• Published 28th Dec 2016
  • 7,854 Views, 737 Comments

Welcome to Batstralia - Damaged

A mare and her foal. A human family. A buck-load of magic. They are all coming to a sleepy little town.

  • ...

Banana Bonanza

Language check. Anything wrapped in < > in this chapter is spoken Equish, everything else is in English.

"It's not fair! Why does Mike and Misty get to go?" Robin uncrossed and recrossed her arms, frowning for all she was worth.

"Because Mike is almost an adult now, and needs a little time with his friends." Joyce sipped her morning coffee, putting together her plans for the day. "Why don't you do the same? I am sure Kelly a—"

"Kelly is busy with her cousins." Climbing up on a chair at the table, Robin reached for the cup of juice that was sitting on the table. "And Ball is back in Equestria."

"You could help take care of Tufts." Joyce picked up a piece of toast and bit the corner off of it. A moment after she said his name, Tufts gave a little screech of curiosity. "How that bat learned his name so fast is beyond me. Even dogs don't take to a name so quickly."

"He just likes it here." Robin reached over, having to climb a leg up on the table to reach Joyce's toast and pulled a half-slice back across. She gave her mother a victory grin at having stolen some breakfast.

"You can come to the cricket with me, or I think Candela might be staying at home." Joyce got up and walked to the big cage in the kitchen, and lifted the cloth draped over it to peek inside. "You should be asleep."

Tufts looked out of his cage at Joyce, and gave a little cry at her. Using his legs and wing-claws, he made his way to the bright spot in his big cage, and gave another small screech.

"He's hungry. I just give him a banana when he yells like that." Robin munched on her toast more.

"Wait. How many bananas have you fed him?" Joyce dropped the corner of cloth and marched to the refrigerator. "Robin, there was a dozen bananas in here at the start of the week!" She looked at the two lonely pieces of fruit left. "You fed him all of them?"

"No." The word dragged out longer than the truth ever should, leaving Robin trying to hide behind her toast. "I ate half…"

Joyce was still a little upset that Robin had fed half their bananas to Tufts, but couldn't really fault her daughter for eating them as well. "Okay… just check if he has food already next time, okay? I'm sure he will work out that if he screeches, he gets a banana." Predictably, Tufts screeched. "Like that."

Robin giggled. "He looked really hungry." It was obvious she was off the hook, but lines in the sand weren't pushed by being timid. "Can I keep having the bananas?"

"Of course you can, dear." Joyce returned to the table to finish off her last piece of toast. "So did you want to come to the game?" She took a bite from the cooled toast, savoring the black topping.

"It's here this week?" Robin got up from the table and walked across to the bench.

Seeing what her daughter was about, Joyce walked over and lifted her up. "Yup, home game." When Robin put two slices of bread in the toaster, Joyce gasped. "Two? You greedy guts!" She nibbled Robin's ear to emphasize her point.

"I'll take one of those." Candela walked into the kitchen, her head spinning at the sound of a screech from the cage Tufts was in. "Oh hold on…" She walked to the fridge and fetched a banana, then froze. "What?"

Joyce and Robin were both giggling. "See mum!" Robin pointed a finger at Candela as the mare stared, startled, back. "It wasn't all me!"

"He has you all well trained, it seems." When the toaster popped, she grabbed the lightly browned toast and pulled it out. "What would you like on yours, Candela?"

"Fruit spread!" Candela was quick to cut in. "I can't stand that other stuff. It is beyond disgusting." She put the penultimate banana back in the fridge and glared at Tufts' cage for a moment.

"You really should give Vegemite a try, it is an acquired taste, and if you don't keep eating it you will never acquire it." Joyce buttered the toast and speared a light covering of Vegemite on one, and (cleaning the knife off) apricot jam on the other.

Candela snorted. "If I wanted to acquire a taste for something that is almost literally worse tasting than dirt, I would just eat dirt." She poked her tongue out as Robin started in on half the Vegemite-covered toast.

Setting Robin down on the girl's own feet, Joyce made her way over to where her first-aid kit was. "Are you spending the day here, Candela, or are you coming to the cricket with me?" The kit had been checked again and again, but Joyce didn't like taking chances where they could be avoided. As a last thought, she slipped in the invoices she had gotten for the medical supplies.

"You know I wouldn't miss a game if I could help it." Candela held a slice of toast carefully on one feather, curling it around to munch on it. "Who are we playing today?"

"Toongabbie, the town just down the road." Joyce found her lollipop supply intact after the last pilfering had happened. "From what I heard it shouldn't be a tough game for us, and… and…" She looked up at Candela in horror.

"What's wrong?" Candela's wings ruffled, ready to extend, she stared at her friend.

"I… I'm actually getting into this. I'm starting to—to enjoy cricket…" Joyce ducked the cushion that flew her way. "It's terrible, Candy! I… I need professional help!" A second chair-cushion from the kitchen chairs was hefted at her. This one hit its mark, but Joyce was too busy laughing to care.

"You are the worst!" Candela reached for another cushion, but found her nearest stack of ammunition—the chairs Joyce and Robin had been sitting on—were already spent. "By Celestia, I need more things to throw!"

"Would this help?" Joyce passed one cushion back to Candela, and promptly got bopped on the head with it. "I deserved that, fair and square." She picked up the two cushions and put them back on the chairs.

"Glad we see eye-to-eye." Candela stepped to the bench, fetching her last slice of toast. "So the answer is yes, I would love to come watch the game." She smiled wide at Joyce.

"Robin?" Joyce poked her head out of the kitchen and spotted her daughter watching television. "Looks like we're all going to the game. Get some shoes on and do your hair." The noncommittal grunt from Robin was not enough to satisfy Joyce. "Right now, Robin Robertson."

"But mum! Cartoons are on!" Robin was well ensconced on the couch, but squealed when her mother plucked her up. "Mum! Just one more?"

"No, I have to be there before they start." Joyce carried her daughter through to the bathroom. "And you look like the daughter of a bunyip!"


Joyce settled in the little medical box, and set her first-aid kit on the ground beside her. "If you see Robert around anywhere, don't let him get away." She pulled the invoices out of her kit and tucked them in her pocket. "Now, where were we?"

"<We were working on your terrible pronunciation>." Candela looked to Joyce. "<So repeat what I just said>."

Opening her mouth, Joyce focused on how the words sounded. "<We were working on>—" Her head spun as she spotted Robert. "Robert! I have some things for you!" She jumped to her feet and ran over to him, brandishing the invoices.

"Ah, g'day Joyce. Enjoying the day?" Robert stopped in his tracks as Joyce seemed to rush at him. "What's the rush?"

"Just getting you the invoices for some medical equipment I had to order. There might be another when I get a chance to set up an actual office." Passing over the invoices, Joyce smiled as sweetly as she could.

"R-Rabies shots?" Spluttering, Robert shook the invoices. "Why would anyone here need rabies shots? And what is this stuff?" He pointed to the more expensive immune drugs needed for dealing with bat-borne viruses.

"Well, I happened to find an injured flying fox." As Joyce explained, she saw shock replace outrage. "I don't think I need to tell you that they can carry a type of rabies. The success of treating it, once you are bitten, is only guaranteed if you get those shots within hours of getting bitten."

"Oh… okay." Robert blinked at the second, larger invoice. "Well this is all standard stuff. I can get it all paid for…"

"Thank you, Robert." Joyce gave her best smile. "And the office space?" If she could, Joyce would have batted her eyelashes.

"Don't push it. Don't you have a spare room in your house?" Robert folded the invoices and put them away.

Joyce crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at Robert. "Between my kids, Candela, and Misty… no, we don't."

"Leave it with me." Turning quickly, Robert made his escape. "Thanks for showing up!"

Author's Note:

So I do this "Ask x" thing, x can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and I they will definitely hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories and of course, I they will answer the best question(s) in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer, try and keep it to one answer per post! I They will pick one question per chapter.

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Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine
Mary Rowland

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:
Cross Lament