• Published 9th Jun 2017
  • 21,126 Views, 891 Comments

Fall of Harmony - Moon-Lite

Sunset Shimmer struggles to deal with the accusations of Anon-A-Miss, and decides that this may be the straw to break her back.

  • ...

From the Fall

From the Fall

“Hi there!” Sunset greeted, small smile on her face, “I was wondering if my schedule was done yet?”

The lady sitting behind the counter paused for a moment, eyes scanning over the teen before her. “Your name?” she croaked.

“Sunset Shimmer.”

“Just a moment please.” The lady slowly backed her chair up, dismounting it and moving back to a large shelving unit.

“Ah, Sunset Shimmer.” A voice from behind the teen alerted Sunset to the fact that she was not alone here, “Our new transfer student.”

Sunset turned and face the newcomer, studying the woman that stood before her. She was tall and lean, pale grey skin covered by neutral blue dress shirt and dark blue skirt, and carried herself with poise and purpose. A smile covered her face, though Sunset could tell it wasn’t one of kindness.

The stranger held out her hand, “I am Abacus Cinch,” she introduced herself as Sunset took the hand and grasped it firmly, shaking it, “The Principal of Crystal Prep Academy. Cadence told me that you previously studied at CHS before the Christmas break.”

Sunset regarded the woman hesitantly , applying the best fake smile that she could, and nodded. “That’s correct.”

The woman continued her soulless smile as she extracted her hand from Sunset’s grasp, “If I may ask, what made you transfer to our Academy?”

Sunset felt her pulse skip a few beats. This would normally be an innocuous question, just the head of the school introducing themselves to the new student. But this situation is anything but normal! Screamed a voice in the back of Sunset’s hand. Taking a split minute to formulate an answer, Sunset grinned.

“Well I heard that this Academy put a high focus on strong academics, and I wanted to see what level I could push myself too.”

Cinch’s face strayed for just a moment, revealing a small glare to Sunset, and confirming Sunset’s suspicions. This woman was trying to dig up some dirt on herself or CHS, though Sunset wasn’t sure which yet. She thought back to Sour Sweet’s warning the morning prior, though it turned out that student’s wouldn’t be the only ones to try and gain power over her.

“Well from what I heard from Mr. Wave it seems that you should fit in just fine with us.” The woman finished, looking over to the secretary who was watching silently. “Ah, looks like Mrs. Roz has found your schedule. I must say, it is incredibly rare for a student to take so many advanced classes in one go.”

Cinch grabbed the paper from the retreating Mrs. Roz and handing it to Sunset, the teen taking the sheet in both hands.

“Mr. Wave should be happy to still have you in his class.” Cinch folded her arms in front of her, “But I now suggest you hurry along to Homeroom, as it will be starting shortly.

Bowing as she left Sunset rushed to her locker, glad it was so close to her homeroom. She rapidly fiddled with the combination lock, before yanking open the door. A loud pop exploded from inside her locker, followed shortly by an assortment of small, squiggly shapes flying at her face as the door burst open.

“Gah!” Sunset recoiled, hands guarding her face from the flying assailants, “What the heck!?”

“Pffffft,” Sunset looked to her side as Lemon Zest peeked out and did her best to repress a laugh. “Ooooh man! The look on your face just now was priceless!”

Sunset glowered before looking down around her. A bunch of silly looking knit snakes littered the floor around her. She looked back up in time to see Lemon duck back into the room as the bell rung. Racing to grab her binder and to clean up the litter of the floor, Sunset hurried into the room, depositing the little squiggles into the trash as she passed. She took her seat beside the window, wondering where Twilight and Cadence were.

“So,” Aria stood beside Sunset, leaning on her desk, “How you holding up?”

Sunset stared at the Siren, wondering what happened after Twilight had left with her in tow. “I’m holding steady, I guess.” She smiled sadly at the pale fuchsia girl before her, “I heard there was a fight or something?”

Aria grinned and chuckled darkly, “Wasn’t much of one if you ask me.” She sounded sad as she responded to Sunset. “Sonata gave that rainbow haired girl a good palm to the gut as she tried to run after you.”

“Sonata… used violence…?” Sunset was shocked, the bubbly girl seeming unable to do such a deed.

“It wasn’t violence!” She called out from her desk, “She ran into my hand!” Sonata stood up with her hands on her desk. “I didn’t want those CHS goons to hurt you again!”

The classroom fell silent, Sonata looking around confused until she realized what she said.


Adagio face palmed, unable to believe that Sonata was able to blunder up once again. If she were an Equine her Cutie Mark would definitely be something related to messing up accidently.

The students in the class slowly looked to Sunset, the teen valiantly attempting to hide behind her hair. She registered a small tap on her back, slowly turning around to look at Sugarcoat, who had her hand pulled back.

“Is what that airhead blurted out true?” The cold voice tinged with morbid curiosity.

“I really, really, don’t want to talk about it,” She shook her red and yellow locks, “Sorry.”

The pale blue skinned girl pulled back, glancing back at Sour Sweet for some sort of suggestion. The indigo eyed teen shrugged, returning back to flipping through her notes. Sugarcoat sighed and followed the other teens lead, just in time for Twilight and Cadence to walk into the room.

“Sorry that I am late girls,” the dean’s voice slightly subdued, “I hope your first day back went well?”

Everyone around the class slowly nodded, Cadence watching as Aria slowly meandered back to her desk.

“Well since we are all here now, let’s go over the first daily memo of the new year…”

Cadence’s voice slowly died off, Sunset tuning it out as she stared out the window aimlessly. She hadn’t slept well the night before, thanks in part to the situation at the mall. She grimaced as she thought back to it. Why did they keep trying to reach her, she asked as she felt a subdued vibration against her leg. Probably another text from at least one of the Rainboom’s begging for the chance to talk to her.

“That’s because she’s our friend!”

Sunset was unsure what to think about that comment. For some reason, those five still thought of Sunset as their friend. Did they even understand what they did to her? She frowned as she watch snow start to lazily drift down from the clouds above. Did she even care about them anymore? Her phone buzzed again.

“And remember that if you are interested in participating in the Friendship Games this March that you need to get your application forms into me before the end of this month!” Cadence called out over the bell that signaled for the students to head to their first period class.

“Sunset, if you could wait for a minute please.” The teen paused as the Dean called out to her. “I just want to let you know that I am here for you,” the older woman grabbed both of the teens arm carefully, “And if you ever need to talk, I will always, always, make the time for you.”

Sunset nodded as the teacher decoupled from her, before she headed on her way to her first class.


“Welcome back, Prodigy!”

Crasher was incredibly happy to Sunset grace his attendance list this morning.

“I’m glad you decided to stick around.”

Sunset grinned at the out of placeness the teacher had, a nice ease to help placate the most likely still groggy mind of the students. “Glad to have been able to get into the class.” She nodded, “And not just cause I got a hot fudge sundae last time I was here.”

Sunset disregarded the nickname she seemed to have earned from the man, just one of his many quirks she brushed off. She slowly opened up her binder and pulled out the worksheets from the day before. Would these count towards her mark? Maybe the test would too, and it would be a nice start to her scholastic endeavours at her new school.

Once all the students were seated, none of them at all late Sunset noticed, Mr. Wave started talking once more.

“Welcome to day dos of the new year,” he started, leaning once more against the barren wall, “I have been told before that I am hopelessly optimistic, but I hope that you all got the work sheets finished for today?”

A few teens looked less than enthusiastic at the teacher’s probing gaze, causing the man to sigh. “Well it’s not like I gave you a deadline to finish them,” he chuckled, “You all have ten minutes to finish whilst I talk to Sunset here.”

Furious scribbling filled the air as the ocean skinned teacher walked over to Sunset lazily.

“So judging from the fact you aced yesterday’s pop quiz without knowing what was on it, plus the fact you seem to be done both the worksheets and,” he gazed over the sheets, grading them in his mind, “ and it seems that you did the same with these worksheets.” He smiled proudly at the new student, “If I didn’t know better you must have already studied all this stuff before?”

Sunset blushed in response to the teacher’s praise, “Yes, I studied it while I was at another school when I was younger.”

“What kind of school was that!?” Twilight exclaimed, wondering where her friend could have been studying advanced high school level math at a younger age.

“Chill out Sparks,” Crasher interjected, “it doesn’t matter in all honesty, but it does make it easier on me knowing that I don’t have to try and bring her up to scratch.”

Sunset looked down at her desk and twiddled her thumbs, embarrassed at the fact that she was farther along than advanced math in this world. Was she that smart, or was this world that behind?


Sunset stood before a new door, looking at her schedule to confirm she was at the right place.

“Home Ec,” She read off her sheet, “Teacher is…”

“Mrs. Melon!”

Sunset looked over her shoulder to see Sonata waving as she approached.

“Hiya Sun-Shim! Long time no see!”

Sunset winced when she saw the bandages around the other girls waving hand.

“That’s because of me… isn’t it?” She question when Sonata got close, only to have the other playfully slap one of her amber cheeks.

“You are going to loooooove Home Ec!” Sonata said, completely ignoring both Sunset’s question, and the flustered look that she suddenly started wearing, “We do all sorts of fun things! Like making tacos! And learning how to use sewing machines!” The other girl stood there regaling Sunset with all the fun things from Home Ec class, every other one being something about tacos, before Sunset grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into the classroom before the bell could be rung and marking them as tardy.

“Welcome, Ms. Dusk,” Came a cheery voice from right beside the pair as they entered the warm room, split into three parts of kitchen, desks, and sewing tables, “And I am going to hazard a guess that you were the one my husband was talking about? Crashy couldn’t stop raving about a new prodigy in his class.”

A large, heavyset woman stood just beside the door, her pale green skin contrasting with her deep red hair set carefully into a bun.

“Hiya Mrs. Melon!” Sonata greeted the woman with one of her winning smiles, “And you are correct, this is my bestest friend in both worlds I’ve been to, Sunset Shimmer!”

Sunset blushed at the accolades Sonata was spouting, embarrassed at how highly she was thought of. “Nice to meet you Mrs. Melon, I hope I can match your husband’s description of me.” She bowed deeply, the teacher laughing at her display.

“Relax Sunset, no need to be so formal here.” The teacher chuckled, “This class is a lot more laid back than most others offered at this Academy. Now how about you join Sonata and her partner, this way we will have finally filled out all of our trio’s.”

“Right this way, Sun-Shim!” Sonata dragged Sunset towards a large circular table, where a recognizable figure sat, nodding as the two approached.

“Look what the cat dragged in,” Sour Sweet commented as she was joined at the table, “Nice to see we will have an extra pair of hands now.”

Sunset made sure to look down at the chair before she sat down, grinning at the third girl who was whistling innocently. “Hope I can be of some real help here Sour. Though with Sonata here I think I will be mostly standing around.” The two of them giggled as the Siren looked at the two in confusion, before shrugging. Ignorance truly was bliss.


“So…” Sunset stared at Sunny Flare, unamusement pouring off of her, “Your idea of hazing was-”

“To tell you that your shoes were untied, yes.” Sunny made sure not to make a major point of such a pointless tradition. “In all honesty, I think we would be better focused on showing you how much better Crystal Prep is then CHS.”

Adagio rolled her eyes before turning back to her Advanced Social Studies worksheet. She was happy to see that Sunset was in her class, Sonata had been gushing that she got share a class with “Sun-Shim”.

Sunset’s smile froze, followed by the girl sighing. “Look, I don’t know what you think that Sonata said, but don’t worry about it. I just wanted to come to a school that better matches my academic goals.”

Sunny Flare regarded the teen and what she said. “I don’t know what you thought I meant, but Crystal Prep does have better teachers, so I would say that we are indeed better than CHS.”

Sunset facepalmed at the teens reaction. At least she seemed to not care about Sunset’s past at least. Mrs. Lime chose that moment to walk past the group.

“Please refrain from needless chatting and romourmongoring.” She said bitterly, “It is not becoming of the reputation of Crystal Prep.”

The two teens nodded and returned to their work sheets. Sunset studied the questions, most of them seeming to be about different kinds of word views. She chuckled as she thought back to Celestia, the elder Princess sister was always so open, allowing people to enter and leave freely no matter where they were going or coming from. She doubted that Celestia would be so open if she knew what the people of this world were like.


“So how has your first day on your own been?”

Sunset had just seated herself at the same lunch table as the day before, joining Twilight and the three Sirens, and just like the day before her plate consisted of nothing but a meat free salad, and apple, and a bottle of water.

“Pretty good,” Sunset started, taking a bit of the apple and relishing at how crisp and juicy it was, “Nothing too complicated so far thankfully.”

“Seems like Sour was right about the hazing though,” Adagio said as she put down her carton of milk, “At least Sunny Flare did something that wasn’t too aggressive, compared to what Twilight said about Indigo yesterday.”

Sunset looked at the teen beside her who was busy poking her forefingers together and blushing. “You guys don’t want me to have any sort of secrets, do you?”

Aria hiccupped into her can of pop, setting it down to avoid spilling it over her uniform. “I’m pretty sure we will know everything about you Sunset, all the way down to which people you wanna buck.”

Sunset blushed at the dirty comment from the Siren. “Dangit Aria!” Sunset spluttered, playfully through a small crouton at the cackling girl, “Must you be so crass?”

The other two sirens laughed at the embarrassed former unicorn, while Twilight was starting to look more and more like she was part cherry tomato.

“So what other classes do you got coming up Sun-Shim?” Sonata asked as the laughing reduced to periodic giggles.

“Let’s see…” Sunset started digging around in her backpack and pulled out her schedule. “After lunch I have Gym with…” She paused in dread as she saw the name of the teacher in charge of her gym class, “Mister… Sombra…?” She looked at the Sirens with a look of dread.

“Nothing like what you think dear,” Adagio said, “Trust us.”

“Nice!” Aria called out, “Someone other than Indigo that I can team up with!”

“Followed by Advanced English with Ms. Storm, and finishing with Advanced Chemistry with Mr. Vial.”

“That’s a pretty heavy schedule there dear,” Adagio said, worry dipping into her voice, “Are you sure you can handle that much of a workload after everything that has happened of late?”

Sunset nodded, cocky grin coming to her face, “Before I came here I was the top student ever seen at CSGU.” She patted her chest in pride.

“You were a student at Celestia’s school!?” Sonata blurted out, her soft taco falling from her hands.

“Her personal pupil, actually.” She said, looking over to Twilight, “Different Celestia Twilight, don’t think anything of it.”

The five girls finished the rest of their lunches, making sure to keep to light banter for the remainder of the free period, before depositing their trash in the proper receptacles and gathering at the threshold of the great hall.

“Ready to kick some butt?” Aria was obviously excited at having Sunset in the same class as her, shadow punching with Sunset.

“Well, I didn’t know that I was going to have gym, so I don’t have any sort of gym clothes.” She looked down at her uniform, it was definitely not work out attire.

“Oh, they have gym uniforms here, don’t worry about it,” The teen said, guiding her friend towards the proper gymnasium. “Just remember that Sombra always uses the large gym, never the small.” Her tone shifted, “Pity what happened to him back home, eh?”

“I barely know anything, Celestia had very little information on Sombra and his reign, and I only managed to sneak a few snippets before she found me.” one of her hands massaged her right thigh gently, “Couldn’t sit properly for a week after that.”

Aria burst out laughing as they paused before the doors. “First things first let's talk to big, bad, and handsome himself and track you down a gym uniform.”

Sunset paused as she looked down, toes hidden, before looking back up at Aria sheepishly.

“Do you think they have something in my size?”


Sunset crossed over the line, as she finished her last lap, and leaned over steadying herself on her knees. Sweat drenched her face as she panted heavily, attempting to cool down and stop the burning in her lungs. She wasn’t prepared for a 10km run around the gym as the first thing she would be doing after lunch. Sure she had made sure to take good care of herself, actively going to the gym and eating properly, but with winter and Anon-A-Miss she didn’t have the time to keep up her regimen.

“Forty three minutes…” She panted to nobody in particular, “and twenty… seven seconds…” She had made sure to memorize the clock on the the far wall as she crossed the line. She used to be able to do just over forty minutes at her peak.

She walked over the one of the many benches and collapsed into it, thankful for the reprieve. She closed her eyes and listened to the steady steps filling the massive auditorium, beating in time with her thumping heart. Not long after she collapsed on the wooden seat she felt somebody join her.

“Holy… crap… Red…” Indigo joined her fellow moisture ridden competitor on the cool seat, “Are you… some kind… of monster?”

Sunset chuckled between slowly calming breaths. “More like… a daemon.”

“I think… that applies… to both of you…” Aria joined them shortly after Indigo, “Damn Sunset… what are you on…?” Her pigtails were stuck against the sweat stained material of her back.

“Out of shape…” She said, groaning as she stood up, “That’s what i'm on.”

“Bull...Shit…!” Indigo cussed as she stood up, legs screaming in protest. “At least we can get out of class now.” She gingerly made her way towards the girls change room, “Best thing about Mr.Sombra… He frequently lets you out early if you can complete… his insane standards…”

The trio made their way into the cool change room, elating at the chance to take a quick shower.

“Woah…” Aria wolf whistled as Sunset peeled off her top, “Got any tickets to give us, Sunset?”

Sunset paused and stared the the other teen in befuddlement. “What are you talking about?”

“For the gun show, Red!” Indigo had walked up and grasped one of the amber teens firm arms, giving it a playful squeeze. “Look at these things!”

“Ack! Hey!” Sunset flushed as she broke free from the grasp, “At least take me to dinner first!”

Aria appeared out of nowhere, twenty dollar billed held in one hand towards Sunset who eyed it suspiciously.

“What are you doing?” She asked, glaring back at the Siren who offered no response but to shake the bill. “Seriously?” an eyebrow peaked in amazement.

“Aweeesooome!” Aria exalted as Sunset ripped the bill from her hand, before rushing forward to grasp Sunset’s free arm.


“So I figured that taking Advanced English would help me with figuring out lyrics and stuff!”

Lemon Zest seemed to still be talking, Sunset having sat down beside the music lover at the start of class. She came off innocently enough at first, just greeting Sunset and apologizing for the snakes and noise maker in her locker at the start of the day, which Sunset responded was no big deal. Lemon took the lack of aggression as terms to start telling her life story, which caused Sunset to roll her eyes.

“So why are you in this class? The other’s all mention that you’ve been in their advanced classes as well.”

Sunset turned to regard the audiophile with a queer look. Why did she care?

“Cause, I wanted to see if how much I could push myself.” She shrugged. “Nothing fancy really.”

Lemon stared before chuckling somberly, which intrigued Sunset that the girl’s mood could change so suddenly.

“I envy your dedication to being smart…” She muttered, Sunset tilting her head in confusion.

“Pardon me?” What had brought this change about?

“It’s part of the lyrics for the song I’m working on, wanna listen to the bass line?” The teen immediately returned to her loud bubbly self, thrusting her wireless earphones at Sunset just in time for the teacher to walk by.

“Come get them back after class, Lemon.” Ms. Storm said, shaking her head.

“Maaaaan, that is so lame…” Lemon complained, digging around in her pocket before producing a small set of earbuds, “These don’t carry the beats anywhere near as well.”


The last class of the Day was Advanced Chemistry, and Sunset was really excited for it. Back in Canterlot Sunset loved to practice alchemy, mixing the potions using exact measurements was strangely calming to the young filly at the time. And she was looking forward to what sort of formulas she would be mixing the remainder of this year.

“Here’s your periodic table.” Sugarcoat said as Sunsat sat beside the teen, “It’s mandatory to always have one, unless you want Mr. Vial on your case.”

Sunset thanked the teen as she reached out for the offered sheet of paper grabbing it from her. Only to have it slip from her loose grasp and remain firm in Sugarcoat’s.

“Heh,” Sugarcoat smiled slightly, “Never gets old.” She deposited the sheet onto Sunset’s binder. “Oh, don’t give me that look,” Sugarcoat said in response to seeing Sunset’s playful glare, “At least mine was more complex than Sunny Flare’s.”

Sunset chuckled, “True, but that still wasn’t much of a hazing, you know that right?”

Sugarcoat shrugged apathetically, “I agree with Sunny Flare, this whole hazing the new girl thing is kinda silly.” She looked back at Sunset with half lidded eyes, “I’m sure you’ve spent more time trying to ignore the stares that most of the guys are giving you,” the blunt statement causing Sunset to blush slightly, “as well as some of the girls. I don’t think anyone here is even close to you.”

“Welcome class.” A cold voice called out, “I hope you have your worksheets finished and ready for hand in.”

Mr. Vial stalked to the front of the room, pausing in front of Sunset and handing the teen a booklet, and a few loose sheets of paper.

“I want the worksheets handed in tomorrow with today’s work.” He departed without suffering the teen a second look.

“That was better than his average treatment of new students.”

Sunset groaned at Sugarcoat’s comment.


“So how was your first full day?” Velvet called out as she heard the front door open, stepping out of the kitchen with two mugs of hot chocolate. “Sunset…?”

The teen looked absolutely frazzled. “Oh I’m just golden!” She was shaking and her teeth were chattering, though not because of the cold. “Just got four different unit exams by the end of next week, as well as fifteen different worksheets due tomorrow!” She paused and looked at Velvet, “Yup! Everything is just fine!”