• Published 27th Jun 2017
  • 5,737 Views, 254 Comments

Hello From The Other Side 2 - FoxMcCloud7921

Princess Twilight Sparkle feels the need to get away from her royal duties for awhile. Her counterpart wants to see Equestria for herself. This whole plot seems rather familiar...

  • ...

We're Going to the Old Castle. In the middle of Faust Forsaken Woods. Great.


“Fluttershy, you are a lifesaver,” Twilight groaned happily as Fluttershy softly massaged her wings. Flying was out of the question and walking was hard enough but luckily Fluttershy's cottage was nearby and Pinkie was quick to make the suggestion. After Sunset and Twilight (who had to explain that she wasn't Princess Twilight) introduced themselves, Fluttershy was more than happy to let them in.

“I'm happy to help,” Fluttershy replied, beaming slightly. “Any friend of Twilight is a friend of ours.”

“Which is funny cause it is Twilight,” Pinkie giggled.

Twilight had never gotten an actual massage before but right now she didn't care. Luckily before they left, Sunset had brought some spell books for her to read and she had to admit, she was amazed at what she saw. “A time spell huh…?” she said, looking at the illustration depicted in the book. “That could be interesting…”

“Oh no,” Sunset said admonishingly. “Twilight and Starlight told me enough about what happened the last time time magic was used. Even I wasn't so bold to try that back in the day.”

“Well it'd help in so many ways,” Twilight said almost bitterly.

“Okay, are we seriously going back to the whole Midnight Sparkle thing?” Sunset sighed.

“I'm just saying with all the magic finding it's way into our world, who else is responsible?” Twilight asked.

“That's all in the past...and it's going to stay in the past,” Sunset said.

“Um... I'm not sure who this Midnight Sparkle is but...I'm assuming she's like Nightmare Moon?” Fluttershy asked.

“Pretty much,” both Twilight and Sunset replied.

“Don't worry Twilight,” Pinkie reassured her. “The last time our Twilight tried to use a time spell she almost drove herself insane.”

“Yeah...that sounds like her alright,” Sunset commented.

“Anyway…” Twilight rolled her eyes. “I'm just glad you've all accepted me with open arms.”

“Me too,” Sunset said, looking away slightly. “I didn't exactly start things off on the right hoof.”

“It's alright,” Fluttershy said. “Like I said, a friend of Twilight's is a friend of ours, and I think I can speak for everyone on that.”

Suddenly there was a loud bang as Starlight teleported into the cottage looking slightly frazzled. “Oh good, I finally found you two.”

“I'm surprised you're actually capable of performing a teleportation spell,” Sunset smirked.

“Haha, very funny,” Starlight glared at her. “Actually, I didn't have to worry about...getting under the influence once I got her...preoccupied with other things.”

It became uncomfortably quiet. Even Fluttershy had to stop and stare at her. “Like…?” Sunset prompted her.

A slight blush crept onto Starlight's face. “Um... nothing important…”

“Ha, I knew it!” Twilight laughed before she winced. “Ow…”

“S-Shut up you don't know anything!” Starlight snapped.

“That you and Trixie are a thing? Oh we knew,” Pinkie said.


“Yep,” Fluttershy added.

Starlight's face was now almost tomato red. “S-So what? Why does it matter anyway?”

“It doesn't,” Sunset said, going up to her and putting a hoof on her shoulder. “We're happy that you two are happy. Just say you two did it.”

Starlight looked away in embarrassment. “...We did it.”

“So! Why did you need to find us?” Sunset asked.

“Oh. Right. Spike was looking for you guys but I managed to run into him.” Starlight then pulled out a letter with her magic. “It's from Princess Celestia.”

Sunset took the letter and opened it before reading.

Dear Princess Twilight,

Luna and I have been debating this for awhile, but we've finally decided perhaps it's time to revisit the old Castle of the Two Sisters. It's been a long time since either of us have been there for... obvious reasons. As I seem to recall, you and your friends really tidied up the place, even though the infrastructure is sadly beyond repair at this point.

Anyway, I thought I could extend the invitation to you, Sunset, and Starlight, both who I'm sure are reading this. We will arrive in Ponyville soon.


Princess Celestia

“W-What!?” Twilight almost jumped out of her seat. “They're coming here!? Now!?”

“That could be a problem,” Starlight said. “What are we going to tell them about Twilight?”

“As far as they know, Princess Twilight is still here,” Sunset shrugged. “A little trip won't be an issue.”

“Somehow I think lying to the Princesses seems like a bad idea,” Starlight countered.

“Totally playing devil's advocate here, but Celestia and Luna did the exact same thing before so…”

“You sure you're not just saying that because you're a former student?”

“Can we just get back to the castle please!?” Twilight snapped.

Both unicorns blinked. “Oh, right,” Sunset said. “Gonna need to do a group teleportation spell. Thanks again for the help Fluttershy.”

“Oh it's no problem at-” She was suddenly cut off as the three mares suddenly teleported. Fluttershy then sighed as she looked at Angel. “Somehow I feel like something bad is going to happen in this situation…”

“Oh Fluttershy, didn't you see that 'comedy’ tag? Of course something bad’s about to happen!” Pinkie said gleefully.

The three of them suddenly teleported into the main hall of the castle. “Finally, there you girls are,” Spike said, running up to them. “I'm assuming Starlight told you already?”

“That Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are going to be here in a few minutes, yeah,” Sunset replied.

“I can't do this.” Twilight was again pacing. “If they find out I'm going to be executed aren't I?”

“Uh... what's she talking about?” Spike asked.

“Oh... nothing,” Starlight quickly dismissed. “You know how Twilight gets when it comes to those two.”

“Good point,” Spike shrugged. “You want me to get those teacakes out that you made?”

“Yes! Could you do that?” Starlight grinned.

“Um...sure.” Spike then headed to the kitchen.

“Okay, Twilight?” Sunset said to a now hyperventilating Twilight. “You need to calm down. There's nothing to worry about.”

“Oh says you, but isn't there a law about impersonating royal figures? Oh gosh, do they hang people here or do they use the-ow!” Sunset finally smacked the poor filly in the face. “...Thanks. I needed that.”

“To answer your question, there's no death penalty,” Starlight said matter-of-factly. “The worst of the worst usually go to Tartarus.”

“You're not helping,” Sunset hissed.


“Now, first lesson as a pony,” Sunset said. “Your horn is your source of magic. It's different than using your hands I know, but just concentrate on your target, tell yourself what you want to do. Now open the main doors for our guests.”

Twilight took a deep breath. “Alright...I can do this.” She closed her eyes in concentration as her horn started to glow. Soon the doors took a similar aura as Twilight's horn and the doors suddenly opened. “I...I did it!” Twilight giggled slightly as she swiped her brow with her wing.

“Once you get used to it it becomes a lot easier,” Sunset assured her.

“Good timing too,” Starlight pointed out as she pointed towards the chariot that was touching down in front of the castle.

“So uh...do we greet them?” Twilight asked.

“Lesson number one of being a royal,” Sunset grinned slightly. “Smile and wave.” The three mares did just that in perfect synchronition.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna made their out of the chariot, escorted by two members of the Royal Guard, and made their way up the steps before bowing before Twilight. Twilight was at least composed enough to bow in return, even if it was a bit awkward. “Twilight, Sunset, Starlight, it's good to see you three again,” Celestia said.

“It's good to see you as well, princesses,” Sunset said as she and Starlight bowed as well. “I hope everything is well at the castle?”

Luna smirked. “Unfortunately, Celestia's counterpart decided to help herself to the Royal Cake.” Sunset actually flinched. No one, and that meant anyone, was allowed to touch Celestia's cake without permission. Celestia had made that very clear early on when she was a student and she was certain Twilight was told the same thing. “She was very distressed but luckily the royal baker managed to make her another bundt cake.”

Celestia glared at her sister. “I am so glad to hear you take pleasure in my misery.”

Luna grinned. “Not at all, dear sister.”

“Anyway,” Celestia snorted. “I figured for the next leg of the trip we would go by hoof. Sunset, I don't believe you've ever seen the Everfree Forest?”

“No, but I've heard plenty about it,” Sunset said. “The place is... unnatural for lack of a better word. You'll find all sorts of things in there.” She was saying all this for Twilight's benefit, although judging by the look on her face, Sunset was starting to regret her words.”

“Hm, but nothing three princesses and two magical prodigies couldn't handle,” Luna said, looking towards the forest. Despite her bravado, even she was feeling slightly nervous.

“Perhaps now is the time to go,” Celestia said. “At this point, most of the creatures inside the forest are probably asleep.” She then glanced at Twilight. “Is everything alright? You've been unnaturally quiet since we got here.”

“Oh um…” Twilight began. “Just... trying to contain my excitement that's all. It's not often I get to go on an adventure with you two.” I can't even imagine Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal wanting to even go into a forest like this.

“Well, you're doing it surprisingly well,” Luna remarked. “This will be a first for most of us. I remember a little of the castle when I was... Nightmare Moon but again it was all practically ruins.”

“The outside is run down but from what Twilight and the others have told me, they've cleaned up a lot in the inside,” Starlight said.

Celestia smiled. “I suppose we'll have to see for ourselves.” She nodded towards the two guards who then stayed at their posts outside the castle before the five of them made their way towards the forest.

“You know, there's just one thing I don't understand,” Twilight whispered to the two unicorns. “Why would Celestia and Luna build and live in a castle in the middle of a place like this anyway?”

“That's... actually a good question,” Sunset whispered back. “Something tells me Luna was heavily involved in the decision.”

Meanwhile Spike, who helped himself to a little something in the kitchen, finally came back with the tray of teacakes, only to find the guards standing outside. He sighed. “You know, sometimes I wonder why I even bother…”

Author's Note:

Gosh...now I have a craving for cake.

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