• Published 24th Jul 2016
  • 758 Views, 20 Comments

Color’s Spectrum’s Concerto - CrackedInkWell

Not everypony knows that on the day of their wedding, Color Spectrum had gotten cold hooves before the ceremony. However, Discord had given him his wedding present to him beforehoof in case this very thing should happen.

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1st Movement: Allegretto, misteriosa e commovente

In truth, the artist, Color Spectrum, was nervous out of his wits. As to the following tradition, he will not see the groom until the ceremony a week from now. Although, he and Prince Harmonic had already planned out everything for the big day; although their parents were preparing their surprise honeymoon to who-knows-where; even though they’ve checked and rechecked the weather, the guest list, the catering, the clothing, music, and memorized the ceremony – the unicorn was having doubts.

Not because he wondered if the violinist really loves him and vice-versa. Nor was it because he has any doubt that the ceremony will go off without a hitch, but rather, that he wondered what will happen after they say their “I do’s,” He wondered if marrying his fiancé was even a good idea, to begin with.

To keep his mind off of it, he resorted to painting what was outside of the window of his one-room studio/apartment. Since it was near the Canterlot Train Station, he had a view of Equestria to paint as the sun was slowly setting. He brushed the rolling hills and smooth valleys onto the canvas, trying to distract his concerns from his-

His painting was interrupted by three knocks on the door.

“Yes? Who is it?” Color called out, but there was no answer. “Hello?” he got up from his painting and walked over to the door to peer through the peephole to see that somepony was standing on the other side. After unlocking it and opening the door, he found, to his confusion, nopony was in the hallway. He stuck his head out and looked left to right to find that it was completely empty.

“Weird,” he said to himself as he closed the door. “Must be one of those salesponies or some-” that was as far as he got before he let out a surprised scream.

The towering creature stuck a long claw into his ear, “Well, hello to you too.” He said, “I knew I should have brought those earplugs on the way in.”

Color backed away until his flank slammed into the door, “H-How did you get in!”

“Oh please Color,” the Draconequus rolled his eyes, “If I was here to steal your soul, at least I would have made an appointment for that. But to answer the question, you opened the door so I slithered in.”

“So… you’re actually him, aren’t you? You’re Discord.”

“Yes, although I’m rather sorry about not meeting you or your fiancé sooner, the Author had me do some other things.”


He waved his lion paw, “Oh never mind that. I came here to tell you two things. The first is that I’m sorry that I won’t make it to the wedding. You see, there’s a bit of a crisis that’s going on in Coltept and I’m needed there. So judging by how much trouble it is in, it sadly won’t leave me enough time to crash the party. Disappointing, I know, I always like to go to weddings to spice things up.”

“Um… okay? What’s the other?”

“To put it simply, I’m here to help.”

Color blinked, “Sorry?”

“There’s no need of you apologizing.”

“No, no, that’s not what I meant,” the unicorn stepped forward. “You’re here to help me?” Discord nodded, “For what?”

The Draconequus turned around and spotted the unfinished painting by the window. “Well, there’s a rumor going around that my friends Fluttershy and Twilight have told me about. They say that you’re starting to have second thoughts about the wedding next week, am I right?”

Taking in a deep breath through his nose, Color Spectrum stepped forward, “What are you talking about? I’m not having second thoughts.”

“Not from what I’ve heard,” the thin creature craned his neck down towards the painting. “They say that you’re getting a little too stressed out. That the purple princess heard you debating with yourself if marrying Mr. Fiddle is even a good idea.”

“Of course I’m going to marry Harmonic,” the Artist went up to him. “We’ve committed to being doing this since June. He’s willing to go through it and so am I.”

“Are you sure?” Discord turned to him, raising an eyebrow. “How do I know that you won’t get cold hooves before the big moment? That you’ll scurry away to cry in the corner saying, ‘I can’t do this,’ when you’re at the altar?”

“Well…” Color trailed off, “Look, Discord, I-It’s not that I don’t want to; because, really, I do want this. It’s just-” he stopped himself too late.

The ex-God of Chaos raised his eyebrow even further up his face. “It’s just… what?”

“Never mind. Just… Just leave, I’m not done with the painting and-”

“Oh no you don’t,” Discord wiggled a claw at him; “you’re changing the subject. I can tell that there’s some seed of doubt that’s already taken root. Tell me right now, what is it?”

“You’re not going to leave, are you?” A defeated sigh escaped the artist.

He shook his head, “Not until you tell me, because I might have something to help you with your little predicament.”

The Artist sighed deeply and slowly walked towards the arched windows. “Look, I really do love Harmonic, with all my heart and all the other clichéd sayings about love along with it. I really want to wake up to him, fully knowing that he’s my husband. I want to share the rest of my life with him. But…” he looked out towards the setting orange sun blazing on the horizon. “But there is a problem that we haven’t talked about yet. The big elephant in the room as it were. I’m a mortal unicorn, and he’s an immortal alicorn. Which means, that one day, I will die and he’ll mourn for me.

“I know who Harmonic is and his past. He has a large heart, but… what will happen to him after I die? How would he cope with the fact for the second time in his life, he’ll lose somepony that he cares deeply about? I can’t bear the idea that I’ll end up breaking his heart because I can’t live as long as he does. If we get married, then I know I’m just a ticking time bomb for him to become miserable again. I don’t want that. But I’m at a loss at what to do.”

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m here then,” Discord reached down to where his hips were. He stretched out a pocket with one paw and stuffed his claw in. “As it so happens, I have the greatest cure for cold hooves that you ever saw. Now… Where did I put that thing again? No… No…” Curious, Color turned to him as some odd noises were coming from his new pocket. Sounds of china and glasses clanging, cardboard boxes being ripped, a lion roaring, but when he heard the sounds of a cabinet open and close, Discord exclaimed, “Ah-ha! Here it is!” From his pocket, he produced a silver skeleton key.

Now it was Color’s turn to raise an eyebrow, “A key? How is that supposed to help?”

“It’s quite simple, really,” Discord said, offering the thin key to him. “If you get to the point where you’re not sure if this marriage thing will work out, use this. All you have to do is jam it in any door that has a lock, turn it, and open the door, then you’ll know for sure if marrying your coltfriend is a good idea or not.”

Skeptical, Color took the key into his aura and examined it closely. “But what does this thing do exactly?”

“Uh-ah,” the Draconequus put a lion’s paw in his lips, “None of zhat! Doctor Discord vill not have you asking questions. It’s no good for your health, ja?”

“I’m being offered help from the Spirit of Chaos himself, how can I not-”

“I must go,” Discord turned around and headed towards the door. “Consider that as my early wedding present for you,” he said before closing the door behind him.

“Hey, wait a minute,” Color trotted over to open the door, only to find it empty once again. “How does he do that?”


It was the morning of the big day. The October leaves were reselling gently in the breeze in the cool morning of the wedding. But under the collar in front of a mirror, Color Spectrum was sweating.

“I know everything’s going to be fine dad,” he said with his dad and Rarity in the little apartment. The reason why Rarity was there at all was that she wanted to make sure that the suit she tailored for the unicorn was absolutely perfect. The Groom-to-be had on a golden vest that was over his white shirt and orange tie. The suit was the purest white, but the leaves on his cuffs and tailcoats were aged orange.

“And yet you’re sweating,” Golden pointed out. “Color, what’s wrong really?”

“Is it about the future darling?” Rarity asked as she snipped at a loose thread. Color looked at her in surprise.

“How did-”

“Color dear, this isn’t the first time I’ve made any clothing for either bride or groom. And most of the time, they start second-guessing themselves if they really want to spend the rest of one’s life with the other.”

“Well… I would be lying if I said no.”

Golden chuckled, “Son, this isn’t that uncommon as you think. Trust me; I was married once too you know.”

“Yeah, but…” Color trailed off. “But this time this is completely different.”

“How so dear?” Rarity asked as she reviewed her work for the last time.

“Look, it’s not that I don’t love ‘em or anything. Heck, that’s why we’re getting hitched anyway; I really do love him and all. It’s just that with him, well – I’m just worried.”

It didn’t take long for the other two ponies to figure out what he’s talking about. “It’s about Harmonic never dying isn’t it?” his father asked.

He nodded, “Do you really think this is even a good idea Dad? As an Alicorn, he can’t die, even if he tried. But for me, I’m practically programmed to be in a coffin in the future. Look, I’m not really worried about me as much as I’m scared about his well-being. I mean, we’re talking about a pony that lost his parents when he was seven. So how will he react when I’m gone?”

“Darling,” Rarity trimmed some of the stitch work of his suit. “I’m sure that if you actually talk to him, the two of you will come to terms with one another. I mean, look at Shining Armor and Cadence, they’re already married yet, they’ve already made peace.”

“I know. But this is different because one: those two are straight and they already have a kid. And two: I don’t think either of them has gone through what Harmonic has already suffered. I don’t want to be the cherry on top of all the stuff he has to put up with. How can he love again after I’m dead? How would he cope? How could he move on? How…?” Shutting his eyes tight, he shook his head and said, “I… I can’t do this.”

“Son?” his father asked.

“I’m sorry; I can’t do this to him.” He turned around and galloped into the bathroom and locked the door. Color sat down on the toilet, boxing his ears at the knocks and calls from his father and Rarity to come out of there. However, he wasn’t paying attention to anything. He was feeling like he was being crushed at the possibility of what this wedding will bring.

“I need a way out,” he whispered as he looked around the tiny bathroom he noticed a particular drawer – the one where he put his wedding present from Discord.

In a moment of desperation, he opened the drawer, and with his magic picked up the silver key from it. Looking at the door in front of him, he was grateful that it was one of those antique doors that had a keyhole underneath the knob. Placing the key in, he turned the key until he heard a “click” from it, in which the noise that his Dad and Rarity were making ceased all at once.

Confused, he gently opened the door wide enough to step out from. Only, this added to his bewilderment. “Huh?” Color found himself walking into one of the hallways of Canterlot Castle. “What am I doing here for?” He was puzzled; behind him was his bathroom, yet in front, he was somehow inside the castle. Taking the key out from the door and putting in his white pockets, he closed the door and reopened it, only to see that his bathroom was replaced by a broom closet.

“Okay, this is getting weird.” He said glancing at his pocket, “I knew I shouldn’t keep this thing around.” Then Color heard the familiar sound of his fiancé’s violin coming down the hall. A quick look out the window, he not only realized what floor he was on but also noticed that there are several things about the view that was off. For one, the trees didn’t have any autumn leaves anymore, for these have lots of light green buds. The kind one would see in the spring.

As for the other, “Is it me, or has Canterlot gotten bigger?” Indeed, there were several buildings that he didn’t recognize. New towering structures, domes, arches, walls and roofs that he never has seen before. He looked over to where his apartment was supposed to be, only to find a park in its place.

Color Spectrum looked down towards his fiancé’s room, “I don’t care if it’s tradition or bad luck,” he said as he marched forward. “Something weird is going on and I want answers now.”

The Artist in his wedding suit went up to the double doors in which bear his beloved’s cutie mark and knocked.

“Door’s open,” Harmonic said from inside as the violin music continued to play.

Color turned the handle with his magic and went right inside. He noticed right away that all the furniture was rearranged and there were several pictures on the walls that the unicorn was certain that he’s never seen before. But in the center of the room, standing on his hind legs and in front of a music stand was Harmonic playing his violin.

“You’re home a little early,” the Alicorn commented as he gently set his violin down. “So did you pick up Joy from…” whatever Harmonic was about to say suddenly faded as he saw who entered the room as his eyes opened as wide as kitchen tables.

“Okay, questions:” Color said as he approached the stunned prince. “First of all, how come you’re not dressed yet? Where did my apartment building go? What happened to the autumn leaves?” He then paused as he looked into his fiancé’s face, “And why are you looking at me like that?”

Before the Artist could react, he was suddenly picked up by the throat and slammed against the wall. “Alright, who are you!” Harmonic demanded. “How did you get in here?”

“Harm, it’s me. Color,” he choked.

“No, you’re not! Look here, I don’t care what hive you’re from Changeling, and I don’t know if this is some sick joke of yours, but this ain’t funny!”

“I’m not a Changeling,” Color reached up at the aura around his neck in hopes to pry it open. “Seriously Harm let go, you’re hurting me.”

Harmonic narrowed his eyes and let him drop, gasping on the floor, “Who are you really?”

“Don’t you recognize me? Color Spectrum? Your fiancé?”

“You’re not him,” he accused, “the Color I know has been long dead and buried. Everypony knows it! Now you tell me, who are you really?”

The unicorn’s eyes opened in shock, “What?”

“Hey! You’re the one that’s trespassing in my home; so I’m the one that’s asking the questions. So start talking before I call the guards!”

An idea came to the painter, “If you don’t believe me, scan me then,” Color said. “I’m telling you the truth Harm! I’m not a Changeling, I really am Color Spectrum.”

The Prince still narrowed his eyes, but his horn flared, engulfing the unicorn’s body. As this happened, Color saw Harmonic’s expression changed as he scanned and rescanned him. From angry suspicion, his face morphed into disbelief. “No,” Harmonic shook his head as he dropped his magic. “No tha… That’s not possible.”

“Harm?” Color got back up on his hooves. “What’s going on?” He tried to reach a comforting hoof to him, but his fiancé stepped back.

“No… You’re not him… Y-You can’t be here. There’s just no way.”

“Harmonic, please talk to me. I’m really confused here, what’s going on?”

The Prince then gave him a stern look, “Answer me this, if you really are the Color that I know, tell me exactly the moment when we decided to become a couple.”

“Um… okay?” The Artist thought for a moment, “I remember that I came home to find that it was robbed so I asked to see you because I didn’t feel safe there. You offered me the bed while you slept on the couch. Before I went to sleep, you went outside with your violin. When you came back in, I asked you what that song was and where it came from. You told me that you learned from your parents, and you play it every night to remember them. While I was trying to comfort you as soon as you busted into tears, I had a thought about asking if you’d ever kissed anypony before. You said no, and I confessed that I hadn’t either. Shortly after, we shared our first… and second kiss in which I asked you to be my coltfriend. In which I became your consort for four, wonderful years.”

Color looked up at Harmonic, in which he saw tears welling up in his eyes. His fiancé went up to him and put a gentle hoof on his cheek. “Color? Are you really here?”

He nodded, “Yes, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.” He looked up and down him for a moment, “Quick question: is it me, or have you grown a little tall- muph!” Then Harmonic kissed him, his forelegs wrapped around him as he pulled in for a deep kiss. For Color, this wasn’t your usual ‘hello there’ kind of a kiss. This one was the kind that one hadn’t seen their significant other for a really long time kind. But in the end, it was Color that had to break it up, “Harm, please! Save it for the honeymoon.”

The Prince blinked, “Honeymoon?”

“Well, yeah. You do know that today is the wedding… right?”

Harmonic gave only a blank stare.

“Please tell me you haven’t forgotten it.”

“Color, how exactly did you get here?”

“Oh,” the Artist stepped back, taking the key out of his pocket, he explained, “Discord came by to my apartment a week ago and said that if I ever get cold hooves, I should use this. Well, this morning I uh… may or may not have panicked. Although I’m not exactly sure what it did, the key did something alright.” He ended his explanation with a sheepish grin.

The Alicorn stood there, trying to process what he was hearing. “And… how old are you?”

Color gave a puzzled look, “What do ya mean how old? I’m twenty-one like you… Unless…” The Painter’s eyes widen, “Wait, Harm, how old are you?”

“Fifty-seven,” he answered.

“Give me a sec,” Color backed away even further, lifting his hoof as he drew numbers in the air. “Fifty-seven minus twenty-one…” he moved his hoof around until he came up with the answer, “Thirty-six! Harm! I’m thirty-six years into the future!”

“Color, listen to me,” Harm went around him to drape a foreleg over him. “This is just as big of a shock to me as it is to you.”

“Now there’s the understatement of the century,” he said when suddenly a thought came to Color’s head, “Harm, please be honest with me here. What did you say about me being… dead?”

Harmonic’s ears folded back, “…. Yes.” He confessed. “Some time ago, you… passed away.”

The Unicorn covered his mouth in shock. “Oh Celestia… You mean to say that… in the next forty some odd years… I’m gonna die?” He bowed his head, “Oh Harmonic, dear goddesses I… I knew it.”


Color slowly shook his head, his voice cracking. “I knew that this was a terrible, sadistic mistake to marry you when I knew that I was going to end up... Harm, I’m so sorry.” Harmonic rushed over, draping him with both of his wings tightly. “I knew I was going to hurt you.”

The Prince shushed him, gently stroking his mane. “Don’t say things like that. Don’t even think that marrying you made me unhappy. If anything, it was the most single, kindest act you’ve ever done for me.”

“But what about after?” he questioned. “With you losing your parents, and now with me… how can you ever be happy again, even if we were happy together? How can you not have a cold heart from it?”

Sighing, Harmonic answered, “Okay, I won’t lie to you, but yes, losing you was painful. It did take me quite some time to get over that grief, wishing that you would come back even if it was just for a moment. Yet, I’ve learned that there are ponies among the land of the living that prove that they are just as capable of making me happy again, just as you had.”

Color sniffed, “So… does this mean that you’re remarried?”

He nodded, “And I am a father too. As well as a grandfather with grandchildren, this was because on the day we were married, it was the day you’ve truly saved me. Because of you Color, generations now exist because of you.”

The unicorn laughed in amazement, “Grandchildren? When did this happen, aren’t you too young to be a grandpa?”

Harmonic smiled, “Now past husband, I don’t want to give away the surprise. But in all honesty, I’d never expected to… see you again, after for so long.”

Color then nuzzled the Prince’s neck, “I can only imagine. Still, I have so many questions.”

“I’ve no doubt,” he smiled, “but for now, can we just take this moment to appreciate this? It’s not every day that this sort of thing happens you know.”

“Just answer me this one question,” Color looked at him in the eye, “are you truly happy?”

“Do you need to ask?” Harmonic asked, kissing him on the tip of his nose. “By the way, feeling any better?”

“When you’ve found out that you’re already dead? Maybe a little,” It was then that the Artist leaned over as he noticed something in the room he didn’t notice before. By the bed, there was a red cello that leaned up against the wall. “Since when did you pick up the cello?”

“Huh?” the Prince of Inspiration looked over to the bed as well. “Uh, not exactly, it’s actually… my second husband’s.”

“Oh yeah,” Color’s ears folded back, “that’s right. The whole remarried thing…” He rubbed one foreleg with the other, “Celestia this is awkward.”

Harmonic laughed when he suddenly got an idea, “Would you like to meet him?”

“What?” he looked up surprised. “Harm, are you sure?”

“You’re not in any rush to getting back to our wedding day, no? After all, I certainly remember seeing you at the ceremony.”

“At least I’ve gained the courage to show up… eventually.” He smiled, “Now that you’ve gotten me curious. Do you want me to enter covered in flour and chains?”

Both stallions laughed at the idea. “Oh no, let’s do something a little more subtle than that,” the Alicorn grinned.


“Dad! We’re home!” a filly’s voice cried out as she trotted in with the Prince’s husband following behind. The light blue filly went up to her Alicorn father, in which he was prepared to receive a hug from her.

“Hey Joy, how was school?” Harmonic asked.

“Well,” Whole Note said. “We have some good nu-news today.”

“That being?” asked Harmonic.

“I got a ‘B+’ on my test!” the filly grinned.

“She’s improving,” Whole Note trotted up to them, before giving a quick kiss to his husband, “Anything interesting with you?”

“It’s been a slow day,” Harmonic shrugged. “Just some paperwork and violin practice. You know, the usual.”

“Well, I-I can say ta-that I had a productive day.” Note said, “Our Concerto is getting better at the Orchestra. Pitch is still an-unary that it isn’t perfect.”

“What else is new,” the Prince rolled his eyes before returning his attention to his daughter. “So Joy, I take it that you had a good day so far?”

“Yeah, it was good. Since my test has improved from the last one.”

“And who was it that said you didn’t need any tutoring?”

Joy narrowed her eyes, “I know dad, and you were right.”

Harmonic rubbed his hoof around his daughter’s braided mane. “But I take it that you’ve worked hard on your studies, and then I suppose this is a good enough excuse for a celebration.”

The filly’s eyes went wide open. “Does this mean we can have ice cream now?”

“It’s not even dinner time yet,” Note commented.

“But Daddy,” Joy whined, “you know how super hard I’ve worked for this.”

The Alicorn waved a hoof, “She has a point, Joy has studied harder this time, so we might as well reward her efforts for it.” His horn glowed to ring the bell for the kitchens. A moment later, a servant popped his head into the room, “Have some ice cream be brought up. You already know what kind. Oh, and be sure to have the new guy serve it up to the dining room.”

The servant nodded before disappearing behind the door.

“Let me put my things away,” Joy said before she too left the room. “I’ll be right back.”

Now alone together, Whole Note asked, “Are you sure you had a slow day, my Prince?”

Harmonic shrugged, “I’m afraid that there’s not much to talk about, my King,” he nuzzled his husband. “I’ve been studying applications of gifted students, do my share of paperwork, practice my solos, and planning ahead for our visit to Manehattan’s Opera House.”

“S-Speaking of wh-which,” the mint green pony went over to the couch and stretched his legs. “How prepared are you for the premiere? I’ve g-gu (bluah!) gotten, my parts memorized.”

“You’ve given me some very tricky technical, sometimes I wonder if you’re trying to write something so difficult.”

“Oh come on, they’re not that bad.”

“Say’s the guy whose inspiration came from Paganeighni.”

He snorted, “Oh whatever.” Note let his legs flop down to his sides, “So what’s this ab-bout a new guy in the sur-servant staff?”

Harmonic smirked, “Let’s say it’s a bit of a familiar surprise.”

“Okay, you’ve gotten me curious,” his husband craned his neck over. “Is it somepony we know?”

“You might say that,” the Alicorn mussed, flopping down on the couch. “It’s someone that I think you and Joy would be interested in meeting.”


“An old friend of mine that I don’t think either of you have met,” the Prince said mysteriously. “Don’t worry; I think the two of you will get along pretty well, especially since he’s going through a difficult time.”

“Is it serious?”

“Well… it is in a unique way. But it’s something that I can’t explain. Only he can do that.”

No matter how much he tried to press further on the matter, Whole Note just couldn’t get his husband to say who the new guy is. Eventually, their filly came in, ready to have their ice cream. The trio made their way down the richly decorated hallways until they came across their private dining room. Inside, with his back turned was a unicorn in uniform, dishing out the red dessert into glass goblets.

Their filly paused for a moment, “Hey, you’re not Silverware.”

“No,” said the unicorn. “I’m actually new here.”

“Oh,” Joy hopped into her red cushioned seat, “In that case, can I have mine with chocolate syrup with extra sprinkles please?”

“Of course Your Highness,” he glanced over his shoulder slightly, “Any preferred toppings for you, my Princes?”

“I-I’ll have mine with peanuts,” Whole Note said. “Harm like his plain.”

There was a nod as the stallion finished preparing the ice cream. Turning around with the three goblets in his blue aura, the Cellist took notice that the pony had a light brown coat, a pure white mane with blue eyes. He tilted his head as he placed the cups on the table, “Do I know you?”

Their server looked up, “Uh… I think you might. Only, I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

“Odd,” he put his hoof to his chin, not noticing the widening grin on his husband’s face. “I could have sworn that I’ve seen your face somewhere before, except, I’m not exactly sure.”

“Same here,” the blue filly said. “I think I’ve seen your face in a book before.”

“Harmonic here said that you’re a friend of his,” Note said, “Is this true?”

The unicorn chuckled as he trotted over to the Alicorn, “Oh yes. You might say that the two of us were quite,” here he placed a kiss on his cheek, “very close.”

“Whoa there!” the green Earth Pony stood up, “What was that for?”

“Uh, Daddy?” Joy looked at Note, “What’s going on?”

“Now now,” the unicorn lifted a foreleg, “Before you start getting jealous, I just noticed that nopony here asked what my name was.”

Narrowing his brow, Note said, “Fine, who are you then?”

He then went up to him and shook his hoof, “Hello there, my name is Color Spectrum, and I’m Harmonic’s fiancé.”

Upon hearing that sentence and asked him to repeat it several times later, Whole Note’s jaw landed on the floor. Joy meanwhile looked up at her other dad in confusion, “Since when are you getting married again?”