• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Don't read my stuff if you have a weak stomach or are easily bothered by traumatic genitalia damage. That's seriously all I've got in here!


Comments ( 44 )

Fucking brilliant.

No. No pun for this. This is fucking magnificent, Pencil. My God. I'm dying to see more.

I don't know. I don't think this needs an additional sex scene, to be honest. I like this the way it is. If you want to do the additional scene, do it. But this is amazing.


Thank you. I do try.

...might still like a pun or two though.


I'm dying to see more.



Damn it that was slow of me.

This was... just spectacular. Normally I'd just go on to one of your stories, give it a quick read, and then spout off a pun or two. But not this time. This was just so emotional, so raw, so intense. This hit very close to home, as I've had to see a loved one in ICU (my father), and he actually died on the bed in front of me and had to be revived. That feeling of relief was captured so well here. One could say that your writing was almost surgical.

Seriously, bravo, anonpencil!



That last line really made my heart sink. Despite reading When You Least Expect It, I really wasn't expecting that.

Pencil, this is beautiful.

Aside from making me all teary-eyed, the ending just rounds it off in such an upbeat way that I can't help but cheer Berry on, despite how I can relate to her situation. You make me so emotional, Pencil! God damn it!

This is a fucking immortal right here. Thank you for writing this as I certainly won't forget it in a hurry!

7292934 you wrote this while sober i presume?

Minor typo in C1:

a light green completion

I really have no words for this story, just...damn. I'm sad but content; seeing Berry and Anon cling to each other regardless of their circumstances is...heartwarming and heartbreaking simultaneously. Well done Pencil.

Edit: I personally don't think this story needs anything more to it. For me, it's perfect as is. That said, I am not opposed to it if you have something you'd like to add to it.

Reminds me of the time they stuck a tube in some place a object should never be stuck in unless you plan on murderizing someone the most painful way possible.

........catheters.....fucking bullshit pieces of medical equipment.

This was a good ending to a heart breaking and wonderful story Pencil. Thank you.

Though I suppose it was a bit breathtaking I can't help but feel it could have delivered a bit more...

jaundiced pneumonia drinking STD riddled anemic loving punch to Anon's thirsty pale shrunken eyes.
That it all.

Congrats on the feature, pencil! You beautiful son of a bitch.

This was good! I think an additional sex scene would be Anon-factor at this point.

Nice! I'm content with it stopping here.

It always seems to get the wrong people. But with crap like that there are no right people to be hit with. I'm content with the ending but wouldn't mind additional stuff. I hope their remaining time will be filled with the best possible memories possible. :fluttercry:

Haven't had a hypochondria induced anxiety attack in some time, but this gave it a run for it's money.
This is either nothing short of brilliant writing, or much of what played out here you have yourself felt.

I'm not particularly content, an additional sex scene would be a cherry on top, pardon the shitty pun.
But I would not be satisfied with a story like this unless it delivered through to the very end, I would need a death scene for both characters in whatever order you find best conveys the sentiment.

Right now it feels like a grim love story ending on a sweet but non-opportunistic vibe.

To do justice to a story about grim reality and the connection between people in those situations and how they effect them, a proper, grim life ending in the predictable manner, is what would best outline the thoughts and actions of said people.

But if you don't feel like it end there just like the fault in our stars did, except more happy.


You're not going to see either of these characters in a death scene any time soon. For many reasons. One of which is that I feel like there's still more stories to tell in this regard. I've written two stories with this Berry punch so far, and I certainly wouldn't be opposed to writing another few. Just because they're dying doesn't mean these two don't have a lot of life left in them. :raritywink:

The other reason is much more personal, and I'll leave it at that.


Just because they're dying doesn't mean these two don't have a lot of life left in them.
The other reason is much more personal, and I'll leave it at that.

Just finished the first story. Im glad to know these two still have it in them to keep on living.

Whatever that personal reason is, i pray it's not a life threatening one. God bless.

Such a complex, beautiful and deep story this is. I'm pleasantly surprised that it was written by the same author who wrote Friendship is...GNYYYGH!, The Sun and Rain and the Appleseed, and Out with the old.


I have surprising depth sometimes. As I've said before, you could say I'm not a one trick pony. :raritywink:

Though you did ask about how content we felt, certainly I spotted no shortcomings and barring simply more actual things happening with them, which of course, can't in any realistic way take anything out of the story and is almost certain to be worthwhile.

I had assumed that for either literal or extremely emotional reasons, these characters would not end up as such.
I can't say it does the situation justice nor can I say it misrepresents it in any way.
It is what it is.
Tell it as you understand it or the point is lost and as such only write that which you wish to express.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.

Oh god why pencil why you hit me with that one line at the end?!

You do romance pretty well...you should do a romance fic that wont make my heart feel like its made out of lead.

Omg the romance and confession was B E A U T I F U L

got me like this while reading it


seriously though you write so fantastic. I love it when you write serious stuff. Honestly wish some weird magic healed them both and they could live happily and we get to see a sequel for them being cuddly wuddly, but that would make the struggle feel cheapened.

I absolutely loved it and would like to see more. This left me feeling better even though it got somewhat sadder but it sort of feels okay now that berry and anon accepted to become a couple for whatever short time they have.

I know you like to write silly stories and you don't do it for fans but i really love your more serious work and wouldn't mind to see more but keep doing what you love and feel like doing. Again, great story!

This was really good. Thank you for writing.

Fuck you pencil, you shouldnt make an old faggot cry, NOT YOU

Goddamn, Pencil. You don't do anything by halves, do you?

Damn it, it's too early for feels of this magnitude.

Liked and Fav'd.

Ooooooh... oh my... that ending line... you hit me where my feelings are dude...

Goddamn Pencil you... you have skills that I am very jealous of. Like, I am incredibly jealous of what you can do with a keyboard. I absolutely love romance stories, and its something I do try and write but my skills are crap when I read stuff like this.

This was fucking beautiful Pencil... I love it. All my yes! ALL MY YES!

I hate myself for not reading the first part when I liked it a long time ago.....that and this sequel are amazing 10 outta 10 would read again

I didn't know I was crying until I read the last part of the story. It was AMAZING AND I LOVED IT.:raritydespair:

I was a bit annoyed at them first for trying to keep their relationship quite. They have limited time left, so who gives a damn what others might think.

"It is better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep." - Italian proverb

Glad she wised up at the end. It was a good continuation, and I never expected it to keep me so much on edge about what might happen to them.

It's stories like this that make me proud to be in this fandom. Not sex with a pony, but touching another s soul with pure emotion and love.


Absolutely beautiful piece of literature pencil. Well done.

Well said.

My feels start to shake inside... but i will wait to read the chapter :raritydespair:

A steel javelin right in the feels.

Now see, this is why I follow this guy. Well, that and his random nonsense, that makes me laugh. But this here is what separates a good writer from a bad writer. The characterization, the raw emotion, the descriptions. This is good writing.

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