• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).


Five years have passed since the destruction of the Crystal Heart.
Flurry Heart has grown into an adorable little filly and she almost couldn't be happier with her life.
She loved her parents, she had an amazing friend, flying filled her with a passion like nothing else and there were so many wonders in the world!
Flurry Heart was loved by nearly everypony in the Crystal Empire and she almost considered her life as perfect.
But true perfection doesn't exist and even a filly as lovely as her had to deal with hardships.
And when the past rears its ugly head and a decision made years ago turns out as a fatal mistake, Flurry Heart has to learn that life can turn on you whenever it wants.....

My first fanfiction for Flurry Heart! Don't let yourself getting fooled by the funny sounding title, this is one for the feels.
The cover picture belongs to Basykail on Deviantart. Thanks for letting me use it!

2016/03/05: It made it to Popular Stories!!!!!!!! That's the first time one of my stories managed this! Thanks for the support, everypony!!!!!!!!!!! :scootangel: :yay: :heart:

07:31 PM CET: And this marks the moment where this fic reached 106 views, which makes "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" my first multi-chapter fic that reached 100 views in the first 24 hours.
Thanks for the phenomenal support to all the ponies who are reading it! :heart:

Chapters (28)
Comments ( 372 )
Comment posted by KelloggsKookieKrisp deleted May 3rd, 2016

You have made Flurry heart so adorable and lovable in this. I'll be following this story.


Thanks! :twilightsmile: I'm doing my best and I have tried to develop and expand her personality from what we've seen in "The Crystalling".

There are few little errors here and there but this was really cute. I'll give you an upvote.


Thanks! I do my best to stick to the quality! :scootangel:

7183048 Sounds good to me! Keep up the good work!

Even her Crystaller, Sunburst, got devoted a page for saving the Crystal Empire years ago as she was just a few days old. It was at this time that a monster had destroyed the Crystal Heart and almost sentenced the Empire to become buried under ice and snow. Her parents, together with her aunt, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and a mare named Starlight Glimmer, who was a student of her aunt at this time, were able to defeat the monster, but the Crystal Heart remained shattered. Until Sunburst came and figured out that her own Crystalling ceremony was the key to restore the ancient, magical artifact. It was an event she only heard about from her parents and which she later read about again in the book in front of her. She was too young when it happened so she couldn't remember anything about it. Flurry Heart shrugged, grabbed the books and put them in her saddlebag.

... Oh Flurry... :raritydespair:


I already got the first reader crying with this subtle hint? Is this real? :pinkiegasp:
Better save some tears..... The fic has just started. :raritywink:

Aw man, you make Flurry so agressively likable here. Good work. :twilightsmile:
But that paragraph about the 'monster' destroying the Crystal Heart... Looks like we're in for some rough times.


Thanks, I'm so glad I succeeded with this! This is something that will be crucial for the story.

But that paragraph about the 'monster' destroying the Crystal Heart... Looks like we're in for some rough times.

Chapter 2 will come out on Friday.

That Magnolia is a rotten one. Though I fail to see how her word could carry more weight than that of a Princess in the eyes of the principal.

I hope she won't be hurt for too long.

Seriously, that little filly is a sociopath! Hurting sweet little Flurry like that, she's like Draco Malfoy!

So magnolia is another diamond tiara well guess what magnolia the DeatchWatch will be keeping an eye on you

Shining Armor and Cadence must be informed of this.

Dang, that almost hits a little close to home. Very good job on how you wrote that up. I actually had a bully of my own who treated me very similar (besides of course me not having wings and the such) so wow, way to bring back memories. (But they are not a trigger or anything like that so don't feel bad, just reminded me of how harsh my junior year was. (Yep this girl and I were in HS.)) She always gave me this creepy, back twisting feeling, if that makes any sense? Later found out she identified as Lesbian, so her actions made more sense then. (Makes me wonder about Magnolia here, but then at just five years old kids probably don't think about that kind of stuff (maybe more so in the pony world idk...)
Anyway, I am still going to keep on reading, as I love your style and the story so far, and I am anxious to see how things go!

7233058 Unfortunately it seems her family while not having the same level of political power seemingly have more economic power based on how they've got such a strong financial hold on the Crystal Empire. In short this Vary's riddle to Tyrion The King, The Rich Man & Holy Man all fighting for the sell sword's support only without the Priest.

Cadance and Shining Armor are handicapped in this particular battle by the fact that if they interfere to much with the school it can be seen as them favoring their daughter or trying to put more political control on the education system. Similar charges could be placed on the Sunshine clan but private universities run more on coin than political good will so they can get away with it more easily.

So if we were to solve this in terms of rebalancing power between these two forces, (which probably isn't the best option just yet) you'd have to significantly weaken their financial power. Not totally wipe it out mind just enough that their ability to project power with their wealth is significantly diminished. (Hypothetically this could be achieved by getting more and more industries to challenge the various components of the Sunshine conglomerate).

Of course AN other option in this situation is to become the sell sword in the situation. Probably the best solution though at the moment (aside from outright standing up and challenging her in a way that won't cause tensions with the office or at least only cause trouble for the both of them equally [Flurry can probably more easily recover reputation then Magnolia]) is to either start trying to trick Magnolia into committing her crimes in the open or finding some means of recording her actions that would be permitted as evidence.


The basic thought behind this is that Magnolia has the Bulb Twins on her side, who will confirm what she says.
And I would say the principal would try to be objective and not believe Flurry and Sunny just because Flurry is a member of the royal family and so go by majority. Magnolia and the Bulb Twins outnumber Sunny and Flurry, so he would be more inclined to believe the former group.


I would now like to say "She's worse than Draco Malfoy.", but it was too long since I saw the Harry Potter movies last, so I can't really remember how bad Draco Malfoy is.
The psychopathic attitude is definitely a thing, though, and I can't see her getting redeemed in any way currently.


Wow. This, I have to say, is something I didn't expect. I was a little concerned about the intensity of Magnolia's bullying being realistic or not. I'm glad to read that sadistic stuff like this is actually done by bullies. Thanks, this increased my confidence in the story a lot!

(Makes me wonder about Magnolia here, but then at just five years old kids probably don't think about that kind of stuff (maybe more so in the pony world idk...)

Things like this are wholly different in Equestria, but it's nothing this fic will delve into thematically. The chapter already hints at Magnolia's reason for being like this to Flurry and being lesbian has nothing to do with it.

Anyway, I am still going to keep on reading, as I love your style and the story so far, and I am anxious to see how things go!

Thanks! There are many more things planned that will (hopefully) keep you on the edge of your seat.


I like your trail of thoughts here.

You're welcome, and yes indeed. My brothers had it similar too (though not quite in the same way. I guess it is easy to say my school sucks when it comes to bully control, much worse than what I have heard of in other schools, and I don't think they have gotten much better since I graduated.)

Things like this are wholly different in Equestria, but it's nothing this fic will delve into thematically. The chapter already hints at Magnolia's reason for being like this to Flurry and being lesbian has nothing to do with it.

I am glad to hear that! Though I can respect the fact that with there being a higher ratio of mares to stallions in the show the likelihood would be a fair amount of same sex pairings or herds, I still prefer it the 'traditional' way whenever possible. Hmm Maybe I didn't pick up on those hints as well as I could have (heh would make sense since the first read through gave me that close to home kind of shock) so will have to go back and see if I can find them in a reading with a more ready? mind.
And I look forward to it. Heh I love reading stories that keep me on the edge of my seat. (Even if they are fanfictions that I then have to wait sometimes a week or longer to find out what happens next. ;P)

7235957 The wings symbolize Flurry's not just a unicorn she's ascended to Alicorn status and will always be royalty, a level of power that no matter what Magnolia does (barring ascension) can ever hope to achieve. Those wings are the most obvious target for her frustration.

Ah thank you! That does make sense. ^.^ (Both in story and for how a bully would think, which goes with story as well heh.)

Can't wait to see Flurry deal with Magnolia.


I bet everyone wants to see this now.

You have managed to portray the fear one can feel around a bully pretty well through this chapter, I must say. Well done!:raritywink:


I'm glad to hear I did. There probably went a lot of personal experience from the bullying in my foalhood into it, in a subconsious way, because I don't have many memories on that.
Thanks for your comment! :scootangel:

So is this a story about a school magic-beam-obliterating? Because that's what it seems to be building up to.


"school magic-beam-obliterating"? I have no idea what you're talking about.

That teacher should be punished for being a tyrant.

7307678 Like a school shooting, only with magic. :pinkiecrazy:


With Austere Knowledge's attitude, I wouldn't be surprised if it would. :pinkiecrazy:

Okay went on vacation for a few days without my computer, came back and am starting to catch up on my stuff so let me say now, remember how I said back in Chapter II Cadance and Shining Armor couldn't interfere with the school all that much for Flurry Heart's sake...

This chapter just shot that out the window.

I could understand this level of harshness in an actual magic class (In the Forgotten Realms setting of Dungeons and Dragons [as mentioned in The Halfling's Gem by RA Salvatore] a practice for young wizarding apprentices was to not say anything for many years, in order to learn the discipline necessary to wield the arcane arts. Because of the inherent danger of badly cast or undisciplined magic it makes sense to have harsh training regimens at even the most basic levels) but for MATH???? This is KINDERGARTEN! No kid needs that kind of rhetoric to learn at that age!!!!

Either that teacher is [expletive] up or the school system is and I need more chapters to figure out which. Clearly though this kind of teaching will be detrimental not just to Flurry Heart but to all the Crystal Empire by destroying any self confidence these kids have.


Welcome back! I'm glad you returned. :twilightsmile:

I could understand this level of harshness in an actual magic class

There is an actual magic class in the school. But due to the fact that most foals in the Crystal Empire are crystal ponies and that the unicorns are in the minority, it's a special class that is separated and that only a small number of ponies attend. But I don't imagine it as harsh as in your example here, mostly due to the fact that they have Magic Theory classes in which they learn how to deal with unexpected magical effects and how to avoid accidents as well.
I have thought up several classes for the school and I allow myself to use the opportunity of your comment to delve a little bit into them, as I have not quite decided yet if and how much I will detail those classes in the fic:

Most of them I have already mentioned and described in the fic (or they were so clear they didn't need a description); Magic History, Magic Theory, Math and Flight Class (which is separated as well, due to pegasi being in the minority too).
But there are two more, the aforementioned Magic Class and an Alchemy Class for crystal ponies. What the latter exactly is I won't reveal yet, because I want to work more on the idea and there are good chances I will introduce this class at some point, if not in this fic, then in a potential sequel.
Magic Class is, as it is already indicated, a class for the practical use of magic, where the foals learn how to actually cast spells and to control them, which is only attended by unicorns and Flurry Heart.
There aren't any classes for learning how to write and read, I think that's something that ponies in Equestria have already mastered at this age, so it doesn't need to be in school anymore.
That's the six classes that exist in the school. I don't have anymore planned and right now I don't think there will be any, but who knows..... Writing is always in the flow, so if something comes up that has potential, I might add to it.

Clearly though this kind of teaching will be detrimental not just to Flurry Heart but to all the Crystal Empire by destroying any self confidence these kids have.

The way Austere Knowledge treats his students is cruel and absolutely wrong, though, I can guarantee you, destroying the self-confidence of his students is not something Austere Knowledge wants to do.
He's sinister, but it's not quite what he has in mind.

Oh I did know there was an actual magic class at the school but that wasn't the class they were in at the time thus why I made the distinction. Also I guess if Equestria is still standing with all the magic casters it has the theory classes are probably good enough in this universe that the harsh measures aren't needed. (The Forgotten Realms had several infamous magical disasters which probably upped the ante on disciplining young wizard before they cast their first cantrip (0 level spells).

On the other topic now you make me want to apply Sarge's cure for everything, shotgun to the face... I thought it was mere incompetence or just plain being a prick on his part that he was so cruel to students, but if he has an actual plan for it, than their is a whole can of worm factory that is waiting to be unleashed...


I thought it was mere incompetence or just plain being a prick on his part that he was so cruel to students, but if he has an actual plan for it, than their is a whole can of worm factory that is waiting to be unleashed...

You are not so far off with the way you think about him. But I don't want to make the fic sound more exciting than it actually is, so I'm filing you in a little here to avoid confusion about that:

I suppose you could call it a "plan" what Austere Knowledge has in mind, but it's nothing big. His "plan" is very much simple, straightforward and actually quite ordinary for a teacher. It's just that he is "different" as a teacher, in some way.
So, don't expect something big and epic, like, that he's secretly training the students to become his personal army one day so that he can take over the Crystal Empire or maybe even whole Equestria or something of that sort, because it's nothing that is anywhere near these epic proportions that a plan could have.

I don't want to give something away that happens later in the fic, and hope that I expressed myself mysteriously enough to avoid that, but at the same time clear enough to not unintentionally give the impression the fic is going into epic territory, here, but I also don't want that expectations for the future course of the fic are created that it won't meet then.

7323619 Boy Scout motto of Be Prepared plus George R.R. Martin and Dungeons and Dragon campaign induced paranoia have left me with a case of preparing for the worst case scenario so that way when I'm pleasantly surprised its not as bad as I thought I can simply breathe a sigh of relief.


George R.R. Martin

That's not quite as far as I want to go. xD In fact, I would like to keep that "Everyone" rating up there and I really hope I can. I would hate it to have the rating to change during the fic is written and to have chapters with different ratings, that would probably lead to the fic losing readers.

There is one idea I got that could go into such extreme territory, but I'm not 100% sure yet if I want to go there. And even if I do, I'm then not sure about it how detailed I want to have the portrayal of that event. This could require upping the rating to "Teen" and that's really something I don't want to do. A good story's rating should be consistent.
And there's one other idea I have, one that wouldn't require upping the rating, even though it's a very mature subject, because I would write that more subtle.
But there I'm even less willing to do it, simply because it's so cruel and because it would left more scars on Flurry Heart's mind than I'm comfortable with putting on her. :fluttercry:

Oh, and I have to thank you, because your comment here made me think about a later scene and that has inspired me for writing an earlier scene.
That one's a bit tricky and I was worried how to write it so that it will be realistic and make sense, so I had no clue how to approach it exactly, but now I have an idea how to write it.
I still need to evaluate closely if it's working that way, but at least I have something to start with now.
Thanks! :scootangel:

Fascinating, though I'd like to see some judgment brought to Mr. Knowledge.

Well, we already had a Draco Malfoy in the story. It was only a matter of time before a wild Snape appeared.

7329109 I know what we could do let's fire him out of pinkies party tank into a lake it would be hilarious

That was definitely unexpected. I'm just hoping it sticks...

If Flurry Heart was voiced, what would she sound like?

Still hates Flurry heart but tearfully hands back feather, why do I get the feeling this more about fear than remorse... This fics title does dub Flurry as the destroyer of worlds, and conveniently dear old mom and dad didn't inform her who shattered the Crystal Heart on her Crytalling day... how many bits do people want a bet that some already suspect, if not know who shattered it that day....

Of course this could be my old paranoia kicking in but better to be prepared for the worst only to be pleasantly surprised when it turns out not so bad. Heck even without the crystalling incident being known, wounding a royal was generally a big no no (save for battle and the training yard and generally if your at war with your royal family you don't give a [expletive] about their protections to begin with).

On a side note maybe Flurry Heart should spend some time with Lyanna Mormont, that'd be a good boost for the old self esteem.


how many bits do people want a bet that some already suspect, if not know who shattered it that day....

Out of curiosity, do you think that Magnolia, her parents or Austere Knowledge could know about it?

On a side note maybe Flurry Heart should spend some time with Lyanna Mormont, that'd be a good boost for the old self esteem.

She has Sunny for that.

7330965 Oh Sunny's doing a good job no denying that

As for who knows I wouldn't rule out Austere knowing but his attitude toward her would be somewhat wittingly (as opposed to him not fully realizing it) risky if they did know, unfortunately though money talks so Magnolia's parents could have tossed some coin around to learn more about the royals, who would then pass just a general "watch out for the princess she's dangerous" to Magnolia herself.

Again like I said though that's my paranoia coming in so feel free (in fact I prefer) to keep it a surprise until it actually comes up in the story.


Of course. I never reveal something upcoming in my fics. That would take all the fun out of it. :ajsmug:
Or, at least I don't reveal something big and important. A little tease here and there is fine, which is why I released a short preview for Chapter 6 that will come out tomorrow:


I'm anxious for Austere Knowledge to be brought to justice for his cruelty.

7349627 Unfortunately incompetence isn't a crime unless it injures or kills someone, and we don't know whether what he's saying would qualify as verbal abuse under Equestrian law...

So instead I hope he feels the full effect of karma,

Only knew bit of info I've got from Austere comes from his last few lines and the description of a smug grin. Unlike Magnolia who won't ever reach Flurry Heart's level of authority by the happenstance of being her teacher does have authority over her, and enjoys that fact. It might (I'm not as certain on this but I'm not willing to rule it out either) also explain why Starry Skies seems to also attract his ire, someone who Flurry Heart is friendly with who is emotionally fragile and thus easily exploitable, a way to manipulate Flurry Heart into acting in ways that allow him to exercise more control of her via detention. It could also just be a happy bonus for him.

What is certain though in my mind is he enjoys holding power over his students and enjoys exploiting said power. The full question though is why, it could be any number of Freudian excuses or something more sinister, and while I have hunches they have little to know facts or information for me to put any real support behind them.

On a side note good to see Flurry is still being cautious about Magnolia...


a way to manipulate Flurry Heart into acting in ways that allow him to exercise more control of her via detention

Well, and here we have the first major derp I made with this story. I was fearing it could happen at some point, but I didn't expect that I could get so caught up in excitement while writing that I contradict something that happened earlier. :twilightoops:
Flurry Heart is of course not in detention for defending Starry Skies, she is in detention because she arrived late to her first lesson.
I fixed that part now where Starry Skies says that Flurry Heart is in detention because of her and clarified the derp in a blog entry.
I have to thank you for writing this. Without you saying that, I probably wouldn't have noticed the mistake at least until next week. :facehoof:

and while I have hunches they have little to know facts or information for me to put any real support behind them

What are those hunches?

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