• Published 3rd Jul 2012
  • 15,250 Views, 747 Comments

Of Age - paleowriter

Rarity is on a mission to learn more about dragons, stop a war, and discover her true feelings.

  • ...

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

"Oh my gosh!" Pinkie gasped, throwing her hooves up to her cheeks.

"Whoa, Spike! I mean…whoa!" Rainbow Dash said.

Spike barely heard them, or the others, as they chattered amongst themselves. Part of his brain registered Twilight putting a hoof on his shoulder. Everypony was talking at once—to each other, to him, to Princess Luna—but Spike didn't especially care to listen to what any of them had to say.

"I'll do it," Spike said.

"And then after that, we'll need to throw a Holy-Moly-Spike's-An-Antique party, and after that we'll need to organize a search party to find all his two-thousand year-old brothers and sisters, and after that—" Pinkie stopped talking when Twilight shoved her hoof in the pink pony's mouth.

"Hold up, what?" Twilight spun at Spike. "You'll do what?!"

"I'll go trade myself for Rarity," Spike said. "The dragons don't want her. They want me."

The purple unicorn gaped at him. A passing cloud over the moon covered her face in a temporary shadow. "No. No way, Spike," she said, shaking her head. "Not going to happen."

"But what about Rarity?" Sweetie Belle asked. Her voice sounded weak, and Fluttershy gently covered her with one wing as a sea breeze blew in. "We can't just leave her!" the filly exclaimed, looking up at Fluttershy, who hugged her a bit tighter.

"Rarity can handle herself for now. If there's anythin' I've learned through the years, it's not to underestimate that gal," Applejack said. The cloud passed, and the moonlight beamed down on them all once again. "Besides, we don't even know exactly why they want little Spike."

Fluttershy shivered. "It could be for something…dangerous," she said.

"Wait, if it's dangerous for Spike, it's dangerous for Rarity! At least he'll have the whole 'being a dragon' thing going for him. What's Rarity got to keep her safe?" Rainbow Dash snorted.

"I'm not letting Spike walk into a trap," Twilight said, stepping in front of Spike protectively.

"Don't I get to make that choice for myself?" Spike fumed.

"Maybe we could make a fake egg and give them that instead!" Pinkie suggested brightly. "Oh, oh, let's give it purple spots!"

"That's the stupidest thing I've heard in a long while, Pinkie," Rainbow Dash said.

"No, this is the stupidest thing you've heard in a long while: blllblllblllbllbllllergh!" Pinkie stuck her tongue out at the pegasus.

"Quiet, all of you!" Princess Luna stamped her hoof.

Everypony settled down quickly, looking up at the alicorn.

"Now, listen," she commanded, glaring at each of them. Spike shrunk back. "There's a lot to explain, and even more to do. Arguing will not assist in any of this."

Twilight hung her head. "I'm sorry, Princess."

"Oh, me too," Fluttershy said. "I didn't realize we were arguing."

"Well, we weren't exactly playin' nice," Applejack admitted. "Ah think we're all just a little high-strung because of the general situation."

Spike crossed his arms. High-strung, huh? The only reason Rarity was in danger was because of him. He was pretty sure that gave him the right to be as high-strung as necessary. Nopony's going to keep me from rescuing her. Not even Princess Luna. I'm a dragon. Apparently my egg was laid over two thousand years ago! I should be in charge of me. And if I want to save Rarity, then that's what I'll do.


Princess Luna's gaze lingered on Spike, as if she knew his thoughts and was daring him to take off without hearing her out. But as much as he wanted to, the sensible part of him did realize that whatever she had to say probably was important. Rarity would need to wait just a little longer.

"First: I must explain what happened a millennium ago. It might enlighten us as to why the dragons are looking for these eggs today," Princess Luna began.

Spike plopped down in the sand, listening intently.

"I bought Spike's egg over a thousand years ago, before my…transformation. I needed assistance to change who I was," she explained, looking more than a little uncomfortable discussing the subject. "Dragons kept in their eggs gain a remarkable power—they are able to rapidly change to match the age of their egg, given the right incentive. I sought to harness this power. I wanted to change myself, but even with my level of magic, I could not change the core of my being without aid."

And then, with that one brief explanation, everything made sense. A chill went straight through Spike. Dragons change to match the age of their egg? Does that mean…I'm supposed to actually be as big and mean as I was on my birthday? His eyes flew wide. No! No way, that's not me! That can't be me!

"By using Spike's egg, I was able to complete my transformation," Princess Luna continued. "At that time, his transforming power was great, but that was over a thousand years ago. He has had much more time to collect this power within him and grow it to even higher levels than what he had that fateful day all those years ago. And it is that power that the dragons want."

"But…dragons don't have magic," Twilight said, trying to understand. "They couldn't use Spike for any sort of transformation."

"They couldn't use him to transform any of them, true," Princess Luna said. "But they could have him transform himself."

Spike blanched. No. No. I can't. I…

"Oh, I get it!" Pinkie said. She poked Spike in the side. "Like that time you turned into a giant rampaging monster and destroyed Ponyville! That's what the dragons want!"

"That, from what I understand, was only the beginning of what your dragon friend was capable of," Princess Luna said.

"Okay, enough!" Spike said, twirling to face the whole group with false bravado. Everything in him shook, from his stomach to his scales. "Who…who cares why the dragons want me? The point is, they'll let Rarity go if I go see them."

"But Spike…what if they just make you turn into a huge beast again?" Twilight asked.

"What if they do?" Spike retorted. "For Rarity, I'll—I'll…" The shaking overtook him, and he curled into a ball on the beach, wrapping his arms around his knees.

No. He didn't want to ever go back to being that horrible monster. That wasn't who he was. But if it means saving Rarity…

"Princess, could you maybe go back to the part about gargoyles invading Equestria?" Rainbow Dash asked. Spike was extremely thankful for the subject change, and it seemed Princess Luna was as well. Talking about her transformation into Nightmare Moon had taken its toll on her carefully masked emotions.

"Yes," Princess Luna said, almost with too much enthusiasm for such a dark topic. "In fact, that is the primary reason I am here. My sister and I have analyzed the gargoyle threat to Equestria, and believe that it is twofold: first, they're after our resources. Specifically, our mountainous resources. Gargoyles absorb rock for power, and can produce it right back out again as weapons. Equestria is ripe for the picking, so to speak, in that regard."

So Fluttershy was right about the gargoyles' affinity for rocks, Spike thought to himself, glancing over at the pegasus. She was only half-listening, as she attended to the wounds of the moustached sea serpent who was still out cold. Sweetie Belle had been placed in the care of her two young friends, who each sat on either side of her, keeping her warm as the night grew more and more chilly.

"Second," Princess Luna continued, "The gargoyles pose a more immediate threat. They have attacked several villages already, looking for…food."

"Oh no!" Pinkie exclaimed. She grabbed Applejack by the shoulders. "Applejack, we have to protect Sweet Apple Acres!"

Applejack sighed. "Ah don't think that's what the princess was implyin', Sugarcube."

"Huh? Then what…?" Pinkie blinked.

Twilight grimaced. Spike swallowed, rubbing at his neck. He was pretty sure he knew what Princess Luna had meant, but he didn't want to be the one to break it to Pinkie.

"We've got to stop them," Rainbow Dash declared, before that topic could go any further. "We can use the Elements of Harmony again!"

Princess Luna shook her head. "There is no one villain in this. The Elements can defeat evil, but only if it's concentrated in a particular area. This threat is widespread, and requires different tactics."

"Then what can we do?" Twilight asked. She sounded just about as desperate as Spike felt.

"I need to borrow two of your friends to return with me to Equestria, Twilight Sparkle," Princess Luna said. "And then you must go to meet with the sea serpents. We must enlist their aid, and the dragons' aid as well."

"Two of my friends?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. Rainbow Dash, you're the one who can do the Sonic Rainboom, correct?" Princess Luna asked.

"You bet I can!" Rainbow Dash puffed out her chest proudly.

"Perfect. We're going to combine that with Shining Armor's shield spell and use it to blast the gargoyles out of Equestria, town by town."

"Awwww, yeah!"

"And Pinkamena Pie?" Princess Luna asked.

"Present!" Pinkie jumped into the air, waving one hoof.

"Pinkie?" Twilight blinked. "You need Pinkie?"

Princess Luna's mouth twitched back, as if she doubted her own choice now that she was confronted with the cotton-candy-colored pony. "Yes," she eventually said, using her magic to levitate the bouncing Pinkie back onto the sand. "From what I understand, she has a particular expertise that may prove invaluable in determining where the gargoyles will strike next. You grew up on a rock farm, correct?" she asked Pinkie.

"Sure did!" Pinkie replied, saluting. "I'm at your command, Princess-Ma'am!"

Princess Luna took a deep breath. "Yes. Well. Thank you. I will take the two of you back to Canterlot."

"You're splitting us up?" Twilight clarified, taking a tentative step forward.

"In war, one must often make difficult decisions," Princess Luna said. "You will see your friends again, Twilight Sparkle. For now, you and the others must proceed to the sea serpents meeting isles. There, you must gain an audience with the dragons to discuss this war and how to deal with the gargoyles beyond Equestrian borders."

And turn myself in, so that Rarity can be free. Spike's claws pinched the insides of his fists. I'm coming, Rarity. I promise.

"What about the girls, here?" Applejack asked, gesturing to the fillies. "We can't take them with us to meet with sea serpents and dragons and plan attacks on gargoyles. You see what happened to Sweetie Belle!"

"Hey, wait a second!" Scootaloo objected. "We can totally help with battle planning!"

"Yeah, come on! We chased off the gargoyles before!" Apple Bloom said. "Cutie Mark Crusaders: Warriors!"

"Yeah!" Scootaloo high-hoofed Apple Bloom, and they both turned expectantly to Sweetie Belle.

But Sweetie Belle didn't offer them a high-hoof. Instead, she looked at them both sadly. "No, guys. I don't think so."

"What?!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"Listen, I know we all want to help," Sweetie Belle said quickly. "But you two weren't in the last battle. And that one only had a handful of dragons and sea serpents in it. I can't imagine what a battle with even more giant reptiles would be like. It's no place for us."

"But we could get our cutie marks in fighting!"

"And you could save your sister!"

"Spike's already going to do that," Sweetie Belle said.

Spike's heart nearly broke at Sweetie Belle's simple declaration of trust.

"And I don't want my cutie mark in fighting," the filly continued. "I don't think either of you understand. This…this just isn't something we should get involved in. Besides, somepony's got to make sure Stef'an gets healed up okay."

"But Fluttershy's already doing that!" Scootaloo said, gesturing to the yellow pegasus by the sea serpent's side.

"Speaking of," Twilight said. "As long as we're dealing out responsibilities, Fluttershy, I think I have a very important job for you."

"Oh dear," Fluttershy said, ducking behind the sea serpent's bulk. "Wh-what do you want me to do in this…w-war?"

"We can't just leave these fillies by themselves," Twilight said. "Why don't you stay here and keep an eye on them?"

Fluttershy, who had been wincing in anticipation of her assignment, opened her eyes suddenly. "Oh! Oh yes, I can do that!"

"Perfect," Princess Luna said. "And Applejack, that leaves you to accompany Twilight Sparkle. She will need your help on the eventual battlefront."

"Me, your Highness?" Applejack asked, her eyes wide. "You want me to help with a battlefront? Ah thought we were just meetin' with sea serpents and such. Plannin' things and the like."

"I'm afraid we'll all be in battle soon enough," Princess Luna replied. "And having a strong, level-headed pony like you at the frontlines might be crucial."

"I can't think of anypony I'd rather have by my side in such a situation," Twilight said, smiling at the Earth pony.

If Spike had any emotion left to spare, he'd be twisted up in jealousy. However, he noticed that nopony had mentioned his role in all this for quite some time. "Hey, uh…Twilight? Can we talk for a moment?"

"Sure, Spike," Twilight said, turning away from a now-determined-looking Applejack. "What is it?"

He pulled the unicorn aside, dragging her up the beach a ways. "Listen," he said, once they were out of earshot of everypony else. "I know you don't like this, and to be completely honest, I don't either. But if I offer myself up to the dragons, Rarity goes free."


"No, listen! I know that they're probably going to try to make me into a huge monster again. But maybe I'm supposed to be! Maybe that'll save everypony from the gargoyles! Maybe, I just need to—"

"Sacrifice who you are?" Twilight asked. "What good could possibly come from turning you back into that greedy thief, Spike? That's not you!"

Spike balled up his hands. "That's where you're wrong, Twilight. That is me. Somewhere, deep down. That's who I am. And if I can save Rarity…if I can help save everypony…I need to try."

Twilight was silent, looking out over the dark ocean.

"I'm over two-thousand years-old, Twilight. I think I'm old enough to make my own decisions," Spike said, narrowing his eyes.

"Oh, Spike, you're not two-thousand years-old," Twilight sighed, shaking her head. "Your egg was hatched this century. I know, because I was sort of there, remember? It doesn't matter how long you were in that egg, you weren't born until I magicked you out of it! So that means I'm older than you—"

"But that doesn't mean you get to tell me what to do!" Spike said, not giving up so easily. "I mean, you know, besides sweeping the library and stuff."

Twilight went back to silence again.

"Twilight, Rarity's in real danger," Spike pleaded. "And I'm the only one here who has a way to save her. Please, Twilight…"

"Spike," Twilight said slowly, shutting her eyes. "If I don't tell you what to do, why does it sound like you're trying to ask my permission for this?"

"Because I…" Spike trailed off, closing his mouth. Oh. He leaned forward, and gave Twilight a hug. "I love you, Twilight."

"I love you too, Spike," Twilight said, wrapping a hoof around him.

They sat like that for a long time, with the stars twinkling overhead.

"And then he told me that he was out late because of gargoyle target practice!" Moxie huffed. "But I know he was just harassing sea serpents again. It's one of his favorite pastimes."

"He's got some nerve," Rarity said. It was dark out now, with just a few torches lit around her cave-prison. They'd been talking for a while…or rather, Moxie had been talking for a while, and Rarity had been cycling through a small variety of generic replies.

Meanwhile, her full attention was on slowly, magically shifting a boulder near the far side of her cell. Minutely, smidge by smidge, Rarity was pushing the rock in-between two bars, delicately widening the gap. She had to be quiet about it, because she'd already underestimated her guard's superb hearing before. Rarity was not the type to make the same mistake more than once, nor was she the type to put all her creativity into one design. If she didn't end up winning Moxie over, escaping through her own jail bars would work quite nicely as an alternative.

A gentle night breeze floated through the cave entrance, pushing Rarity's mane just enough that it tickled her head wound, sending a rather sickening sensation through the unicorn.

"Our egg is just weeks away from hatching," the dragon continued, missing Rarity's grimace of discomfort. "You'd think he'd want to be around more often!"

Rarity steadied her breath, resisting the shudder that tried to go through her body. "I don't even know why you stay with him, frankly, dear," she said, budging the boulder another eensy bit.

"Not stay with him?" Moxie seemed genuinely startled by the suggestion. "But he's my mate. Why wouldn't I stay with him?"

Rarity quickly abandoned her magic as Moxie's eyes fell on her. "He doesn't seem like much of a mate if he won't even spend time with you," she said in a rush, hoping that Moxie hadn't noticed the glow of her horn moments earlier. "I mean, really."

"But…he's my mate. We're bonded," Moxie said, gazing down at her from the mouth of the cave. Her huge, scaly brow drew together, perplexed. "Do ponies not mate for life?"

"Well, ideally we would," Rarity said. She shuffled her body a bit, hoping to keep the dragon's eyes on her and not on the back of her cell where the rock remained lodged partway between the bars. "But realistically, that doesn't always happen."


"Love is a fickle thing, dear," Rarity said. She felt like she was talking to a child and winced as Moxie's expression crumbled before her. "Sometimes it doesn't work out in the long run…oh, but don't worry! I'm sure you and your mate can sort out your differences!"

Great, Rarity, now you've gone and made the poor dear cry!

Moxie wrapped her huge dragon arms around herself. "We have to…we have to! I love him, we're bonded! He's my life-mate!"

Look what you've done, Rarity, she mentally berated herself. Fix this! Think: what would Fluttershy do? Rarity reached a hoof through the bars to pat Moxie on the side. "Oh, don't cry, darling! It'll all be fine; don't worry your pretty head about it. Everything will work out."

Moxie wiped at her eyes. "You think so?"

"Why, of course!" Rarity exclaimed. "You love each other, and that will get you through anything!"

Moxie nodded, sniffling loudly. "You know what? You're right. You're absolutely right. I had no idea ponies could be so wise! For such short-lived creatures, you sure have some brains in those tiny heads of yours."

"Er…thanks," Rarity said, deciding to take that as a compliment.

"My mate and I have some issues to work through, but we can handle it." The dragon sighed contentedly. Smoke tendrils trailed from her nostrils after she closed her mouth. "Wow, I haven't felt this calm in ages! You're a really good listener, you know that?"

"So I've been told," Rarity said, really just wishing she could get back to working on the other part of her escape plan. But Moxie's eyes were casually surveying the cave, and Rarity knew she had to keep her focused and talking. "So…an egg! That must be so exciting for you. Is this your first?"

"Yes, it is," Moxie replied. To Rarity's relief, she went back to looking out the cave entrance. "Everyone keeps saying that as soon as it hatches, time is going to fly by, but for now I just can't wait until my sweet baby comes out! I feel like it's taking forever. Do you have any ponylings of your own?"

"Me? Children? Oh no, no, no," Rarity said quickly, as she resumed budging the boulder. "I'm not…ah…quite ready for that stage of life."

"Ah," Moxie said. "No life-mate. I see. Probably for the best seeing as you're locked up here."

No life-mate yet? Rarity bristled. Well, that's quite the assumption! But then Rarity paused her magic for a moment. A thought struck her. A thought that, by all rights, shouldn't even have entered her mind in her current predicament. But…

This could be your chance, Rarity! You actually have a real, definitively adult dragon with you. You could ask her about…

But then Rarity's face fell. How could she go about any of this without revealing Spike's existence?

Rarity pursed her lips together, abandoning her escape attempt for the time being. This would take her full concentration. She tucked her mane back a ways, keeping it from brushing up against her head wound again, as she thought up how to begin. She mentally went through everything they'd been discussing so far until…Ah-hah! There's an idea. Lead with that.

"Dear, you said that time will fly once your egg has hatched," Rarity began casually. "With dragons living for such a long time, I imagine it must actually take years for young dragons to get to your size."

"Oh yes. My baby won't even surpass you in size until he or she is at least three years old," Moxie said.

The unicorn's eyes flew open wide. "Wait—baby dragons are as big as ponies by their third birthday?" Rarity asked, making sure she'd heard correctly.

"Perhaps fourth, but yes," Moxie said. "Around that age. Really, every dragon is different. Some grow much faster than others."

"Well…to be my size by four years-old is actually growing quite quickly, by pony standards," Rarity said. And by Spike standards…

"Oh really? Well, that's still plenty small to get crushed…or worse." Moxie shuddered. "Us dragons aren't always the most careful of species, I suppose."

Rarity laid out the facts in her mind, as she would pieces of fabric on her work table. So Spike was laid in his egg over two thousand years ago. And he's far, far smaller than he should be for his current age, even subtracting two thousand years. Dragons grow fast so they don't get hurt by older dragons. Except Spike, for some reason. Perhaps that's why they want him and his fellow eggs? Though, a tiny dragon against a horde of gargoyles doesn't make much sense…

Regardless…all this drastically calls into question Spike's status of "baby" dragon. Something special is definitely going on with him. "Kid", indeed! Take that, Applejack!

Something akin to giddiness fluttered up inside Rarity, which was absurdly out of place as she sat in her dark prison cell, dealing with a bloody head wound and a giant, fire-breathing guard.

"Ahem, so," Rarity continued, delving deeper. "I'm afraid I'm just a tad bit unfamiliar with dragon life, as is probably evident to you by now. Just how fast do dragons grow up?"

"Grow up?" Moxie looked puzzled again. "Grow up to what?"

"Uh…you know," Rarity said, waving one hoof. "Grow up. Become an adult dragon. Stop getting bigger. That whole…er…thing."

Moxie tilted her massive head to one side. "I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. Dragons continue to grow for their entire lives. There isn't a stopping point."

Rarity bit her lower lip and looked away. As interesting as that fact was, it didn't answer her real question. Maybe she should be a bit more blunt. "Well…in pony society, at least, one completes growing and then is usually deemed old enough to, as you might say, take a mate. Is there such a marker in your culture?"

Moxie shrugged. "A dragon can take a mate whenever they find their life-mate."

"Even if they're still young?" Rarity gasped.

Moxie looked at her a little funny. "Well, a dragon won't claim a life-mate until they're old enough."

"But that's what I'm asking…what is 'old enough'?"

"When a dragon finds their life-mate," Moxie said.

Rarity resisted the urge to bang her head against one of her jail bars. Did all dragons use such circular logic?

"You ponies are an odd sort," Moxie observed.

Rarity groaned, sinking a bit where she sat. But despite her frustration, a tiny glimmer of hope had been kindled deep inside her. A glimmer she didn't want to fully acknowledge, because along with it came another emotion she wasn't sure she was ready to face…

So…dragons are old enough to claim a…er… "life-mate" whenever they find theirs. And when they do, they mate for life.

Rarity shifted in place, attempting to sort through the implications of this new information.

If Spike had truly fallen for her, he was, by dragon terms, old enough to become romantically involved. No matter his age in years, apparently. Though with the knowledge that his egg was laid over two millennia ago, Rarity wasn't even sure what age to put him at anymore, anyway.

If Spike had truly fallen for her, he would stay by her side for life. For life.

If Spike had truly fallen for her.

Rarity had no idea her stomach could flip so many times in a row. Behind all the emotions roiling inside her, the new, terrifying one surfaced front and center.


But if not…Spike might fall for somepony else. And be bonded to them forever. Somepony other than me!

The emotion, Rarity realized with growing alarm, was fear. Her brain spun, trying to process this. It was like she'd been knocked upside the head by Rojo all over again.

She was petrified at the prospect of Spike being devoted to her—and her alone—forever. However, even more than that, Rarity, the smart, classy, independent fashionista of Ponyville, was afraid to lose the affections of one tiny, scale-covered library assistant to anypony else.

Oh dear.

Rarity was in trouble. And not just because she was locked in a dragon prison cell.

"So this is it then, is it?" Applejack took her hat off, standing near Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash flew overhead of the pair. "You two be safe now, y'hear?"

"You betcha!" Pinkie Pie giggled.

"Yeah, don't worry, we'll be fine," Rainbow Dash said, waving one hoof dismissively as she fluttered in place. But after a moment's pause, she rubbed the back of her head, looking away. "But uh…yeah, you be careful, too, AJ."

Spike stifled a yawn. It was really, really late. His tiny dragon body demanded sleep, but he wouldn't give in.

"Spike?" Scootaloo asked, walking his way from up the beach.

"Yeah?" he turned to face her and the other two fillies. Apple Bloom supported Sweetie Belle's body as they walked. Meanwhile, Twilight and Princess Luna magicked the golden raft they'd found by the sea serpent into the water, casting some spell together to make it float on its own.

"Just wanted to say good luck," Apple Bloom said. "Y'know. With everythin'."

"She means not just the war stuff. She means the figuring out who you are stuff, too," Scootaloo said.

"He knew what ah meant!" Apple Bloom stamped her hoof.

Spike smiled. "Thanks, guys," he said. "Really."

"Spike?" Sweetie Belle said. Her voice sounded exhausted, and Spike wasn't entirely sure she should be moving around at all. But Fluttershy was still distracted trying to get the sea serpent to wake up, so that must've been how the other Crusaders got their friend all the way up the beach without getting stopped.

"What is it?" Spike replied.

"Rarity's not going to be very happy if you get hurt for her sake," Sweetie Belle said. Apple Bloom leaned up against her even more, so the filly could remain upright. "So don't do anything too dangerous, okay?"

Like giving myself over to the dragons so they can use me as a weapon in a war against gargoyles? "Uh…yeah. Sure," Spike said. "I'll try."

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom exchanged looks, and Spike knew he wasn't fooling anypony.

"Ready, Spike?" Twilight called from the ocean's edge.

"Look after her?" Spike asked to the two uninjured fillies. Sweetie Belle drooped where she stood.

They nodded.


"Coming!" Spike called back to Twilight, looking one last time at Sweetie Belle. Rarity was going to be devastated to learn what had happened to her sister. But nothing more he could do about that now.

As he walked up the beach to meet Twilight, Princess Luna stepped in front of him.

"Spike," she said. "A word of caution."

"Yes, uh, Princess?" Spike replied, stopping. His toes curled in the cool sand, and he wished he still had his blanket. He'd somehow lost it in the gargoyle fight.

"Transforming is a dangerous business," she said, gazing down at him. "It's easy to lose control and let the…other you take over."

"Believe me, I know," Spike huffed. Like I need to be reminded of that.

"So it is wise to avoid it if possible," the princess said.

"And if it's not possible?"

"Then find a way to come back," Princess Luna said. With that, she turned and walked away.

Spike stared after her. You say that like it's just that easy. He narrowed his eyes. Oh well. The cards were dealt, and he had to deal with what he had.

Twilight and Applejack waited for him on the golden raft. Spike had to wade through the lapping ocean waves along the shoreline to get to them. He climbed aboard upon reaching them, shivering. The water certainly hadn't helped him feel any warmer. Blanket, I miss you…

Twilight magically pushed them away from the shore, swelling the water underneath them to assist in their travel. Princess Luna's horn glowed exceptionally bright, and Spike wondered if she was casting them some sort of final good luck spell, until he realized she was using her power instead to assist Fluttershy in waking the sea serpent.

As the huge serpent moaned, the princess turned to face their raft. "Best of luck, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Spike!" she called, her royal voice easily projecting over the ocean.

"Send us a postcard from Sea Serpentia!" Pinkie Pie said, waving.

"Uh…sure, Pinkie!" Twilight called back.

"Good luck with protectin' Equestria and all!" Applejack said.

"Oh, please be careful!" Fluttershy called out. "And tell me everything about the sea serpents when you return! That is, if it isn't too much trouble..."

"Will do, Sugarcube!" Applejack said, waving her hat.

Rainbow Dash gave them a parting salute, and the fillies all waved enthusiastically.

Spike squatted, sitting down on the raft and wrapping his arms around his knees. Everypony was putting on a brave face. It was admirable, really. But it did make him feel pretty lame for barely holding back from hyperventilating at what was to come. As they pulled farther and farther away from the shore, Spike gripped his knees tighter. He'd made his choice. There wasn't any turning back now.

I'm coming, Rarity. Anything, for you.