• Published 21st Nov 2016
  • 11,501 Views, 602 Comments

Yugioh EQG - Banshee531

A young antisocial teen receives a deck of Duel Monster cards and is thrust into an amazing adventure. How will he fair when the fate of the world rest on his shoulders.

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Turn 15, Advance of Technology pt1

"Greetings Duellists young and old" the Celestic Sisters said over the megascreen, "we welcome you all to the Shooting Star Micro Tournament."

Celestia: We hope you all enjoy today's competition.

Luna: And to all competitors we wish you the best of luck. To confirm your entry please head to the reception desk inside.

"Well that's me" Flash said looking towards the entrance. The building where the tournament was being held was a large domed building, surrounded by two smaller domes connected by circular corridors.

"You'd better get in there" Scootaloo said.

"Right" Flash said as he walked in.

"Hello" the receptionist said.

"Hello" Flash replied, "I'm here to confirm my entry into the tournament."

"Of course" she said, "just place your Duel Disk into the scanner" a slot in the desk opened up and Flash inserted his Duel Disk inside. Several seconds later it came back out, as a picture of Flash came up and her computer. "Your registration is complete" she said, "your Flash Sentry and your contestant number fifteen. Once the last contestant arrives our computer will select your opponent."

"Thank you" Flash said.

"You all set" he turned to see his friends arrive.

"So how much longer until the first match starts?" Rainbow asked.

"The receptionist said once the last Duellist arrives everything will start then" Flash replied.

"Oh I hope he get here soon" Pinkie said excitedly.

"Same" Flash said but then something caught his eye, or maybe the lack of something or someone. "Hey where's Spike?" He asked Twilight about the lack of her little brother.

"Not sure" Twilight replied, "he said he had to go somewhere important but would try and show up later."

"That's odd" Flash said, "Spike never miss an opportunity to watch a Duel." Flash couldn't think about it any longer as at that moment the megascreen above them switched on, showing the Celestic Sisters.

"HELLO DUEL FAN" they said in unison.

Celestia: With all contestants at the stadium we're finally ready to kick this tournament off.

Luna: Here's how the tournament will work. We have sixteen Duellists who have been split into two groups of eight, with the A block Duellists in Duel Hall One and B block in Duel Hall Two.

Celestia: This is a single battle knock out tournament, where the two blocks will each have three rounds to crown a Block Champion. During the fourth and final round the two Block Champions will Duel against each other, to crown the tournaments winner.

Luna: Remember, the prize for this tournament is the chance to play in the Celestic Cup. I'm sure no ones wants to miss that.

Celestia: Right now our computer is randomly selecting who will face who in the Tournament. Contestants take out your Duel Disks to upload your entry card.

Flash activated his Duel Disk as it uploaded a new app. Opening it his Disk displayed an A4, "guess that's my number?"

"Block A contestant four" Twilight said, "that puts you in the second match."

"You'd better get to your designated area then" Rarity said, "each contestant has their own private room to wait for their match in."

"Right" Flash said, as he began to run down the corridor. "Wish me luck guys."

"We'll be cheering you on all the way" Rainbow called back.

"Good luck" Rarity said.

"Be careful" Fluttershy said.

Flash ran as fast as he could towards his area. He was going so fast that as he turned a corner, he didn't have time to stop when he found himself heading straight at somebody. "WOW" was all he could say as he crashed into them, "ow" he said getting up as turning to the guy "sorry."

"Yeah sure you are" the guy said standing up. He was a young man, possible early twenties, with cream coloured skin, brown hair, buck teeth, taped glasses, green bow tie and zits littering his face. "Why don't you watch where your going?"

"look I said I was sorry" Flash replied.

"Like I haven't heard that before" he said, "just stay out of my way" and with that he turned and headed back down the hall.

"Man what's eating him?" Flash asked, only for the memory of his match to erase it from his memory as he once again rushed down the hall.

He arrived at the A block and showed his entry card to the guard, who stepped aside and let him in. Flash found room four and walked in, looking around to see it was a very plain looking room. It had cream walls with a small black couch and table where a pitcher of water sat besides a cup. At the far end was another door which he guessed lead to the main Duel Field.

Flash sat on the couch and pulled out his deck. The room was completely sound proof, so he couldn't hear what was happening in the first Duel so he instead just looked through his deck making sure he had it just the way he wanted. Then he remembered something and went into his jacket pocket, pulling the envelope he had received that morning. The three cards were still there and once he pulled them out he stared intensely at them, as if doing so would cause them to do something. But nothing happened and the three cards remained the same.

Suddenly the door on the far wall opened, and a man in the same uniform as the receptionist walked in. "Your Duel is set to begin in five minutes sir."

Flash nodded and collected his deck to put back in his Duel Disk. When his gaze hit the Fusion Cards he decided for the hell of it and placed them in his Extra Deck, while returning the colourless card to the envelope and into his pocket.

Flash walked out the door and the man directed him down the corridor where a bright light could be seen. Told to stand just before the opening he waited as the voice of Celestia could be heard.

Celestia: Wasn't that an amazing Duel. Well I hope you didn't use all your energy watching it, because we have another one starting right now. Let's welcome our Duellists to the field.

Flash took that as his cue and out onto the field. Said field was the size of a football field, with a glass floor surrounded with the audience's seat. As Flash stepped out he felt a little over whelmed hearing the cheers of the hundreds of Duel Fans, and as he looked around he felt a little uneasy especially since he couldn't see his friends anywhere.

But even though he couldn't see them his friends were all in the stands cheering for him.

"Yeah Flash" Scootaloo cheered.

"Knock them dead partner" Applejack said.

"You can do it" Twilight called.

As Flash reached the centre of the field where the Ref stood, he looked to his opponent who was walking from the other direction and his eyes went wide. It was the same guy he had run into earlier, with the same zit and bow tie combo.

"So your my opponent" he said, "it's no surprise you were incapable of getting the sixty percent win ratio" he said.

"What are you talking about?" Flash asked

"A mindless oath like yourself probably can't even read the worlds on his cards" the guy said.

"Mindless...oath" Flash couldn't believe the nerve of this guy.

"Oh of course" he said, "mindless means having little intellect why'll oath means-"

"I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS" Flash yelled out, "and I am not mindless or an oath."

"Typical" he said, "can give an insult but the second you hear one coming at you you turn violent."

"Who the heck are you?" Flash said.

"The names Gizmo Poindexter" the guy named Gizmo said.

Up in the stands Twilight grew nervous. "He couldn't be that Gizmo could he?"

"You know him?" Fluttershy asked.

"Not personally" Twilight replied, "but I have heard of him. Gizmo Poindexter was one of the beta testers of the ARC System, since it was his father who created it."

"That guys dad built the ARC System?" Rainbow called out in shock.

"Yes" Twilight replied, "meaning Gizmo has probably used every Duel Field in the system."

"What" Scootaloo said, "that's totally not fair. It's basically giving him a home field advantage."

"But Flash isn't at a complete disadvantage" Rarity said, "by the looks of him Gizmo isn't that physically fit. Flash will most likely be more agile, meaning he'll be able to get around better."

"So it's a battle between skill and intelligence" Twilight said.

Back on the field Flash and Gizmo were staring each other down.

"Against my superior brain you don't have a chance of beating me" Gizmo said, as he pushed his glasses back up his nose.

"Don't underestimate me" Flash replied.

"It's not an underestimation" Gizmo said, "it's simply a fact. How can you expect to defeat a Duellist who knows every nook and cranny of whatever Duel Field we play on."

"Even if what you say is true" Flash said, "it doesn't mean anything. The Duel hasn't even started yet."

"Then why don't I just prove it to you. A theoretical explanation will probably be to confusing for your tiny brain to understand."

Flash growled hearing this and placed his Duel Disk on his arm, while Gizmo did the same with a brown one.

Celestia: it looks like our Duellists are ready to play. And now I'll select a Duel Field.

Celestia held up a remote and pressed a button.

Suddenly the glass floor beneath Flash's feet began to shine as it projected the Duel Field, as a robotic female voice said. "AUGMENTED REALITY COMBAT SYSTEM ENERGISED."

In a blink Flash found himself standing in the middle of a street, surrounded by metallic buildings from some futuristic city.

Celestia: it's Techno City.

Flash let out a gasped of amazement as he looked around the field. He knocked on the building and just like Twilight said, it was as solid as a real building. Suddenly he heard laughter and turned to Gizmo.

"If I believed in luck I'd say it wasn't on your side, since this is my best field."

"It is?" Flash asked.

"Indeed" Gizmo said, "Techno City is based along the idea that the future belongs to the realm of science. As it improves so does the lives of humanity."

"I get enough science lectures at school" Flash said, "can we just get the Duel started?"

"Very well you simpleton" Gizmo replied activating his Duel Disk, as it formed a white blade.

Meanwhile in his office Cold Steel was watching the Duel on his TV.

The redheaded teen named Sunset sat in a corner. "So not only did you rig the computer to give this guy possibly the worst Duellist for him to compete against, but you also rigged the ARC System to give him the best field for his opponent?"

"Only through truly intense Duels will his skills improve at the rate we need" Cold said, "if he is unable to overcome this obstacle then he won't stand a chance in the battles that matter.

Celestia: It looks like our combatants are ready. Then in three.

Audience: TWO

Celestia: ONE


Flash: 4000
Gizmo: 4000

Above their heads an orb filled with cards appeared before exploding, scattering the cards.

"ACTION CARD DISPERSED" the voice said.

"Brains before brawn" Gizmo said as he drew, "and I summon MechanicalChaser in ATK mode" a spherical robot with several arms appeared. Each arm had a different weapon attached. (A1850/D800) "Next I play the Continuous Spell card Machina Armoured Unit and end my turn."

"Then it's my turn" Flash said drawing. Looking down at his hand he found he didn't have much to stand up to the machine, since the only monster he could summon was Magna Fox. His other cards were Twin Lazor Dragon and Flash Heart, which he couldn't summon unless....

"Got no choice" Flash said, "I use Flash Heart Dragon and Glow Craft Magna Fox to set the Pendulum Scale" the pillars of light appeared as the two monsters flew up.

Up in the booth Celestia was commentating.

Celestia: What's this? it looks like Flash can use that mysterious new Duelling Technique.

"With these two cards I can cut through space time and carve the arc of victory, to summon monsters those are levelled five and six." The portal formed above his head, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a stream of light flew out and hit the ground.

"Twin Lazor Dragon, energised." (A2100/D1500/L5)

The robotic dinosaur dragon let out a powerful roar as it prepared for battle.

"What's Flash doing?" Rainbow asked, "he just used his best card to summon a lesser monster."

"His hand must be really bad if he's using it like that" Twilight said.

"Here we go" Flash said, as with one great leap he jumped up onto the dragon's back. Just like the field Twin Lazor Dragon was as solid as a rock, "okay" he said getting comfortable. "I'll attack your MechanicalChaser with Twin Lazor Dragon" the blaster on the dragons left began to charge, and a few seconds later they fired hitting the robot and destroying it.

Flash: 4000
Gizmo: 3750

"When a machine monster is destroyed the effect of my Machina Armoured Unit activates, letting me summon a new machine from my deck." Gizmo's deck began to shuffle before it slotted out a new card, "I summon Technobot LV3" a new robot appeared behind Gizmo. It stood at about eight meters in height, with mostly red armour with white on the upper arms, legs, waist and head. In its chest was a cockpit with computers and a large leather seat. (A1200/D900/L3)

"Level?" Sweetie asked up in the stands.

"Yeah and three's the lowest" Twilight said, "if he plays this right then that robots going to get a whole lot bigger."

"Then Flash needs to destroy it before then" Rainbow said.

The Technobot kneeled down and held its hand down for Gizmo to step on, before it lifted him up as the canopy opened. Gizmo jumped in and detached his Duel Disk, before placing it on a computer that attached it to Technobot's systems as a pair of robot hands took his cards.

"What are you doing?" Flash asked.

The thrill of Action Duels" Gizmo said, sitting down. "You get to ride, or in my case, drive your monsters." He took hold of the controls and began commanding the robot.

"Don't get to comfortable" Flash said, "at only twelve hundred ATK points that monster won't stand a chance against Twin Lazor Dragon. As his name suggests he's allowed to attack twice in a turn, fire again." The dragon's right blaster began charging.

Gizmo smiled and using the controls he turned the robot around as it began running down the street.

"Hey where you going?" Flash asked as Twin Lazor chased after them.

"That dork's running away" Scootaloo said.

"No he's not" Twilight said.

The Technobot kept running until it reached a building that looked like it was still being constructed, and with one great punch it caused it to collapse.

"What was the point in that?" Flash asked as his dragon stopped, "fire now" the dragons blaster went off. The shot hit the robot causing an explosion. "All right" Flash cheered, but he stopped cheering when the smoke cleared and the robot was still there. "But how?"

"I activated the Action Spell Evasion" Gizmo said from with in the cockpit. "It allowed my Technobot to evade your attack."

"But where did you get it?" Flash asked.

"My Technobot retrieved it for me" Gizmo said as the robot held up its hand, showing a hole in the palm. "My Technobot's arms have vacuum tubes, which let it suck up any Action Spell it comes across. Those vacuum tubes led straight to this cockpit, meaning I don't have to lift a muscle to get the cards I need."

"This is bad" Twilight said, "Flash had the physical advantage but with that robot Gizmo has taken that away."

Celestia: What a turn around. Now that his monster is out of attacks, what will Flash do now?

"I place one card face down and end my turn" Flash said.

"It's my turn" Gizmo said as one of the robot hands drew a card. "It's time of technology to advance" he said as his robot began to glow.

"What's going on?" Flash asked.

"Progress" Gizmo replied, "my Technobot is getting an tune up" the robot was consumed by the light. "When inventing a device it's almost impossible to get it right the first time, so multiple versions are designed and upgraded." The light faded and a new monster was being shown, "the prototype is rebuilt and improved upon." The monster was a newer version of Technobot, with a darker red paint job. It was four or five meters taller then the previous form and had stronger looking armour, complete with large shoulders. "To become Technobot LV5!" (A2400/D1700/L4)

"Oh man" Flash said looking up at the upgraded robot.

"I activate Technobot LV5's ability" Gizmo said. "By discarding a card I can now destroy one monster on the field with equal to or less attack points"

"What?" Flash asked.

"I'll get rid of Machine King to destroy your dragon" Gizmo discarded and as did so, the robot's shoulders opened and a pair of lazor cannons folded out. They let loss a mighty ray of light which struck Twin Lazor Dragon destroying it.

Flash cried out as he was sent flying off his monster.

Celestia: I'm sure Flash wasn't expecting that. Now he's wide open and defenceless

"And that was just his ability" Gizmo said, "I still have his attack to hit you with" Technobot raised its fist.

"If this hits it'll take a serious chunk out of Flash's life points" Sweetie said.

"I can't watch" Fluttershy said as she and the others covered their eyes as the robot threw its punch. Seconds passed but none of them heard Flash yell out, like he should have considering he had just take a lot of damage.

Slowly opening their eyes they looked out and their eyes went wide.

Technobot's fist was inches away from Flash, but it couldn't get any closer as its wrist was being held by Flash Heart Dragon.

"What is this?" Gizmo said as Flash Heart pushed him away and stood between him and the Duellist.

"Guess you didn't know" Flash said, "that when Flash Heart is in the Pendulum Zone and I'm targeted for a direct attack he can jump out and summon himself." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"He can?" the girls asked.

"Sure I can't use his special ability when he's summoned like this" Flash continued, "but considering he just saved my hide I think it's a good trade off." He looked up and threw a thumbs up at Flash Heart who did the same, before kneeling down and picking him up to place on his shoulder.

Celestia: That sure was a close one ladies and gentlemen. These Pendulum Monsters seem to go above and beyond what the rumours say about them.

"Now Flash has his best card out" Scootaloo cheered.

"But the problem isn't as good as it looks" Twilight said. "If Gizmo can somehow destroy Flash Heart, then Flash won't be able to resummon him like he usually does."

"Magna Fox's Pendulum Scale is the same as Flash Heart's level" Rarity said, catching on.

"Then we better hope Flash can end this soon" Applejack said.

"Your only delaying the inevitable" Gizmo said.

"Hardly" Flash replied, "because with my dragon on the field you can't attack me so you'll have to end your turn."

Gizmo growled but did so.

"It's my turn" Flash said drawing, "I summon Magna Fighter Lucidum in ATK mode" the steampunk knight appeared, spinning his circular blades. (A1000/D1000/L3/P2) "Now Flash Heart will attack your Technobot LV5" he held on as his dragon's boosters lite propelling them forwards, before he sucker punched the giant robot destroying it.

Flash: 4000
Gizmo: 3650

Gizmo went flying as monster disintegrated around him.

"Now Lucidum attacks" Flash ordered as his knight ran towards the glasses wearing Duellist.

Gizmo grabbed his Duel Disk and started running, with the monster behind him. Flash knew he was running to find an Action Card but hoped his knight would hit him before he could find one. That hope was quickly dashed when Gizmo did a ninety degree turn and ran towards a lamppost, where a card was waiting.

"Hurry Lucidum" Flash said. His knight leaped at his target but in that second Gizmo managed to grab the card and slotted it into his Duel Disk.

"I activate the Action Spell, Trap Blueprints. Now I can take a Trap card from my deck and activate it, so I chose Defence Draw" Lucidum struck him with his attack but Gizmo took no damage. "Now I get to draw one card" he said doing so.

"I end my turn" Flash said.

"My draw" Gizmo said. He looked at his card and smiled at what he saw, "I activate the Spell Monster Reborn. Now I can revive one of my monsters" light surrounded him as his monster returned from the grave. The light faded and Technobot LV5 was back, with Gizmo sitting inside the cockpit. "And now it's time for the Advance of Technology to continue" he said "as I activate LV Up" he placed a Spell into his Duel Disk. "Now watch as the Beta Version's final bugs are removed" the robot was surrounded by light, "and my Technobot reaches his ultimate form." The light faded and the new Technobot towered of Flash and his monsters. His paint was now blood red, with yellow trim and grey for its upper arms and legs, head and waist. His armour was bulkier with many weapons hidden with in. His height was somewhere around eighteen to twenty meters.

"No way" was all Flash as he saw the robotic behemoth.

"How do you like me now" Gizmo said, "you don't stand a chance now that I have my Technobot...LV7." (A2800/D1000/L7)

Flash was inclined to agree. He didn't think he had a card in his deck that could save him now.

Author's Note:

What is it with me having Flash face giant robots?

Now we have LV Monsters, which after Pendulums are my favourite type of monster.

Gizmo is that pony seen in Putting your Hoof Down and some of the comics. Tell me what you think of his deck

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