• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 27,610 Views, 2,339 Comments

Consequences - Hiver

Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes.

  • ...

Chapter 46

“Press please,” Doctor Stead Beat ordered, the earth pony having his hoof firmly on my left wing.

I tried to do as he ordered and my wing semi responded. Twitching once and then pressing against his hoof, slowly pushing him back.

A day since I woke up, most of that had been spend just sleeping but the wings were starting to respond and do what I wanted them to.

Sometimes. If I was lucky. Mostly they just did their own thing.

Nodding to himself, the Earth Pony picked up his notepad and scribbled something down with the quill held in his mouth, “Thank you, your highness,” he said around it.

I cringed at that, “None of that, I'm not any higher rank than I was a week ago, doc.”

He just raised an eyebrow at me and I sighed, folding my wings again.

“...If you have to, sir is sufficient. But I have a name you know.”

“I'm well aware, sir,” He easily agreed, “Well, as far as I can tell you are a healthy alicorn. Though to be fair, the only baseline of a new alicorn I have examined is Princess Twilight Sparkle. But as far as I can tell, you are adapting well. Just one more test if you please.”

At my nod, he exited the room and then pushed a cart in with a machine on top into the bedroom. One I recognized from when I first arrived in Equestria. It was a magic strength meter.

Basically, a heavy pressurized and reinforced rubber balloon attached to a pressure gauge. You squeezed at it with your magic and the meter went up and from that they calculated your magical strength.

There were more accurate methods because not all unicorns had the same kind of talent for telekinesis but it was often good enough and it was a hell of a lot faster than the other ones.

He reached up and adjusted it before he nodded at me, “Squeeze, please.”

Nodding I walked up and wrapped my magic around the sphere before I poured on the power and squeezed as hard as I could. I held for several moments as hard as I could before I let go.

Steady Beat frowned at the meter and then at his notes before he looked over at me, “As hard as you can, sir.”

I blinked at him, “I did,” I said but tried again, gritting my teeth in effort before I let go.

He frowned and then looked over at Luna where she was lounging on the bed, “Your Highness, if you would? I think it may be broken.”

Luna hmmed and jumped off the bed, making her way over before her horn lit up and she slowly and calmly crushed the rubber sphere until the meter reached the red line before letting go. She didn't even look like she was exerting herself, “It seems to be working, doctor.”

I flicked my ears and looked between Luna and the machine, “How did I do, doc?”

“About twice as much as when you tried last according to your journal. But that was when you first arrived in Equestria, just before you first left the hospital. I would say over fifty percent of that could be accounted for simply by getting used to your magic.”

Steady Beat was one of the few ponies in existence that knew my origins.

I frowned at the rubber sphere at that. That's odd. You would think becoming a gorram Alicorn would increase your magical strength. At least that was my understanding.

Luna nodded, “Thank you, Doctor,” she said with a smile, “we will take it from here.”

“Of course, Princess,” he said and bowed to her before he bowed to me as well before turning to leave.

“That's odd,” I finally said, glancing up at my horn, “am I broken?”

Luna smiled and nuzzled, “I actually had some theories about it already. I thought something like this might happen.”

I frowned up at her, “You did?”

“Mmm,” She agreed, “Two. One is that most of the magical surge that caused your ascension belonged to other ponies. Once it was done, it moved on and returned to their owners.”

I tapped my hoof against the floor in thought and slowly nodded, “I guess that kinda make sense.”

“That is one possibility. Another is that your realm is not well aligned with that sort of thing,” Luna explained, “The same reason as why my sister for all her power is almost completely unable to learn dream magic. It is too far from her realm.”

Now that was a strange thought. I had a realm of power now. Whatever now that was.

“So what is it you can't do?”

Luna smiled and nosed at my ear, “Firemagic. I can barely cause enough of a spark to start a campfire. Also, Chloromancy. Can't do it at all. Earth pony magic or not, I just can't affect plantlife directly.”

Turning my head I looked back at my mark before I turned to look up at Luna, “Well, easy to test. Bed?”

That got a brilliant grin from her, “I think that's more Cadance's realm.”

I blushed softly.

One, not what I meant.

Two, Shining Armor was one lucky bastard.

I poked her with my hoof, “Dreams. Not that,” I said before I continued with a grin, “Maybe later.”

She stuck her tongue out at me and lead the way to the bed. I settled down and closed my eyes before opening them again in a big white chamber.

Exactly like I wanted it to be. It took a moment and then Luna walked in through the doors as they slid open before closing behind her.

She looked around in slight surprise, taking in the large red button on the floor and the large 01 on the wall.

“Welcome to dream testing chamber zero one. Testing will begin in three, two, ooooo...” The voice was cut off in a crackle of static.

She flicked her ears at the sudden voice before making her way over to me, “Page?”

I shrugged my wings, “Seemed fitting.” was all I said with a smile.

Luna tilted her head in question before she shook her head, dismissing it, “I'll change the dream, you resist.”

“Very well.”

Her horn lit up and put her considerable magical weight and ability to shift reality around us. Her magic had felt like an ocean pressing down at me once. It was still heavy and a real struggle, but I could keep things steady.

Luna's eyes widened in surprise at me before she frowned and redoubled her efforts, her horn lighting up and her mane darkening like the night sky in effort. This time to collapse the dream and wake us up. I just looked at her, feeling her effort and magic and... wow. I wouldn't call it anywhere near easy, but I had power to pour into it now.

I could hold her off in here.

Slowly letting up the pressure, Luna looked down at me before she smiled, “I guess this only confirms what I already knew,” she said after a moment as she moved closer until her nose almost touched mine.

I smiled up at her, “Oh?”

“You're the stallion of my dreams,” she murmured before she kissed me.