• Member Since 5th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 46 minutes ago


Oooga Boooga!


This story is a sequel to Discord's New Business

This is an unofficial side story to KnightMysterio's "Discord's New Business" Series.

Discord's New Business was great! The CMC decided to use it to become adults for the day, aiming to taking in all the wonders of Manhatten and finish it off with a show!

Yet as the day wears on, they began to find a lot of their expectations falling short. The biggest being their first trip to a night club.

Stage Light on the other hand is just a poor earth pony musician dragged there by his sister for a night out.

The CMC had expectations set high. Stage Light had practically none at all.

Two separate ponies meeting for a brief moment, then part ways for what would have normally been forever.

It's in those brief moments, that destinies can interweave, and pave the way to something...


Chapters (2)
Comments ( 7 )


Okay, I like this.

Approved as optional canon for Discord's New Business.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^_^

Any chance you could make a blog pointing the readers of your story in this direction? I didn't want to make a comment on your story going: "Hey check this out!" Just felt kinda rude.

Also, you're free to use Stage Light as you wish if you want. Like I said before, there just isn't anyway I'm going to be able to write more for this, shame as that is, but some of my stories have waited years now for an update...

“Besides, you’re like twenty one now. Shouldn’t you be focusing on other things besides that kids stuff?”

You'd be surprised the stuff you can find in comic shops.

One of these days he should ask her why that is.

May help.

Azure just grinned. “Ya sure about that?” Before he could question what she meant, she turned toward the bouncer, a large, burly unicorn, who she greeted while putting a strange emphasis on the first part of the name. “Sup HERcule?”

Much to Stage Light’s surprise, the unicorn smiled warmly. “You’re never going to stop calling me that are you?” Another small shock was the high pitch of the bouncers voice. She was so big and intimidating, that he actually hadn’t noticed Hercule was a mare!

Well, that's amusing.

Why like him? A pony who could only ride the tail of other better musicians by covering their songs?

I can think of 3 Youtubers off the top of my head who do that are are fairly well known.

“Well…” He heard a mare begin with a rather lovely country accent. “We’re in Manehatten, might as well try a Manehatten!”

Apple Bloom...

“I want to have a margarita!” An equally as lovely, yet more brash voice added.


“A martini for me please?” She asked, with one of the loveliest smiles he’d ever seen.

And Sweetie Belle.

“Uh…” He heard her utter, only barely recognizing that the bartender was asking them for ID. 

Your eloquence is unmatched.

Could he really just walk up and say hi?

I know the feel, and, it's best that you just try to do that and just see where things go.

“Yer pretty.” The unicorn of the stallions said with a rather dopey looking expression. “I like pretty, shiny things… Want to be mine?”

I'm torn between referencing Flowers for Algernon or Of Mice And Men, but honestly, you're not worth it.

“Actually that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I happened to be watching them as they tried to make their escape. Far as I know, they haven’t left that restroom.” Hercule’s eyes followed his pointed hoof toward the door in question and nodded.

Good eye.

He couldn’t bare to think of what would have happened if one of these lovely ladies had ingested the drug!

That makes 2 of us.

With a smile he reached out to shake it, only to have his leg jolted by her movement. This mare was packing some serious strength!

If I were a betting man, I'd say it comes with being an Apple.

His mind filled with nothing but empty words.

How poetic.

In the end I think I'm just crazy.

Oh don't beat yourself up. We're all crazy. It's just that you need to manage to avoid becoming the dangerous crazy.

“Well, it just so happens that I’m going to visit Vinyl Scratch there, and I wouldn’t mind the company.” Azure said getting up. She slid open the door and walked through without looking back. “You know, if you want to join me.”

Man is it going to be awkward when you realize she's actually a filly who was aged up by Discord.

The poor guy had no idea what he was getting into. Discord however, was about to get a new customer...

Well then, this should prove interesting...

I know right? Hopefully someone continues this.

Hope to see his reaction when he discovers Sweetie's real age.

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