• Published 30th Sep 2016
  • 8,510 Views, 183 Comments

Cultural Differences - Highlord Langslock

Some girls and some ponies explore the different cultures of their two worlds.

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Differences in Marriage

Fluttershy hummed cheerfully to herself as she poured a measured amount of chicken feed into a shallow pan. “Alright, everybody, time for dinner,” she said gently.

Several chickens quickly crowded around the pan and began pecking furiously.

“Now-now everyone, no fighting,” said Fluttershy. “There's plenty of food for everyone.” She was pleasantly surprised when the chickens actually listened to her and began to eat in a more civilized manner.

Satisfied, Fluttershy checked on a nearby bear that had its snout shoved in a honey pot.

“And how are you doing, Beary?” she asked.

The bear pulled its snout out with a pop and made a series of grumbling and growling noises.

“Oh, I'm sorry, but you're not allowed to have seconds,” Fluttershy apologized. “The instructions said that you've been putting on some weight, so you have to cut back on the sweets, okay?”

Beary grumbled, but nodded. Setting the pot down, he lumbered away to play.

Fluttershy chuckled lightly to herself. She had never gotten that close to a bear before.

Looking around, she spied a bird feeder hanging high up in a tree. There were several kinds of birds fluttering around it, taking turns pecking at the seeds. Flapping her wings carefully, making sure to keep them at the correct angle, she slowly floated up into the air until she was at eye level with the birds.

“Is everything alright up here?” she asked. “Is everybody getting enough food?”

The birds chirped to assure her that they were fine.

A sharp whistle called Fluttershy's attention back to the ground where a little white rabbit with a grumpy expression was tapping his foot impatiently. He held a tin pan in his paw and was waving it insistently in the air.

“Oh, I'm so sorry Angel Bunny. I'll get you your food for you right away,” Fluttershy called down. She carefully started lowering herself down, but she must have flapped her wings or twitched her tail wrong at the last minute, because without warning, she suddenly flipped upside down and landed hard. Fortunately, she only fell a few feet, so the only bruise she suffered was to her pride.

“You okay, Shyshy?” a voice asked.

Fluttershy looked up to see Rainbow Dash looking down at her. Angel Bunny was also there, his cranky expression replaced with one of genuine concern.

“I'm alright,” she said. “I guess I still need more practice with these wings.”

Rainbow Dash grasped her hoof and helped her to her feet. “Don't worry; just a few more lessons with me, and you'll be soaring through the skies like a pro.”

“Oh, I hope so. Flying is ever so much fun,” said Fluttershy wistfully.

Angel Bunny cleared his throat loudly and pointed at his dish. Now that he was sure Fluttershy was alright, his stomach was once again his first priority.

“Oh, right,” said Fluttershy. “Let's get you your food.”

“So what do you think of Equestria so far?” asked Rainbow Dash as she walked with Fluttershy to the cottage.

“Oh, it's simply wonderful,” Fluttershy gushed. “Being a pony is a dream come true for me, and all of Ponyshy's animal friends are so well-behaved.”

Fluttershy had received an incredible bout of good luck recently. Her teachers had not assigned her any homework, and since she was not scheduled to work at the animal shelter, she was free for the entire weekend. Unfortunately, all of her friends had already made other plans and couldn't spend time with her. Then Princess Twilight invited her to Equestria for the weekend. She had quickly accepted. She had felt bad about telling her parents that she would be helping Applejack with farm work, but they weren't ready to know the truth about what was happening at school. Fluttershy doubted that they ever would be.

Fluttershy had just set Angel Bunny's plate of carrots on the floor when she was alerted by the chattering of the animals outside of the cottage. Poking her head out the door, she saw another pegasus who looked just like her (because, technically speaking, she WAS her—or at least, she was the version of her native to Equestria... it was a little confusing) landing on the ground with a lot more grace than Fluttershy previously had. The animals immediately crowded around her and began to nuzzle her happily.

“Oh, I missed all of you too,” she said warmly, hugging each of them in turn.

“Welcome home, Ponyshy,” said Fluttershy, walking up to the other “Fluttershy”. Rainbow Dash was right behind her.

“Thank you, Shyshy,” “Ponyshy” replied. “Did everyone behave themselves for you?”

“Oh yes, they were all such sweethearts,” Fluttershy assured her. “We all had so much fun together. Thank you so much for letting me look after them.”

“Oh no, thank you for agreeing to it at the last minute.”

“So, did you have any trouble with the roc that was messing with Stalliongrad?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“It was no trouble at all,” Ponyshy answered. “It turns out the poor dear was just upset because the noise from the factories was bothering her chicks. Once a sound-dampening spell was cast over her nest, she was perfectly happy. By the way, did I receive any mail while I was gone?”

“Yeah, you got a letter from your brother,” said Rainbow Dash, handing Ponyshy an envelope.

Fluttershy leaned forward in interest. She hadn't thought about what the Equestrian version of her family would be like.

Holding the envelope in her hoof, Ponyshy cut it open with her wing and pulled out the letter with her mouth. Holding it in her hoof, she read silently for a minute before frowning.

“Oh, Zephyr Breeze,” she moaned, shaking her head. “When will you learn?”.

“What's wrong? He's not moving in with your parents again, is he?” Rainbow Dash asked frantically. “Or is he moving back in with you?!” Her face turned pale, which was a bit odd, considering it was covered in fur.

Fluttershy swallowed a lump in her throat. She knew that her younger brother was lazy and irresponsible, but would he really go so far as to refuse to move out when the time came?

But Ponyshy just shook her head.

“Oh no, nothing like that; Zephyr Breeze is doing great at his new job, and he's not having any trouble paying the rent on his apartment. It's just that he tried to apply for a herd license a few days ago.”

“That might be even worse!” cried Rainbow Dash. “Please tell me that they didn't actually give him one.”

“Of course not,” Ponyshy assured her . “In fact, they threw him out of the office when they learned that he only got a job a few weeks ago. Of course, according to him, it's actually a conspiracy to suppress the rights of working class ponies so that they can never rise to the level as the corrupt elites.”

“He needs to be 'suppressed', alright,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Um, excuse me, I don't mean to butt in,” Fluttershy spoke up, “but what exactly is a 'herd license'?”

“It's just a thing that allows you to marry more than one spouse,” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Oh, I see,” said Fluttershy. “I didn't know that Equestria was a polygamist society.”

“What's 'pull-egg-ah-mist' mean?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“It's a society that allows a man to marry multiple wives, which humans call polygamy,” explained Fluttershy. “It's not a very nice custom in my world. The wives are generally treated as trophies to show off the husband's prosperity, or as means to secure beneficial connections, and their children are often used as a 'workforce'. It's a bit similar to slavery.”

“Yuck,” said Rainbow Dash, making a face.

“Well, it's nothing like that here in Equestria,” said Ponyshy. “For one thing, it's not one stallion marrying multiple mares, but rather several ponies marrying each other; the mares are as much each other's wives as they are the wives of their husband. And according to law, each pony has equal marital rights and responsibilities; anyone who can work does so to provide for the entire household, and if one of them wants to bring someone new into the herd, all of the current spouses have to unanimously agree to it. Also, if one of them wants out, then he or she can file for divorce.”

“I guess that sounds fairly reasonable,” said Fluttershy. “But why do you even have polygamy, or herding, in the first place?”

“Well, in the past, it was the best way to keep our entire race from going extinct,” answered Ponyshy. “When you were in Ponyville, did you happen to notice that there were a lot more mares than stallions?”

Fluttershy thought back to when she first stepped foot in Equestria. At the time, she had been too excited to be among countless talking ponies to really notice much of anything, but looking back now, she realized that the majority of the ponies she had talked to had indeed been mares. “You're right,” she said. “Is that normal?”

“It is for us. Nopony understands why, but there have always been quite a few more mares than stallions. No other race seems to have this quirk. It used to be a lot worse than it is now; just a few years after Equestria was founded, the birth rate of stallions dropped dramatically to the point where there were only one of them for every ten mares.”

“How did that happen?” asked Fluttershy.

“Nopony knows,” Ponyshy admitted. “Some think it was a spell cast by the unicorns who initially refused to join Equestria. Others believe it was one of Discord's sick jokes back when he was still a bad guy, although if he was responsible, he hasn't told me yet. In any case, in order to keep our entire population from plummeting, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna legalized herding so that one stallion could marry and have children with as many as six or seven mares, if not more.”

“And they still do that today?” asked Fluttershy. She felt rather appalled by the idea.

“Oh, no. After a few centuries, whatever was causing fewer stallions to be born ended as suddenly as it began, and now there are almost enough to... well, you know... enough to... to...”

“Go around?” Rainbow Dash supplied.

“Um, I was actually kind of hoping to put it in a way that didn't make it sound like they were property or something,” said Ponyshy.

“And I'm sure that all the guys who couldn't hear you appreciate it,” Rainbow Dash retorted, rolling her eyes.

“Yes, well, in any case, while herding is still legal, it has largely fallen out of practice. Nowadays, it is extremely rare for ponies to form a group marriage, but every now and then a couple will marry a third spouse.”

“Well, I'm just relieved that Equestria isn't a place that treats girls like they're property,” said Fluttershy. “Although now I need to make sure my own Zephyr Breeze never comes here,” she added grimly.

Two Zephyr Breezes in Equestria?” Rainbow Dash whimpered. She began to tremble violently. “Oh, sweet merciful Faust.”

“So did your Zephyr Breeze explain why he wanted a herd license?” asked Fluttershy.

Ponyshy looked back to the letter. “Well, he says that it was his fillyfriend's idea—for whenever they decide they want to 'spice up' their relationship.”

“Wait, what did you just say?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I said that it was his fillyfriend's idea,” Ponyshy replied. Her eyes widened as what she had just said dawned on her. “His fillyfriend... my brother has a fillyfriend, who wants him to...”

She began to sway on her hooves. Fluttershy rushed to hold her before she could topple over.

“I'm getting us all some booze,” Rainbow Dash muttered. “There's no way we're dealing with this sober.”

“I have a bottle of vodka in my refrigerator,” said Ponyshy, so quietly that she could barely be heard.

“I'm on it.”

“Um, technically speaking, I'm not really old enough to drink yet,” said Fluttershy nervously.

“Don't worry about it.”

Author's Note:

I need to make these chapters longer; they're starting to feel a little bare-boned.

I want everyone to know that I'm probably not going to actually have herding in my official headcanon. Honestly, the only appeal it has for me is pairing Sunset with both Twilight and Flash, and I already have somebody else in mind for her (three guesses for who it is...actually I take that back; you don't get any guesses, because if you don't already know who it is, than you haven't been paying enough attention to me). I only wrote this chapter in order to make a point—I've come across too many stories that try to justify making virtually every mare into a fillyfooler or bisexual by claiming that the lack of enough stallions to go around forced them to turn to their own gender as an alternative, when the slightest bit of research will tell you that it doesn't work that way. To me, group marriages are a much more plausible solution to the problem, assuming that it actually exists in the setting.