• Published 8th Apr 2017
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Teatime - A Novel Of Twilight & Celestia - bigbear

Twilight wants to reestablish the close relationship she had when she was Princess Celestia’s personal student. But, shared trials will require them to become much more than faithful student and immortal mentor.

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Chapter 22 - Teatime in Ponyville

“Let me get that for you.” Before Twilight could finish lighting her horn, Starlight levitated a blanket over and wrapped it around her. Twilight sat at the great oak desk in her office. Starlight was at a reading table next to the wall. Both ponies had ancient tomes open in front of them. A fire crackled in the hearth and the smell of hot tea wafted up from the pot on the tea trolley.

“Thank you, Starlight,” Twilight said. She appreciated the gesture but was getting a little tired of being treated like an invalid. “You don’t need to do that, I’m fine.”

“The doctor said no magic use after your collapse,” Starlight countered.

“The doctor said no heavy magic for 24 hours after I fainted for one minute.” Twilight huffed. “That was two days ago.”

“You got struck by lightning,” Starlight said.

“I’m part pegasus.” Twilight fluffed her wings.

Starlight picked up the latest copy of the Foal Free Press from the desk and waved it at Twilight. The front page had a giant headline, “Zecora Saved From Rising Flood!” and a picture of Twilight holding Zecora’s tree over the hill. “And you picked up a ten-ton tree with only your hooves and wings!” Starlight cried. “When have you ever done that before?”

Twilight grumbled but had no reply.

“That’s what I thought,” Starlight said. She levitated a fresh cup of tea in front of Twilight. “Drink your tea.”

Twilight took a sip. “It’s better when it’s made by hoof,” she mumbled.

“What was that?” Starlight inquired.

“Nothing,” Twilight singsonged. She took another sip. Starlight actually made pretty good tea. But it was the principal of the thing.

There was a knock at the office door. “Come in, Spike,” Twilight called.

A golden glow surrounded the handle and the door opened. “Spike is still in the kitchen. Is it alright if I come in?”

Twilight’s eyes went wide from surprise. “Princess Celestia!”

Celestia smiled mischievously and gave a small bob of her head. “Princess Twilight.”

Twilight shook her head to clear it and then bobbed her head in return. She still called Celestia “Princess” when she was startled. “Welcome, make yourself at home.”

Starlight prostrated herself in a deep bow. Twilight thought that a little odd. Starlight normally made the minimum obeisance to royalty necessary to be polite.

Celestia bobbed her head at Starlight, who rose back to her hooves. Celestia ambled her way to the office’s oversized chaise and settled in.

Twilight dug around on the desk for her daily checklist. “Did I miss an appointment? Were we supposed to meet today?”

“Nothing of the sort. Spike told me you didn’t have any conflicting engagements, so I came instead of taking tea in the garden,” Celestia said. “I understand things got very exciting recently.”

“You would know, your majesty,” Starlight snarked. She stepped to the front of the desk and put herself between Twilight and Celestia.

“What are you talking about?” Twilight asked.

Starlight levitated the copy of the Foal Free Press so everypony could see the front page. “Look what a simple Detego spell reveals!” The photo of Twilight holding up Zecora’s huge tree with only her hooves and wings glowed. The silhouette of a very large alicorn faded into view behind her image.

“Huge wings. Long pointy horn. Billowy mane and tail.” Starlight pantomimed examining the photo then glared at Celestia. “Looks too big to be Princess Luna.”

“What are you intimating, my little pony?” Celestia’s voice was even. She wore her “court face” for dealing with difficult petitioners.

Starlight levitated the ancient tome she’d been reading to the desk. She slammed it down so it faced Celestia. Though it was upside down to her, Twilight read the spell named at the top of the page, “Dominus. To rule another’s will…”

“Starlight...” Twilight said.

Detego identifies Dominus, and spells like it, by showing the silhouette of the caster behind the target,” Starlight said.

“My student…” Twilight interrupted, but Starlight went on.

“I’m not intimating anything,” Starlight said. “I’m saying it straight out. You used Dominus or something like it...”

“Starlight Glimmer stop,” Twilight commanded.

Starlight sputtered. Twilight almost never called her by her full name. And she hadn’t used that tone since Starlight had become her student. Not since Starlight had… reformed.

“There are some legal niceties you need to be aware of,” Twilight said. In her lecture voice, she continued. “Using mental manipulation without consent on a ruling princess is a crime against the crown. By law, once I’ve heard such an accusation, I’m required to open an official investigation. As Celestia and I are interested parties, Princess Luna would conduct it.”

“Because of the gravity of the charge,” Twilight continued, “a false allegation leaves the accuser vulnerable to sanction. Negligence is not considered an excuse. This is so no one would make such an indictment without being completely sure of their facts.”

Twilight got up from her chair and walked to Starlight. Muzzle to muzzle she said, “Is there anything you wish to say to Princess Celestia at this time?”

Starlight shrunk back. “No teacher,” she whispered.

Twilight softened her stance and pointed to the newspaper. “Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I appreciate that you’re looking out for my welfare.” She stepped back to give Starlight room to leave the office. “We’ll talk about what happened here later. I wish to speak to Princess Celestia in private now.”

“As you wish,” Starlight mumbled. She bobbed her head, which she never did to Twilight, and kept it low. Starlight backed out the door and closed it behind her.

As soon as the door closed, Twilight deflated. Pain showed in her eyes. She limped back to her chair and settled in with a tiny groan. Celestia looked on with concern. “I’m sorry, that was not a pleasant welcome,” Twilight said.

“The most promising students always seem to be the greatest challenges,” Celestia replied. “Both you and Sunset demonstrated that. There were times I worried that the characteristics which made you both extraordinary would also lead you to bad ends.” She reached over and laid her hoof on Twilight’s. “Luckily for teachers, remarkable students can sometimes save themselves. They can even repair their teacher’s mistakes. You and Sunset have fulfilled your promise many times over.”

“Thank you,” Twilight said. After a moment, she sighed. “Starlight’s clever, but sometimes she gets an idea and gallops off without thinking it through.” Twilight looked at Celestia with a weak smile. “We’re working on that.”

“When Starlight started into her indictment, I wondered how you and she would handle the situation,” Celestia said.

“Is that why you ‘my little ponied’ her?” Twilight prodded.

Celestia smiled at the jibe. “I wanted to remind her of my station and that her words could have consequences.”

“Or you wanted to goad her on,” Twilight said. “Before she reformed, Starlight set up a cult to make all ponies equal. Even now, ‘royal privilege’ doesn’t carry much weight with her.”

“What about ‘royal responsibilities’?” Celestia asked. “Does that carry any weight?”

“We’re starting her lessons with the responsibilities of being a friend,” Twilight said. “The ‘royal’ part will be in the advanced curriculum.”

“Starlight may still need to work on the nuances of friendship,” Celestia replied. She had a sly smile. “I was proud to see how you defended your student. There was a time when you would have reflexively defended me from an attack.”

“Unless it’s a Tirek sized problem, you don’t need me to defend you. She was the one trotting into danger without realizing it.” Twilight grimaced. “I hated having to shut her down like that.”

“You got Starlight’s attention and gave her critical information. You also gave her time to reconsider her actions. Then you let her make her own decision.” Celestia nodded. “Sometimes a strict lesson is necessary.”

“I bullied her.” Twilight closed her eyes and lowered her head.

“You protected her.” Celestia stood and walked over to Twilight. She lifted her muzzle with a wingtip and looked her in the eye. “Your instinct to protect the vulnerable, even from me, is admirable.”

“The girls taught me that after I misused the ‘Want It, Need It” spell and you came to clean up the chaos I’d caused.” Twilight made a weak grin. “Friends will help you when you make a mistake. Good friends will put themselves between you and an angry princess when you’ve truly messed up.”

“Your friends protected me from making a mistake as well. I was about to overreact to your transgression.” Celestia levitated the oversized chaise to the desk and sat down next to Twilight. “The previous week’s confrontation with Discord had been a strain on both of us.”

Celestia reached out and draped a wing over Twilight’s back. Twilight responded by leaning into the touch and the two shared a quick nuzzle.

“Would you like some tea?” Twilight asked. “I’ll warn you, Starlight used magic when she made it. But it’s pretty good tea.”

“I can ‘rough it’ this once,” Celestia teased. She levitated the teapot off the trolley and poured. She inhaled the steam off the cup and made a non-committal “hmm” sound. Finally, Celestia took a dainty sip and rolled her eyes for a moment. “You’re right, it is ‘pretty good tea’.” Then she smiled at Twilight. “However, I like your ‘tea by hoof’ better.”

“Starlight would be crushed.” Twilight smiled, then her face faded to a mild frown. “I don’t get her sometimes. One minute she’ll be super-competitive with me, like when we do magic together. The next minute she’ll be tentative and evasive, like when we meet with my friends.” Twilight huffed. “Starlight tells me she wants to connect with ponies, then I hear she’s used magic to shut them out. She’s never done it with me, but I’ve heard she even did it to her best friend, Trixie.”

“The relationship between teacher and student is complex at the best of times,” Celestia said. “Because of your shared history, the relationship between you and Starlight Glimmer is more complex than most.

“How so?” Twilight asked.

“You and Starlight had several battles for dominance, with inconclusive results. She finally stopped, not because you bested her, but because she was repelled by the repercussions of her actions.

“Before her reformation, Starlight was guilty of criminal offenses. To avoid punishment she had to ask for forgiveness from her victims and from you as the legal representative of the crown.

“To become your student, Starlight had to admit that her life’s work was a mistake. She had to swallow her considerable ego to accept your tutelage.

“And she is not only your student, but she lives in your home. Moment to moment, Starlight has to figure out how to treat you as a rival, judge, teacher, landlord, and friend. It would be unusual if she didn’t display a range of emotions.”

“When you put it like that, I’m surprised things haven’t blown up more often,” Twilight sighed. “Starlight didn’t have friends in her cult. She had followers. When she accepted the chance to be my student, I hoped I could be her first and best friend. When she bonded with Trixie instead, I was... jealous. The fact that Trixie pokes me about it doesn’t help.”

“I’m not sure that teachers and students can be best friends; or even if they should be,” Celestia said. “Look at us, until we were no longer teacher and student, our relationship couldn’t evolve.” She gave Twilight a gentle squeeze.

Twilight accepted the embrace and nuzzled her back. “Things have changed between us, haven’t they?” Celestia nodded. “When we first shared tea, I wanted our old relationship back. But this is... better.” Celestia nodded again. The two sat, in a light embrace, for a long moment, enjoying each other's touch.

“I wonder which Starlight we saw today?” Twilight mused.

“Perhaps the overprotective friend,” Celestia said. “Like your other friends, she put herself between you and the princess she thought might be abusing your trust.”

“Maybe,” Twilight said. “But it felt like more than that.”

“Your student let anger get the better of her.” Celestia’s voice was neutral. “Jealousy can be insidious.”

Twilight scrunched up her muzzle. Something in that comment didn’t feel right. “What would Starlight have to be jealous about?”

“When Starlight reformed she had to rebuild her sense of self,” Celestia said. “From your writings, she modeled herself on you and your philosophy of friendship. For the first year she was in the castle, you two worked together daily.”

“And she’s come a long way,” Twilight said. “Starlight’s apologized and been accepted by the ponies that used to be in her cult. She helped save us all from Queen Chrysalis.”

Celestia nodded. “And with those successes, Starlight may now expect the situation here to continue to revolve around her. But, your life has changed since you began serving as Princess of the Day.”

“I do spend a day and a half a week in Canterlot now,” Twilight agreed.

“And how much time do you spend preparing or recovering while in Ponyville?” Celestia prompted.

Twilight mentally reviewed her weekly schedule. “At least that much.”

“Is that time you used to spend with Starlight?” Celestia asked.

“Some of it,” Twilight admitted. She buried her head in her hooves. “I’ve abandoned my student.”

“I’ve never known you to abandon anypony. You’re not doing so now.” Celestia nuzzled Twilight’s neck to get her to look up. “There’s been a change in your schedule. You need to come to a new understanding with Starlight.” She looked Twilight in the eye. “This should not be a negotiation. You don’t need her approval.

“Part of being a teacher is helping your student adjust to change. It might be difficult for Starlight. It was for you. But change is a part of life. It doesn't have to be traumatic. There simply needs to be a new shared vision of how you two will work together as teacher and student.”

Twilight took a deep breath, blew it out, then nodded her head. “It sounds like less of an issue when you put it that way.”

“I’m sure it will go fine.” Celestia glanced at the front page on the desk. “Perhaps we should deal with the manticore in the room.”

Twilight put a hoof on the photo. “When I saw Zecora get swept under the water, I didn’t know what to do. I pulled on the tree with all my might, but nothing was happening.” She traced the silhouette of the large alicorn that surrounded her. “Then I felt a presence. It was like I was greater than myself.”

Twilight looked Celestia in the eye. “It felt like you. The same as when we were sharing the dance over Canterlot. Like I could do anything.”

Celestia broke into her ‘just for Twilight’ smile. Twilight’s heart skipped a beat and her mouth went dry.

“While I would love to have been there in spirit or in body to help you,” Celestia said. “That wasn’t me.”

“Was it Luna?”

“No, Twilight.” Celestia smiled even wider. “Many things are chaotic in the Everfree Forest, especially in the midst of a rogue storm and after having been hit by mystic lightning. Magic, destiny, the laws of nature, even time itself can be fluid there.” She pointed to the photo. “This isn’t me. This is you.”

“What?” Twilight exclaimed. She examined the photo. Everything about the silhouette was twice as large as her body. Starlight had been correct; the silhouette did look too large for Princess Luna. But something about it didn’t quite fit Princess Celestia, either.

The horn was long and pointed, like Celestia’s, not short and rounded like hers. The wings reached over twice her own span, again like Celestia’s. She peered at the outline of the mane and tail. They were exceptionally large and seemed to be billowing, just like Celestia’s. But the shapes were... wrong. Where Celestia’s mane and tail both flowed to a point, the ones in the silhouette ended in straight cuts. Twilight looked down at her own mane and tail. Though they were smaller, both ended in a straight cut the same as the silhouette.

“But how?” Twilight whispered. Her hoof hovered above the photo as if touching it would break some spell.

“Perhaps you reached back from the future so as not to abandon a friend at a time of great need,” Celestia said. “Or destiny let you access your true potential. We may never know exactly. And the unique circumstances may not be replicated in a thousand years.”

Celestia embraced Twilight in her great wings. “This is how I’ve always seen what you could someday be. From the first moment I saw you when you flared as a filly, eyes aglow with power, floating in the air without wings, I knew your potential was limitless. Since then, seeing you wield the power of the Elements, or of all the alicorns, has only confirmed my belief.

“When we danced, you said you felt what it was like to be me. Did that include my solar mark?”

“It was like our hearts, and the power of the sun, all beat as one. It was amazing.” Twilight sighed and smiled. “And you get to be that way all the time.”

“While you were feeling the sun through my mark, I was experiencing the unlimited reach of magic through yours. As if all time and space, matter and energy, were ours to mold as we wished.” Celestia shook her head to break the reverie. “I know power and control like that are beyond you now. But believe me when I say that someday you may be the greatest of us all.”

Twilight sat for a long moment, wrapped in Celestia’s wings, taking in everything she had said.

“I’m not sure how to react to all that. It’s eye opening, flattering, and a little bit scary.” Twilight leaned into Celestia’s embrace. “But I don’t think it will change anything for me. Unrealized potential is like a possible future state of an experiment. I won’t know if I’ve reached it until the trials are complete. And the only way I know to reach my potential, whatever it may be, is through learning, hard work, and the help of my friends.”

“I hope I can be one of the friends to help you along the way,” Celestia whispered.

“Always,” Twilight whispered back. They sat together in silence enjoying their mutual touch for a long time.