• Published 9th Jun 2017
  • 1,150 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Pony: Saiyans on the Loose - SolidSparkle117

(This does not follow The Equestrian Saiyan story, this is like a AU of that story) Syera and Twilight are summoned up to Canterlot to investigate strange interdenominational holes, what could possibly be causing this?

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Chapter 7: Syera Unconscious, The Endurance of a Warrior's Courage

On the other side of Ponyville, Makker casually flew through the sky. Rainbow looked upset after we laughed at her. Not paying attention, another pegasus had to avoid him. “Watch where you’re going!” The aqua mare shook her hoof at him before taking off.

“Sorry! Not used to having lots of others flying beside me.” As he hovered there, he noticed an orange mare with a hat he recognized. Carefully, he took to the ground and beside the mare. “Hey, you’re Applejack right?” The farm pony cocked an eye up at him for a second and smiled.

“Sure am, ah thought I recognized you too. Guess it couldn't be too hard seein how you and Syera are the only two of your kind.” Sticking out a hoof, the man shook it.

“Yea, but it’s nice to actually meet you. Name's Makker.” The two slowly walked across the town as they continued to talk. Most was about what happened the other night, and it slowly drifted to Rarity.

“So, loverboy. How was kissin the uptight unicorn?” Applejack said with a small smirk. “She’s actually a great yet modest pony; Ah just like pokin' n teasin her from time to time.” The orange mare let out a small laugh.

Makker, now coated with a blushed expression rubbed the back of his head chuckling nervously. “It was great to be honest. If it wasn’t for her, I would be long gone by now. Somewhere in this crazy land.” Applejack tilted her head and raised an eyebrow.

“Is that so partner. If I was a gamblin mare, I’d wager there’s something more to that kiss than just the mood huh?” Giving him a slight nudge in his leg she grinned. “You got the hots for her don’t cha?”

Avoiding her gaze, Makker ran his fingers through his blonde hair. “Yeah, you could say that. Anyways, that’s not for me to say. Do you know where I could find Rainbow Dash?” His gaze set down on the small pony.

Pointing in the air to what looked like a cloud castle, Applejack had a curious look on her face. “Up there, just watch the clouds.” Giving her a quick thanks, Makker gently took to the sky and towards Rainbow place.

The sun was directly overhead as he made it up to the place. Trying to place his foot on the cloud, his foot instantly went through. “Thanks for the heads up Applejack…” He muttered under his breath. Looking up at the place the man took a small inhale and let it out quickly. “Hey Rainbow! You ok?”

As Makker stood in mid-flight in front of Rainbow Dash’s place, he could hear a bit of shuffling. “Just a minute!” A voice shouted from inside.

Crossing his arms, the man waited patiently. Gently pushing his ki to hold himself in the air. His eyes wandered to look at the place, it looked like it had been meticulously crafted with a very fine pair of hooves.

With a bit of a thud, Rainbow Dash finally opened the door. “Oft… Anyway, sorry for the wait and oh… It's you Makker!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly but then blushed remembering what they last talked about and didn’t look him in the eye. “Sorry about earlier… I didn’t mean to make such an assumption about you and Rarity.”

“No no no. Don’t be Rainbow Dash. I knew the difference. I’m here about you.” Shaking his hands from side to side quickly, the male saiyan looked into Rainbows magenta eyes.

“Wait… Me? Why me, I didn’t do anything bad did I? I swear I haven’t pulled any pranks today!” Rainbow Dash was once again jumping to conclusions, but this one was way over her head and Makker’s since it confused the shitaki mushrooms out of him.

Facepalming Makker sighed. “No Dash, I’m here because I was concerned for you. You looked pretty upset earlier, and I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” A soft expression overcame his face as he quietly hovered in place.

Rainbow was kinda taken back for a moment as her eyes widen in surprisal. “Really? You’re here because of that, honestly… I didn’t really expect that at all, I mean I can from the others since we have known each other for a long time. But you and me… We barely know each other, and when I jumped to a conclusion back there I… thought I may have lost my chance to be friends with you. That’s the reason I left and I was upset… but upset with myself more than anypony. And the thing with Syera laughing, I probably would have laughed too if I were in her shoes.” Rainbow sighed softly as she looked down, a few tears running down her cheeks. Her real emotions were starting to show, not that brash attitude she usually shows… No, this was totally different.

Makker suddenly felt sad for the blue pegasus. “Us saiyans are made of tough stuff Rainbow. Besides, I wouldn’t have thrown away a great potential friend over a joke.” Reaching down he used his thumb to wipe the tears off her cheeks. “You show lots of loyalty, I like that about you. Besides, how would we become friends if you kept avoiding me.” With a small smile, Makker’s arm twitched.

Clenching his hand, Makker took a small breath. “Sorry, trying the whole, stay super saiyan as long as I can.”

With a deep breath and a bit of a sniffle. A smile, a very small one crept across the pegasus pony’s face. “Heh, thanks Makker… I’m glad you only took it as a joke, And oh? Is that something you’ve been tasked in your training, I think I remember Syera doing something similar. By the way, where is that girl, I kinda want to train with her myself so she can show me some wicked moves.” Rainbow Dash asked the Saiyan after regaining her composure from the small sobbing episode she just went through.

Makker let out a small happy sigh before looking behind him. “Well, I’ll point you in the right direction.” Pushing the button on his scouter, the small device lit up. It started a scan, the man having to calibrate out the smaller power levels of the pony population before… “Huh… That’s strange…”

“What’s strange? Is something wrong?” Rainbow Dash asked worriedly towards Makker.

Looking around he pushed the button again. “Huh, this is… Slightly concerning. There is no major power level shooting up on my scouter. Usually she would dominate the scale, but now… Hold on…” Pushing the button a couple more times, he bit his lip. “If I focus on the part of the energy spectrum us saiyans produce, I should be able to…” Beep beeep beep! “Ah, there she is.” The happy expression soon fell from his face.

“Ok, good, where is she at? I bet she’s eating up a storm since she said she is getting a bite to eat right?” Rainbow Dash recalled hearing those words from Syera that she was gonna go get a bite to eat.

Shaking his head Makker looked worried. “No, she’s in the woods. And her power level is low… Almost dangerously low. I think she’s in trouble!” Makker’s aura flared up, his breaths came in a bit more quickly.

Rainbow Dash’s expression changed from happy to really, really drop dead worried. “What?! No way, Syera is stronger than the entire Yakyakistan Army! There’s no way she should be in trouble!” She said rushing up and flying by Makker’s side. “Well if she is in trouble we gotta go get her out of the danger!” Rainbow shouted at him as she flew in front of him.

“Right! Let’s go and get to her now!” With that, he pushed his Ki behind him and took off towards the forest.

Rainbow Dash followed in suite with Makker to the Everfree Forest. “Why in the hay would she be way out here?! I just don’t get it!” the blue pegasus said out loud as they flew over the Everfree forest looking for Syera.

As Makker searched, he narrowed the energy field on his scouter. “I have no idea Rain- down there!” With that he immediately dived down into the dark woods.

“Wait, there! That’s the old castle of the Two Sisters… what in the hay is she doing down there. Syera!” Rainbow Dash shouted the name of the female Saiyan who was laid out on the linoleum on the castle floors.

Landing quickly, Makker scanned the surroundings. The darkness was almost overwhelming, the only light coming from the aura Makker put out. “Is she ok Dash?” His now green eyes darted across the dimly lit landscape. “Is it always this damn dark in here?”

Rainbow Dash went to Syera’s side and tried to get a good look at her. Her skin was pale, it looked like she hadn’t seen the sun in days. She was still a Super Saiyan surprisingly, just goes to show how much will power she has even when she is passed out. “I honestly couldn’t tell ya, I don’t really hang here in this place. Gives me the creeps. But… What could have done this to her?” The pegasus pony asked in such shock since she has never seen anything like this.

Looking down at the downed saiyan, Makker narrowed his eyes. “Move out of the way Rainbow.” With that said, Rainbow Dash backed away from Syera and let Makker examine her body.

Placing his right hand onto her chest Makker charged a small bit of energy and pushed. With what looked like a hard shock to her chest, shooting her a couple inches off the ground. Syera immediately inhaled sharply and started to cough. Standing back up, Makker clenched his hand as he looked down at her. “You ok?”

As Syera started to regain consciousness, she coughed hard and then held her stomach and she then puked up whatever she had in her system out. “Agk...ah...ah...ha…” Syera was on her hands and knees breathing hard.

“Syera… What happened to you, what did this to you?” Rainbow Dash asked, a little green in the gills herself after witnessing her upchuck.

Syera then looked at the two before her. “Rainbow… Makker… I…” Before any other words came out her mouth, she passed out once again.

“Syera! Don’t you do this to me you stubborn girl, please!” Rainbow Dash said as she tried to stop her from falling with all her might. “Makker help me out here, we need to get her help now!”

Makker quickly grabbed a hold of Syera’s dangling arm, helping to support the unconscious saiyan. Once his hand held her, a strange cold feeling tingled his palm. He hesitated as his eyes looked over the sleeping girl. “Right, let’s get her to Twilight. She should be able to figure it out.”

Drapping both her arms over his shoulders, Makker once more took to the sky with Rainbow Dash in tow. Makker pushed with all his might, a bright yellow streak shooting from the woods and right into Ponyville in no time at all. Surprisingly Rainbow Dash managed to keep up, a little out of his wake.

Landing in a sprint, Makker busted right through the doors of the library, much to a squawk from the purple pony inside. “Twilight! Something happened to Syera.” Placing the barely breathing saiyan onto the couch, Twilight immediately came sprinting over.

From behind another ponies hoofsteps and voice startled Makker. “Oh no, what happened?!” Turning his head Makker noticed Princess Celestia herself was trotting up behind him, a broken teacup laid on the floor not too far behind her.

Her light purple eyes scanned over Syera’s body, looking for any signs of injuries. “Me and Rainbow Dash found her unconscious in the woods. Looked to be some sort of old castle.” Makker began to explain, his aura still slightly pushing out. Taking a deep breath, reining it back in he continued. “She was pretty much… Gone. I had to give her a good shock to kick start her heart back to normal. After that she, well, let’s just say it was a mess.”

Twilight’s horn glowed brightly, her eyes never leaving her sister’s face as she looked for any signs of problems. “Wait, you found her in the Castle of the Two Sisters?” She raised an eyebrow, looking over at Dash who gave a quick nod. “What was she doing there?”

Celestia bit her lip as she started to think. “Strange isn’t it? Why would she go back in there?” As she pondered, she noticed Syera’s hair was still blonde, just like Makker’s was at the moment. “Wait, is she still a super saiyan?”

Turning his attention back to the girl on the couch, Makker nodded slowly. “Yeah, she is… That’s strange. She shouldn’t be in her current state.” Celestia’s horn started to glow bright, her eyes closed in focus as a small yellow beam went from her horn tip to Syera’s chest.

“Hmm… Dark magic? It’s spreading throughout her entire body but…” Her eyes opened as she stared at the girl’s face. “It feels so familiar.” The sun-princess trailed off, her eyes narrowing a bit as she chewed on her inner cheek.

Rainbow Dash flew over and looked at her saiyan friend, then at the Princess. “Wait, so you’re saying that you’ve seen this type of thing before?” The brash pegasus asked, then again when she thought about it, the Princess has seen a lot in her lifetime.

Celestia shook her head. “No, I must be mistaken. Anyways, stand back everypony.” Twilight, Dash and Makker all gave the white pony plenty of room as her magic got bright and brighter. She muttered some words under her breath and shot the pure white energy at Syera’s body.

The female saiyans body glowed brightly, gently lifting off the couch as the light glowed so bright as to forced everyone’s eyes closed. Then, it was gone. The light, the noise it was no more. Syera was once more on the couch, this time she had her usual black hair and a more peaceful look on her face.

The Saiyan’s body then began to fidget a little, her fingers twitched and her chest puffed up a little as she breathed inhaled and exhaled deeply. “Mmm….ah…..” A few audible noises came from the passed out Saiyan.

Twilight ran her hoof over Syera’s forehead, gently stroking her skin. “She looks better. Thank you Celestia.” The white Princess hesitantly nodded, her gaze still glancing all over her body.

“I must report back to the castle about this. Keep an eye on her for me Twilight, get a hold of me if anything else seems odd with her. Or anypony else for that matter.” With that, Celestia took a couple steps back, and with a quick flash of white light she was gone.

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes after the blinding light from Princess Celestia vanished and she was gone. It was then she set her sights on Syera. Who she now hovered above, then started to descend and lay on top of the Saiyan. “Oh Syera… Please be ok…”. She said with a few tears coming out her eyes.

Twilight then looked at the Pegasus pony who was now looking over Syera. “I know she’s gonna be just fine Rainbow Dash. If you want you can watch over her, I need to find out more about this ‘dark magic’ the Princess mentioned.” Twilight said as she then placed a soft kiss on Syera’s forehead and rubbed it softly before she left to another part of the Library to do some research. She then looked back at Makker. “Hey Makker, do you wish to help me? I could use it since Spike is out doing some errands, if you don’t mind that is.” Twilight asked the male Saiyan.

With a half-hearted shrug he followed her. “Got nowhere else to be, Let's do it then.” Letting out a deep sigh, concentrating on his energy, he managed to keep it back under wraps.

Twilight and Makker then entered the west wing of the golden oak library, leaving Syera and Rainbow Dash alone in the main room. “Now where is it…” Twilight started to scan the bookshelves for what could possibly be a link to finding out more of what kind of dark magic affected her sister.

Makker leaned on a table, his eyes looking unfocused over the bookshelves. “Got a lotta books eh?” Standing up and walking next to her he scratched his chin. “So what are we looking for anyways?”

“Something that can tell us more about Dark magic and how it works. And possibly finding out what Syera was exposed to.” Twilight scanned more of the books to find a reference guide to magic and the different forms of it. “Mmm… Any luck Makker?” the purple unicorn asked the saiyan.

He walked over to another shelf, his eyes quickly scanning all the book titles quickly. “Nothing here yet…” The two continued to search for a long time, eventually they had gone through every book in the library in little under three hours.

Letting out a groan and sitting onto the floor with his back against the wall, Makker let out a small yawn. “Nothing, five thousand, six hundred and seventy seven titles, and not a single one could lead us anywhere. Surely there has to be… Wait, what about the Castle library? I remember it was mentioned when I first got here.”

“Oh… that but that is way too far away. There has to be something here, we must’ve missed… Wait… what’s this?” Twilight asked as she saw a marking in the wall that looked like a secret storage compartment, she pressed her hoof against it and then it opened. Inside was a black book. With strange markings on it. “Umm… Makker, you might wanna see this.” She picked up the book with her magic and scanned through the pages. “Oh my… If I were to say or do any of these spells, they’d cause very… Very bad occurrences to happen.” Twilight continued to read through the book with Makker.

Standing up, he stood over her shoulder. To him, the book was full of gibberish, but it must have meant something to the tiny pony. “Well, is there any references to what happened to her?”

“I’m looking… Aha! there, it seemed like she went through some sort of… life drain spell. A Wicked and nasty spell indeed from what I am reading, it says it is performed usually by an entity that usually in a state of decay and tries to latch itself inside of a host’s body and slowly starts to drain them of their energy. The average time for a pony to be drained would be less than 30 minutes, Syera lasted obviously a lot longer, Oh… My dear sis, you always surprise me.” Twilight said remarking how strong of a will her sister has to fight against anything, in any which way possible.

Visibly wincing at the description, Makker rubbed his neck. “That sounds terrible. I can only imagine what it feels like to have your life force drained away.”

Twilight looked over towards the other room thinking of her sister. “I can’t imagine it, something so terrible happening to anypony. It's just so… heart wrenching…” Twilight began to cry a little at the thought of losing her sister to such a thing.

Putting an arm around Twilight Makker chuckled. “Twilight, Syera is made of tough stuff. Regardless, Princess Sun-Butt is looking into what happened. The least we can do is trust her.” Glancing over at the couch, an idea popped into his head. “Maybe Syera can tell us what happened to her before she got attacked.”

Chewing on his inner lip, Makker shifted his weight onto his left leg while crossing his arms. “But we will have to wait on that. Let me know if you find anything. I’m going to go back to the boutique for some lunch. Talk to you later Twilight.” As he headed towards the door, he stopped and looked down at the sleeping saiyan for a brief moment before walking outside.

Accidently slamming the door shut, he gazed up at the sun setting in the distance. With his destination in mind, the man pushed with his energy and shot up into the air. With no time wasted, he took off towards Rarity’s boutique. With the power booster Super Saiyan gave him, it took no time to get there. Quickly landing with a dull thud from his feet, Makker relaxed his energy and walked into the boutique.

The little bell above the door rung out, Rarity was assisting a sapphire blue mare try on a pure, white gown. “I must say, that dress looks absolutely fabulous on you, it will need a few adjustments to make sure it’ll fit. But that shan't take me long, when did you need it by?”

Rarity’s eyes briefly glanced in the direction of the door once the door closed. A small smile crept onto her muzzle before her attention, shifted back to her customer. “I’d like to have it done in a couple days before I need to return to Canterlot. But if not done by then, I can have it shipped.” The mare had a two-tone light/dark blue mane and tail, while she had an hourglass as a cutie mark.

Rarity delicately helped remove the dress before placing it onto a mannequin. “I shall get the work done to it ASAP, come back before you leave and it should be done.” With that, the mare thanked her and left with a content smile on her muzzle. With her gone, Rarity let out a small sigh and trotted up to the blonde haired man. “Oh darling, I love your hair. You must be doing that all time super or whatever am I right? I remember when Syera did that, honestly she broke more stuff than I care to remember.”

With a small giggle she nuzzled his leg affectionately. “Yeah, I’m seeing if I can do it too.” Putting his hand to the back of her neck, he casually began to rub it, eliciting a sweet hum from the white unicorn. “Looks like you have your work cut out for you huh?” Looking around the room, there were a half dozen mannequins adorning half finished, and nearly completed dresses.

Breaking the contact with Makker, her horn lit up and levitated her ruby red glasses onto her muzzle. “Yes, it seems I do. Plus there are a hoof-ful of other orders that need to be done. But not to worry, I have just the right amount of time to get it all done. But for now, I think it’s bed time for me.” Rarity wrinkled her nose a little, putting her hoof to it. “You need a shower.”

Sniffing his armpits, Makker let out a crooked smile and shrugged. “Guess I do.” With that, the young man took to the stairs and to the bathroom. Closing the door behind him, he quickly stripped and turned the hot water on. Sighing in satisfaction as the hot water cascaded down his toned body, he started to clean his body and hair. It was a different feeling, having his hair stick up under the water, but with no time wasted he was done in record time.

Stepping out and drying off with a towel, Makker headed to his room and found it was closed. Before his hand touched the knob, a small power could be felt from the other side. “Oh, sorry for forgetting to mention, my little sister is going to be here for a bit. So looks like you and me will have to share a bed again.” Rarity called from her room while Makker turned and gazed inside.

“Oh, sounds good then.” He then walked once again into Rarity’s room, getting a better look inside. The large bed still sat to the left side, a big window was right in the middle of the back wall. While a small sewing machine sat on a small table next to what looked like a series of shelves holding cloth. Setting his dirty clothes in a small pile, he went searching for a pair of pj’s. Rarity was currently sitting at her small table, brushing her mane out. She wore a light pink housecoat and was humming a small song while she worked.

Makker quickly slid a pair of briefs on, before dropping the towel into the dirty laundry pile then slipped into bed. The cool silk covers felt amazing on his smooth skin, Rarity herself smiled before she got in on the other side. “Good night Darling.” With that, she turned off the bedside lamp and laid on her side away from the saiyan.

On his back, Makker closed his eyes and yawned. His body felt tired, but more relaxed as it got used to the feeling of being in super saiyan. After a couple of minutes and a light snore, he was out cold. While Rarity herself nuzzled deep into her pillows before falling into a deep slumber.