• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 5,591 Views, 315 Comments

Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony - Banshee531

Centuries ago, ten Elements were lost. Now a new threat has come to our world and it's up to five young heroes to become our protectors, to become Power Rangers Guardians.

  • ...

Honey I Shrunk the Rangers

Once again we find ourselves up on Darklight's ship, where he, Doom and Heart were watching Cogs work on a device. It looked like the Ranger's E-Tector, only it was black instead of silver in colour.

"Our new detector is almost complete," Cogs said.

"Excellent," Darklight said, "once it's finished we can begin scanning the planet for the remaining Elements."

"And how exactly do you intend to do that?" Heart asked, "when you never got the energy signatures you needed to do find them."

"I have that figured out," Cogs said, "but in order to complete the tracker, I need one more part I can't build."

"Then we'll need to find someone who can," Doom said.

"And where exactly do we find them?" Heart asked.

"Leave that to me," Cogs said, "all I need is somebody to keep the Rangers distracted should they show up."

Darklight hummed for a moment as he though it over. "I know exactly who to send," he said, "a pair of monsters that are guaranteed to cut those Rangers down to size." He turned and left the bridge, heading for the cell block."

"I wonder who he's getting?" Doom asked.

"We'll find out soon enough," Cogs said.

Down on earth we find the Rangers in their base.

Micro, Sunset and Twilight were working to repair their destroyed E-Tector, while the rest of the Rangers were doing some weaponless combat training.

"Hope your ready," Sandal said to Flash.

"Let's find out," Flash said before he charged forward and threw a punch, which Sandal caught at the wrist before tossing him to the side. "Okay," Flash said, "try this." He used an uppercut but Sandal just caught it again, before throwing him a few feet away. "Fine," he said, "that's how you want to play it." He charged forward and did a roundhouse kick, which Sandal caught. "Oh come on," Flash said.

Sandal smiled and placed another hand on Flash's leg, before throwing Flash all the way across the room.

"Woah," Micro said when he and the girls ducked, as Flash flew over their heads and into a nearby wall.

"You okay?" Twilight asked him.

Flash was currently upside down against the wall. "Ask me again when the world stops spinning," he said sounding dizzy.

"Who's next?" Sandal asked. He looked towards Lyra and Sweetie, who both smiled and held up their arms in surrender.

"We're good," Lyra said.

"Really good," Sweetie said.

"Oh yeah," Sandal said, "I am the fighting champion!"

"You know," Flash said as he got up, "being the 'fighting champion' implies that you actually fight, not just throw your weight around."

"That was fighting," Sandal said. "Fighting's all about the stronger one coming out on top."

"Being strong is good," they all turned to see Starswirl had been watching, "but strength alone will not always guarantee you victory. Strategy and planning can be just as useful."

"That might work for most," Sandal said, "but when your as strong as me that's all you need. After all, I'm the Element of Willpower."

"Willpower is the form of inner strength," Starswirl replied, "physical strength has nothing to do with it. One day you'll come up against an opponent who is far stronger then you are, and you realise that pure power isn't everything."

While this was going on Micro was putting the finishing touches to the repaired E-Tector.

"How's it going?" Celestia asked the trio of teens.

"We're almost done," Sunset said.

"We're just missing one component," Twilight said.

"Which one?" Flash asked.

"When we built the E-Tector," Micro explained, "we used pieces from both mine and Twilight's trackers. My tracker, I'd been building for years and the components for it were all from different companies and models. One such component, a necessary one, is a chip that went out of circulation two years ago."

"And without it the E-Tector is useless?" Sweetie asked.

"Pretty much," Twilight explained.

"So we can't complete the E-Tector," Rainbow said.

"There has to be someway to finish it," Rarity said.

"What about the ones who made the chip?" Fluttershy asked, "maybe they have a spare one or could tell you how to build one yourself."

"That's a great idea," Sunset said.

"So who built the origanal one," Applejack asked.

"Give me a second," Micro said as he moved over to a computer and started typing away. After a few moments of searching he came up with, "Buffalo Labs."

"That's in Cloudsdale," Twilight said.

"Looks like we're going on a road trip," Flash said.

"Rangers," Starswirl said, "you head to Buffalo Labs and see what you can find."

"I'll go to," Twilight said, "I've always wanted to see Buffalo Labs."

"Very well," Starswirl said.

"I'll stay behind and see if I can't build something to replace the chip if you can't get one," Sunset said.

"Let's head out," Flash said as the Rangers held out their hands to take their Elements and headed out with Twilight.


Buffalo Labs, one of the Buffalo Industries most prised ventures, was one of the best tech developers on this side of the company. The scientists there were always coming up with new ideas to further the future.

But today was different.

In the reception a lady was sitting at a desk reading a magazine, when suddenly she heard the door open. Looking up she saw it was the head of the labs Professor Beaker, a man with green skin, red hair and moustache wearing a lab coat.

"Hello professor," she said, "have a nice vacation?"

"Indeed I did," Beaker said, "I even have some pictures I'll be making a slideshow with after work."

"That sound fun," she said.

Beaker nodded and headed up leaving the receptionist to her magazine, however a few minutes later the or opened again.

Putting down her magazine she turned to the door and said, "welcome to Buffalo...Labs." Three figures stepped into the building, cloaked in brown hooded cloaks which concealed them. One was very tall, the second was normal height and the last was quite short.

"Hello," the normal height one said, "we'd like to know how to get a Skyline 30 Mega Chip."

"Okay," the receptionist said before typing away at her computer, "I'm sorry but that model has been outmoded."

"I see," the figure said, "and there's no way to get one."

"I afraid not," she said.

"Very well," he said, "I didn't want to have to do this but." He pulled off his cloak, along with the other two, revealing Cogs and two monsters.


"Here we are," Flash said to Twilight and Lyra as they arrived in Cloudsdale, "which way to the place?"

Twilight was using her phone as a GPS. "Turn left here," they followed her instructions and soon they started seeing signs for Buffalo Labs. Arriving there they parked up, Sandal doing the same and parking right next to them, before getting out and looking the building over.

"So this is the place?" Sweetie asked as she jumped out the back of Sandal's truck.

"Yep," Micro said, "somewhere in there is the part we need."

"Then let's head in and see if we can find it," Flash said. They headed for the door, but when Flash tried to open it he found it wouldn't budge. "What the?" He rattled the door but it was defiantly locked.

"That's odd," Twilight said, "their website says they should be open to the public right now."

"Is it some kind of holiday?" Sweetie asked.

"I don't think so," Lyra said.

Flash looked through the door's glass and when he did his eyes went wide. "Everyone hide," he turned and pushed them all away from the door and made them hide in some bushes planted along the side of the building.

"What'd you see?" Micro asked.

Flash didn't say anything and instead pointed towards the door. They waited for a moment and suddenly the door opened and out walked a Shade, who looked around before stepping back into the building.

"What's a Shade doing here?" Twilight asked.

"Maybe," Micro said, "their here for the same reason as us."

"What?" Sandal asked.

"Cogs had the E-Tector for a while. He might have memorised its design and built his own, but he must be missing the same part as us."

"Just another reason to get in there and stop them," Flash said.

"But how?" Sweetie asked, "they locked the doors."

"But not the windows," Lyra said pointing to one not to far off which was opened.

Inside the building, a janitors closet opened and out stepped Micro and Sweetie who had been the only ones able to enter through the window.

They were careful not to be seen as they crept through the building, making sure to avoid the Shades as they patrolled the corridors and rushed to the door. Once the coast was clear they unlocked it and the rest came in and hid in a closet so they could make a plan.

"Great work you two," Flash said.

"I guess being small has its advantages," Sweetie said.

"So what's the plan?" Lyra asked.

"First things first we need to make sure the employees are all safe," Flash explained, "then once their out of here we kick butt."

"Got it," they said.

"We'll split up," Flash continued, "Me and Micro, Sweetie and Lyra, Twilight and Sandal. Stick to the shadows, if you have to fight then do but if you feel overwhelmed then get out of there. Ready?"

"Ready," they others said.

"Break." With that they rushed out the door and went in search of the employees.

Flash and Micro hit the staircase, rushing up it to the next floor. They both had their Blasters at the ready just encase.

Lyra and Sweetie headed up to the third floor in the elevator, making sure to hide around the sides just encase the Shades were there when they opened but they weren't.

"Nothing on the third floor," Lyra told Flash over the coms.

"Same on the second," Flash said, "what about you Sandal?"

"Er, me and Twilight found the employees on the fourth floor."

"Great," Micro said.

"Not exactly."

Sandal and Twilight had made it to the fourth floor and found Cogs and two monster standing in the middle of the room, next to a table with several glass jars on it.

Inside those jars were people, only they were about three inches tall.

"That could be problematic," Twilight said.

"How's that even possible?" Sandal asked.

"No clue," Twilight said, "it must be one of those monsters."

Inside the room Cogs was looking over his many captives.

In his hand was a jar with a single person inside, Prof Beaker, who he was interrogating. "Now," he said gently shaking the jar to make the Professor trip up, "I'll ask again. Where is the Skyline 30 Mega Chip?"

"I told you," Beaker said, "it's out of production. The only way to get one is from someone who's already bought one."

"And how do you expect me to do that?" Cogs asked angrily.

"I don't know," Beaker said in terror.

"Your trying my patience," Cogs told him. He placed the jar one the table and turned to the taller of his two monsters and nodded.

The monsters appeared to be feminine with white armour. A strange device was strapped on each of their right arms and a clawed gauntlet was on the left. The taller monster stepped forwards and pointed its device at the jar.

"No please," Beaker said.

"Last chance," Cogs said, "tell me or be shrunk to oblivion."

"NOOO!" Beaker screamed.

It was at that moment Cogs and his monsters found himself in a flurry of lazer fire, causing them to turn and see Sandal standing there with his blaster.

"Let...him...go!" Sandal said.

"The green Ranger," Cogs said, "what are you doing here?"

"Same as you," Sandal said, "now let the people go."

"I don't think so," Cogs said, "you haven't met my new friends. Mini and Maxine, get him."

"Very well," the taller one said, "lets do this Maxine."

"Okay Mini," the shorter one said.

They held up the devices on their arms and started firing pink beams. Sandal barely dodged the blasts and as he did he noticed that whatever the beams hit changed in size, either growing bigger or shrinking.

"Get him," Cogs said as he turned to the table, only to gasp seeing Prof Beaker's jar gone. Looking around he saw it floating away, towards Twilight who was levitating the jar. "Oh no you don't!" he yelled as he pulled out his axe and ran towards her.

Twilight screamed as she backed away as Cogs drew closer, causing her to drop the Professor's jar which Cogs caught and placed on the table. "Get back," Twilight said as she levitated some office equipment which she threw at Cogs, who slashed them away while the Shades closed in.

"TWILIGHT!" they all turned to see the rest of the Rangers arrive, blasters at the ready, before firing at the Shades. "Get out of there," Flash told her.

Twilight nodded and ran towards the doors.

"Don't let her escape," Cogs ordered.

Hearing this, Mini turned from Sandal and fired a beam at Twilight, hitting her in the back.

"Twilight!" Lyra yelled as she and Flash rushed over to her, only to be hit by Mini's beams. The three glowed pink before they felt the world around them grow larger, as they grew smaller.

"That's not good," Micro said as he and Sweetie saw them shrink.

"Your next," Mini said as she fired at the distracted Rangers, hitting them and causing them to shrink.

"Guys!" Sandal yelled as his friends were made play sized.

"And then there was one," Cogs said as his axe glowed and when he swung it he launched an energy wave which struck Sandal, sending him flying as Mini fired a beam which hit him as he hit the wall and crashed through it.

As the realisation of what had just happened struck him, Cogs could barely believe it. "We beat the Rangers."

"What now?" Maxine asked.

Cogs turned to see the Shades around the room place jars on the ground. Seconds later they lifted them up to reveal five shrunken teens banging on the glass of their jars. "Only five?" he asked looking into the jars and finding the green Ranger missing, "find the green Ranger. Don't let him escape. place the others with the rest."

As the Shades placed them on the table, the Rangers and Twilight shared a scared glance.

"What do we do?" Sweetie asked.

"Bust out of here," Flash said as he pulled out his Magi-Charger and clicked it, but the device didn't activate. "What the?"

"We must be to small," Micro said, "they must not be able to connect to the grid at this size."

"Then what do we do?" Twilight asked.

"Hope Sandal can get us out of here," Flash said.

Sandal's head was killing him as he regained consciousness.

Sitting up he saw nothing but black, making him worry as he wondered where he was. Suddenly light was everywhere, as the sky was suddenly lifted up which turned out to be a piece of wall. Standing there was a giant Shade, who looked down at him.

"Oh nuts," Sandal said as he got up and started running as fast as he could.

The Shade tried to grab him, but Sandal manged to evade him and hide under a filing cabinets. The Shade tried to move it but by the time it did, Sandal was gone. Looking around the Shade couldn't see Sandal anywhere.

Sandal had taken refuge in a vent that had been behind the cabinet, where he stayed absolutely quite for fear of the Shade finding him. Once the Shade finally left, Sandal breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay Sandal," he told himself, "your three inches tall, your friends are trapped in jars and if you don't do something Darklight will have not only their Elements but the means to get the others. But how am I gonna do anything at this size? My strength's gone."

Sandal slide down to a sitting position as he felt his hope disappear, until something flew into his head. What Starswirl had said to him that morning about strength and power only getting you so far, and how strategy can be just as powerful. "Strategy," he said to himself, "it's worth a shot." With that he picked himself up and headed further into the vent, hoping to find another outlet near where his friends were.

Meanwhile Cogs was continuing to interrogate Prof Beaker.

"Now where were we?" Cogs asked, "oh yes you were about to tell me where to find the part I need."

"I told you," Beaker said, "the chips out of commission."

"Well you'd better find a way to get me one," Cogs said, "or your employees will suffer for it." He picked up a jar with several people in it, before raising his axe and holding it close to the jar.

"NO!" Beaker yelled.

"Don't do this," Flash yelled as he banged on the glass of his jar.

"Quite," Cogs said, "now what's it gonna be?"

"I..I," Beaker said, "okay."

"Very good," Cogs said as he put the jar down, "now tell me."

"Like I said the chip's no longer being made," Beaker said, "but we have the blue prints on file."

"Very good," Cogs said as he picked up the jar and tipped it on the ground so beaker tumbled out. "Maxine."

"Okay," Maxine said as she pointed he device at the professor and fired a pink beam. Seconds later Beaker began to grow until he was what the Rangers assumed was his normal height.

"Now," Cogs said as he grabbed Beaker by the lab coat, "get that file."

"I'll need to be at my main computer terminal to get it," Beaker said.

"Then lead the way," Cogs replied. "Mini, your with me. Maxine, guard the prisoners."

"Okay," Maxine said as her sister followed Cogs and the Professor out of the room.

"We're running out of time," Twilight said.

"Whatever Sandal's gonna do he needs to do it quick," Micro said.

"He'll do it," Lyra said, "have faith in him."

What they didn't know was that Sandal had been watching from the vents.

"Come on think," He said thinking. Looking down he noticed Maxine sitting on a chair, looking rather bored as she tapped the glass on one of the jars. It was then that an idea popped into his head.

If he could get to the device on her arm, maybe he could grow his team and together they could beat the monsters. He just need a way to do that without being seen. Looking around he noticed a thermostat just bellow him, which gave him another idea.

Opening the grate of the vent he jumped down and landed on the water cooler next to the device, before carefully moving over to it and began slowly turning the dial. Second by second the heat in the room began to raise.

With nothing to do but watch some prisoners who weren't doing anything and the room growing hotter, Maxine slowly began to grow more and more tired until finally she fell asleep at the table.

"Perfect," Sandal said.

Seeing a Shade walking passed him, Sandal jumped from the water cooler onto its shoulder. The Shade hadn't noticed him and Sandal slowly crept onto its other shoulder just as it passed the table, which he leaped onto.

"Sandal," Flash cheered.

"Shush," Sandal said, "don't wake her up." He slowly moved over to Maxine and climbed onto her wrist device, which only had one button. "Here goes," he said pressing the button and firing a beam that hit the five jars with the Rangers and Twilight in while he jumped infront. As they bathed in the beam they felt themselves begin to slowly grow, until they broke out the jars and were free.

"What the?" Maxine yelled as she was awakened. Looking up and the six normal sized teens she gulped.

Cogs meanwhile was with Mini and Beaker as the professor worked on retrieving the specs for the chip. It had taken a while to find the info they'd needed and now they were uploading it onto the flash drive.

"How much longer?" Cogs asked.

"There's a lot of data that needs to be uploaded," Beaker told him. "A few more minutes and it'll be done."

"It better," Cogs said.


Suddenly a massive blast echoed through the building.

"That can't be good," Cogs said before turning to Mini. "Go see what's happening."

"Of course," Mini said. She rushed out the room towards where the prisoners were being kept and just as she was about to enter, the wall exploded and out of it shot Maxine. "Sister," she kneeled down to her.

"Mini," Maxine said in a whimper, "they took it."

"Took what?" Mini asked.

"This," she looked up and gasped. The five Rangers stood on the other side of the wall, in Sandal's hands was Maxine's enlarger.

"How dare you take my sister's weapon," she said getting up.

"Considering it was the only way to get the others back to normal," Lyra said, "can you blame us."

"I'll make you pay for this," Mini said.

"Let's find out," Sandal said. "Magi-Charger!"

"Ready," the Rangers said as they took out their Chargers and clicked them on, before placing them in their Morphin Blasters. "Energise!" They said spinning the barrel before pointing them up, "Unleash the Power!" Pulling the trigger they unleashed the five heads, which flew around them before biting down and decking them out in their Ranger Suits.

Mini growled seeing them like this.

"Let's do this," Sandal said as they struck a pose.

Flash: Element of Courage...Power Ranger, RED!

Lyra: Element of Trust...Power Ranger, BLUE!

Micro: Element of Knowledge...Power Ranger, YELLOW!

Sweetie: Element of Love...Power Ranger, PINK!

Sandelwood: Element of Will...Power Ranger, GREEN!

All: Protectors of right, ready to fight!

Flash: Power Rangers!


"Shades," Mini yelled, "attack!" The Shades entered the room and charged at the Rangers.

"Magitech!" The Rangers called upon their weapons and charged forwards the Shades.

"Twilight," Flash called out as he blocked a Shade's attack, "take the hostages and get out of here."

"Right," Twilight said.

"Here," Sandal yelled tossing her Maxine's enlarger, "unshrink when your to safety."

"Got it," Twilight said before using her magic to levitate the jars into the air and heading to the door, the Rangers keeping her safe.

"Let's do this," Flash said once Twilight was gone, "Head Smash!" He punched the Shade away.

"Power Slash!" Sandal slashed several Shades with his Sabre and Fenrir Fang.

"Griffon Shooter," Micro yelled as he blasted the Shades away.

Sweetie and Lyra were busy fighting Mini. The monster swung her clawed gauntlet at them, but Sweetie defended against it with her shield allowing Lyra to hit her with her staff.

"Hey," Maxine yelled getting up and swinging her own claw at them, "no one hurts my sister."

"Woah," Lyra said as she evaded the monsters attacks.

"Protect your kneecaps," Sweetie joked.

Mini got back up and together she and Maxine began attacking the blue and pink Rangers. Mini attacked Sweetie who blocked the claws, while Lyra tried to fight at a distance from the short monster.

"Girls move," they heard Flash say, making them do as they were told and jumped out of the way. Flash, Sandal and Micro were standing there with their Morphin Blasters, which they fired at the two blasting them back through a wall.

"Good timing," Lyra said.

"Thanks," Sandal said, "what's say we end this."

"I hear that," Flash said as he took out a Magi-Charger. "Magi-Charger!" he held up the device and clicked the button, "Ready. Guardian Buster, activate." He threw the Charger in the air before it transformed into the super weapon, which he caught and activated.

Magi-Chargers," everyone said, as they activated their Chargers and placed them in the compartments before shutting them. "Locked and loaded." Sandal placed his into the main compartment and shut it, the white streaks changing to green.


As Mini and Maxine got up they saw the Rangers readying their weapon. "This doesn't look good," Mini said.

"I'm scared," Maxine said as she clutched her sister.

As the weapon charged, the Ranger took their positions. "Guardian Buster, Fenrir Blast...FIRE!" Flash pulled the trigger and a single powerful blast shot out, which morphed into the shape of the Fenrir Zord's head as it flew at the two. Seconds before it hit them, the head changed direction and began flying in random directions while slashing at the monsters. This went on for several seconds until it caused a major explosion around the two. The blast sent Mini and Maxine flying back, through several walls and then through a window out of the building.


The download was almost complete and Cogs would soon have what he needed to complete his device.


"What now," Cogs asked looking out the window and gasping, his eyes widening, at the sight of his monsters being blasted out of the building. "Those cursed Rangers." He turned back to the computer and saw the screen showing the download complete. "At least one good thing came out of this," he said as he removed the flash drive from the slot. "With this I'll be able to complete the tracker and find the rest of the Elements, then those Rangers won't stand a chance."

"My ears are burning," Cogs turned around and saw the Rangers standing at the entrance of the room, their weapons ready.

"You don't scare me," Cogs said as he raised his axe.

"let's see about that," Sandal said as he raised his weapons, "surround him."

They did so and soon had Cogs backed into a corner.

Seeing he was in trouble Cogs began swinging his axe wildly, trying to hit all the Rangers at once.

"Sorry Cogs," Sandal said as he grabbed the axe blade between his Fenrir Fang's two blades, "but pure power alone isn't always enough to win." Thrusting the Fenrir Fang up he dislodged the axe from the monsters hand, "you need stratagy."

The four other Rangers chose that moment to leap at Cogs with their Spirit Sabres and slashed him in four different places.

Up on his ship Darklight growled seeing his science officer being beaten.

"We can't let the Rangers destroy Cogs," Darklight said, "I need his know how and his tracker."

"Why not give him a diversion," Heart said.


"Give them something to deal with that's more important then destroying Cogs," Heart said.

"Good point," Darklight said before turning to a Shade, "fire the Gigatisor!"

The Shade nodded and ran over to the button and hit it, releasing the growing machine which fired.

Back at Buffalo Labs the Rangers had Cogs down for the count.

"It's over Cogs," Flash said, "hand over the flash drive."

"Don't make us destroy you," Lyra said.

"Never," Cogs said, "you just have to destroy me."

The Rangers would have done it, but in that second the Gigatisor's beam shot down and caused an explosion. In its wake were two huge versions of Mini and Maxine.

"Now who's the tiny one?" Maxine asked.

"Looky here," Mini said pointing at a group on the ground.

Twilight had managed to unshrink the rest of the labs employees, but now they were once again at the mercy of giant monsters.

"We need to save them," Flash said.

"You do that," Cogs said jumping up and pushing through them.

"Hey," Micro said.

"Leave him," Flash said, "let's deal with the bigger problem."

"Right," Micro said as he and Sandal stepped up next to Flash and pulled out their Magi-Chargers.

"Summon Zords," the Dragon, Griffon and Fenrir Chargers flew into the air towards their Zords.


The Zords activated and emerged from their hiding spots, before rushing to the Ranger's location.

"Let's bring them together," Flash ordered.


The Rangers warped into the Megazord and prepared for battle.

"You don't stand a chance against the two of us," Mini said as she charged forward, her claws raised.

"We'll see about that," Sandal said as the Megazord raised its Fenrir arm, using its blade to block the claws.

"Well what are you gonna do about me?" Maxine asked as she charged forward.

"How about this?" Micro said as the Megazord turned sideways and aimed the Griffon arm at her and fired a flurry of lazers.

"Hey," Maxine screamed as she danced around the blasts, "no fair."

"I'll make you pay for that," Mini said as she jumped back and aimed her shrinker at the Megazord. "This'll cut you down to size," she fired the pink beam.

"I don't think so," Flash said as the Megazord did a one eighty and started firing the Griffon Zord. The blasts met in midair and cancelled each other out, but the Megazord's blasts fired quicker and eventually one fired before Mini's and struck her shrinker, destroying it.

"NO!" she said seeing her precious device being wreaked.

"Now we don't have to worry about being shrunk," Sandal cheered.

Back on the ground Cogs was watching the battle and frowned seeing the outcome.

"Those two need some help," he said, "I'll just have to put the odds in our favour. Shades arise and merge to form Shadzilla." Several Shades appeared and bunched up before being surrounded by shadows which soon took the form of three giant black reptiles.

The Rangers noticed this and frowned.

"Those things again," Flash said.

The Shadzillas charged, forcing the Megazord to defend against them and causing them to be open.

"Surprise," Maxine said as she and Mini charged forward and slashed the Megazord with their claws, knocking it down.

"This is bad," Lyra said.

"There's to many of them," Sweetie agreed.

"We need to even the odds," Sandal said.

"Then that's what we'll do," Flash said, "Lyra, Micro, Sweetie."

"On it!" the three said, before pulling out their Magi-Chargers and activating them. "Summon Zords!"

The Chargers flew through the air, towards their respective Zords.




The three Zords activated and emerged from their hiding spots, before rushing to join the rest of their team.

"Zord Stampede!" The Rangers called as the three Zords arrived and each attacked a separate Shadzilla, leaving Mini and Maxine for the Rangers.

"No fair," Maxine cried seeing the upper hand disappear.

"All's fair in love and war," Sweetie said.

"Let's do this," Lyra said.

""Fenrir Zord," Sandal called out, "Fang Blade!" The Megazord swiped the bladed arm at Mini, knocking her back.

"Griffon Zord," Micro called out, "Fire!" The Megazord fired its lazors at Maxine.

"Hey," the shorter monsters screamed.

"How dare you," Mini screamed as she charged forwards, but the Megazord swung around and kicked her in the abdomen.

"AAAARRRR!" Maxine screamed as she charged forward, but the Megazord just fired a single blast which struck her arm and destroyed her gauntlet. "My claws."

"Now's our chance," Flash said, "let's take her down."

"Right," the other agreed. They all moved and spoke in sync, calling out their final attack. "Griffon Zord...Fenrir Zord, Blast Cutter!"

The Megazord's two arms began to glow. It raised its Griffon arm and charged up a blast which it fired, before spinning around and swinging the Fenrir arm around to fire an energy slash which struck the griffon blast and accelerating it towards Maxine.

"NO!" Maxine yelled before she was struck by the attack, which exploded on impact. "Mini," she said before collapsing in an explosion.

"MAXINE!" Mini screamed seeing her little sister be destroyed.

"Don't be to upset," Sandal said, "you're about to join her."

Mini turned to the Rangers with hate in her eyes, before they wen't wide seeing that the Shadzillas being destroyed by the Zords, who now rushed besides the Megazord.

"Zords," Flash called out, "all out attack!" The Megazord fired another Blast Cutter, while the separate Zord used their own attacks. Mini suddenly felt herself being blasted slashed and claws at, the force of which was to much.

"I'm sorry Maxine," were her last words before she too met her end in an explosion.

The Rangers all cheered at their victory.

"Guardian Rangers," Sandal said, "victory is ours."

Down bellow Cogs wasn't to thrilled at this.

"Darn it," he said, "they may have destroyed two of our monsters." He held up the flash drive he'd taken from Professor Beaker, "but I still have this."

With that a telebolt flew down and warped him back to the ship.

After there battle the Rangers rushed down to meet up with Twilight and the rest of the Buffalo Labs employees.

"Is everyone alright?" Flash asked looking around.

"We're fine," they turned to see Prof Beaker walking up to them, "Thanks to you."

"Just doing our job," Lyra said.

"And I thank you for that," Beaker said.

"It's to bad that Cogs managed to get away with the data he wanted," Micro said.

"You let him get away?" Twilight asked.

"We had to," Sweetie said, "he had him cornered but then the giant twins appeared. It was either destroy Cogs or save you."

"I think you made the right choice," Twilight said.

"But now Cogs has what he needs to finish the tracker," Flash said.

"Not exactly," Beaker said. He went into his pocket and pulled out a flash drive identical to the one Cogs had taken.

"Is that?"

"The drive with the specs for the Skyline 30 Mega Chip," Beaker said, "yes it is."

"How did you get it?" Micro asked.

"Once the download was completed and that monster looked away, I switched the drives."

"Sneaky," Sandal said.

"I also deleted the file for the chip," Beaker said, "this is the only one left."

The Rangers shared a glance and nodded. "Excuse me," Flash said, "but we desperately need that chip. Without it we can't finish a machine we need to save the world."

"Is that so?" Beaker said looking at them quizzically, before smiling. "Then take it," he handed the drive to them, "as thanks for saving my employees and the company."

The Rangers smiled and Twilight took the drive.

"Thank you," she said, "this means a lot."

"Your welcome," Beaker said.

"But wait," Micro asked, "if this is the drive with the specs. What was on the drive Cogs took?"

Beaker smirked.

Up on his ship Darklight waited for Cogs to study the specs on building the part they needed.

"Here it is," Cogs said plugging the drive into their computer.

"Put it on screen," Darklight said.

"Yes master," Cogs said activating it.

They turned to the screen as it switched on and showed...Professor Beaker at the beach.

"What is this?" Darklight yelled.

"I don't know," Cogs said switching to the next image which was Beaker with an ice cream.


"I was tricked," Cogs screamed.

Drive in hand the Rangers returned to the base and got to work building the chip they needed.

Meanwhile Sandal was explaining how he'd managed to save the day.

"So I turned the heat up to max and made her fall asleep, then I jumped over and used her enlarger to return everyone to normal."

"Impressive," Celestia said, "it seems you've learned what it means to use stratagy."

"Yeah," he said, "at that size my strength was useless. Starswirl was right, power alone isn't enough."

"Good to hear," Luna said.

"And done," they heard Sunset said, "the chip is complete."

"So the E-Tector?" Flash asked.

Sunset didn't respond and instead placed the chip into the repaired device, which activated.

"It's back online," Twilight said.

"Once it finds an Element we'll be one step closer to saving the world," Micro said.

"Then all we gotta do is wait," Flash said.

"Indeed," Starswirl said. "you Rangers have done an excellent job."

"Thanks," Flash said.

With the E-Tector back online the Rangers were back on track to finding the Elements. But what kind of danger is just on the horizon?

Author's Note:

Who doesn't love shrinking films. I'd never seen a Ranger series do a shrinking episode so I thought I'd give it a shot.