• Published 8th Nov 2016
  • 2,175 Views, 13 Comments

Student Switch: Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap - ImNoPony

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Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash was tense, really tense. She had just try out for her school's soccer team: Crystal Prep's Shadowbolt squad. Her and everybody else beside her waited for so long to be on the teams and waited anxiously for coach Shining Armour's decision.

Coach Armour walk back and forth, eyeing up the row of candidates. They were all holding their breath and crossing their fingers, praying that you would pick them. He had already picked a lot of people already so there were only a few places left. This, of course, made things a whole lot tenser.

"And the last place on the team will go to..."

Everyone waited with bated breaths as the waiting was agonizingly painful.

"... Crystal Foot!"


Rainbow shouted on top of her lungs. She was so loud, it actually hurt the ears of the people beside her. Crystal Foot was surprised that he was picked, but he didn't speak as the blown-away Rainbow Dash began arguing with Shining.

"Coach, What About Me!? I Played Excellently back there!"

Shining Armour says to her "You did... but I felt the others did just a little bit better then you Rainbow. No offense."

"NO OFFENSE!?" Rainbow yelled angrily. "You Picked Crystal Foot Over Me! What Does He Have That I Don't Got!?"

"He got good eye-hand coordination and have a very good reaction time. I'm Sorry Dash but I'm sticking with my decision." Shining could see that Rainbow Dash wasn't coming down. In fact, her and the other candidates was getting understandingly peeved. Hoping it would calm her down, Shining inform Rainbow "Look Rainbow Dash; I'm not gunna argue that you're an excellent player. That's why I'm gunna place you on the reserve team."

"The Reserve Team!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "You mean the team that rarely get any action? No thanks."

But Shining then remarks "Oh! So you prefer to never to get any action rather than never getting a chance to play?"

Dash froze. Even though she might not like it, but being on the reserve team might be the best chance that she have at the moment. Very begrudgingly, she says "Fine" and take what's was offered.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Several days later, in the fancy dinning hall of Crystal Prep, Rainbow Dash was having lunch with her close friends: Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity. These five friends always sit together during lunch and they have been close since freshmen year. There have been tough spot during the time considering the harder then average school life, but they manage to make it work.

As they were sitting around their table, everyone was passing around jokes and topics while all of them were eating their food. But eventually, they notice Rainbow Dash wasn't getting involved. In fact, she was staring depressingly into her food which she barely had any bites out of. Her friends could tell that she is still bummed out for not being picked onto the soccer team.

But as they were figuring out what to say to her, Pinkie wanted to find out if Rainbow in still aware about the stuff around. Moving herself closer, she slowly extend her hand out and see if she can steal Rainbow Dash's uneaten burger. However, as she was about to grab it, Rainbow slap her hand away and took a bite out the burger. Once she swallow, Dash smirk at Pinkie and remarks "Do you really think I let you take my food?"

Pinkie chucked and reply "No not really. Just making sure if you are still awake."

"We were just worried about you" Fluttershy explained. You hardly took a bit out of you food and you aren't saying anything."

"Well it just that.... AUGH! I'm Still Kind Of Mad That Couch Shining Armour Didn't Pick Me!"

"Yeah, we figured that" Applejack responded.

While Rainbow was being angry, Rarity says to her "Honestly Rainbow Dash, think on the bright side. At least you don't have to get all sweaty and smelling up your clothes."

"But Being Sweaty Is One Of The Things I Like Doing!" Dash yelled response. As Rarity was getting over from being shocked, Rainbow explains "If I'm sweaty, it means I'm running about. If I'm running about, it means I'm having fun, I'm an athlete and sports is one of my biggest passions."

"And reading Daring Do" Pinkie added.

"Well yeah. A girl needs to have more then one hobby" Rainbow responded.

Applejack then asks her "Ok, then why not join one of the other team? Crystal Prep has more then one sport club."

However, Rainbow Dash unfortunately answers "It tried. Either they're not recruiting or being coached by Shining Armour. And we all know how much he loves me."

While AJ was thinking that she was overreacting, Pinkie Pie tells her "Don't worry Rainbow Dash. Me and Fluttershy are thinking on making a cheer team and you can join if you like."

"No thank you" Rainbow Dash replied. "I prefer to be cheered, not the one who do the cheering."

When she look around, Dash saw that her friends were looking either concerned for her or annoyed for not taking their advice. It sort of make feel a little bit guilty. Rainbow Dash got up from her seat and tells them "*SIGH* I don't know. Maybe I need some time a lone to think about it."

Even they were still concerned for her, they were willing to give her some space. Fluttershy tells her "Ok. Just don't forget that we're here if you need it."

"Thanks Fluttershy."

As Rainbow Dash begins to walk off, Pinkie Pie saw that she left her food behind. "Hey! What Do You..."

"You Can Have It!"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

About one week later, Rainbow Dash was strolling down the sidewalk and was making her way to school. After spending some time on self reflection, she mostly gotten over not being accepted into the shadowbolt team. She figured that even though she didn't got accepted, she could still play soccer. Rainbow trained on her own, practice her soccer skills at home and even played with some of the neighbourhood kids. Even though she still want to be on the team, Rainbow at least found something that remedy her pain.

But as she was walking with her hands in her pockets and being carefree, Rainbow Dash suddenly spotted somebody sitting on the edge of the concert and looking depressed. At first, she initially paid them no mind as they weren't crying or anything. But as she got closer, Rainbow notice something: the boy was wearing a Crystal Prep uniform. A uniform that every Crystal Prep student must wear if the want to got to their school. Intrigued, Rainbow Dash stop by him and see what's up.

"Hey dude, what's the matter?" she asked sincerely.

When he looked up in surprise, he saw Rainbow Dash standing over him. "Oh! Rainbow Dash!"

At first, Rainbow was surprise herself and wonder how he knew her name. But then, as she was looking at him, she slowly start to recognize him. "Your..."

"Crystal Foot, yes."

Crystal Foot, the boy that manged to get on the Shadowbolt team and not her. One would expect that she would by really angry at him as some people might say he stole the place away from her. But while Rainbow does feel some resentment towards him, most of her anger was aim towards Shining Armour and his decision making.

Rainbow sat down to his level and asks him "Why are you doing her moping?"

Crystal Prep answers "It because... I find out who we're playing against and I just can do it!"

"Who?" she asked curiously.

"Changeling High."

Rainbow Dash was somewhat surprised. She heard many things about Changeling High and rarely that they're any good. They are a delinquent school where many of their students conduct many misbehavior. However, one little tactic that their school is infamous for is infiltration. They often send their students, under a guise of transfer student, to several schools were they deliberately lower their test scores, throw upcoming games and ruining that school's good reputation. Rainbow also heard this one rumor that they have a beef with Crystal Prep thanks to Principal Cinch's strict transfer student policy.

"Why do you not want to play against them" Rainbow cautiously asked.

After a moment of silence, Crystal Foot finally confesses "It's because I came from there! They got me to transfer myself to Crystal Prep so I would join their sport teams and ruin their matches."

"WHAT!" yelled a shocked Rainbow.

But then Crystal Foot tells her "But I don't want to do it. I really don't like their underhanded tactics and the people at Changeling High is never really nice to me."

Rainbow Dash was left speechless. She could barely process this revaluation and didn't know how to handle this. But as she was thinking about this, Rainbow came up with an idea that would help her. Crystal Foot says that he doesn't want to play. If her doesn't want to play, then he can't really be on the soccer team. And since he can't play on the soccer team, then that means there will be a space open and with her on the reserve team, she'll more then likely to get it.

Putting on a caring demeanor, Rainbow Dash asks him "Crystal Foot, do you like Crystal Prep?"

After a moment, Crystal Foot hesitantly replies "Well... It's not the most loving school in the world but it's definitely better then Changeling High."

"And from the sounds of it, you never really wanted to be on the soccer team in the first place, right?"

After thinking about it, Crystal Foot answers "Well yeah. You probably have more of a right to be on the team then me."

"Well then! Why not we go down to Coach Armour and not Principal Cinch and tells him you don't want to play anymore. I'm sure he will understand."

Crystal Foot wasn't too sure about the plan. It does sound the most honest and good thing to do. But as he was looking at Rainbow Dash, he could detect an ulterior motive within. Nevertheless, he says "Ok" and went along with her plan."

"Alright Then!" Rainbow says cheerfully. "Let go down there right now and tell them what's what."

Both students then got up from the sidewalk and began making their way to Crystal Prep. Crystal Foot still felt nervous about the whole thing and he didn't like it that Rainbow Dash has a massive smile while they walk. Rainbow Dash in turn was imaging her place on the Shadowbolt team and was physicing herself up.

But along their walk to school, both of them spotting something strange. As they were walking pass some shops across the road, they notice some sort of commotion as a there was a crowd. It looks like some shop owners was doing some big presentation and they doing this to attract customers. Rainbow Dash and Crystal Foot didn't got close and join the crowd, but they curiosity caused them to stop and watch from afar.

"Welcome Ladies And Gentlemen To Flim&Flam's Wonderful Gadgeteer Presentation! I'm Flim-"

"-And I'm Flam And We'll Show You Something That You All Would Want And Need!"

"Have You Ever Felt Stuck One Day Pealing Apples? Have You Wished For The Process For A Freshly Pealed Apple To Be So Much Quicker?"

"Well Today That Dream Will Become A Reality! After Several Sleepless Nights Of Hard Work, We Have Invented: The Super Apple Pealer Tube 6001!"

The brothers then show of their weird invention. They show this some sort of two foot long tube with some sort of contraption in the middle. Rainbow and Crystal Foot manage to see it from their distance and they think it doesn't look that impressive.

Flim says to the crowd "Just put your ready to be pealed apple in this our and a freshly necked apple will appear out of the other. demonstration."

Flim then pulls out an apple and show everybody how it works. He put the apple in and sucked into one end of the tube. It disappear in the centre and sounds of the machine doing something happens.

Once the sounds stopped, Flam then exclaims "And once it all done, press this one button on the side and a freshly pealed apple will come out."

But when he pushed the button, nothing happened. One everybody saw that nothing happened, the crowd slowly became disinterested and annoyed. Not wanting their audience to leave, Flim and Flam began pressing the button again. When it still not work, they push it excessively and then mess with their contraption. But then, once it made some screeching sounds and started shaking, the apple finally came out... and shot up into the air and curving towards Rainbow Dash.

As the apple was fly towards her, Rainbow Dash was left stunned. It was unexpected and it's speed is too fast for her to react. In a jolt of instinct, Rainbow raised her arms and cover her face. She closed her eyes and waited for the apple to hit her. However, it never came. After a second or so, Dash didn't felt any pain or being hit by anything. Confused, she lower her guard and see what happened. When she open her eyes, Rainbow saw that Crystal Foot had caught and holding the apple with both of his hands.

For the crowd, they were severely mad that their invention almost hurt someone. The crowd left and leaving a very unhappy Flim and Flam behind. But for Rainbow Dash, she was left in amazement. She couldn't believe that Crystal Foot manage to caught a very fast and small object.

"Crystal Foot... You Caught It!" she says out loud.

"Uh... yeah" responded Crystal Foot who was just as amazed as she was.

Shocked and confused, Rainbow ask him "How did you do that?"

Once her got rid off the very moist and freshly pealed apple, Crystal explains "Well coach did say that I gave a good reaction time and eye-hand coordination. That why he wanted me to be the goalie."

When he says that, Rainbow Dash started to think that Coach Shining might have made the right decision after all. His reaction time was impeccable and managed to catch the apple while she just stood there covering her face. Even though she still thinks that she has the skills that would put her in the Shadowbolts, Rainbow believes that Crystal Foot is just as worthy to be on the team as she is."

"You know what Crystal, I think you should stay on the soccer team" she calmly says to him.

Shocked, Crystal Foot says to her "What! Are You Mad!? I-I-I... I'm not sure I would be good for it. Not..."

"Hey, Look What You Did Back There! You caught an apple that would have hit me in the face. If that isn't goalie worthy material, I don't know what is."

"But... what about Changeling High?"

After thinking about it for a second, Rainbow figure out what to say to him. "Crystal Foot, between Crystal Prep and Changeling High, which school do you like more?"

"Uh... Crystal Prep?"

"And when they play against each other in the soccer match, who would you like to win?"

"Um... Crystal Prep?"

"Well then, It sounds to me that your more of a Crystal Prep student then you are as a changeling. So... play and everyone who really are."

"But... what will happen once the changelings discover that I betrayed them?"

Seeing him being worried, Rainbow Dash pulls him under her arm and proudly says "Don't worry. If they want to do anything to you, they would have to get through me first."

When he heard Rainbow Dash's brave proclamation, Crystal Foot felt moved. Just her saying that she will be loyal to him and willing to protect him, it's a form of love that he has long since yearned for. It truly touched this former changeling heart.

Once he felt secure with himself, he pull out from under her arm and confesses "Thanks Rainbow. And by the way, my name isn't really Crystal Foot. It's..."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Several days later and it was the day of the big match; Crystal Prep's "Shadowbolts" vs Changeling High's "Changelings". Like any school event, the match has amassed a large student crowd from both school.

What was thought to be a simple match for the Changelings turns out to be a very one-sided game with Crystal Prep in a very large lead. The very skilled and highly trained Shadowbolt team was curb-stomping the Changelings and score goal after goal on them. However, it wouldn't be so bad if they can make a score themselves. There have been plenty of times when they got the ball and make unimpeded shots at the goal. However, the goalie wasn't letting any shot through and caught every one.

Seeing their former student actively assisting the school that he meant to sabotage, it absolutely infuriates them. Especially for Principal Chrysalis who was pulling her hair out and grinding her teeth in at the scene (much to Principals Cinch's amusement).

Watching from outskirts of the playing field, Rainbow Dash was happy for her goalie friend. She could see that he was having a lot of fun she's proud of him for it. And to properly support her friend in the game, Rainbow Dash, along with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, began cheering for him.


Comments ( 11 )

this...I like this; also:

"Why do you not want to play against them" Rainbow cautiously asked.
After a moment of silence, Crystal Foot finally confesses "It's because I came from there! They got me to transfer myself to Crystal Prep so I would join their sport teams and ruin their matches."
"WHAT!" yelled a shocked Rainbow.
But then Crystal Foot tells her "But I don't want to do it. I really don't like their underhanded tactics and the people at Changeling High is never really nice to me."

:facehoof: I'm upset that I'm not even a little bit surprised by this revelation...

After thinking about it for a second, Rainbow figure out what to say to him. "Crystal Foot, between Crystal Prep and Changeling High, which school do you like more?"
"Uh... Crystal Prep?"
"And when they play against each other in the soccer match, who would you like to win?"
"Um... Crystal Prep?"
"Well then, It sounds to me that your more of a Crystal Prep student then you are as a changeling.

:twilightoops: what's scary is that she's not entirely wrong...

And by the way, my name isn't really Crystal Foot.


:pinkiesmile: ah: I see what you did there...

Been waiting for something like this!
You can tell because he was doing backflips in joy in his room.

Dam you are clever.:raritywink:
The grammar tho.:facehoof:

Good to see CP Humane 5 who aren't just jerks because their attending Crystal Prep.

Omg I knew it was thorax!!

8172994 Oh geez. I wonder what gave it way?

Well nothing really i just immediately thought about thorax

8178964 Really... The fact that that I have his fake name "Crystal Foot" be a play-on-words of "Crystal Hoof" (the name that he used in his introductory episode) didn't gave it way?

Well a little bit. I just remembered thorax's name in mlp was something with crystal.

I only figured it out when he mentioned Changeling High


I thought so.

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