• Published 8th Jul 2016
  • 4,466 Views, 61 Comments

History Lesson - Pun System

Starlight and Twilight drink a potion which reveals the downward spiral one of Starlight's alternate universes took. Meanwhile, Twilight watches Starlight take a downward spiral of her own.

  • ...

First Strike

Immediately after another flash of light, Starlight, Twilight, and Spike found themselves in Canterlot at night.

“Ok, here we go! Up to the top!” Rainbow Dash said as she took off with Cheerilee. Sunburst levitated himself just off the ground.

“You got it, Rarity?”

Rarity’s horn glowed blue, followed by the rest of her body. She struggled at first to get her balance and adjust to the idea of magically hoisting herself up. “Woah! WooOOOooah! Ok. Ok. I think I’ve got it now.” Rarity now floated just above the ground as well. “This feels... odd."

"The only difference is that your horn is connected to the object you're levitating," Sunburst said.

"Yes, I understand that," she said as she backpedaled in place and looked at the ground a half meter below. "But that doesn't make it any less... floaty."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes yes. I've got it. Just like you taught me," she said with a smile.

“Now we just wait for Rainbow Dash to get back down for Pinkie Pie.”

“No, we don’t! I’m already ready!” Sunburst looked over at Pinkie Pie, who was inside her party cannon.

“Pinkie, don’t! That’ll be too loud! The changelings will hear us!”

“No they won’t! Watch!” She reached back and fired her party cannon, which went off nearly silently. She whispered “Wheeeeeeee!” as she flew into the air. At the top of her arc, she inflated exactly three balloons and floated gently onto the wall walk. Sunburst and Rarity levitated up a moment later, arriving just as the changeling in Rainbow's chokehold went limp.

“How does she do that?” asked Sunburst, more to himself than to anypony else.

"It's called a chokehold," Rainbow stated.

"No. Her."

“That’s Pinkie Logic, dear," said Rarity. "It’s a brand of magic all her own."

Sunburst just shook his head. “Ok, let’s recap. Rainbow Dash, free the guards. Cheerilee, get Honesty. Pinkie Pie, get the Princesses’ crowns. Rarity will get the guards’ weapons from the armory, and I’ll look for Shining Armor, Spike, and Applejack. Bon Bon Zero and the other Blue Changelings are already in place, and will aid us should we come across them.”

“We should probably get moving before too long. These tasks aren’t going to do themselves. The longer we wait to get started, the less time we have,” reminded Cheerilee.

“Cheerilee’s right. We need to get going. Try to keep stealth on our side as long as possible. Remember, I’ve cast a spell on our Elements so they work as two-way communication. May Luna be with us,” he said as he turned his head skyward. The five then split off to perform their tasks.

Pinkie Pie and Cheerilee rounded a corner and nearly ran into a changeling. Pinkie Pie inhaled to shout, but Cheerilee stuck a hoof over her mouth. At first, the changeling looked as startled as the two mares did, but he quickly composed himself.

“Green,” Cheerilee blurted.




Pinkie and Cheerilee sighed. “So, you’re a Bon Bon?” The changeling nodded. “Can you get us to where the Princesses’ crowns and the Element of Honesty are being kept?”

“Act like you’ve been captured,” the changeling instructed. He levitated them and continued walking down the hall. At length, he came to a door guarded by two changelings, one on each side. “Green,” he signaled to the first changeling.

“Mean,” came the reply.

“Blue,” he signaled the second changeling.

The second changeling returned the signal with a look of confusion. The first door guard tapped the second on the shoulder, causing him to turn his head. The patrolling changeling then delivered a powerful kick to gut of the Queen’s changeling, knocking him out. “The Queen’s chambers are through this door to the left. That’s where you’ll find the crowns. Honesty is being kept in the Chamber of the Elements. We’ll make it look like we were overpowered here. Now, go.” The two Blue Changelings lay down and feigned unconsciousness while the mares proceeded in through the doorway.

The two had barely gotten to the end of the hallway before a patrolling changeling came into view. He turned his head and saw them “Hey! You aren’t supposed to be here!”

“Green!" said Pinkie Pie.

“Under authority of Queen Chrysalis, you are under arrest!”

“Oh yeah? Well what do you think you're going to do?” The changeling picked the mares up in his green magic and began walking away with them. “Hey! Put us down!”

“Great going, Pinkie Pie!”

“What? I didn’t think he’d actually do anything!” Cheerilee raised a hoof to her face. “Don’t worry. It’s ok. I think I can get us out of this.” When Cheerilee lowered her hoof, Pinkie Pie was inflating a balloon. While Cheerilee was trying to figure out how that would help, Pinkie tied a string onto it and presented it to the changeling. “Excuse me, Mr. Changeling, but, I know you consume love, and I was wondering, would you like to have this balloon as a symbol of our friendship?” The changeling just glared at Pinkie, but reluctantly accepted the balloon. A moment later, it burst in his face, showering him with brightly colored bits of paper. Immediately following this, he collapsed to the ground, releasing the two mares from his magic.

While Pinkie Pie beamed and bounced in place at her success, Cheerilee tried to make sense of the situation. Pinkie Pie spoke up as Cheerilee stood there frowning and rubbing the back of her head. “Do you like it? A balloon full of sleeping confetti! Works every time!”

“Sleeping confetti?”

“Yeah! Sleeping confetti! I always carry some with me in case of sleeping confetti emergencies!”

“What in Equestria would we need sleeping confetti for?”

“Well, duh! For when we’re infiltrating Celestia’s palace after Queen Chrysalis’s-es-es-es army takes over and we need to get Honesty and the Princesses’ tiaras back while also freeing the guards, Spike, and Applejack! What else?”

“How long have you known we were going to be in this exact situation?”

“It’s not about knowing, silly! It’s about being prepared!”

“Is there anything you’re not prepared for?”

“Nope! Except not being prepared for something, of course.”

“Well, this is where our paths split off, Pinkie. Be careful,” Cheerilee said.

“You too, Cheerie!” Pinkie bounded down the hallway and around a corner. At the end of the hall was Princess Celestia’s private chambers, which was guarded by six changelings, three on each side of the door.

“Look! A spy!” one of them called out.

Pinkie gasped and asked aloud, “How did they know?” As she spoke, she remembered she still had her goggles on top of her head, and proceeded to put them over her eyes. All six of the changelings were now galloping towards her, but the party pony was undeterred. “Hey! Don’t you know a changeling when you see one?”

The six skidded to a stop. “You don’t look like a changeling.”

“Well, changelings can look like anything they want! And I’m telling you, I’m a changeling!” The six exchanged glances before morphing into Pinkie Pies and resuming their charge. A scuffle ensued, creating a brown cloud of dust from which all manner of pink extremities protruded. One Pinkie Pie was completely ejected from the cloud, bouncing twice on her haunches. Just then, the cloud dissipated to reveal a dogpile, or rather a Pinkie-pile, of the other six mares. The one on the bottom pointed at the Pinkie outside the pile and shouted, “She’s the real Pinkie Pie! Get her!” The five Pinkies atop her pounced on the outsider just as she turned to flee. The remaining Pinkie Pie casually trotted over to the door to Celestia’s chambers. She silently opened the door and gave one last look back at the six changelings. They had broken off into pairs and were all shouting at each other, “You’re the real Pinkie Pie! No, you’re the real Pinkie Pie! No, you are!” The real pink pony smiled as she quietly slipped into Celestia’s quarters.

On the other side of the door, Pinkie was alone in the dark. She contemplated waiting until her eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, but just then, a cloudbank broke outside and a beam of moonlight fell on a dresser across the room. The soft, silver light made the Princess’ crowns and necklaces on top of the bureau sparkle and shimmer, but none shone brighter than Princess Luna’s regalia. A soft, white light emanated from the crescent moon on her necklace. “Pinkie Pie,” a quiet, familiar voice whispered.

Pinkie gasped softly. “Princess Luna?” she whispered back.

“Yes, it is I. I cannot aid you in your task, but know that I am still with you.” Pinkie Pie approached the dresser, cautious and curious. The sound of her hooves on the floor were the only sounds in the room, at least until somepony snorted. Pinkie Pie froze and turned to face the source of the noise. To her horror, she found none other than Queen Chrysalis herself lying asleep on the bed. She rolled over while mumbling something about pickles and ice cream, but did not wake. More stealthily than before, Pinkie resumed her course towards her objectives and placed them one at a time into her saddlebags, making as little noise as possible. Luna’s necklace was the final artifact she recovered.

“Don’t worry, Princess Luna. You’re safe with me,” she whispered, cradling the necklace as she would a young foal. With the crowns and necklaces safe in her saddlebags, she tied a number of balloons around her barrel and floated out the window. She pressed a hoof to Laughter and reported to the others. “Pinkie Pie here. I’ve got the Princesses’ stuff and I’m headed for the ren-dayz-voos point!”

“RAHN-day-voo,” Sunburst corrected.

“Yeah, that,” Pinkie replied with a giggle.

Rainbow Dash rounded a corner and saw a pair of changelings patrolling down the hallway with their backs turned towards her. She flew up behind them and smacked their heads together. “Piece of cake,” she said. She took a left down the spiral staircase, neutralizing another changeling on the way down. She then reached a hoof up to her Element, activating the communication spell. “Rainbow Dash here. I’m in the dungeon sublevel.”

“Good work. Be careful. There’s probably lots of changelings down there,” said Sunburst.

“Ha! They’re the ones that should be careful!”

“Mission first, Rainbow. You’re not invincible.”

“Yes, do be careful, dear,” Rarity added.

“Less mushy stuff and more flank-kicking!” Rainbow called back.

Sure enough, the dungeon was crawling with changelings. Rainbow bucked the first one she saw, causing him to clang loudly against a set of metal bars.

“What was that?”

“Who’s there?”

“Was that you, Scarab?”

“Oops,” Rainbow said, realizing too late her mistake. She was soon surrounded by two changelings in front and one behind.

“We’ve got her!”

“I doubt that!” She flew forward and caught both changelings by the neck, then turned and threw them at the third one, creating a heap of four changelings. She waited to see if any more would arrive, but none did. She left the four unconscious changelings and moved on through the maze of a dungeon. She took out a few more changelings one or two at a time, and finally reached the central hub of the dungeon. She stepped out into the open and was greeted by no less than ten changeling regulars and an armored changeling.

“Get her!” ordered the armored changeling. Rainbow Dash took down three of them, but there were just too many. One changeling grabbed each of her front legs, and a third behind her forced her to kneel onto her hind knees. She tried to resist, but try as she might, she was overpowered. “I know you,” said the changeling captain. “You’re Rainbow Dash. The Queen will be most pleased with me when she hears of your capture,” he said as he put a perforated hoof under her chin.

“Get your hooves off me!” Rainbow threw herself forward, bucked the changeling behind her and took off with her wings. She bashed together the two changelings holding her forelegs, and landed an ineffective kick on the armored changeling’s breastplate. “Ow!”

The captain laughed at Rainbow’s pain. With a flick of his hoof, the boss ordered his four remaining drones to get behind her. “It’s just me and you. No friends to save you now.”

“Oh, I see. Well if it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you’re gonna get!”

“Come and fight me then!” he taunted, pawing at the ground. Rainbow Dash surged forward, landing a pair of punches on the changeling’s chest. The changeling boss countered in kind, sending Rainbow reeling into the line of drones. The four pushed her forward, causing her to stumble and fall. The captain grabbed Rainbow and flew toward the ceiling with her. Rainbow kicked his lower barrel with her hind legs, causing him to hit his back on the ceiling and subsequently fall on top of her. He braced a foreleg on Rainbow’s neck, choking her out. After struggling for a few seconds, Rainbow escaped the choke and landed a punch on the changeling’s neck. He clutched his throat and staggered backwards. Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, rubbed her own neck and got back to her hooves. The two charged each other, grappling in place for a moment.

“I heard what happened at Ponyville,” the captain said. “How does it feel to lose? To lose your home, to lose the battle, to lose your friends?” With an angry shout, Rainbow broke out of the grapple and threw a punch at the captain’s face. He blocked and returned with his own blow. Rainbow dodged, and the two lunged at each other, locking into a grapple again. The changeling took off, causing Rainbow’s footing to falter. Rainbow stepped aside, letting the captain slip past her. She then hooked a foreleg around his neck and put him in a chokehold. The changeling took off, slamming Rainbow Dash into the ceiling. She retaliated by driving him into the ground headfirst. She felt the changeling go limp, and she began counting while holding the headlock. She declared herself victorious upon reaching the count of ten, and took the changeling’s helmet as her trophy. It was a surprisingly good fit, and offered solid protection except the spot the horn was supposed to be. The four changeling drones, however, did not surrender. Fortunately for Rainbow Dash, they fell much more easily than the armored changeling did.

“Oh, I dunno. Maybe you should tell me what it’s like to lose!” Rainbow Dash retorted, punctuating her remark with a snort. She searched the changeling captain and found a ring of keys. She then put a hoof up to her Element. “Rainbow Dash reporting in. I’ve got the keys to the dungeon cells.”

“Good work, Rainbow Dash. Free as many guards as you can, and Rarity will bring their weapons to you,” Sunburst said.

“You got it.”

“And, Rainbow?”


“Tell us if you find Shining Armor, Spike, or Applejack down there.”

“Will do.”

Cheerilee waited until the changeling patrol had passed before emerging from behind the suit of armor that had served as her hiding spot. She quietly trotted along the carpeted part of the hallway, and peeked around the next corner to see the door to the Chamber of the Elements. There were two changelings posted one on either side of the door. She removed the spear from a suit of armor and rounded the corner, the weapon held in her mouth. When the changelings moved to engage her, she struck one with the blunt end of the spear. She dropped the spear to her hooves and stabbed at the second, but he dodged. The first changeling got back to his hooves, but Cheerilee knocked him on the chest with the blunt end of the spear, knocking the wind out of him. Next, Cheerilee dodged a kick from the second changeling. She attempted another stab, but he dodged again, so she used the staff end instead. With her target reeling, she turned and bucked him against the first changeling, rendering them both unconscious.

Cheerilee touched her hoof to the pink, flower-shaped Element on her necklace. “I’ve reached the door to the Chamber of the Elements. I’ll inform you if Honesty is inside.” She pushed open the door, praying it wouldn’t creak loud enough for half the castle to hear. She considered herself lucky when it didn’t. There was a single display case in the center of the room, and Honesty was clearly inside. It sat there in a glass case illuminated by moonlight falling on it through a stained glass window. “That was easy,” she said to herself. She took a step forward, but then grew wary. “Too easy.” She looked left. She looked right. Nothing. Only Honesty. She slowly, cautiously walked toward the Element in the middle of the room. She put a hoof on her element again. “Honesty is here. It’s all by itself in the center of the room. I suspect a trap.”

“Do you need backup?” asked Sunburst.

“Not yet,” she responded, now nearly halfway to the display case. “My hoof’s right here on my Element. I’ll tell you if—” something moved in the shadows. “Hold on.”

“Be careful, dear. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to you,” said Rarity.

“Yeah. Wouldn’t want anything to happen to you,” parroted a voice from within the room. Cheerilee gasped in surprise as her hoof subconsciously slipped from Kindness to a position over her mouth. The voice was a familiar one; one that belonged to—

“Applejack? It’s true! You’re alive!” She began trotting towards the silhouetted figure across the room.

“Cheerilee.” The orange earth pony stepped into the moonlight. “I was wonderin’ when one of you might show up.”

“You were expecting us? I don’t understand. Applejack, how did you—”

“I’ll bet you don’t understand. You don’t know what it’s like to be left behind, do you?” asked Dragonbane.

“I can’t say that I do, no.”

“Well, to be honest, it feels plain awful. Like you ain’t needed! Like you ain’t wanted, neither!”

“Applejack, that’s nonsense! We’re your friends! We’ve always been there for you. We thought you were dead! I’m absolutely thrilled to see you again!”

“Well, it’s plain as day you ain’t the element of Honesty. If what you just said was true, I’d’ve been on the train with y’all. But I wasn’t!” Dragonbane circled her former element, approaching Cheerilee. “You know where I was? I was left on the platform with Queen Chrysalis!”

“Applejack, not so loud! This is a covert op. Let’s get Honesty and get out of here!” Cheerilee lifted the display glass, but just as she did, the moonlight falling on it faded abruptly.

“Cheerilee! Be careful!” a soft, yet urgent, voice called to her. Before she could discern where the voice had come from, or why it sounded so urgent, Applejack pushed the display’s glass back down.

Cheerilee looked at her in confusion. “What are you doing?”

“Servin’ my Queen.” Dragonbane simultaneously reverted to her true form and slipped a rope around Cheerilee’s neck as she tried to scream. She flew into the air with her changeling wings, holding the noose in her green magic.

“Applejack!? I—Huh—Ah!” She flew higher, letting Cheerilee fumble at the noose about her neck. “Let—me—go! I’m your—friend!”

“Friends don’t leave each other behind!” She rose higher still. Cheerilee’s hind legs now gave the impression that she was trying to run. Her panicked face looked more blue than it should. She convulsed and thrashed about, straining at the noose with both hooves, but making no progress. She gasped for air, but none of it reached her lungs. She looked up at Dragonbane with fearful, pleading eyes, only to behold a changeling’s unsympathetic, smirking face. Her convulsions gradually grew weaker and weaker. She tapped her element with a hoof.

“He—Hel—H—squeak” She gave one final effort, one final convulsion. “Help!” she squeaked.

“Did you hear that?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Hear what, darling?” asked Rarity.

“I didn’t hear anything,” added Pinkie Pie.

“Never mind. I just thought I heard something. That’s all.”

Cheerilee’s forelegs fell limp at her sides, at which point Dragonbane unceremoniously dropped her onto the floor. She then landed next to Cheerilee and looked down at her with a smirk on her face. Her ex-friend's head lay limply there, her eyes still fixated on the changeling as Dragonbane stood over her friend. Over Applejack’s friend. “Sweet Celestia, what have I done?” She lay down and cradled Cheerilee’s head close to her own. She cradled it with her changeling hooves. How she hated those hooves. In her frustration, she would have shot magic at them, had she... not gotten a sudden headache just then. What was she thinking? This was just another pony who opposed the Queen. She had it coming. Dragonbane left Honesty set in the trap, bit Cheerilee's tail, and retreated into the shadows once more, dragging Cheerilee behind her. When Applejack cast a glance over her shoulder, Dragonbane found out that changelings have both tear ducts and emotions to use them, though she quickly stifled these emotions.

Before long, Rainbow Dash’s voice could be heard. “I’ve found Shining Armor. He’s not in good shape.” Dragonbane's eyes widened. If Shining Armor had been found, that meant the others had gotten into the dungeon. Dragonbane had to tell the other changelings. She located the source of the voice, Kindness, and retrieved it on her way towards the door.

“Good work, Rainbow,” Sunburst said. “Any sign of Applejack or Spike?” The changeling froze in her tracks at the mention of her former name.

“Not yet.”

Applejack hung her head. “They—they did come back for me. They do care."

“I hope you find them soon, Rainbow. I really miss them,” added Rarity.

“Just think of the look on the Apple family's faces when we show them that Applejack’s back! They're gonna be soooo happy!!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. Applejack couldn’t see her old friend, but she could just picture the enormous grin the party pony had donned as she expressed her enthusiasm.

“Shard has been worried sick about her poor little Spikey,” Rarity added.

“As many differences has we had, he was like the little brother I never had,” Sunburst said. “We have to find him. We can’t—” Sunburst’s choked up before he could finish.

“Are you… crying?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Yes. Yes I am,” Applejack answered for Sunburst. “Can—can y’all hear me?”

The only response was Sunburst responding to Rainbow Dash. “You don’t understand, Rainbow. You were an only child.”

“I think I do, Sunburst. More than you know. Nopony gets left behind again. Not ever again. If we have to stay here until sunup, we’ll do it. We’re going to find them, or we aren’t going to leave.” Applejack had broken down into uncontrollable sobbing at this point. She transferred the necklace from her hoof to her magic, unknowingly activating the communication spell.

“Can any of y’all hear me?” she repeated, this time with more fervor in her voice.

“Applejack!” four voices cried in unison.

“I’ve been listenin’ in on you guys the past minute or so, and I’ve come to see I was wrong in judgin’ y’all for how you treated me. Now there’s no easy way to say this next part, so here goes. I—I’m a changeling now.”

“What!?” cried the same four voices.

“Applejack, how could you!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“I didn’t have no choice in the matter. The Queen bit me and I lost control of my actions. Even now, I’m fightin’ my changeling half that wants to tell y’all to come to the Chamber of the Elements one by one so I can do to y’all what I did to Cheerilee.”

“Applejack, darling, whatever are you talking about?” asked Rarity.

“Look, just come to the Chamber of the Elements to get Kindness, Honesty, and Cheerilee, and I promise y’all I’ll get myself as far away as I can so I won’t hurt nopony else. And by the way, it’s no use lookin’ for Spike. I can personally guarantee you ain’t gonna find him anywhere.”

“Applejack, you’re not making any sense. What happened to Spike and Cheerilee?” demanded Sunburst.

“I—I swear I didn’t wanna. I was just doin’ what I was told, I swear. I was listenin’ to the voices inside my head. Like I said, when Chrysalis bit me, I lost control of my actions. Now, I can’t fight off my worse half forever, so come and get your friend and get outta here! Or else y’all are gonna end up just like me!” With that, Applejack dropped Kindness to the ground, blasted a hole in the window with her magic, and flew off into the night. Her tears blinded her, but she didn’t care. As long as she was moving, she was getting her friends farther out of danger.

Sunburst and Rarity converged on the door to the Chamber of the Elements from opposite directions. Rarity entered first, followed shortly thereafter by Sunburst. Before the room came into view, Sunburst heard Rarity elicit a terrified shriek. “What is it, Rarity? Are you ok?” he blurted. He approached his special somepony, who appeared to be alright, and glanced in the direction of her gaze. What he saw made his heart drop into his stomach. Rarity threw her forelegs around him and began bawling. He stroked the back of her neck as a magic aura leapt from his horn to his elemental crown. “Rarity and I just arrived at the Chamber of the Elements,” he somberly declared.

“And?” urged Rainbow Dash.

“We’re too late.”

“Not again! Celestia-darnit!” Rainbow cursed.

“Is she—Is she ok?” asked an anxious Pinkie Pie.

“I’m afraid not.” Sunburst levitated Honesty and Kindness into his saddlebags and Cheerilee onto his back.

“That’s it! Everypony out! I’m calling off the raid! Nopony else dies on my watch!”

“What about Applejack? If we capture her now, we could use the Elements to reform her,” protested Sunburst as he wiped a tear from his face. The answer came in the form of moonlight peeking out from behind a cloud.

“Your friend has put herself beyond your reach, Sunburst,” a gentle voice stated.

“Princess Luna? That—that’s not possible. You died three months ago.”

“In body, perhaps, yet my spirit lives on. Such is the way of the immortal alicorns.”

“But—but why would Applejack run away?”

“Because you are also out of her reach. Time is fleeting, Sunurst. You must leave before it is too late,” the late Princess urged.

“Whatever will we do now, Sunburst?” Rarity wailed between her mournful cries.

Sunburst’s magic once again touched his element. “You’re right, Rainbow. We have to leave.”

From a vantage point high on Canterlot Mountain, Applejack sat with her back turned towards the palace. Dragonbane felt a strong pull to return, to tell the Queen all that had happened, but Applejack refused to budge. Though, it would be nice to see the palace one last time. Maybe she could even catch a glimpse of her friends leaving. It would mean the world to her to know they were safely on their way out. Well, four of the five anyways. She turned first her head, then her body. Then Dragonbane spread her wings, set her jaw, and took to the skies. In a moment of weakness, Applejack, her thoughts, and her emotions had been pushed aside. Dragonbane made a beeline for the Queen’s private quarters. Oddly enough, she found the window already open.

Dragonbane landed next to the bed. “Your highness, wake up! My former friends are here! They’re staging a raid to try and free the guards!”

The Queen awoke with a start. “Huh? Wha—”

“I said—” Dragonbane began.

“It sure is a beautiful night! Purty, ain’t it?” Applejack finished.

“Why do you disturb me, Dragonbane, isn’t it?”

Dragonbane snapped to attention. “We’re under attack, your highness.”

“Under attack!? Guards, to me!” The door burst open and six roughed-up changelings tumbled in. “Under attack by whom?” demanded Chrysalis.

“By a—an army of mushrooms. Yeah. Big, fluffy, furry mushrooms. With monstrous teeth! And fierce claws!” Applejack bluffed.

The Queen raised an eyebrow. “What is the meaning of this?”

“My former friends—they’re in the dungeon—trying to—free the guards,” Dragonbane finally said, struggling against Applejack for control.

“No!” Applejack shouted. “No they ain’t! Don’t check the dungeon! Check—Check anyplace but the dungeon!”

Chrysalis approached Applejack. With a subtle nod to the side, a changeling rushed to each side of Applejack and held her legs fast in a green goo. “What is this? Insubordination?”

“No, ma’am.”

“I mean, yes, ma’am.”

“I mean, it’s her, ma’am,” said Dragonbane.

“Who?” demanded the Queen.

Dragonbane began, “It’s Applejack. She’s—”

Applejack interrupted, “She’s gonna make good’n’sure you never hurt her friends!” Her horn glowed green, and her legs began to turn orange and her tail turned blonde. She fought against Dragonbane, but eventually managed to turn her entire body back to her earth pony form. It didn’t matter that was only a temporary form generated by her changeling magic; it was a statement of rebellion against Chrysalis.

To Applejack’s surprise, Chrysalis smiled. “You are very strong-willed, Applejack. Once I break your will, I’m going to build it back up twice as strong. Of course, you won’t be Applejack then. You’ll be Dragonbane.” She stroked the underside of Applejack’s chin with a hoof. “One other thing.” She leaned in as if she were about to tell her a secret, but with a last-second lurch, she delivered another bite to Applejack’s neck.

Applejack shouted in shock and pain. It was only moments before her head swam. Despite the fact that her hooves were anchored to the ground, she felt dizzy, as if the room were on a spinning top, constantly shifting its gravitational pull. The Queen released her grip, and Applejack’s head fell. Thoughts not her own filled her mind. She thought only ill of the four who talked so highly of her just moments ago. No! she thought to herself. This can’t be happening! I would never want to hurt them! But the thoughts grew stronger, more numerous, and even more detailed. Yes, she could hurt her friends, but what would be the best way. What would hurt the most?

Suddenly, a seventh changeling appeared at the door. “Your Highness, the dungeon is empty!”

“What!?” Chrysalis shouted as she whirled around. “Who is responsible for this?”

“We don’t know. They’re gone without a trace.”

Applejack wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but she felt her mouth form a scowl instead.

“And what of Shining Armor?” the Queen demanded.

“Gone with the rest.”

To Applejack’s horror, Dragonbane spoke up. “We’ll make them pay for what they’ve done here. You just wait. We’ll get them back real good!”