• Member Since 24th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


It's the journey that counts, not the destination.


Co-written with MagicMan.

The Hidden Village was found. Zecora and her rebellion have been captured. The Everfree Rebellion is finished. And now Queen Chrysalis and her Swarm reign supreme over Equestria unchallenged.

Sitting high upon her grand throne, the Changeling Queen prepares to bring the striped nuisance and her rebel friends to book.

If the new Changeling Queendom of Equestria is to last a thousand years, then a few examples need to be made, and the spiders in Chrysalis’ brain have spun a beautiful web of punishments for those who made the fatal mistake of becoming a thorn in her side...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 45 )

T'was an absolutely delight to work on this with you, Vox! And I look forward to co-writing with you again in the future! :raritywink:

~ Magic Man

Wow. Loved it!

7357982 Glad you did :twilightsmile: What did you enjoy about it?

So is 'Grayscale' under mind magic?

I do like at the end Celly tells Chrysalis she's got 20 or 30 years at most before things blow up in her face and Celestia doesn't have to do a damn thing.

7358103 mainly that you portray her as a villain and not in any sort of a sympathetic light. I find it to be refreshing.


20 to 30 years of tyranny and suffering on a national, if not global scale, is something that I as an utilitarian really, REALLY don't fancy.

And since the multiverse is proven fact in the MLP verse, it means the chances that no matter how improbable, there will always be a world where Queen Chrysalis not only wins, but keeps winning forever irregardless of any challenges to her rule.

And since interdimensional travel is also canon, the chances are that one of these ever-victorious Queen Chrysalis will export her conquest to potentially countless worlds beyond approaches 1.

This is why I never find myself uncomfortable with the idea of erasing whole worlds and timelines, like in the Season 5 finale. And also why I am so adamant of the idea heroes must win no matter the cost. Given the consequences, you literally cannot afford to let Queen Chrysalis win in any timeline.

You know, in the actual series, Chrysalis deserved to win because the Mane 6 save Twilight were really, really stupid and didn't deserve to be heroes.

7358429 I think Optimus Prime said it best,

"Megatron must be stopped. No matter the cost!"

And then Saitama showed up and was like, "Oh, she's like that big mosquito I squished." And then he squishes Chrysalis... in one punch.

7358440 It could also be argued that Chrysalis deserved to lose because her plan was convoluted, highly risky, idiotic, and made horribly poor use of her species natural abilities and numbers.


Not entirely their fault. Queen Chrysalis is portrayed as a consummerate actress and manipulator. She probably knows how to cover her mistakes quickly and push just the right buttons to get the Mane 6 and others to turn on Twilight, thereby isolating the only individual who might stop her.


They keep saying that, but how many of these heroes are willing to push "No matter the cost" to Judge Dredd levels when push comes to shove?

7358487 The Mane 6 were worse. And Celestia should never have held that wedding during the threat and lockdown. Imagine trying to have a wedding during Boston's lockdown after the marathon bombing a few years ago. Face it, "A Canterlot Wedding" was entirely lacking of common sense from start to finish.

7358488 And the Mane 6 allowed themselves to be manipulated by buying into a total stranger and his bride-to-be, putting them ahead of Twilight. Face it, "A Canterlot Wedding" was entirely devoid of common sense, from start to finish.

7358421 My good friend... That was one of my number ONE goals to accomplish when writing this with Vox. It seems that I have been successful with at least one person so far :pinkiehappy:


If your friend came in acting like a jackass swearing the bride was Evil(!!!), and then the bride breaks down in tears and runs off, and your friend looks VERY satisfied with themselves, with the husband, HER BROTHER, then presents perfectly reasonably sounding explanations for everything she just accused her of, whose side would you TAKE?


There are some futures that are not possible. And I prefer to side on the side of optimism, thank you very much!


And Celestia should never have held that wedding during the threat and lockdown.

I LOVED that line of Nick Fury's from the 90s Spider-Man cartoon on the subject. The whole world just STOP if they decided to never hold any public events or meeting when there was something dangerous about.

7358503 it worked very well! Now I hate Queen Chrysalis more than ever.

7358518 To be honest, I would take the sister's side, but not without asking why. Because I for one would be pissed off if I discovered my wedding was a total sham. So I'd ask why because there might be something the 'little sister' knows that I don't. Unlike Shining Armor, I'm conscientious, I'm cautious, and surprisingly not very trusting of a lot of people before getting to know them. So there's my answer. I'd side with the family first.

Surprised? :pinkiecrazy:

7358532 That's kinda breaking reality any way you look at it. The world doesn't stop like that.


So you agree with Celestia siding with Cadence, she sided with family, seeing her student (after her last student turned evil) drive her niece off in tears on her wedding day.

7358608 If you think the littlest things in life are capable of making the world stop, then maybe perhaps, you need to look at the world differently. People are born and people die and the world doesn't stop for that. In light of the Boston marathon bombing, all of Boston went into a full lockdown and the world didn't stop, not even long enough to catch the perpetrator. 9/11 didn't make the world stop. Loved ones come and go and the world still doesn't stop. We may mourn the passing of many people, we may have moments of silence, and we may even throw tantrums. But nothing can truly make the world stop. The world stops for no one. It's fact. No matter what, life goes on.

7358613 No. I don't. I don't agree that Celestia should have even held the wedding. At all. She should have waited until the threat was resolved. Think of the Boston marathon bombing. When the city of Boston went into lockdown, absolutely nothing was going on apart from security forces scouring every inch of the city. Would it have been safe to hold a wedding then? Absolutely not.


So what would you have done, if turned out Cadence really was just letting wedding stress get to her? AFTER Twilight Sparkle convinced all her friends she was Evil(!!!)?


NOT what that meant. Ugh. You're taking it too literally.

7358635 I would have given her a thorough talking to, of course. I don't care how much stress gets to a person, there is absolutely no excuse for rudeness. Things can be handled better than you think they can.

So, is my concept of reality freaking you out yet? The world never truly stops, you can't hold events during a lockdown, choose family over friends, there's no excuse for rudeness, and life goes on any way you slice it.

7358637 Of course I am. I'm being realistic. It's important to try to remain in the real world no matter how much you fantasize.


.... -_-

I'm trying to be polite.

I'm saying that you took what was said too literally. That because of A problem in A place, that literally everything would stop. Instead of what was being actually said, that there is always trouble of some kind is what Nic Fury MEANT.


Again. I'm trying to be polite.

This reminds me way too much of people who are convinced Rainbow Dash was completely faultless for Mare Do Well, and her friends just were trying to make her life miserable. RATHER than looking at the episode, and seeing Mare Do Well swept in and saved ponies while Rainbow Dash was WASTING TIME grand standing (Seriously how'd you feel if Superman stopped to sign autographs, while you were falling to your death?). (And there was no way Rainbow Dash could have saved the dam anyway!).


I agree. Just because Twilight Sparkle was stressed out at what she thought was going on, it was no excuse for her to be so rude to her friends, her brother, and everyone, and therefore shooting her own argument in the foot.

You are being polite. We are doing our best to handle this like rational and civilized men. And I am impressed.

Okay, the Mare-Do-Well incident has nothing to do with what we were talking about. It's an entirely different scenario. I think this is the part where we can agree to disagree and move on. I may be more literal, serious, and down-to-earth as a person, but I might have an idea of where you're coming from.

the stripped nuisance

Ponies are naked by default. I'm not sure it's worth emphasizing the case for Zecora.

7358495 I think we can agree that any- and everypony and ling was frolicking in the Idiot Ball Pit in that episode. Every decision by everyone was stupid.

It actually made Cadance the most intelligent character in the episode, since she really didn't do or say very much. :rainbowlaugh:


7359732 That's what I thought regarding "Twilight's Kingdom" as well.

7358421 It actually reminded me a lot of Game of Thrones.

I HATE Game of Thrones. Hate as in personal taste hate.

At first I thought that this was going to be some sort of comically evil, but then there was the implied rape thing, the inbreeding thing.

As I see you wanted to create a couch potato Chrysalis who would die from that. It's good... though I don't consider it "refreshing" per say. Perhaps because it actually doesn't matter to me. Good stuff though I guess?

Though I do have to ask... was the "ray of hope" ending needed? I realize that it is the hidden desire of all of us that evil eventually perishes buuuuut... I just don't get it. *shrug* Good stuff I guess. Though I do think Magic Man... you're letting the whole "Good Guy Chrysalis" thing get under you skin. That is all.

In truth, Chrysalis had noticed the subtle changes to her physique. The way her thighs now rubbed against each other. How she could touch her stomach and feel it seep through the holes in her hoof. Or perhaps more tellingly, the way even her bouts of evil laughter seemed to leave her out of breath.



Oh, yes, as much of a delight it was to write this one-shot where, in her victory, Chrysalis is a villain now always on top of the situation, the only true way to end it was by sneaking in reminders that with no-one else left to oppose her, the Changeling Queen's hedonism has made her into her own worst enemy.

And thanks for the favourite. :twilightsmile: Say, didn't you used to be involved in the writing of The Other Side of the Spectrum?

7429192 I'm surprised you remember me! I was an editor for the first few chapters before the word count and school got to me, and I write a side story for it. I updated it about a month ago, but school and an overall lack of interest in TCB have been slowing down my writing.


:pinkiesmile: My memory isn't always what I'd want it to be, yet it has a tendency to latch heavily onto matters I take an interest in. I've got a history with Spectrum myself, having spent plenty of my free time in early 2014 editing the tropes page, and later that same year getting invited by TB3 to co-write a one-shot side-story for Christmas.

It's Good To Be Queen wasn't meant to be anything as lofty as that, though, just an excuse to have fun with a friend in how evil we could make Chrysalis while remaining within the boundaries of what'd be acceptable on the show, a tougher challenge than one might think, given the liberal amounts of "mature" content on this site.

Generally, MagicMan is the one who's more willing to push the envelope, and that paragraph about Chryssie going out of shape was his doing, but I accept full responsibility for Zecora's fate as Grayscale, if only because I found its very nature to be laughably silly when you think about it.

7429732 >acceptable on the show
I think you may have pushed that just a tiny bit too far.:trollestia: But you certainly did a good job with the idea, and I like it when people decide to experiment with an idea they have, especially since I enjoy doing that but never find the time to. You said you worked on the Tropes page, were you the one who added my story to the page? Because if so, then thank you.:twilightsmile:

Queen Chrysalis at her best :pinkiecrazy: You guys did a great job making her utterly despicable, yet so fun to read about! Awesome story

Before she could finish her sentence, Pinkie was blinded by a flash, and before she knew what hit her, she found herself strapped with steel bands to a dentist’s chair in the centre of the throne room. A Changeling newcomer dressed up like a dentist stood over her menacingly, rubbing his gloved forehooves together in twisted anticipation.

Half expected her to threaten to remove pinkie smile And then I remember there no gore tag.

Also how can it be contagl for Aj and dash. They need for ans water and sleep. Plus Luna in that disco ball need you know food and a bathroom

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