• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 6,478 Views, 141 Comments

These Strange Creatures - Dramatic Stories

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A Proper Introduction. Goku's Wild Story!

The next day, Goku thought it would be good for him to get up on his feet again. Fluttershy talked it out with him, and they decided to get all her friends together to finally, and formally greet everypony to Goku. Even though Goku had been asleep for 2 weeks, and awake for less than 2 days, Fluttershy and Goku were quickly becoming friends.

"So, where are we going again?" Goku asked as they walked through town. Goku still wore the pants that Rarity made, but still lacked a shirt.

"We're going to Twilight's library to properly introduce you to all my friends." Fluttershy replied

Side note. This story takes place before the destruction of the treehouse for those of you wondering.

"A library hm...you're not gonna make me read, are you?" Goku asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Not at all, unless you want to of course."

"Good...I don't know about you but I'm not too big on reading, ahehe." As they approached the library, Goku examined the building. "So the library is behind this tree?" He asked.

"No silly, that is the library."

"Whoa, no kidding. A library inside an entire tree?" Goku said as Fluttershy stepped on the welcome mat, and knocked on the door, where a sign reading 'closed' was hanging, with her hoof. A cheery voice could be heard from inside.

"Who is it?" It called.

"Fluttershy. We're here Twilight...may we come in?" As soon as Fluttershy finished speaking, the door swung open, and a purple pony came into view.

"Oh, hey I remember you..I think. Weren't you one of the ponies who helped get me out of that forest?" Goku said, scratching his head.

"Sure am. Come in, have a seat." Twilight said, inviting them in. "It's nice to see you on your own two legs again. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is my library."

"Wow, I don't think I've ever been in a library to be honest." Goku replied. "My name's Goku."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Goku." Twilight said. "The others should be here shortly. I'm gonna go make some tea."

"Oh, that sounds great! I haven't had tea since I was with King Kai!" Goku said as Twilight went into the other room. As she did, there was a knock at the door. Fluttershy went to look through the peephole, and then opened it up wide, letting two ponies in. One was flying, a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane, and an orange pony.

"Yo, what up Fluttershy!" The pegasus said, giving fluttershy a hoof bump. She turned toward Goku.

"Whoa. I thought Fluttershy was introducing her to a colt friend or something, hehe!." Rainbow giggled, making Fluttershy's cheeks flush red as she hid behind her hair.

"Stop it Rainbow you're embarrassing her. Didn't I tell you it wasn't a pony?" The orange pony defended Fluttershy, and turned to Goku. "Nice to finally meet you face to face. Goku, right?" Applejack extended a hoof. Goku lightly grabbed it and shook, "Howdy, I'm Applejack, and this is Rainbow Dash."

"That's me!" Rainbow said, "The fastest flier in Equestria!" She boasted.

"Nice to meet you both." Goku said. Suddenly, the door burst open, and the familiar pink pony, Pinkie Pie, walked in with Rarity.

"I told you we'd be late if we stopped to eat cupcakes!" Rarity said.

"Oh come on Rarity lighten up!" Pinkie bounced around. "Hey there Guko!" She said.

"Oh uh...it's Goku." Goku corrected her politely and giggled.

"My bad. My memory is a little fuzzy after eating so many cupcakes yesterday, woo! I still can't believe you beat me!"

"That doesn't sound very good Pinkie," Twilight said as she walked back into the room with teacups and a boiling kettle. "You might want to see a doctor."

"Wait," Rainbow interrupted, "did I just hear that right? You beat Pinkie in a cupcake eating contest?"

"Yup! Sure did!" Goku exclaimed.

"Yup. He kicked my rump fair and square." Pinkie continued to bounce up and down. Twilight finished pouring the tea, and gave one cup to everybody. Goku was the first to sip.

"Careful, I just finished making it, it's boiling hot." Twilight warned. Goku ignored her warning, and drank anyway. Boiling water was nothing to him by this point.

"Wow, this is really good! Thanks Twilight." Goku said.

"Of course."

"So if you don't mind me asking, now that the introductions are out of the way; Where in Equestria did you come from, and how did you end up here?" Rainbow asked.

"Well...I came from Earth, my home planet." Goku said, putting down his tea. "Well...my story is really complicated, I'm not sure if you guys have the time to hear it all."

"Oh, do tell darling. We made sure we had nothing planned to come meet you." Rarity said.

"I'd like to know as well." Fluttershy said softly. As she did, a small purple dragon came walking down stairs, yawning and holding a blanket around him.

"What's going on, gals?" He asked.

"Finally decided to get up, huh Spike?" Applejack said. "You're just in time, take a seat." Spike sat down.

"Well, we're listening." Twilight said. Goku took a deep breathe in, and glanced down at the floor.

"Well...you see, I may be from Earth. But...I'm different. Most Earthlings are called Humans. All humans were born and raised on Earth. Me on the other hand...I'm a saiyan." He began.

"Saying?" Spike asked.

"Close, say it again without the g...anyways. Even though I was raised on Earth, I'm actually not a human at all. I'm pretty similar to humans, but humans are much weaker naturally. I was actually born on a far away planet called, Vegeta. My mentor told me all about the Saiyans. We apparently were a warrior race, born with a passion to fight, and incredible natural strength. Not long after we colonized our entire planet for ourselves, we were contacted by a group of aliens, who introduced themselves as the Cold Family. The saiyans made a pact with the Cold family, and using their technology, and using the saiyan might, went planet to planet, wiping out entire civilizations, and then selling off the planet to the highest bidder." Goku explained.

"That's just awful, and you're one these Saiyans? But you're so nice, so gentle it seems." Rarity said.

"Yes...at the time when I was born, there was a power struggle going on. The current ruler of the galaxy, was Lord Frieza...He was the son of King Cold, and the most powerful being the universe had. As Saiyans were beginning to multiply their strength even further, Frieza began to fear that they might rebel soon, and take control of his empire....from what King Kai told me, one day, Frieza sent out a message, for all Saiyans currently on mission to return to planet Vegeta for a celebration. In about a months time, all Saiyans were back on Planet Vegeta, including my father, who had just returned from a mission. I was born during that same week, right before he returned...Well, not long after I was born, I was put in a pod like that one that I came here in, and I was sent to Earth as an infant..." Goku continued to tell the story in as much detail as he could remember from King Kai's story.

"Going back to what you were saying Rarity, apparently when I landed on Earth, I was found by an old man, who'd later become my grandpa Gohan. He told me when he first found me I always threw fits, and tried hitting him whenever I could. Well one day, I slipped out of his arms, and fell and hit my head...after that day, the violent nature in me vanished."

"What happened to planet Vegeta?" Rainbow asked. "Don't you want to go back?"

"Well...the exact same day I was sent to Earth. My father was returning from a mission. Not long after he returned...Lord Frieza, who I had mentioned earlier...he destroyed the entire planet."

A hollow gasp filled the room from each pony, and spike.

"Like...K'boom?" Applejack asked.

"Yes...I remember seeing it in dreams I had. My friend, who is the Prince of the saiyan royal bloodline, told me himself Frieza blew the planet up. Every last saiyan was vaporized in an instant, except for me, my brother, the saiyan Prince, Vegeta, and his partner Nappa. These days, Vegeta and I are the last full blooded saiyans known to be alive. Frieza destroyed everything...he's a monster."

"You and Vegeta must be great pals then! Right?" Pinkie asked smiling.

"Ah well...you'd think so, seeing as we're the last of our kind...but, Vegeta is very proud, stubborn and full of pride. The way we actually met was very violent. To sum it all up, my brother found me on Earth, kidnapped my son, and contacted Vegeta and his partner. After fighting him with a fellow martial artist, me and my brother ended up dying."

"...wait...but you're here, right now? How are you here if you died?" Spike asked.

"Well, on Earth, we have seven magical balls that grant you any wish if you gather them all together. They're called dragon balls, because when you gather them together, and say the right words, a giant dragon comes out in a flash, and grants you any wish. After a year of training in the afterlife with my mentor, King Kai, they used the dragon balls to wish me back to life just in time to face Vegeta. He was easily twice as strong as I was, and his partner killed four of my closest friends, and almost killed my son, Gohan."

"That's...terrible!" Twilight exclaimed. "Why would he do something like that."

"We're saiyans...we have a passion for fighting, and showing our dominance. Besides, he never hit his head like I did. He grew up around Lord Frieza and his wicked ways, it was all he knew. However, with the training I received from the afterlife, I managed to sum up the strength along side my best friend and my son to defeat Vegeta!" Goku exclaimed proudly.

"Um...I want to know more, what happened after that?" Fluttershy asked quietly.

"Yeah!" The others agreed without hesitation.

"Really? Wow, okay. I guess I'll keep going then. After defeating Vegeta, we needed the dragon balls to bring my friends back to life after being killed by Vegeta's partner. Problem was...since Piccolo died, the dragon balls ceased to exist...at least on our planet. We learned that Piccolo was also an alien from a distant planet named Namek. We figured if we go there, there's bound to be a set of dragon balls we can use. So, while I was recuperating from the battle, my friend Bulma and her father built a spaceship for me to go to Namek in. Bulma managed to depart first with my best friend, Krillin, and my son Gohan. Not long after that, I was given a senzu bean, which has the ability to instantly heal your body back to 100%...come to think of it, a Senzu bean would come in handy right about now ahehehe."

"Wow, this Bulma must be a genius to be able to build things that fly through space!" Twilight said. "I'd love to meet her one day if I could. I'm a scientist myself."

"Oh, wow that's great! Well, as soon as I was back on my feet, I too took off from Earth, and headed for Namek! Luckily, Bulma's father taught her everything she knows, so he was the perfect one to build my ship. He installed a gravity amplifier built right into the ship for me to use in training. Throughout my journey to Namek, I trained at different levels of gravity, increasing the gravity as I got stronger. In the end, I was able to withstand a force of gravity 100x the gravity on Earth, where I'm from. Come to think of it, the gravity here is pretty similar to Earth's."

"OnE HUNDRED?!" Everybody shouted, even Fluttershy.

"B-b-but that's impossible! You must weight over 200 pounds at least, that means..." Twilight thought for a moment, you'd weight 20,000 pounds!? TEN TONS!"

"Yup! The machine could've gone higher, but I didn't have enough time to. Besides, I needed to let my body rest before I landed. Well, when I landed on Namek, I was expecting an easy mission. Get the dragon balls, make our wish and leave...well you remember Lord Frieza, right?" Goku asked. Everypony nodded. "Well...apparently Vegeta had the same plan as us, to go to Namek and use the dragon balls. Frieza caught wind of his plans, and went there himself to wish for immortality...he was there, on planet Namek, and by the time I got there, my best friend, Vegeta, and my son were nearly dead."

"Gosh. You just have the worst luck, don't you..." Fluttershy said.

"Luckily, I had plenty of senzu beans to feed them, which healed them back to full strength instantly. Frieza had sent his elite squad of soldiers to stop my son and my best friend, who had ended up teaming up with Vegeta to fight the elite Ginyu Force. After a fierce battle, I defeated two of them with ease, it was almost too easy in fact. I had become so strong, I didn't even know myself. the third soldier flew off to get his captain, and when they got back, a whole bunch of stuff happened...like, really weird." Goku explained.

"The captain guy knew a special trick to switch bodies with his victim. Well, first he switched his body with mine, because I was more powerful than him, and then he switched it back after he realized he didn't know how to use my body. Then after that, he tried to switch with Vegeta, who had killed the last soldier besides Captain Ginyu. Luckily, I managed to make Ginyu switch bodies with a frog by mistake."

"Pffftt HAH!" Rainbow laughed out loud. "A frog? Seriously? I guess this Ginyu guy got...Croaked!" Goku and Pinkie suddenly burst out laughing, quickly running out of breathe.

"That's a good one." Pinkie said. Twilight shook her head sarcastically. "Anyways, continue."

"Well, that battle left me so badly damaged, Vegeta had to put me in some sort of healing tank. He put a breathing mask on, closed the tank, and suddenly it filled up with some blue liquid. I don't know what it was, but it felt really good, and while I was in there healing, I used my ki sensing ability to feel how the rest of the battle with Frieza was going. While Frieza was off on the other side of the planet, I guess they wished Piccolo back to life with Namek's dragon balls, and brought him to Namek to help fight. After that, I felt an enormous energy spike up, again and again. It was Frieza, and when it seemed like he was about to lose, his energy shot up tremendously. Three times in fact."

"Sounds interesting." Applejack said.

"A little while after his third jump in power, the healing tank was finished, and I was able to get out. Us saiyans have unique abilities to gain incredible amount of strength after coming back from the brink of death. Since I had almost died, I got a huge power increase. I quickly rushed to the battle to find Frieza, about to kill Vegeta with his own hands. It was the first time I had seen him..."

"What did Frieza look like?" Spike asked.

"Not what I expected...He stood on two legs like me, but he had a big round head, white and purple bio-armor or something like that, and a long white tail. The one thing I still can't get out of my head, are his eyes. His red, menacing eyes along with his voice. Truly haunting..."

"Whoa~." Everybody whoa'd.

"Vegeta, in his dying breaths, told me the truth of our planet, and the saiyans...I can still remember his voice, and his tears as he lied on the ground...'Kakarot, please...defeat Frieza. He must die by the hands of a Saiyan'....after he passed, I buried him, and faced Frieza. His power was incredible, unlike anything I had ever seen. You think I'm strong...he was barely using half his power by the time I realized that either we would die, or he would. As a last ditch effort, I gathered up energy from the surrounding planets, and created a massive spirit bomb, which is like a ball of little amounts of energy given by every plant, and animal on a planet brought into one ball. This one I made was almost as big as Namek itself...I used it against Frieza, and I got a direct hit...but then, as soon as I thought we had one..."

"...Oh no, does he come back?" Spike asked, shaking. Goku closed his eyes, and only nodded.

"The spirit bomb wasn't enough. We only pissed him off more. In an instant, he critically wounded Piccolo, and the next...threw Krillin into the sky, and literally vaporized him...thinking about it makes my blood boil to this point...but I know we can bring him back. Going back to when Frieza first blew up planet Vegeta, the biggest reason he blew it up is because of his fear, that one day a super saiyan would be born amongst us."

"What's a super saiyan?" Rainbow asked.

"A super saiyan...is a legendary warrior that apparently is born every one thousand years, and possesses incredible power. It is believed, that a super saiyan is undefeatable."

"Wow!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Yeah...in the moment that Krillin was killed, I knew either my son, or I was next...so there I stood, clenching my fists in rage, and uncontrollable anger. The inner saiyan rage that had disappeared when I hit my head was coming back to me. As lightning struck the ground all around me, something remarkable happened...My hair, stood up high, and suddenly, turned blonde, and a yellow aura of energy came from within me. I had transformed...into a super saiyan!"

"Wait...so, you're the legendary super saiyan?" Twilight asked.

"I guess so....but the power awakened inside me. I used it to defeat Frieza. In the final moments of our battle, Frieza tried to blow up Namek in a desperate attempt to escape and blow me up with the planet. He failed, and sealed his fate...As we fought on the dying planet, his power began to drop as he became exhausted. In the end, his own over confidence and carelessness got the best of him, and he ended up cutting himself in half..." Rarity nearly fainted at hearing such gruesome details.

"Sorry about that." She said, "I'm not used to hearing such things."

"Don't worry about it. It's not for everyone." Goku replied, "Well...with Frieza out of the way, the next thing was getting off that planet. During our battle, the wish granting dragon re-appeared, and a surviving Namekien made a wish for everybody on the planet to be transported to Earth, except me and Frieza. With the planet on it's last few seconds, I found the pod that belonged to captain Ginyu. I climbed in, cranked the engines up and punched it...and that's how I ended up here." Goku finally finished his long story.

The ponies sat in silence and and disbelief, looking at each other, and then back to Goku.

"I had no idea you had been through so much...no wonder you were in such bad shape when we found you." Twilight said.

"What an amazing story...the story of Goku!" Rarity exclaimed.

"That was totally awesome!" Rainbow shouted in glee as she jumped into the air.

"I've heard quite a number of stories from ponies comin' and goin' on the farm, and I gotta say that is one hell of a story." Applejack explained.

"Well...I'm glad you liked it...I'm sorry it took so long to tell." Goku peered out of the window, realizing it was now night time. "How long was I talking?"

"Don't worry about it, we all enjoyed it." Twilight said.

"Can we see what a super saiyan looks like? Huh, can we, can we?" Pinkie bounced wildly.

"I would...if I could, but in my current state, it would tear my body apart. Sorry to disappoint."

"It's quite alright darling." Rarity said.

Everybody laughed and enjoyed the bonding moment. Goku sat and thought of his battle...Gohan, Chi Chi...his family was somewhere out there across the galaxy, thinking of him.

I'll...I'll be home soon son. I promise

Author's Note:

Chapter Recap: Goku decides to formally introduce himself to Fluttershy's friends, and tells the story of his origin, and his battle with Frieza!