• Published 13th Jul 2016
  • 2,301 Views, 269 Comments

I Think I Summoned a Ponk. - TheMajorTechie

What do I do now?! I just woke up, and all of a sudden, there's a freaky pink pony in my house! Seriously, please tell me I've gone insane... and the world just ended, too.

  • ...

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Author's Note:

Well then. Hold onto your butts, 'cause here comes a mild plot twist that no longer has any relevance to the story anymore!

Orange Giant: An "in-between" star type that occurs between a star's main sequence and Red Giant phases. The sun will transition through this phase as it becomes a Red Giant.

Red Giant: The final stage of life for an average-sized star, the Sun included. At this stage, the sun balloons outwards, likely swallowing Mercury and Venus. If it's lucky, the decrease in gravitational pull from the sun would allow Earth to drift outwards, avoiding a fate as sun-food.

I groaned as I woke up, rubbing my sore temples with my hand as I felt the warm rays of the dying orange giant we call the Sun.

...wait a second, that can't be right...

Where's Pinkie? I thought, hoping for a telepathic answer, though there came none. I slowly rose from the strangely worn bed, noticing the eerily dark sky, though it was seemingly early morning.

I heard a small "crunch" under the sheets as I sat up, blinking in my confusion. I pulled the crumpled piece of paper from underneath myself, hoping that it had something to do with Pinkie.

Hiya, Anon!

I know we haven't really been together for all that long, and during that time, I might've annoyed you a bit more than you might've liked, but I have to leave.

What? I thought, pausing after reading the first sentence, leave? Since when?

I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused. I first came here after feeling a strong pull from you for some unexplained reason, and then, there I was, pulling my party cannon out as you woke up.

Equestria needs me. I found out a little while after you knocked yourself out that Equestria was falling apart-- the universe was falling apart... naturally, I could't bear thinking about all the suffering that would come along with it all, so I left.

Universe... falling apart?! Did she finally go off the deep end? I mean, sure, there's been all those people saying that the world would end at some random time each year, but for it to come from Pinkie?!

...Oh yeah, the Sun's apparently fried a large portion of civilization all of a sudden. I guess she's right... in a horrifying, doomsday-style note sort of way...

Equestria needs me. Goodbye, friend.

Dang, if she's right... I thought, glancing back through the window at the dimming orange ball of fire in the morning sky, how long do I have left?

Are there others around here still?

What about those party-goers?

The children at the party???

It's all too much... I... I can't take it anymore... I just woke up, to find that the entire freakin' UNIVERSE is ending...

And to make matters worse, I can literally see the fabric of the universe tearing open around me...

Please help...

I felt my entire body lurch as the floor underneath me crumbled to a subatomic spray, swirling into the void that had opened beneath me.

Goodbye, world. I'll miss you...

I Think I Summoned a Ponk

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