• Published 24th Sep 2016
  • 645 Views, 16 Comments

Extra-Vehicular Activity - alamais

A sci-fi adventure/horror/thriller. 'You' are Rainbow Dash. You and the girls are all in stasis, headed to Cepheus Prime for some routine diplomatic talks. ...So why did everything just go dark?

  • ...

Scorch Marks

In the thin beam of light you see scorch marks on the floor, and it looks like some of the overhead lights are broken. They would probably be sparking ominously if there was any power left. You toss a flare into the room, and nothing happens, so you shove the door open more, and cautiously enter.

It's a disaster area. It looks like it was some sort of large meeting hall, or perhaps muster area, large enough to hold at least a hundred ponies. The few bits of furniture were stacked against the three doors to the fore and sides, apparently welded or glued into place. It didn't seem to do much good, as to your fore and your right, the doors have been smashed open, right through the barricades. You throw a few more flares, more thoroughly lighting the room, and you can see burn marks on the floor and walls, what might be long-dried blood, and even places where the deck plating looks melted. Your pulse quickens a bit, even though it's clear that whatever happened here happened a very long time ago.

There's still no bodies. A small part of you wants to turn tail and run back to the ship right now, but the rest of you stomps on that part. This isn't a sightseeing trip—you need that cabling. You swallow the lump in your throat, and move on through the door opposite the elevator. It's a double door, and this hallway is wider than the last. Some of the doors to the sides are ripped open, just like the doors in the muster hall, and you can see further evidence of fighting and killing in here. You orient yourself, and enter the first open door on your left. It's a much more spacious office, with a fancy desk, a small window to the outside, and what looks like the remains of a potted plant.

You ignore the blood stains on the floor, plop down in the squeaky desk chair, and spin it around. There's a tablet computer lying on the desk, and you pocket it. Then, you tap on your PDA. "Twilight?"

"Oh! Hello, Rainbow dear!" It was Rarity. "Twilight is helping Pinkie with some reactor issues, so we get to talk! How are things going over there?"

You smile, despite the circumstance. "Hey Rares. It's…okay, I guess. I'm up on the seventh deck from the bottom, and it looks like there was some serious fighting up here. Can't tell between who and what…there's no bodies, just damage."

"Oh dear. Do…you think you're in any danger?"

"Nah." You smirk, even though she can't see it. "This all happened ages ago, it's no biggie."

"Hmm, okay, if you say so." She makes some soft humming noises which you're surprised the voice synthesizer bothered with. "I suppose it's understandable."

"Huh?" You wonder if you missed something.

"Well, I mean, from what you said this ship could carry hundreds of soldiers, right?"

You nod, then remember she can't see you. "Uh, yeah. Potentially, I mean. So far I haven't seen any, uh, remains."

"Okay. What I mean is, with that many people, stranded here with nowhere to go, I suppose they could easily break up into factions, start fighting over resources, and so on." She sighed. "Nasty business, but I'm not sure I'd even expect ponies to do any better in that sort of desperate situation."

"Hmm." You look around the office, and find yourself staring at the shriveled husk of a potted plant. "I dunno. I don't think that's what happened here. I can't say why, exactly, but…it just feels off." You add, with a grumble, "I wish I could find out more, but right now I'm struggling just to find somewhere that might have this cabling we need."

"Oh!" she exclaims. "That's right! I have a gift for youuu~"

You blink. "Wat."

"Well, technically it's a gift from Twilight, but since she's not here, I get to give it to you!" She falls silent for a moment. "Okay, so, her note says, and I quote, 'Dear Rainbow Dash, I'm providing you with a semiotic analyzer overlay. Even if we had full power, we don't have nearly the computational capabilities here to fully translate the alien language; however, on one of the PDAs you retrieved, there was a very detailed breakdown of a set of general symbols that are used on the ship, and I was able to work up a HUD overlay to make use of these! I hope this helps, Twilight Sparkle.'" Rarity paused. "I can't believe she actually signed it."

You stare into space for a moment—then, "Wat."

"Hmm, indeed. She goes into a bit more detail in a postscript, but let me see…"

You just wait, swinging your legs in the chair, wishing you had a soda. And a bag of chips. And a warm, fuzzy pony to share them with.

"Weeell," she continues, "I guess there was a sort of translation dictionary for these symbols. It gave their meaning in multiple languages that the aliens apparently use…over two dozen languages, my my." Another pause, then she coughs. "Anyway, it went basic enough that she was able to determine the meanings of several of these symbols, as well as their basic number system. So, she cooked up a little widget for your suit's PDA to overlay the meaning onto the symbols."

"Oh. Uhh…neat?" you say, tapping your hooves together.

"Mhmm, well, there are apparently symbols for 'maintenance' and 'engineering', sooo…"

That makes you sit upright. "Oh! Well that's definitely helpful."

"Indeed. I'll just send this over, won't take a minute." She starts humming again.

Text starts scrolling by in the corner of your hud. You focus on it, but it's a bunch of gobbledegook about APIs and injections. When it stops, you don't notice anything different. "Uhhh, I don't see anything. How do I know if it's working?"

"Oh, well, I suppose you'll just have to find some symbols, see if it knows them."

You try to facehoof, and your still-grippy hoof pad sticks to your helmet. With a grunt, you peel it off.

"Um, Dashie? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, uh, it's fine." You feel your cheeks heating. "Break time's over, I guess. Thanks, Rares, and thank Twilight for me."

"No problem at all, love. Good luck!" She closes the channel.

"Yeah…" you mutter "…luck would be nice."