• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 4,498 Views, 663 Comments

Yugioh EQG: Shadow Gates - Banshee531

The Celestic Cup Finals have arrived. Who will take the crown and what mysterious ploys are being plotted in the shadows? Only time will tell.

  • ...

Turn 50, Towards a Perfect Future

Flash coughed as he fanned the smoke away.

He looked up and saw Flash Heart Dragon, who was staring down at him through the smoke. He smirked before giving his partner a thumbs up, Flash Heart copying the motion before disappearing. With that done, he turned to look at where Sombra had landed.

Ironically the blast from the final attack had thrown him into his throne, which had shattered leaving him laying on a pile of broken crystal. The man who called himself king groaned as he picked himself up, before turning to look at Flash. His eye went wide as what had just happened hit him. "No," he quivered out, "it isn't possible. How could I lose...to a child."

Flash just glared at the man. "You lost because you underestimated the power of this world."

Sombra shook in fear and horror. "I lost, that means." He looked up at the Shadow Gate above.

Outside everyone cheered after seeing Flash defeat Sombra.

"He did it!" Pinkie screamed.

"Or yeah!" Rainbow said.

"Incredible," Rarity said as tears threatened to break out of her eyes.

"I knew he could do it," Twilight said as she smiled up at the tower, only for her attention to drift to something else. The Crystal Tower's glow faded, returning it to the black crystal it had originally been. The energy beam that had been shooting out the top stopped, as the last of the light faded. Then she and the rest of the group heard a cracking sound, making them look around and see the crystal roots turning to dust.

"What's happening?" Applejack asked.

"Sombra lost," Cold, having been healed by the Ener-D convergence, explained, "doing so meant that the very weak link between his cards and the monster has been broken. Now the Doom-Vaders have nothing connecting them to this world and without a connection, the Shadow Gate can't be forged."

"So that's it," Shining said, "it's over."

"Yes," Cold said as he looked up at the Shadow Gate, "the gate will soon begin to close and then disappear completely."

Grand looked up at the tower with a worried look. "I doubt it'll be that simple."

Back in the tower, Sombra wasn't taking his defeat well.

"No," he said before he started pounding the ground, "this can't be happening. No, no, no, NO!"

"Give it up Sombra," Flash told him, "it's over, you've lost."

"No," Sombra said, "everything I've worked for. Why did this happen?"

"It happened because you turned your back on this world," Flash told him, "it happened years ago. You seeked to find the breeches so you could escape this world and now you tried to simply destroy it." He began to walk over to Sombra. "Don't you see," he said, "this world is amazing. It has its flaws but nothing's perfect." He held out his hand, offering to help him up. "It's time to come back to this world," he told him, "and see what your future holds."

Sombra looked up at the boy, staring at his hand, before looking down at his own. Could he really return to the way things were, after everything that had happened?" Taking a deep breath, Sombra nodded before holding out his hand to take Flash's. However, in doing so he caught a glimpse of his deck and saw something unusual.

The deck was glowing a dark shadowy colour, coming off the cards like smoke.

"What?" He asked looking at it, before something caught his ear.

The sound of thunder rumbling above their heads, causing the two to look up at the Shadow Gate.

The gate should have started to close, however it remained as it was and even stranger, it looked like it was getting bigger. Lightning sparked across it, as the portal grew in size.

"What's going on?" Flash asked Sombra, "you lost, the portal should be closing."

Sombra thought for a moment, until his eyes went wide. "No," he said as he stood up, "they can't."

"Can't what?"

"They're trying to open the gate and pass through," Sombra replied.

"They can do that?" Flash asked.

"Yes," Sombra said, "but it comes with a price."

Down bellow, the group saw the Shadow Gate and grew concerned.

"The Doom-Vaders are trying to pass through an unstable gateway," Cold explained.

"I'm guessing that's a bad thing?" Spike asked.

"Unless the passage is stable," Sunset replied, "trying to pass through it will cause the rift between the two dimensions to collapse and that will cause our world, the dark world and the Duel Monster Spirit World to collide with each other."

"It'll be a world sandwich and we'll be the jam," Tidal said in concern.

"Then we'll just have to stop it," Rainbow said. She held up her card, but unlike last time the card did not respond. "What?"

"The passage is destabilised," Cadance told her, "our monsters can't come through either."

"We have to stop them," Flash told Sombra.

"I know," Sombra replied, "but how." Suddenly he looked at his wrist and saw the glow from his deck begin to grow larger. Suddenly the Duel Disk holding it exploded, sending Flash and Sombra flying back, as the cards flew into the air and collected into a single shadowy mass.

Flash and Sombra sat themselves up as they watched the shadow grow larger, until it almost filled the entire room. Suddenly a pair of green eyes appeared in the centre, before turning to the humans and glaring down at them.

"Sombra!" A voice from the shadow spoke, "you have failed us!"

"I...I," Sombra tried to respond.

"Failure will not be accepted," the shadow said. Suddenly a load of shadow tendrils shot out of the cloud, before wrapping itself around Sombra's arms, legs and torso. They then started dragging Sombra towards the cloud, as he scrapped and scratched along the ground trying to escape.

"NO!" Sombra screamed as he felt himself be lifted into the air and pulled into the shadow. As his lower half was submerged into the darkness, Sombra suddenly felt someone grab his arm. Looking up he saw Flash holding onto him and try and pull him out.

"Let...him...go!" He groaned.

"Flash," Sombra said.

"I have you," the teen said, however. Flash suddenly felt something wrap around his waist, making him look down to see the shadow had gotten him.

"You," the darkness said, "we will take you as well."

Flash released Sombra and tried to pull himself free, but the shadow's grip was to strong and the both of them were sucked inside.

Seconds passed and nothing happened, making the shadow believe he had done it, until suddenly a single speck of light shot of its body.

"What?" The shadow asked, before the speck exploded into a stream of light and caused the shadow to cry out as he was ripped apart by the light and retreated away. Looking back he saw the light die down, showing the origin.

Flash Heart Dragon stood there, Flash and Sombra in his clutches, giving off the light which had hurt the shadow.

"How?" The shadow asked.

Flash Heart put the humans down, before turning to the shadow and igniting his thrusters. He shot forward and punched the shadow, causing it to cry in pain as it was sent flying.

"Oh yeah!" Flash cried, seeing his monster kick butt.

"How?" Sombra asked, before something else caught his attention. A piece of the shadow was flying towards Flash from the rear, transforming into a spear like object that was about to stab him. "LOOK OUT!"

Flash spun around and saw the spear, causing him to flinch and raise his arm in defence. However, nothing happened. Opening his eyes, he saw someone standing infront of him blocking the spear with a bronze shield.

"Arma?" Flash asked seeing the girl, who turned back and smiled at him over her shoulder.

Flash smiled back, before a light caught his eye and made him look down to see his deck glowing. Then a light flew off his deck and took form, before the light faded to reveal Magna Wolf. The wolf leapt over Arma and bite down on the spear, destroying it and allowing Arma to lower her weapon.

"You're here," Flash said as he stood up.

"Flash!" The teen turned back to Sombra, who was looking up at the Shadow Gate.

The gate had grown even larger and from it, several shadows flew out before flying around the city.

Down bellow, Flash's friends saw this and grew concerned.

"Look!" Scootaloo cried pointing at a group of shadows, which were flying right at them.

"Everybody run!" Shining called out, as the group scattered and was being chased by shadows.

"The Doom-Vaders are breaking through," Sombra explained, "we need to stop them or everything will be destroyed."

Flash looked down at his deck, knowing what he had to do. He took the cards out of his Duel Disk, before raising them in the air.


The deck shined, before exploding into many different lights which flew out the tower and across the city.

Down bellow, Twilight, Spike, Shining and Cadance was running from a shadow.

Suddenly Twilight tripped and fell.

"Twilight!" Shining called out as they turned back to her.

Twilight tried to pick herself up, but as she did she felt a presence. Looking behind her, she saw a shadow shooting towards her. She was about to scream, but then a light shot down from the sky infront of her. When the light faded, Twilight looked up and saw Lumino Jaw Dragon standing above her.

The dragon turned to the shadow, before flapping its wings and creating a gust that sent it flying back.

"What just happened?" Twilight asked.

All over the city, Flash's monsters were appearing and fighting back against the shadows.

"Whoa!" Rainbow and Applejack said as they looked up to see Crossbolt and Radium shot down several shadows.

"Incredible," Rarity said as she and Pinkie watched as Solaris and Lunara fired magic beams that struck several more shadows.

Volt Edge Dragon, Twin Laser Dragon, Light Boarder, Lucidum and Gladio, they were all there. They all worked to make the shadows retreat back into the Shadow Gate.

"Their returning to the gate," Sombra said.

"Then let's make sure they stay there."

The two looked around to see Vail Pixie float down.

"Come on," she said, "We need to destroy the gate."

The humans nodded, as Flash Heart picked them up and placed them on his back, before flying into the sky.

A new wave of shadows appeared, heading straight for them. But in that moment Flash's Extra Deck monster flew up and passed them. Spectral Nova, Spectral Sabre and Spiral Vector Dragon took out the first wave of shadows, followed by Assault Striker and Sacred Light Paladin who attacked and destroyed the second lot. Destiny Bound and Chaos Command Dragon finished off the final group, freeing Flash Heart to attack the gate itself.

"We have to hurry," Sombra said.

"Vail Pixie," Flash said, "power us up!"

The fairy nodded, before placing her hand on Flash Heart. The dragon was consumed by light, as he shifted and changed before the light faded to reveal Accel. The evolved dragon unfolded its cannons at let rip, unleashing it quadro blast which struck the gate.

The gate began to shake and crack, as Accel's power overloaded it.

"Keep going!" Flash said.

"It's not enough," Sombra said.

Suddenly the Extra Deck monsters were beside them and unleashed their own attacks, followed by the rest of Flash's monster. The many attacks all combined as they struck the gate, causing it to break up even more and grow smaller. Eventually the portal was almost completely closed, as only one shadow remained.

Flash looked at the shadow and instantly knew which one it was.

"Tyrant Reaper," he said before looking down at Accel, "let's end this!"

Accel ceased its attack, before it was consumed by light and reverted back to Flash Heart. His boosters ignited, propelling them forward before Flash Heart reared back a fist and then let it fly. It struck Tyrant Reaper with enough force that the Doom-Vader was sent flying back into the gate, which finally succumb to the onslaught and collapsed.

Everyone looked up to see the Shadow Gate be destroyed.

"He did it!" Spike said.

Twilight however, was concerned and began rushing back to the tower.

"Twilight!" Shining called out as they chased after her.

Back at the Crystal Tower, Flash Heart Dragon landed back in the main chamber.

As he put Flash and Sombra down, the rest of Flash's monster flew and gathered around them. "We did it," Flash said as he looked around at them, "all of us."

"We couldn't have done it without you," Vail Pixie told him, "you were the one who lead us. Thank you." With that, she and the rest of his monsters all bowed to him.

"Our jeez," Flash said as he scratched the back of his head, before turning to Sombra.

Sombra was staring around the Crystal Tower, obviously still disappointed at the lose of his perfect future.

"Hey," he turned back to Flash, "I believe we were about to shake hands." He held out his hand once again, still offering his friendship and help.

Sombra stared at the hand again, before smiling and going to take. Then suddenly his whole body exploded with pain, causing him to cry out as he fell to his knees.

"Sombra!" Flash called out as he and his monsters crowded around him, "what's wrong?"

Sombra had a feeling he knew. "Forcing the rift between worlds open and creating the link between the Doom-Vaders and the cards, put major strain on my body," Sombra explained. "The Doom-Vaders were the ones keeping my body from collapsing for the damage, but now their gone."

Flash realised what he meant. Now all the damage he'd done to himself was being returned to him at once.

"Looks like I won't get that chance to see what this world is worth," Sombra said.

"No," Flash told him, "I won't accept that. There has to be something we can do?" He looked around at him monster, all of whom seemed to be looking sad. "Anything?"

Vail Pixie frowned, before she suddenly looked up is surprise. "You're right, that might work."

"What might work?" Flash asked, but the fairy didn't reply. Instead she lifted up her hands and concentrated, before a breech opened up on the far wall. "What's going on?" Suddenly someone stepped out of the breech, someone Flash knew. "Mom?"

Misty Vail smiled down at her son. "Well done Flash," she said, "I knew you could do it." With that she knelt down next to Flash and Sombra, before looking over the older man's injuries. "You won't survive this," she told him.

"I know," Sombra said.

"But that doesn't mean you have to die," Misty said as she placed her hand on his shoulder, "you can make a new life, in the Spirit World."

"Wait," Flash said, "are you saying that Sombra will survive if he goes into the Spirit World?"

"Yes," Misty said, "his human body will die, but his soul will become a Duel Monster Spirit. You'll be reborn."

"And maybe I can still do something worth wild," Sombra said.

"Maybe," Misty said, "but we must hurry." They lifted him up and carried him to the portal. Once there, Sombra and Misty prepared to pass through. Before they did, Misty turned to her son. "I'll be home soon," she said, "once Sombra is stable and the damage to the Spirit World is repaired."

Flash just smiled at her and nodded. "I understand. You have a lot of responsibilities."

Misty smiled at her son, before pulling him to her and kissing his forehead. "Say hi to your sister and grandfather for me," she said.

"I will," Flash replied.

With that Misty and Sombra walked into the portal, where Sombra's new life would begin. Seconds later the portal closed, leaving Flash and his monsters in the crystal chamber.

Flash turned to his friends and smiled. "So this is it," he said, "you'll be leaving soon right?"

"We have to returned to our world," Vail Pixie said.

"I know," Flash replied as he knelt down and stroked Magna Wolf, "but I'm gonna miss you."

"Why?" Vail Pixie asked, "we'll still be with you. You are apart of us and we, are apart of you." With that, the monsters all glowed before transforming into lights which flew into Flash's Duel Disk and returned to their card forms. The only monsters still there, were Vail Pixie and Flash Heart.

"You're right," Flash said, "we'll never really be apart. As long as I Duel, I'll be connected."

Vail Pixie nodded. "We'll be with you for as long as you want us to be, even until the end of your days. Our power, is your power." With that, the two monsters transformed into a pair of lights before reverting back to their card forms that floated infront of Flash.

Flash smiled as he took the cards, but the second he did they both began to glow and were completely enveloped. Before Flash could ask what was going on, the light faded and the cards were revealed. However, these cards were different. Flash Heart and Vail Pixie were still on them, but their posses were different and the writing on their card was slightly different.

"What?" Flash asked, but in that second the entire tower began to shake. "Uh oh," he said, "I'd better get out of here." And with that he rushed off towards the stairs.

Outside the tower, Twilight and the others were rushing towards it.

As they got closer however, they noticed the structure beginning to shake. Then the whole tower began to crack and pull apart, before finally completely collapsing into dust.

Twilight's eyes went wide seeing this, as she and the others reached the dust cloud where the tower had once been.

"Flash?" Twilight called out in fear, "Flash where are you?"

Everyone else began to fear the worst, until they noticed something coming out of the dust.

That something was a humanoid figure, who was walking towards them. Finally they exited the dust cloud and revealed itself as Flash, dusty and battered but alive.

Finally he stopped and smirked at his friends. "Hey guys," he said.

Everyone smiled seeing him, but no one's smile was as big as Twilight's. She shot towards him and threw her arms around him, before pulling him into a kiss.

Once again Flash was surprised, but quickly got over it and kissed her back.

"Well it's about time," Applejack said, everyone else agreeing.

With that everyone gathered around Flash and Twilight, before pulling them into a hug.

"We're so proud of you," Twilight told him as they pulled away.

"Thank you," Flash said before turning to the others, "all of you. I couldn't have done it without you."

"Happy to help," Rainbow said.

"Indeed darling," Rarity said.

Then Cold appeared. "Sombra?"

"Don't worry," Flash said, "he's somewhere that'll help him."

Cold smiled as he nodded.

Meanwhile Thorax was looking over the crystal rubble, before he noticed some thing sticking out of it. Moving over to it he began to move the crystal away, before gasping as he saw who it was. "Mother," he said, getting everyone's attention.

They all moved over to them and then saw several over people sticking out of the crystal, which they removed to reveal Adagio, Lightning and the Flim-Flam Brothers.

Checking them over, they all saw they were unconscious but alive.

"They need medical attention," Cadance said.

"Let's get them back to the stadium," Cold told them.

They all nodded as they did so.

Meanwhile Flash was looking up at the sky, Twilight stepping over to him.

"So that's it," She said, "it's over?"

"Yeah," Flash said, "it's over."

"So what now?" Twilight asked, only getting a smile from him in return.

"We start moving on," he said, "towards a perfect future."

Twilight smiled as she leaned into him. It would be a long road, but they'd recover.

<Two Weeks Later>

Canterlot was rebuilding.

All over the city construction workers were busy repairing the damage done by the crystal roots, patching up the roads and repairing the street lamps and mail boxes.

The repairs were mainly being funded by Freeze Industries.

In his office at the Freeze Industries building, Cold and Sunset were looking over to reports for the repairs.

"Everything seems to be going well," Sunset told him, "over thirty percent of the damage has already been repaired."

"Good," Cold said, "everything appears to be on schedule." He then looked over at Sunset. "How about our patient?"

Sunset smiled. "She's doing well."

At the Freeze Stadium, Adagio's eyes began to flutter open.

"I think she's coming around," she heard someone say. She opened her eyes fully and as she did, two familiar faces showed themselves to her.

"Welcome back," Sonata said with a smile on her face.

"About time," Aria said, a smirk on her face.

"Aria," Adagio spoke, "Sonata. You're alright."

"Of course we are silly," Sonata told her.

Before they could say anything else, Adagio grabbed the two and pulled them into a hug. Her eyes were filled with tears. "I'm...so happy I get to see you."

Sonata and Aria both smiled, before returning the hug.

Meanwhile out on the street, Twilight was helping the construction crews who were repairing the city.

Her organisation skills proved rather handy at this moment. "That's right," she told a foreman, "we should have enough materials for this section. Go check the next one and see what's needed there."

The foremen nodded, before moving over to do what she said.

"Looks like someone's keeping everything together."

Twilight turned to see Shining and Cadance walking towards them.

"Hey guys," she said, "just trying to get as much done as possible before I had to leave."

"Just don't overexert yourself," Shining said, "you'll want to be at your best."

Twilight nodded. "Are you two coming?"

"of course," Cadance said, "though I won't be participating."

"Why not?" Twilight asked in confusion.

She watched the two share a knowing glance, before turning back to her and both placing a hand on Cadance's stomach. Twilight's eyes went wide as she realised what they were insinuating.


"Yeap," Cadance said with a smile.

Twilight let out a giddy squeal before throwing her arms around them. "Congratulations," she said.

"Thanks," Shining said, "we've known for a while, but we wanted to wait until everything had settled down."

"I can't believe it," Twilight said as she pulled away, "I'm gonna be an aunt."

Meanwhile in another part of town, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie were walking through a part of the repaired town.

"So their gone?" Fluttershy asked.

"They left as soon as they were on their feet," Rainbow said.

"Yeah," Applejack said, "but I doubt we've seen the last of them."

"To bad they left so soon," Pinkie asked, "I was gonna invite them to the party."

"Hopefully they'll have had a change of hearts when we next see them," Rarity said.

Lightning and the Flim-Flam Brothers were on a hill in the outskirts of town, all of their belongings in bags they were carrying. They looked back at the city they'd once called home and smirked.

"Next time we'll get them," Lightning said.

"Indeed," Flim said.

"But next time we'll use our own power," Flam said.

With that they all turned and walked away, ready to start anew.

Thorax and Spike were in the park, which had been completely restored with the crystals being hauled away.

Thorax was on the phone. "I have a few more things to do here," he said to whoever he was speaking to, "I should be back in a few days. How is she?" He listened for a few minutes before nodding, "okay. Keep an eye on her. I'll talk to you later." With that he cut the call and turned to Spike.

"Well?" Spike asked.

"Mother's recovering," Thorax said, "but she's not enjoying being under house arrest."

"Makes sense," Spike replied, "so they getting everything ready for your coronation?"

"Yeah," Thorax replied, "though it won't be for another few weeks. Maybe you guys can come."

"I thought we were anyway?" Spike asked before they both smiled and then laughed.

"We should get going," he said, "don't wanna be late."

Spike nodded and they made the way to their destination.

A little while later, the two arrived at Freeze Stadium and headed up to the room where they'd had the party before the finals.

"Hey everyone," Spike said as they stepped inside. Almost all their friends were there, helping to set up and decorate the room.

"Hey," Twilight said as she handed them a box of decorations, "you're just in time to help out."

"Great," Spike replied sarcastically as he and Thorax walked over to where Pinkie was hanging some streamers with Applebloom and Sweetie. Next to them, Maud and Mac were setting up the tables while Rainbow and the others carried more boxes in.

"Looks like everything's gonna be done sooner then expected," Sunset told Twilight.

"Looks like it," Twilight said.

In that moment, Tidal decided to show up. "All that's missing now is the guest off honour," he said as he looked around, "where is he anyway?"

"I don't know," Twilight said, "but hopefully he'll be here soon."

Flash was in his room looking over his deck, making some changes to it.

Suddenly he heard a knock at the door, which opened to show an annoyed Scootaloo.

"Will you hurry up," she told him, "we're gonna be late."

"We've got plenty of time Scoot," Flash told her, "I was just making so last minute changes to my deck."

"What changes?" Scootaloo asked as she walked over, "you saved the world with that deck. What could need changing?"

Flash just smirked and showed her a card.

Scootaloo stared at it in confusion. "Magna Wolf?"

"Check it out," he replied as he closed his eyes and brought the card to his forehead. Suddenly the card glowed, only for a second, before the light died down and Flash opened his eyes. He then showed her the card.

It was almost completely changed, surprising Scootaloo. It looked like Magna Wolf, but it was larger and its armour was now silver and it had to large fangs sticking out its mouth. "Shining Fang Magna Wolf?"

"Some of my monsters have gained new power," Flash explained, "by opening my connection, I can make the cards evolve to better suit their new power."

"That's cool," Scootaloo said, "but we do need to get going."

"Alright," Flash said as he packed his deck away. The two of them then headed out to the living room, where Grand Hoof was on the phone. "See you later gramps."

"See yeah kids," Grand replied as he watched them leave, before returning to his call. "Are you sure you can't come back? It sounds like you've recovered a lot."

"It's still gonna take me a while," Trail said, "I'm able to move around a lot better, but I doubt I can make such a big trip yet."

"Well don't rush yourself," Grand said.

"I won't," Trail replied, "but I do miss the kids. I wish I could be there now, but..."

"It's okay," Grand replied, "just focus on regaining your strength."

"I will," Trail said, "and thank you for all that you've done."

"No problem," Grand said, "I loved every second of it."

As Flash and Scootaloo arrived at the stadium, the first thing they saw was Twilight.

She was standing outside the doors, her arms crossed and and frown on her face.

"Hey," he said as they got closer, a nervous look on his face.

"You mister," Twilight said as she pointed at him, "are late."

"You know," Scootaloo said, "I think I'll go in and leave you two to it." With that she ran inside, leaving the two alone.

"Sorry," Flash said, "I guess I lost track of time."

"Honestly," Twilight said as she rubbed the bridge of her nose, "what am I gonna do with you? Sometimes it amazes me that you saved the world."

"Oh haha," he replied before grabbing her around the waist, "come here you." With that he pulled her towards him and then planted his lips on hers.

They kissed for almost a solid minute, before they pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Come on," Twilight said as she took his hand and pulled him inside the stadium.

They rode the elevator up to the party room, holding hands the whole way, before stepping out into the room. As soon as he arrived, he was bombarded by party poppers and a loud cry.


Flash smiled seeing all his friends, before Twilight pushed him through the crowd and up on stage. Flash just stared at his adoring public, quickly growing nervous at the attention. Finally he took a deep breath and then smiled. "Okay everyone, I want to thank you all for coming and for all your help in the fight against Sombra and his forces. From the bottom of my heart," he bowed, "thank you."

Everybody smiled at this.

"Okay everyone," Flash said, "what do you say we get this thing started!"


Out on the stage, the ARC System was activated and generated a large field with many different terrains.

"Let's go," Fluttershy said as she flew over a large lake on Kindness Dragonoid.

Suddenly out of the lake shot Soveruin, Tidal sitting behind him. "A strike to the HEART!" His monster waved his sword and created a tsunami, which headed towards Fluttershy.

In another area, this time a forest, six figures broke through the treeline. It was Scootaloo, Sweetie and Applebloom, riding atop their ace monsters.

"You can't beat us," Applebloom said.

"We're the strongest ever," Sweetie said.

"Just let us show you," Scootaloo said.

Suddenly another figure broke through the treeline. It was Shining, riding atop Grand Emperor, who looked at the girls then smiled. "Bring it on!" He yelled as his monster swung its sword and sent the three girls flying.


In a desert area, Maud and Tectonic Colossal were fighting Mac on Cyber Handyman.

In a canyon area, Pinkie and Rarity were brawling with their best monsters and not to far away was Spike and Thorax doing the same.

"You're going down!" Spike said as Blazemaster swung his sword at Changeling King, who dodged it before transforming into his opponent.

"I'd like to see you try!" Thorax replied.

In another area, a large industrial complex, Applejack and Rainbow were duking it out. Rainbow's monster wasn't Assault Wing Gold, though it did look like him only with different armour and a longer sword.

"Wings of freedom, descend!" Rainbow said, "Rainbow Battle Wing, Gold!"

Applejack just smirked at the new monster.

In another area, a volcano, Sunset was flying on Solar Flare Phoenix. Suddenly she was almost hit by a blast of magic energy, which caused her to look down and see Twilight.

She was stood next to a monster that looked like Twilight Sorcerer, only his cloths were slightly different and his staff was made out of metal instead of wood. "Let the magic shine for all eternity," Twilight said, "Twilight Warlock!"

Twilight and Sunset stared at each other, before their monsters charged.

At the top of a large tower stood Flash, with Flash Heart Dragon behind him, staring up at Cold who stood atop a flying Frozen Heart Dragon.

"A whole new world is opening up infront of us," Flash said as he leapt up onto his dragon's back, as it prepared itself for battle, "Flash Heart Dragon...X!" He smiled up at his mentor. "Here I come Cold."

Cold just smiled back, "I'm ready, Flash!"

The teen nodded as his dragon's boosters kicked into gear and sent it and its Duellist flying forward. Flash Heart reared his first back, while Frozen Heart readied its claws. With one strong swing the two collided.

The world had been saved and a new dawn had begun. No one knew what would happen next, but there was one thing they did know. The future, was going to be a bright one.

Author's Note:


I'd like to thank everyone whose been reading and tracking this story. Thank you all for your comments and feedback, which this story never would have survived without.

Yes there will be another sequel, when it comes out will be unclear.

Until then, I hope you enjoy and keep reading my other stories.

Until next time, see you.

Comments ( 28 )

I applaud this story, and await the squeal.

Woohoo! That was amazing! Looks like everything is looking up for everybody.

Well not what I expected from Sombra, must be more comic influenced:applejackunsure:.
Still a fitting ending for the second story arc.
Looking forward to what happens next. Whatever it might be.
But for now,
It's time to DUEL!!!

That was epic! Everything turned out okay for everyone. I especially like Flash and Twilight finally hooking up and how everyone saw it coming, and Cadance being pregnant was heartwarming, cannot wait to see Flurry Heart. Epic free for all at the end. This was an amazing story and I look forward to the sequel, but for now you can work on other stories you have in mind. Great job!

Suddenly the Extra Deck monsters were besides them and unleashed their own attacks, followed by the rest of Flash's monster.


"Forcing the rift between worlds open and creating the link between the Doom-Vaders and the cards, but major strain on my body,"


The only monsters still there, where Vail Pixie and Flash Heart.


That something was a humanoid figure, who was walking towards them. Finally they exited the dust cloud and revealed themselves as Flash, dusty and battered but alive.

Flash wasn’t with anyone so shouldn’t that be “it” and “itself”?

They all moved over to them and then saw several over people sticking out of the crystal, which they removed to reveal Adagio, Lightning and the Flim-Flam Brothers.

I think you forgot to mention Chrysalis, besides from Thorax’s earlier comment.

Suddenly the card glowed, only for a second, before the light did down and Flash opened his eyes. He then showed her the card.


"See yeah kids," Grand replied as he watched them leave


In a desert area, Maud and Tectonic Colossal was fighting Mac on Cyber Handyman.


You know, I realize that Rainbow Dash is the only member of the main group that Flash hasn’t dueled onscreen, so maybe in the thrid story they’ll finally duel.

This chapter was great! Loved the entire thing. Now we just wait for the next sequel. I loved all of the new evolved monsters shown, especially Magna Wolf's upgrade! I wonder what each card is capable of?

I have a few ideas for chapters if you want to use them. Everyone attends Thorax's coronation, but his brother probably doesn't trust them and a duel happens. Another could involve the unborn Flurry Heart. But, I'm sure that when you figure out the chapters you want, they'll be fun to read!

Another one!

I'm looking forward to the next story 😊

I don't know who edits your TVtropes pages, but someone needs to put anything with baby Flash in general under Heartwarming. :heart:

Banshee, something I've been kind of curious about, the characters in your stories, who would they happen to be voiced by?
See, I like to imagine the characters speaking their lines when I read them (I'm weird like that). Now, this is easy for characters with established voices (Twilight=Tara Strong, Rainbow Dash=Ashleigh Ball, Flash=Vincent Tong, etc.), but for some of your original characters, (Grand Hoof, Cold Steel, Doom Raizer, for example), it's kind of hard to pinpoint a voice.
So I was just curious, who do you imagine hearing when the characters are speaking?


Cold Steel=Daegan Manns

Grand Hoof=R. Bruce Elliott

Doom Raizer=Paul Harrop

Since you mentioned Flash getting new cards, does that mean you're going to make a sequel to this one?

9124904 Yes. Eventually.

Hello so l I like your Story I hope the next one is just as awesome as this one

9201913 Don't know what ya'h talking about, the scales fine. (Laugh's nervously)

I just read through the first one. Now, I'm looking forward to reading the sequel

Hey awesome story I really like it end the other one too is there are you going make another yu-gi-oh story like this and last one

9510292 Go to my home page and you'll see it.

Okay got it thank for telling me

Welp, now that I've finished both the sets, I can say I enjoyed this. It was very fun and more than a little inspiring. Loved this and the work. Keep up the awesome.

Don't forget to read the third story, which is currently in progress.

I saw it, and reading it now.

Not to be cynical, but 5D's... well it kinda... it's not worth remembering,

Wait until you read Spright Elf

If only that were actually stated somewhere
(I don’t actually remember if it was it’s been too long since I’ve read this story)

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