• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Friday



Ever since the events of Camp Everfree, Twilight Sparkle hasn't been single. But she didn't end up in a relationship with Flash Sentry. This fact leaves Flash's emotions in a violent turmoil that he doesn't know how to deal with.

Perhaps the help of someone who was once close to him can help him come to terms with his emotions.

A one-shot idea based 100% on the previews for Legend of Everfree. I'm pretty certain Twilight isn't actually going to end up in a relationship by the end of the movie (call it writer's instincts I suppose) but a lot of people were already saying that they could see themselves liking the ship it presented. I'm pretty sure this fic will become pointless once the movie actually comes out, but until then I had the inspiration to write this.

(September 25 Edit): In a Post Legend of Everfree World: Wow, I can't believe how prophetic this fic became lol

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 27 )

YES! Another good fic that treats Flash like a human being with complicated emotions to sort through with help instead of him being treated by the fandom's "Waifu Stealer". And kudos for using Sunset to help him through this problem. It's very, very rare to have your EXs remain friends and help you through future relationships. That takes a kind of maturity that isn't really seen now these days.

Massive Kudos Sam Rose. I look forward to more of this growth between them. :twilightsmile:

I think this is how Flash should be treated. Considering how hated he is, I find this story one of the few stories that treat Flash as a normal person and not as a chew toy. In fact, you gave Flash a character, so that's a mayor plus too.

That first part pretty well sums up how I feel Flash should react to the apparent TimberLight ship to come. Can we call it 'TimberLight'?

That said, I'm a FlashLight shipper all the way, so I'm still holding out hope.

Really liked this story and I enjoyed the way Flash is developed here.

It's nice of Sunset to finally take some time away and help him with his dilemma. My only nitpick is that she doesn't offer him a chance to write to Princess Twilight.

In any case, this was really sweet :twilightsmile:

Sunset should have showed him the magic diary.

I've been in Flash's shoes as well. In Friendship Games, seeing human Twilight almost completely ignore him even after he helped her reminded me of a girlfriend I had who abruptly stopped talking to me without any explanation.

Thank you for doing Flash some justice.

Ever heard of indentions?

10/10 good story

Yeah, but I personally don't like them on FimFic stories. I think they look better this way, it's an 'to each their own' kinda thing. Thank you for liking the story though :twilightsmile:

AwwwwwwRIGHT now that's an ending I can get behind!

Author Interviewer

Yeah, I like how close that is to the movie. :D

Author Interviewer

Yeah, okay, sure, why not. XD Good stuff!

You know, someone once joked about a Flash/Twilight/Sunset threesome in comment section for one of my stories, and another one said I should write that one. I almost shook that idea out of my head...

...and then I read this story and this very alternative ending. And now that idea sprung up in my head again! AAAAARGH!

...Curses, I don't know if I should just say "screw it" and write that piece of Slaaneshite heresy so that it never springs up again and go wallow in shame.


Oh yeah... excellent story, BTW. You seem to have some premonition powers, apparently.

I'm glad you liked it! Sunset was definitely a bit more blunt/straight forward in the movie, and Flash moved on a lot more quickly than here, but yeah, the emotions were pretty much the same hehe.

I've always found the idea of the OT3 amusing, and thanks to Legends of Everfree, it certainly seems even more plausible now lol. After all, I get the feeling they're gonna end up putting Flash and Sunset back together now, and I can totally see the both of them still having a crush on Princess Twilight. So whenever she's around, she joins their fun. I'd love it~


I'm not really into OT3 stories, because too many tend to be adolescent fantasies put on paper (read "Internet") without any attempt to have at least some feelings involved.

If I ever even get around to writing this type of heresy, I don't want to half-ass it.

I honestly wouldn't mind if this became canon.

I really enjoyed this. Thank you for actually treating Flash Sentry like a genuine person. :twilightsmile:

Great work, I really enjoyed this story, and the alternate ending as well XD


rather than a self-centered jerk/rapist who is completely at odd with how he was portrayed in cannon media (looking at you 7DSj)

or have all the character treat him with projected disdain and annoyance simply for existing

Ok so I'm not the only one who hate that fic. I remembering reading the TV tropes page for that fic and saying "really flash a jerk rapist." That fic had a serious case of Ron the death eater


“Ron the death eater”?

https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RonTheDeathEater it's when you take a character who is in cannon good and make him or evil just because you don't like him or her. The link can explain better than I can.

Hello, SamRose!
Do you mind if I translate your fan fiction into Russian? Of course, taking into account the author and the link to the original.

Of course! The only thing I ever ask for with translations is to link back to the original fic ^_^

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