trixie not intentionally doing it, where Adagio was doing it to get a rise from Flutters. Trixie isn't at all looking to get with Maud in this story, she just likes being comfortable. This, ahem, view of Trixie is just a bit more than she can handle.


It's also nice that she is portrayed with the same Pie overbearing affection. All of the Pie's just seem to be really sweet. (I didn't forget Marble, I just haven't figured out how she fits in yet).

Yep, they'll all suffocate you in one way or another unless you tell them to back off. Well, except for Marble, but, there are reasons you will see next story arc.

Sunset didn't seem to be threatening her with anything more than the reminding people of Trixie's embarrassment. That might hurt and make Trixie desperate, but not exactly terrified.

Hmm..well, she did take a bit of a beating that Spring Fling night, and this is literally Sunset checking up with Trixie at least weekly to keep the paranoia and fear going. Nothing is really stopping Sunset from going after her again, after all. Before, Trixie felt rather safe. She had friends, she trusted the teachers, she thought she was well liked. Now, apart from Maud, she feels alone and is pretty sure no one would stop Sunset if she came after her.

It's pretty cat and mouse for Sunset, and Trixie's sense of dread and fear has just kind of been worked into her by Sunset's little touches, comments, and reminders. She doesn't have anything to hold over Trixie's head, but she doesn't need anything specific anymore. If that makes sense.

(also, since I almost forgot Fushia and Lavender! They had a good dynamic. Kind like RD and FS. Lavender was adorable and Fushia was a refreshing straight and honest person!)

Yays, happy you liked them. I felt they deserved a little screen time, especially as Trixie's first real friends outside of Maud.

Fun chapter overall. Nice to see the Pie sisters worried about Maude, she's 2 for 2 about walking off victorious but injured from confrontations with Sunset.

I also liked Trixie renaming things in her game to fit her own internal narrative.

It's interesting to see Trixie unintentionally flustering Maude when she's clearly figured out the effect she has by your later story which I read first. I suppose she really wasn't lying when she told Fuschia she wasn't looking for romance, so she isn't noticing the signs.

"But? But what? I'm a little amazed at her stupidity if she thought sending you would convince me of anything."
"Not us, she doesn't know I'm here..."
"Ha, so you do know how to speak a full sentence. You're not as dumb as the rest of the school says you are."

"Not us" really should be "Not Trixie". "Us" would be if Sunset had indicated Maude was in on the planning, which she didn't here.

It's June 1st today, July isn't for another 30 days. I think you can understand the problem we have on our hands.

Good job with the story though, A+.


Lime calls Trixie an exhibitionist freak in another story.

What story is this?

Maud: "Aren't you a magician? Don't you have a pistol to use in your acts?"

Trixie: "Whoa, whoa! A little extreme there, Maud! Sunset's a bitch, but I'm not gonna kill her!"

*Later, when Sunset becomes a demon and mind-controls everybody*

Maud: "... Should've taken the shot when you had the chance."

This was awesome, thank you very much. The first part was awesome - you made me cry, you didn't ruin the sequel, I applaud while standing.

Now, let's point out the best moments. Again with that trick of yours, your stories made me think I was reading canonical stories. Though, I'm wondering when are Maud and Trixie going to kiss already? The romance is kinda subtle, but there are so many things in your story that me laugh. I'm sure it will happen in the next stories, which I will read after I'm done with this comment


Again with that trick of yours, your stories made me think I was reading canonical stories.

Huzzah! I hope you continue to get that feel as you read the rest of them. :pinkiehappy:

Though, I'm wondering when are Maud and Trixie going to kiss already?

Heh. :twilightblush: Yeah, that is kind of a slow burn. I will say, the series is NOW up to the point where that is going to be shown, but a lot of the beginning stories were about them dealing with life, becoming friends, and finally coming to the point of liking each other in a romantic, though messed up way.

Once I have the sequel to Hopes and Follies moving, I will be looking into either continuing my original plan of sequels, or altering a bit and making a story on their first date. I just need to get back to writing.

"Hi!" Pinkie called out to a few girls as she approached them. Trixie worked to make herself small behind Pinkie.

The trio waved as one of them spoke up. "Oh, hi Pinkie, what's up?"

"You remember Trixie, right? Didn't you have classes together?"

Pinkie pulled Trixie out from behind her. Quickly after, one of the girls spoke up, nervousness clear in her voice.

"A-actually, Roseluck was the only one in her class. So...w-we'll leave you two to catch up."

"W-what? Me? W-wait, Daisy, Lily!"

Seconds later, it was just the three of them. Trixie was the first who spoke up, while giving Rose a nervous smile.

"U-um...hi there, Roseluck..."

Roseluck's eyes darted around the hallway nervously. "H-hello, Trixie."

Half a minute went by in silence after that, forcing Pinkie to step in. "Sooooo, how long has it been since you two last met up?"

Rose raised an eyebrow at that, looking at Trixie with a slightly irritated look. "That was when you asked me whether or not I voted for you in the Spring Fling, Right? Before we...found out?"

Trixie's breathing started to become erratic. "R-right."

"It's like, NO ONE wants to speak with her. There all either nervous about something, or upset over those little fibs she did. I mean, once, it was going well. ONCE! And then the girl just ran off after getting a text from her mom." Pinkie shook her head, a frown on her face now.

I'm confused. I get why Trixie would isolate herself from her peers: the huge amount of embarrassment, combined with Sunset digging the knife deeper.

But I don't get why the student body is actively avoiding Trixie over Sunset's horrific stunt. I mean, Trixie DID join a bunch of clubs and was a very helpful person. I don't think people are that cruel as to forget all that.

I imagine more than a few, like Pinkie, would try to help her feel better after the Spring Fling, instead of treating her like a pariah.

Hmm, well, the subtext was that the student body generally knew to avoid Trixie due to her being Sunset's chew toy more or less. Sunset was making sure to keep Trixie isolated and alone. Plus Trixie's reputation was fairly messed up after events of the Spring Fling which Rose referenced.

I guess it makes a little sense. But since Sunset was the putting the fear of god in EVERYBODY at a certain point, I'm sure more than a few students wouldn't mind hanging out with Trixie AFTER school, where Sunset's Machiavellian eyes couldn't see them.

I can't imagine everybody outright ditching her completely. Ugly past or not, Trixie did act like a model student, and more than a few people would remember that.

Well, I won't argue that. I can say that Trixie was not in anyway a fun person to be around during this time period. Depression, lack of eating, energy, etc,etc. Plus the model student thing died out after the Spring Fling. While I'm sure many students remember Trixie for how she was, she definitely no longer looks the part, helping further the concern that Trixie was faking the whole time. Pinkie did try to find a few people for Trixie to become friends with, but it can be said that Pinkie just didn't find the right people before Trixie started avoiding her and staying home.

There is/was definitely chances for her to have found friends and come out of her funk by meeting with them outside of school, but for the sake of the story, it didn't happen. :pinkiehappy:

When no reply was given, Sunset sighed and backed off. "Hurry up, I'm already giving you more attention than you or your little blue friend deserve. Though-" She gave Maud a nasty look. "Even broken, Trixie has been surprisingly fun."

"It's just..." Maud looked to the side. "I know about the tripping...and the meet ups..."

"Aww..." Sunset had a strong urge to pinch Maud's cheek condescendingly, but thought better of it. "You don't like me messing with her? But you should see the expressions she makes. I barely have to touch her to see her tremble now." She sighed blissfully. "There is someone else I am hoping to make tremble like that. One day. But, until then, it's nice to have someone like Trixie around as a reminder of what's to come."

I got to say, you have a very well written evil Sunset. In this scene you emphasize how she's not just some random high school jerk, but a vindictive, wannabe despot with thoughts of regicide. This mindset means that she treats Trixie (and Maud) as a pair of court rivals. A bunch of innocent kids are nothing more than tools of power.

Sunset's eyes widened, her pupils turning to pinpricks as her train of thought derailed. The locker she was next to now had a hole in it. A hole currently occupied by Maud's bleeding arm.

"...Does this make us even...?"

After a solid minute of silence between them, Sunset gave a nervous grin.

"Right. Pinkie's sister. Why did I expect you to be mentally stable?"

"...Could you not do that to her anymore, please?"

"Seriously-" Sunset took a few steps back before hitting the wall and silently cursed the fact that this hallway was a dead end. "Shouldn't you be a little more concerned about your arm right now? That's a lot of-"

"-Could you not do that to her anymore, please?"

Sunset glared at Maud for the interruption, but held back commenting on it. She looked down at Maud's arm and winced. Sunset's arm had been bruised for weeks afterward, but what Maud just did to herself was going to take a lot longer to heal. The lack of any pain on Maud's face took away some of the pleasure for Sunset, but she wasn't going to complain.

"You know what? Fine. So long as you two go on with your pointless lives and don't get in my way, then I'll do what everyone else does. Ignore the both of you. Happy now?"

Maud nodded, her arm still in the locker. Small trails of blood were making there way down the locker from the hole, but Maud seemed transfixed on Sunset. Cautiously, Sunset made her way around Maud, not turning her back on her for a second.

"G-good, just keep her in line, all right? I'm already being too lenient."


"Okay then..." Sunset quickly left, Leaving Maud on her own. After ensuring that Sunset was gone, Maud slowly looked down at her arm.


Maud basically told Sunset "I can snap you like a twig". And Sunset realized that, but was desperately trying to maintain some kind of authority.

But honestly, why did Maud have to injure herself so much to make the point? She clearly has blistering dislike of Sunset underneath her stone-faced visage. Why would she waste that rage on a locker instead of on Sunset's face?

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