• Member Since 22nd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 19th


PhycoKrusk (fi'ko-krüs'k) n. that jerk whose user page you accidentally wandered into

Comments ( 36 )

How bittersweet. Nice story.

Oh nooooooo...

This was really nice ;; I love the character interactions and the dialogue, but that ending ;; my heart

Yeah, that ending. Wow.

Short but worked very well in what it was intended to do.

7238827 7238864 7239188
Let it not be said that I can't right stuff that'll hit you right in the guts.

Figures you would like it. This is exactly the kind of story you live for!

I mean except for the sad ending with no happily ever after all, and no Rarity, and no RariTwi... ok, I guess it's not really at all what you live for.

See? It may still be the case that one of us is a writer and the other is a hack, but this time the hack is... well, it's still me.

The more change, eh walker?

Break my damn heart, why don't you?

7239223 lmao i live for sadfics

This is the most random thing to pick up on, but do you happen to be Canadian? I ask because I grew up in BC and Horseshoe Bay was the ferry terminal we used most often when I was young. Still my favorite, since it's a lot prettier than Tsawwassen.

That huge tangent aside, I did... like this. Can't say I enjoyed it, because poor Cypress. :fluttercry:

I enjoyed this little fic! It said just enough. Very slice of life-y feel. :twilightsmile:

Short, sweet and then that ending. I knew what I was getting into with the sad tag though. Bravo!

If I can make famous people cry... well, I suppose I can get them to cry. But all the same, I'm glad you liked it. Kind of a confidence booster when someone noted for being a much better writer than me likes my stuff.

Yet you never seem to write any.

Nope, sorry. For some reason, I just like using Horseshoe Bay when I can fit it in. I'm glad you liked it, even if you couldn't enjoy it. I'm not normally so cruel, honest!

That was what I was going for. This was a bit experimental, since nearly all my other stories feature longer chapters (Sensational Serials being the notable exception). It seems to have been a success.

Thank you!

Good gravy, this isn't even that many to reply to, how does Crystal Wishes do this every day?

Oh.. Oh my... So beautiful, but so very sad...:fluttercry:

Omigawsh, this fic. This fic. I normally don't comment that often, but I saw that this one was relatively new, so I figured I might as well add my support. I'm a sucker for anything changeling related, but shoot, I don't even know where to start in reviewing this. It was short, but it hit hard and the length fit the story, if that makes sense. Everything about it was perfect, from the peaceful setting to both of their attitudes about/reactions to the secret. And the ending. I nearly had a heart attack, but maybe that's because I'm tired. I tend to get more emotionally invested in fanfics when I'm tired, so there's that.
Also, don't mean to be rude, but I did notice some typos that you may or may not want to fix. To be honest, I missed most of them my first readthrough; my brain just automatically fixed them for me, which shows how piddly they are, but whatevs. /shrug

As they did every night after they’d finished supper and taken care of the dishes, the each sat in their rocking chairs on the front porch

they each sat

“Hm?” Rosewill turned to him, and then glanced back over her should into the house, where the clock on the wall was.

over her shoulder

The routine broke when Rosewill move into and snuggle against Cypress with a little noise of contentment.

Umm, I think it might be "when Rosewill moved in and snuggled against Cypress"? Not sure what else it could be.

Not long, naturally, when they were only so many hours in the day, but he slept in nonetheless

when there were

So yes! Epic kudos to you!! I loved every word of this thing! *clicks user page* Oh great. You have 15 more stories? Nyuuugh, now I have to go read them all. Look what you made me do! You should be ashamed of yourself. :rainbowwild:


Monochromatic, nightwalker, Masterweaver, Jade Ring, JKinsley, and foals errand too? I'm honestly a little blown away here. I mean, I sort of expected Monochromatic (this kind of story is her thing) and nightwalker (he tends to read my serious work). Masterwaver was a bit of a surprise, but I guess he digs sad things, sure, why not? But all the other big names (plus one I can't remember, and at least one more that's liable to find this)? I don't really know how to react. I'm glad I was able to produce something that all of you like so much, even if I'm not really sure how I did it.

Typos? What typos? I see no typos, and that certainly isn't because I just now went through and corrected them, nope nope nuh uh.

Truthfully though, not giving anything I do an editing pass is almost a stylistic choice for me at this point. I suspect this is partly because I know it grates on nightwalker's nerves. I'd say I'm the Buck Withers to his Shining Armor, but I don't think I'm that antagonistic. Probably.

If you're going to try reading all 15 of the others, you should really read the completed ones first, since they tend to all be significantly shorter (and maybe give Rockets & Rainbooms a pass altogether; it's serious the worst thing I have up here).

OK, it's still weird that people think I'm a big name author. I mean, yes, I've been doing this for longer than just about anyone else still active, but that's honestly about it. But I suppose you can thank Monochromatic for my being here, since she added this to the shipping group. When she adds a non-Raritwi story to that group, it gets my attention.

As far as cruelty towards your characters go, I've been pretty mean. On at least two occasions, I've killed all of Twilight's friends and family. Minus the long-lived ones.

You're a "big name" author because you have several hundred followers and at least 3 stories with more than 5,000 views each.

And that's how it got in the shipping group.

Eh, seems legit.


It didn't hit that hard for me, but that was a really surprising and original oneshot with a twist. I like how there was little angst and very simple drama, and hence the story was carried forward and the characters were very easily sympathizable.

Oh and speaking from personal experience, you learn that once you do become famous (which is totally possible considering the originality of your ideas as shown by this one shot) famous authors are just ordinary people who happen to be either better writers sure, but are generally just ordinary people who are moved by good ideas and stories.

Also, Hi Foals! 7245154

Every time I get a response like this it makes me look around for a famous person. :twilightsmile: I just like writing pony fics!

If I were a more emotional man, I'd think this story would've made me cry.

Oh... that was... oh.:fluttercry:
How bittersweet.

That moment when you suspect that your husband or wife is a Changeling?


Nah, man. Nah, it's ok. ....It's just my heart, not like I was using it anyway D: Just .... ow.

That broke my heart. It was terribly sad.

That was an incredibly short story. But it still made me tear up. By that I mean I cried. But only a little...maybe alot...

I may have forgotten to mention that this story comes with a free side of fresh chopped onion.

Right in my feels man

Short but bittersweet.

Oh you bastard.

Author Interviewer

I'm sorry, sir, this is illegal, you are coming with me to jail now. ;_;

You'll never take me alive!

Although, I have to admit, I'm not particularly fond of the alternative, either. I need to think about this....

And here I was thinking the husband was going to be the one to, well, you know... pass on :(

Excellent little story. The definition of quality over quantity. I was brought here thanks to PresentPerfect. Cheers, friend.

Hoi hoi! Just wanted to let you know that I did a reading of your fic on youtube (timestamped video) I apologize for not asking permission beforehand, and if you would like me to take it down, pls let me know! Still love it even after all these years, still a bittersweet gut punch :pinkiesad2: Thanks again for the wonderful memories!

Huh? Years?

Oh my, it has been years! Glad to hear you still enjoy it

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