• Member Since 12th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 19th


Meepa! If you don't like my stories, perhaps I could suggest some good anime?



This story is based off of DuskShadowBrony's "A Pacified Kingdom." I suggest reading it first before reading this as many elements will revolve from the original story.

Cover image by CuddleHooves

Dr. Mindset Shield, Ph.D and Royal Therapist, comes to discover she has been overworked and irritable about her job. Princess Luna, however, informs her of a neighboring kingdom in Little Valley that's in need of her psychology expertise and be a vacation for her at the same time. While skeptical, Mindset agrees to visit this strange kingdom, which to her surprise is almost entirely run by foals! Even more surprising, she notices herself getting younger the longer she stays. Princess Luna wouldn't send her here to be a foal again...right?

This story contains Diaper Usage, Age Regression, and some mature themes. If you aren't interested, might I suggest watching some good anime?

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 94 )

Not even a day, and some people already prefer to watch some good anime! :rainbowlaugh:

“Mr. Sentry, have you ever considered that maybe you feel this way because you are a face in the crowd?”

But seriously, solid start, I'm looking forward to reading more :)

Good start. Can't wait to see what Mindset thinks of Little Valley.


Yeah, that's exactly what I was going for. :rainbowlaugh: I really do feel bad for Flash Sentry, he doesn't seem like a bad pony. He just doesn't really do much in the grand scheme of things, other than be the pretty boy love interest, which isn't really something to rely on in terms of character development.

Solid writing, a decent pace, only some more obscure errors here and there. However, the story is somewhat... Inelegant. Mostly issues with repitition, sentence flow, and feeling a tad dry (unlike Mindset, huehue).

Overall, certainly still much better than the median. If you want to discuss things, you know where to find me.

I've been checking in every day to see if the new chapter is out yet. I really enjoyed the story so far.

Heh, glad you like it. Don’t worry, I’m working on it as we speak.

Cool, cant wait to see what you've written.

Now, now. Be patient, please. It'll come out in due time. Thankfully, this weekend might be progressive.

Color me even more intrigued. You really got something here Leyen. You really got my attention on wondering how it's going to go from here. I can't wait for more!

Oh my, that's quite the pressure to put on one pony. I'll try to live up to your expectations. :D

Seriously, though, the next chapter will start off a bit dark, but thankfully, it'll lead to Mindset answering an important question.

The end of this chapter is the story of my life.

I was about to put up the next chapter.

The plot thickens...

So Princess Glitter Star is actually centuries old, Dr. Atavism Regression is likely to be just as old and probably somewhere in this kingdom.

I have a feeling Mindset will get permanently altered by her vacation to this kingdom.

It's illegal to commit malpractice without a license,” I corrected her.

This should be changed to "It's illegal to practice medicine without a license." The way it's written now implies that malpractice is legal if you have a license.

I just read this chapter, and I would say it was worth the wait! You have created a compelling narrative here and I really can't wait to see what else you have planned!

Thanks. Also, it's Dr. Reversion, not Regression.

I can get her a new dress, but I can't have her get a pacifier, (yet,) because she's not ready. Keep in mind, Cocoa is not aware that Mindset knows, and she's got a methodical plan already on how to do it, as shown in the previous story involving her. While the pacifier would speed things along in her mind, it also risks discovery of their plan. (Again, she's not aware that Mindset already knows.)

As for the dress, I suppose a more foalish attire would be far more common in this kingdom, and she would want to hide her padded rear, so I'll give her that.

Love the story plz don't stop.

Bit of an extra, but I plan on making an image for the next chapter. There's a certain outfit that I think needs to be drawn on Mindset. Plus, I'd like to make something that's exclusive for this story and not just copy/paste an old image I had.

I know it's inevitable but I kind of wish mindset wouldn't regress and she can give them a Stern talking-to about not regressing people (or in this case ponies) without their permission. I may be a Luna fan but last time I checked Luna doesn't have full control over someone else's life and their choices. And no I'm not talking to you specifically I'm just talking about the story in general.

Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that...

What I mean is, Mindset may yet get "the last laugh."

I know I was just saying ok and I can't wait to see what's in store.

I will say, i think you went a little heavy on science exposition here, with the fountain and such, and a little heavy on exposition in general. However, I still liked this chapter and it still kept my interest in this story overall, which is a good thing. I can't wait for the next chapter!

I really like this story and I appreciate the time you put into the art work, I can't wait for the next chapter to come out.

just caught up with the fic. I'm enjoying it so far can't wait for the next chapter. Also Mindset looks so cute when she's annoyed.

Hey, everyone! This story, for the time being, is going to be on hiatus during the holiday season coming up. I promise there will be another chapter by the end of it, and believe me, the next chapter is BIG. It'll probably even be the most pivotal point in the story for Mindset and Glitter. Sorry for the wait, but I assure you it will be worth it.

love this story so far and am really looking forward to more. any idea when the next one is coming out

Thank you, that really did make my day.

I don't have a specific date sadly, and I'm only guesstimating sometime after the holiday season, as I have other things going on, like this year's Hearth's Warming image for the Ask Mindset & Tinker Tumblr. I will say, however, that I am working on it as we speak, but I had to retrace my steps for a bit, including rereading DuskShadowBrony's story, just so I can get all the angles across, because Dusk Shadow will be briefly mentioned in this part. I also did some editing on the previous chapters due to some grammar and spelling errors I noticed along the way.

Wow. Given the premise of this story having a rather transparent target audience, the plot and writing are both surprisingly very solid. I really like Mindset as the main character, with her exposition partner, Mr. Robot Butterfly (which is a plot element I unexpectedly liked). Really hope you're still writing this. It's rare for these fics to be a coherent 'story', rather than simply a loose collection of words that... generates targeted senations. Nice work!

P.S. Your cover art is absolutely adorable. Can't blame them for regressing her, on that basis alone.

P.P.S. Mindset is 10-11 now, correct? I think that's how the numbers are adding up, but it was a bit unclear.

The cover art is not mine, it's actually Cuddlehooves'. However, the images IN the story are indeed mine.

Also, thank you, and yes, I'm working on the next chapter as we speak.

As for Robu, (which actually is an acronym for "Robotic Butterfly",) he is a character that is part of my tumblr series. He's the one recording the images on the blog. Also, he does other things that will be of GREAT help in the next chapter. As for the story itself, I didn't want this to be just another fetish story. Celestia knows there's too many as is. I wanted this to be a journey for our little Psychologist; one that'll open up some deep emotion she had been feeling for some time. For those that follow the blog, you may already know what's going on in her own psyche. Lastly, your math is indeed correct!

What a wonderful story I can't wait for the next chapter

this chapter really got to me and i am looking forward to more

Very nice chapter! Really feels like the plot is tying together nicely - I was very impressed. You've got a good mix of random cute/cringe scenes to counteract the heavy plot sections, so it never becomes too exposition-y. Looking forward to the next chapter!

Side-note: Given the events of the end of the chapter, plus Mindset passing below the age of her gaining her inhibitor ring (and unlocking her strong psychology magic), I'm guessing her defenses from the water just weakened significantly. Will she have to give into her trust in Cocoa and regress? Can't wait to see :pinkiehappy:

so sad but so beautifull, plz continue your story

I can't wait for the story to end so I can read it again all at ounce, but I definitely don't want it to end anytime soon 😉

Well, it has to end eventually, and I can only see maybe one or two more chapters and an epilogue left. It won't end on this cliffhanger, that much can be certain.

However, that doesn't mean people can't make their own stories of this kingdom, and even I have an inkling for a sequel story to this.

Comment posted by LeyenEnyo deleted Jan 14th, 2018

i had a feeling they would turn out the flim and flam

I didn't think it would've been hard to figure out. I didn't want to make them a mystery, since they only appeared in these two chapters.

awesome I am so jealous of mindset

I honestly thought that the two troublemakers would be the Old Kings of the Old Kingdoms. :rainbowhuh: Oh well. Say want about them?

That would've been impossible, since they didn't come from Equestria and they would've been well behaved by the time Mindset arrived. Remember, part of the reason Glitter got worried was because the couple came to their town and tried to steal their water before they were regressed. The two kings practically bathed in the "Perma-Youth Water", so they can't even grow back into adults now.

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